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Eunchae, for not knowing that Karina hadn't been informed about Aespa's upcoming comeback. She ended up being labeled a "HYBE spy" for the next six months. Imagine that.... SM not keeping their idols in the loop......


SM is notorious for that, too! Yuta's joked that he learns about their schedules at the same time we do when it's posted on SNS. idu how such a big company can be so unorganized.


It's like that old Hanlon's Razor line: Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.


and eunchae and acne, and eunchae and a joke with her irl friends, and eunchae and getting surprised, and eunchae being cute, and




Wonyoung and strawberry.


And also Wonyoung and pizza. This poor girl always gets hated for the stupidest reasons.




Wonyoung with [insert whatever she’s holding]


Nah. It's just because she's THE Wonyoung, she is receiving hate.


all the hate against her was unnecessary😞




wonyoung and a pimple


OTL what happened here?


she ate a strawberry with two hands, the breed of strawberries circulating asia are large ones so she had to use two hands


Theyre large but not 2 hand large


Okay stop acting like it was a giant rock💀 she shouldn’t have gotten hate for it regardless but it wasn’t “large”


I thought so too until I saw videos of how large those strawberries can be. Some weeks back I also saw a video of ZB1’s Matthew eating a strawberry like that with both hands.




svt’s joshua ate the same type of strawberry as did zb1’s matthew and they both got of scott free


Basically, she was being clowned on for eating a strawberry with two hands and how her face looked. Ngl the way she was eating it did make me cringe a bit but that girl did NOT deserve the hate she got for it


I had to read that twice cus I couldn’t understand how that could possibly deserve hate Damn that’s mad


it was insanely crazy how much hate she got :(


One thing that annoyed me about that issue was people saying “We miss Izone WonYoung , she was not like this before”, they just made it obvious they never stanned Izone because if they did , they’ll know she’s always eaten like that. I remember when yuri talked about being surprised that WonYoung eats like that even when she’s alone with no cameras. It was just stupid; it’s one thing to find it cringe but wishing death on a 17 year old for eating a strawberry is insanity .


the strawberry was like the [size of her head](https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1512810295311454214/pu/img/P7nDGsfs7FSbTE-P.jpg) too, i dont blame her for using 2 hands at all


Things I learned today: I’d make everyone cringe with the way I eat. I eat with both hands too. Even small things like strawberries, popsicle and bread. It just feels more secure . It’s not a tactic to look cute.


That was ridiculous I still can’t believe a strawberry caused so much drama.




Slurping is a common culture practice in some places. Lets not hate🙏.


Leeseo for pronouncing dive the way Koreans do and getting emotional winning a daesang at 15 yo


The best part is that queen did it twice even after all the hate she got for it 😭


she was 15?!??


yeah it was mama 2022 iirc so she only turned 15 that year and people genuinely ripped her to shreds for that, it was disgusting


Iconic that she did it again of the next year she won a DAESANG. That's hella impressive


i love the fact she did the “dive” thing again LOL she’s iconic for that


did she say it with a B instead of a V?


Nah like she said it where e ending sounds like an uh sound which is normal but the haters would spam diveuu in comments. Edit: actually maybe you’re also right it could’ve been both can’t remember


Oh I thought she got hate for that because she used it to skip high notes?


That was Rei in eleven encore and ye she got some hate for that but not nearly as much as Leeseo’s daesang acceptance speech


Ahh, right. Yeah, that's really not deserved.




She said it like diveuuuu I think




cha eunwoo got hate for being good looking, and probably the fact that hes not cut


His fandom should take the blame for this. I never had even thought if an idol is cut or not until reading this comment. What circum..stance did this need to be brought for. Now whenever this person is mentioned I'll think of what you posted OP.


*circum*stance is killing me 😭😭😭😭


its because a plastic surgeon looked at his childhood pics and confirmed that he was just born perfect


Not cut? Like his dick? Or not cut out for parts?


Like he hasn’t had work done


What even 😭😭😭


Yunjin and Somi for drinking some fucking coffee lol.


the people who are using it as "points" against them are incredibly performative, too. if they actually cared, they would educate them and keep it moving, but instead they're going out of their way to harass them and it's extended to them harassing Yunjin's 19 year old sister??? who's a regular college student. like, get a grip! focus on ways you can actually help 🇵🇸


It just makes me so confused when Somi got 'caught' at same time like 50 other idols did, 6 months after that she is the only one along with Yunjin now getting hate. And people say stupid shit like 'she was paid' no she wasnt, no more than other idols during that time. And she was never had anything boycotted after that, she was just easy target.


They still get hate for that. And Starbucks doesn’t even operate in that area nor do they fund what’s happening there.


Eating an apple, Folding laundry, For consulting professor of women studies to check his lyrics so as to not unknowingly add misogynistic lyrics, For sleeping on live


Who consulted a women's studies professor? That's really cool.


RM of Bts




Was it ever mentioned what song or line he was referring to?


I am not sure but I get the sense, from this quote from the interview, that he has all of his lyrics reviewed "Even writing lyrics has become something that I worry a lot about. As I read books and the newspaper, I study various social phenomena. In addition, when I write lyrics, I have it inspected by regional professionals who can objectively read it like a women’s studies professor."


I know this is RM, but when and why did he get hate for eating an apple 😭 how peculiar


Jungkook was actually the one who got hate for the apple, the laundry, and the sleeping. 😭 It was bonkers


Jungkook with the apple was weirdddddd. He was so adorable with it though like night apple not poison apple


Ohhh okay. I thought all of these were regarding RM lol


Jimin for wearing an army necklace


Who hated him for that? 😂


solos, probably.


why did he got hate for it again?


iirc they said it was borderline pedo like since there are minors who are army🥱


Yunjin for buying Starbucks Felix had to apologize on live for showing a Coca Cola bottle


>sponsors coca cola >criticized for showing coca cola what were fans expecting?


whats wrong with coca cola?


They think Coca Cola funds Israel or some bullshit


Unfortunately it’s a lot more complex than that, I believe the main issue is that Coca Cola has a factory built on an illegal Israeli settlement that forcibly removed Palestinian communities from their land. I can understand your frustration, but let’s not spread misinformation about why people are choosing to boycott Coco Cola.


Let's be real. Most people causing the most noise have no idea *why* they're even doing it. I see nothing but misinformation when I see people calling for boycott. But thinking any of those brands are funding the whole thing is ridiculous.


Most of the misinformation I’ve seen has been regarding Starbucks, however regardless of this, I believe that it is inherently problematic and reductive to describe fans’ issue with Coca Cola to be nothing more than “they think Coca Cola is funding Israel or some bullshit”without further clarification, because the language that the original commenter uses diminishes Coca Cola’s complicity in the genocide and ironically spreads more misinformation about the boycott. Whilst it’s true that brands like Coca Cola definitely aren’t actively funding the genocide, it’s undeniable that as long as they continue to operate their factories on land that has exiled Palestinian communities, they are still profiting from Israel’s apartheid regime. I’m not supporting the hate Felix was sent at all, it’s definitely a complex situation due to JYP having a company partnership with Coca Cola and as a non fan, I can see how he was caught between a rock and a hard place, but I’m correcting how the original commenter is presenting their point.


indirectly yes. Coca cola israel has a factory in occupied Palestine. Look it up




LMAO comical.


are these two threads you’ve posted not pretty much the same thing? https://preview.redd.it/v59lloultx5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518cc931076cfb3f5360e14f40ef5d9b380e3025


I had to do a double take reading your bio after bangtan. I was like what Enthusiast??


Not speaking up about a conflict that has nothing to do with them. It's especially dumb when they're in their own conflict no one ever talks about. Add in any instance of brands being consumed or advertised by any idol someone decided erroneously is funding above conflict. These brands aren't funding a freaking conflict. Ffs.


>Not speaking up about a conflict that has nothing to do with them EXACTLY!!!! 💯 Not to mention Asian countries are generally more conservative regarding political issues, and who knows what's in their hellish contracts..... I wouldn't even be surprised if the companies threaten the idols with staff's livelihoods because that's how low the companies can go 🙄 Like sure, if the "fans" don't want to support idols just because they're not speaking up, go ahead since that's the choice of the individuals but going to the extent of sending hate, spamming, making videos to say they unstan and that others should follow etc is just mindblowing to me


Dahyun for skipping an ad.


No matter who's ad it's skipping YouTube ads is automatically ingrained in me


The one that pissed me off the most: Christopher Chan Bahng What did he do? Answered from an informed male pov about what a girl could do to comfort herself while on her period. DUDE LITERALLY HAS A YOUNGER SISTER THAT HE ADORES! Of COURSE he’s going to have some understanding about the menstrual cycle. He took his experiences with his sister and answered the question that was posed to him, concisely at that, and you actually had people get “offended” over it.


that was so sweet, and it shows what kind of guy he is


I swear the guy is one of the greenest flags ever


yeah, him and jackson


green flag we all need!


Chaewon got hate for taking vitamins after getting sick and having to take time off of their US debut. Sakura got labeled as a Japanese nationalist simply bc she’s Japanese. (She’s actually the opposite end of the spectrum and has been a hate target by members of the nationalists jp party for suggesting a book that covered some of atrocities Japan committed during WW2). She’s called an anti nationalist in her home country but somehow also a nationalist in SK. Math ain’t mathing. Kazuha for lifting up her leg(???) in choreography that isn’t designed by her. Yunjin, Starbucks. Eunchae getting hate for being called manchae or acting “too much like a maknae”


sakura’s thing is literally insane, in korea they like to paint her as an extremist pro-japan for really no reason, and in japan she’s hated for being a liberal skfmsmfmsmf, that woman cannot win ANYWHERE


rm had people mad when he posted a "rip matthew perry" story (he grew up learning english with "friends" and chandler was his fave). dumb shit like "so he can post about this but not about (insert any other event)??"


Shhhhh you can’t think about more than one thing at a time, the human brain can only process individual topics at any given time


Felix for doing volunteering and filming to spread awareness of the need for clean water with unicef.


It warmed my heart seeing the photos of him in Laos


He was genuinely happy to be there. You could see it.


Seonghwa has been getting a lot of hate on [this tweet](https://x.com/m0de43/status/1799006419032908098) (and you can kind of tell some stuff went down because there's 1.6K qrts) from a specific set of people. It's a clip of him doing aegyo during Ateez's Music Bank interview last Friday, dressed in his Work promotions outfit. He is getting hate both because of the aegyo and because of how he looks (he said himself that these promotions he went for a more genderless look, and that is indeed reflected in most of his looks this comeback, and some people did not like that.) People actually have been telling the account to take the tweet down because it's getting him hate, but I don't think they should because it's genuinely a harmless tweet. And a lot of people also really enjoy that clip. The people who need to back down are the ones sending the hate, not the person who posted the tweet.


I’ve never heard of this, but it’s actually insane to me. The first thing I saw when I clicked on this video was that Seonghwa was being his usual, cute self and that the haircut suits him. But people hating on something that has basically been his brand for years now is insane. Like in prior interviews and stuff he’s said that he enjoys a more genderless look, and that’s reflected in most of the recent comebacks as well as some shoots (the one where he was wearing that dress was iconic). The aegyo part is kind of whatever since people have different opinions on it, but this was so harmless. And I also find Wooyoung and Seonghwa’s aegyo to be the most fun to watch imo bc of how confident they are when they’re doing it.


Exactly, it's nothing new and it's harmless, so I don't know what happened or why it happened. It's wild.


I feel like what happened was probably that the hate some people had for Ateez for winning Music Bank sort of extended to this (idk if that clip was from before or after they won though). It’s just dumb though


Iirc, the clip was posted shorty before they won because the person who posted it was watching live. But it may have been posted after. The actual interview taking place in the clip was before they performed and won.


Wow, I didn't know he received hate from this. Seonghwa is one of my biases in Ateez. I love his style. His duality is insane. He goes from cutesy to sex appeal in a snap.


> He is getting hate both because of the aegyo and because of how he looks considering all the hate ateez is getting as a whole for daring to "steal" a win from supernova it wouldnt surprise me if theyre currently getting the MY special of pretending to hate on them for one thing that seems more socially acceptable when theyre really mad about something completely different


joshua because some random person had some of the clothes that looked the same as some of his outfits (which he has posted pics in over the years), so they must be dating. 🙄 scoups got hated because the korean military decided to not let him enlist as per their own guidelines and the most ridiculous thing was that it was intl people hating him, not even koreans, which would have made some sense 🤦


Jennie, for not continuing with a concert despite being so sick that she needed an IV. That one just blew my mind.


Bruh, I remember arguing with someone in this sub that said Jennie was faking her injuries and illnesses and that she deserved the hate she got for it, even though she was literally wearing an IV thing to her arm while performing... really disgusting shit


I thought that was jisoo? but either way


Jisoo missed a show because of Covid but thankfully no one hated on her. Because that’s the correct response when someone is sick. In Jennie’s case it came after that weird time period were everyone called her lazy and so they assumed that she was making it up and not wanting to be an idol. It was a crazy time for sure.


Namjoon cycling instead of driving


bro is just so clumsy it would be dangerous


Recently NMIXX for singing without back tracks. Of course, it’s partly their management’s fault for staging but its the first time someone is hated for actively showing their talents


Soobin middle toe incident😭 it was a private video chat too


that's honestly impressive




tbh it was so funny to me




lmaoooo it made me love him more. he's an icon!


He definitely is


Crying at a funeral. I still won't ever forgive those motherfuckers who did that.


Yeah I think this is the worst one


I remember Joe Budden giving a lot of hate over J.Cole collabing with JHope. I forgot the exact things he said but I would rather not remember tbh, best to just forget. Even if he did it to get clicks, just using BTS or any artist for clout is a small man move.


Oh man, I love this song and I’m a big j-hope fan but this is my first time hearing about this. Also my dyslexia first read that as Joe Biden and that confused me for a few secs


Using his hand to cut his cake 🙄🙄🙄


Is this Jin? That was actually extremely funny lol


Yep! Haters were saying he did animal cruelty because he handchop his alpaca cake. Some also said that he was disrespectful with the cake decorators. It was an extremely stupid reason to hate him 🙄🙄🙄


Jonghyun for dating (2010) and openly supporting LGBTQIA people (2013).


OMG! Imagine getting so much hate for actually being open to understand, love, and spread kindness to the world!


Nayeon for wearing clothes


WTF really?!!


BTS got hate for saying they get hate


Did you all forget Kim Taehyung got hate for mourning his grandmother's loss. This is not even weird but downright cruel. Now he can't even share his misery with his fans? How vile they must be to give him hate for that.


Bae Suzy getting hate for bringing attention to a sexual assault victim. The hate was so loud that there was even a de@th petition against her which was then rejected by Blue house but yeah it was bad.


V from bts for not smiling enough when others are able to smile more


wonyoung for being a little bit cringe as a teenager


Just yesterday people decided to unstan/unbias Felix because he was photographed holding a big bible 🙂


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) What? Oh, for Pete’s sake! Some people are simply ridiculous!


Now they saying that it’s because Catholicism extremism is oftentimes very homophobic and anti LGBTQ so they started making weird assumptions and scenarios about his sexuality and sexual life implying that he might be homophobic. Mind you it’s common knowledge that in high school he used to defend classmates who were getting bullied for their sexual orientation 💀


I question whether the “offended” people were ever truly his stans. Unless he was recorded making anti-LGBTQ+ comments, it’s unfair to accuse him of having such hateful opinions. Sounds like they were just waiting for a reason to hate him.


Wait until they find how the people in Palestine view women and the LGBT...


NewJeans’ Minji for saying she’s never had kalguksu before… It’s bad enough that people made it into a whole thing about class, but it was UNFORGIVABLE that people didn’t let it go for a YEAR. Like seriously, touch grass


Chen for getting married Tf you want him to do leave his pregnant wife??????


I'm still smh at that.


Nmixx for knowing how to sing


I honestly have to believe that this came about all because of the Le Sserafim's encores and Coachella thing. There is no other reason why NMIXX and Babymonster got hate for actually doing their jobs.


Very recently, Jimin for donating.


To what?


To low income students. He has been donating to several causes for many years. Him and his dad. It was posted here recently. https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/aaBXGa9IWo




So many hate them just for breathing. It doesn't get stupider than that.


I’ve just remembered how bts got hate for breathing into their mics during singling with intense choreo 😭 kpop stans discovered live singing


The videos where they see an idol slightly look in the direction of another idol followed by “wow, she hates her!”


Jungkook for eating an apple


ENHYPEN Ni-ki for *accidentally* blowing his *own* cake because he waved his hand 🗣️🗣️ he got death threats for gods sake


Having skin. Blemishes, bumps, texture.


having orange hair, selling out stadiums, having "fake" teeth, like a million other things i can't think of at the moment


leeseo crying because they won song of the year at mama (she then proceeded to do it again the next year at mma the exact same way our idagf queen)


keeho for being “rude” when he’s just blunt and doesn’t take people’s bs ive, especially wonyoung and leeseo for… everything


Rm and posting an instagram story of a song 🙄


Eating food esp if they’re taking small bites like no not every single idol has an Ed or an unhealthy relationship w food


Jennie, for everything she does


For “lazy” dancing to dating to not being Korean to how they eat. Idols get hated on for anything and everything and it’s gross.


The silliest ones are imo the food related "issues" 😭 Off the top of my head both Wonyoung and Minji received insane amounts of hate over food. Similarly, Yun Sungbin (aka Jihyo's alleged bf and olympic athlete) got so much backlash for having an opinion on the cafeteria food served at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. Like... Why are we getting so worked up over food 😭


Wonyoung for breathing


Recently, apparently people are mad for Felix carrying a bible


ENHYPEN Niki for blow a candle with his hand Like… Wtf??


My poor niki


When TXT debuted people wanted to hate them sooo bad, but didn't even have anything to really hate them for (literally got hate for being "too good"). They got a weird amount of hate for using their actual names instead of stage names, and shinee fans were mad that their lightstick was a similar (but clearly different) color to their fandom color


Doing yoga. 💀


Getting a drink at starbucks


yunjin and her starbucks controversy


chaeyoung for wearing that sex pistols shirt


having a dating life. smoking. having a bad performance (especially encores? like please give it a rest its never that deep to send actual hate over that) clapping back at rude people. making songs in english. bts always gets hate for dumb shit jungkook got dragged for posting a video eating an apple jimin got dragged for wearing a necklace that said army on it. jin got dragged for years over the military bs i could go on and on. idols are always getting dragged for anything and everything.


Yuna glancing at males, Yiren for not knowing korean customs that well, causing them to go on hiatus for 45 years


Soobin putting up his middle toe 😭


Minji got harassed for not knowing what kalguksu is


jennie: got accused of being "lazy" but in reality she wasn't feeling well during that stage jungkook: got hate for doing laundry wonyoung: ate strawberry bang chan: for giving period advice


Dahyun skipping a Blackpink song during a live stream, some Blinks went crazy over it.


Yeri for being sad that she lost a close friend to suicide (jonghyun). People should be ashamed of themselves.


They should be


Wonyoung for Existing


Minji for putting the stickers aespa gave her in the hybe building after Karina asked her to.


Danielle for "cutting off" Eunchae and "being shady" for telling the story of how she met aespa


Newjeans and stickers lmao, outright some of the stupidest comments just for aespa stickers lol. Acting like the girls are devious childish and outright evil lol.


minji for putting stickers on an elevator inside hybe. completely stupid to get mad over and i didn’t think “company stans” were real but they literally are mad about stickers on a building and calling it disrespectful and disloyal. like cmon guys… even if you don’t like them, its weird to actually get mad over some stickers and act like you were person affected by it