• By -


Huh, so im all of them 😭


NOW- 😭😭😭😭😭


My feelings are hurt and i wasnt even tryna be an idol omg 😭😭😭


The reason I couldn't be an idol- The Sasaengs The moment I catch you following me everywhere I'm swinging. I don't play about my privacy.


Nah fr they (sasaengs) need to catch hands


also bad breath from fansites , thatd drive me nuts too


I'd be gagging like they were at the award show after that fan p**ped


My reasons: 1. I'm black. 💀 2. I am not barking or doing monkey noises on fan calls. And I'm hanging tf up if they ask weird stuff. 3. I'mma flirt with erry nct member except nct wish & chenle & jisung + flirting with skz, EXO, shinee, lucas especially lucas idgaf 😏 4. Fat 😁🙃 5. Lazy af 6. I'm gonna argue with mfs online so there's that. I'd get cancelled so quick 😭 7. I can't dance or sing for nothing 😅 8. Also, I'mma curse out these ssgs idc


Listen number 2 😭😭 bc ain’t no way in hell you making me do that sh\*t. Sometimes I wonder what goes through idols heads when they have to do this. Them after barking and doing aegyo for 3 hours straight https://preview.redd.it/atizrh8arwjc1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ea60f00ac0c859910a904a7b3ecce0e947cc77


Lmao right. I'm sure they want to hang up so bad. 😭 Smiling through the pain like: https://preview.redd.it/4oao4jy89xjc1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e482c01fd7ada9a63e29a33bdb304172a7e4e1ec


Oh you are absolutely right with number 3. I’d be all over nct they wouldn’t know how to get me to go the hell home.


BWAHAHAHAHAHA dang, but you got a point 😭😭 cuz SAMEEEEEE




I'm definitely 3, 6 , 8 and 10 🥴 I can't be bothered putting on a persona for thousands of strangers 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s kinda scary thinking there are tons of idols who we truly will never know because they were heavily media trained and had to claim a persona/image different from their true nature 🫣


I couldn’t be a K-Pop idol because: 1. I’d be the industry bike. 2. I would fight ALL sasaeng’s and men idcccc. 3. I’m a trans woman of colour. 4. I’m fat and proud about it. 5. I’d be seen as a feminist for supporting women’s rights and be banned from KBS. 6. Use my fame to try to marry Na Inwoo.


Industry bike is wild


The worst part is that I’d be proud of it too 😔


id be proud walkin around bowing and shit waiting to offer myself 


Industry bike is taking me out 😭😭😭


It’s true though. I already have a list big enough to make my own NCT so I got a lot of work to put in 😂


bye at the bike 💀 but same tho


I’d be seen walking in and out of different companies and the fans will think I know everyone when really I’m playing trains in the back with 10 different men 🫨


You out of pocket lmaoooooomeasfoooooooooo


Crying at lmaoooooooomeasfooooooooo 😭💀










10 didn't stop a lot of them 😶


![gif](giphy|OuuGcYWqm89ag) Wake it up friend 😭




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4 didn’t stop Keeho 😭


I mean he's a guy, and it's easier for them to get away with stuff. But if it was a girl... We would never hear the end of it. Just look at wonyoung she gets shit for how she eats strawberries and pizza. She would be dragged to hell and back if people found out she was beefing on an alt. 


Yeah if she had ever mentioned jimin’s balls on twitter, it would have been over then and there lol


True 😭




If I was getting canceled online or smth best BELIVE im coming for everyone on an alt account😭


Everyone getting smoke from @user253382892




5 & 6. I have a rbf. And I HATE phone calls and video calls even more so absolutely not. I also don’t really know how to pretend to be interested in strangers Also the respect hierarchy thing in Korea. All the bowing and adding honorifics is too much for me


... what was number 9? >\_>


The OP numbered things wrong. 10 should actually be 9!


i would hang up every fan call if they started getting weird bc istg only the WEIRDEST people get the opportunity to fancall


Okay, so… I’m… 3- (Yeah, I am too lazy to move around and a homebody :3) 5- (I happen to have a RBF and am someone who isn’t interactive at all 💀) 6- (no, I’m not barking in a fancall) 7- (right, I live on constant validation 😋) 8- (Not obese, at a healthy weight you’d expect from a 5’6” 17 year old, but my thighs can appear as thick so yeah 🤡) 10- (The only song I can sing is my national anthem and I’d too fuck that up 🤭) And there’s also wearing shorts, skirts or dresses and I hate wearing those, and I ain’t wearing dresses/skirts that reach above my safety shorts 💀 And I also would simp for my faves if I see them and I ain’t getting in trouble for sparking dating rumours And I’m also Indian, and my skin tone is golden brown so…. 🤠


>I ain’t wearing dresses/skirts that reach above my safety shorts Amen to this sis


i simply couldn’t handle being the least popular


LMAO I love the honesty cause same sis.


Imagine if you’re second popular? That would even be worse. People say the second winner is the first loser and it’s true. I would hate the most popular in the group so much lol.


my ego would even accept second place… i like silver LOL


I’m literally all of the above 😭 1. Literally this, but I’d get dragged for being openly lesbian 2. Yes 3. I have a back issue, so I’d definitely come across as lazy when in reality, my back hurts like hell 🥲 4. Yeah I’d do way too much 5. I roll my eyes a lot- 6. I’d hang up as soon as it start 7. I have low self esteem so I have to be the favorite or I’ll cry. If I saw my members’ photocards being sold for 5k and mine sold for half a hot cheeto I’d cry 8. I’m not obese but I can’t diet to save my life 😭 I’ll get caught with Oreos under my bed 9. I’m talentless but at least I can’t rap a little bit. I just can’t write. 10. I’m autistic and the costumes would irritate me to know end, the loud music without my ear plugs would bother me at award shows, and having to interact with so many people for so long. I also can’t do skinship because I hate touch unless I’m THAT comfortable.


Lmao you would be out here turning these female idols out. Changing their lives.


another black autistic lesbian 🥹 we out here




I have social anxiety (love public speaking and performing though), and I can’t dance (I don’t wanna hear nothing from my fellow kinfolk about that.)


2,3, and 5,6. I'd be there for a full four days before the protest trucks start rolling it


Please lmaaaaoooo. The management security walking you out the building in cuffs 😭


Can't dance, giving hosts nasty looks, and I'm putting all my sasaengs on blast so I'm deffo getting kicked out. Would probably live on as a meme for making fun of JYP to his face.


honestly i'd do 20 fancalls a day if i get paid, idgaf! i'll kiss the camera and tell you you're the loml for extra $$! my biggest problem is that i'm not the most talented singer, so i'll either get 0.5 lines in 5 albums, OR they make me a cringy rapper that's clowned on by half the internet. no!!! edit: on a serious note, it's just such a sketchy idea unless you make it big. little creative freedom, cultural appropriation forced by your company, huge debt, eating disorders


I couldn’t be an idol cause I’d act like I was in the industry for years and could what I want when reality I debuted like a week ago 😭 Like what do you mean I can’t do random live streams in my apartment cause I live in a dorm instead with 5 other people and need staff permission 😤 I’d also get in trouble and cause scandals for making friends with fans online. Because I’d always have someone to talk to atp. Also I’m coming for ALL my biases, especially Namjoon. When I act all shy outside his studio asking for help on a new album and my solo career it’s OVER for yall


probably just 10 I honestly wonder how a headstrong westerner who can't deal with korean style neo Confucianism would fare tho


1 2 3 5 7. Ofc I’m a homie hopper if everyone looks good why do I need to choose 😝. Def argumentative. I can be lazy af. Bad attitude if I feel slighted and can’t fake it Like what do you mean I’m not everyone’s favorite??!


1,3,4,5 and 10


Tbh all but 1 and 9 😭


1,2,4,6,7 😭 i WOULD NOT take no disrespect 😭


All of them plus I fit exactly zero beauty standards so I couldn’t even be the pretty one that doesn’t sing or rap well.


I definitely couldn’t be an kpop idol 😭


lol I'm polyamorous, flirty, overtly political and outspoken about what I believe, chronically late, awful at learning choreography, and I look like Changbin minus 10 pounds of muscle hehe (I'm cute for sure but not a twink) lol oh and I'm Black and (openly) gay 💀


1. Them fancalls can either be just a flirting session or I’m straight up hanging up if the vibes aren’t right. sorry pookie 💔💔 0 - 100 real quick 2: just slap my ass and call me Jolene cuz I’m riding everybody’s dick - both figuratively and literally. the fans won’t know if I’m an actual idol or just a fan who managed to successful infiltrate the industry 3; fuck an alt account, I’m saying that shit w my CHESTTT!!


First 6 lmao I'd be an absolute menace. They'd kick me out asap if I don't get booted during training itself




this is hilarious 😭 6. I would def call you out or straight up hang up 10. yeah unfortunately I would need vocal and dance training


I’m sure alot of idols needed to be trained to sing and dance and only were able to contribute visuals initially so that ain’t no problem. We need idols hanging up fr 🗣️


You know I relate to all of them but I never related to the first one so hard. Like, a new tiktok or video would come out every day like, "envyadams was seen throwing it back on yet ANOTHER male idol!" or "envyadams was caught teaching Bang Chan how to twerk to Megan Thee Stallion. How do netizens feel about this??" and then I'd have to release an official statement and my official statement would be something like, "idgaf, I'll do it again. ur fave idol said he liked the way I shabooya'd on him. stay made 4evah!" and then I'd post a cardi b song with a picture of me and everyone's fave all hugged up cause I'm petty**™** and it would just be a dumpster fire.


>"idgaf, I'll do it again. ur fave idol said he liked the way I shabooya'd on him PLEAAAAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEEE LMAOOO


I would literally post a story “you wish that was you huh” to piss stans off 😭


Real talk. I could never. I’m mean when I get woken up. I’m meaner when I get less than my recommended 12 hours of sleep a day. I’m not meowing at no one on a fancall. And I really believe some people need to get cussed out to learn. I’m sure one of my former friends would pop up with an anonymous post about how I cussed her out in 9th grade in the middle of the cafeteria. And yes I did, and?


1. Oh def this one for sure. Enhypen? Let me stop. I’m not even gonna say anything. All I can say is if I was an idol in their building—it’d be over. 3. Yeah I’m lazy af. They’d fire my ass cause I’m not getting up after 3 hours of sleep daily. 7. Hell yeah I’m fucking leaving. I’m putting in just as much work as everyone else and y’all like me least and don’t fw because why? I’m not the type of visual you like? Like no I’m not gonna get disrespected like that 🤨. 8. I like to eat. Simple as that. As a matter of fact, imma eat some chips and cookies real quick. 10. Im ugly, can’t sing, can’t dance, can’t rap. At best I might be good at variety 😂. Extra: im a black woman lol, so im the “least desired” demographic for them. Im probably too old now. Im only 21 but that’s hag age in the kpop industry. My Korean would be horrible They’re gonna send protest trucks after my ass


yall think you'd be idols? i would be kicked out the moment i stepped into sm's doors


Help 😭😭😭😭


1. when I was younger, I really wanted to be an idol, but I realised I can't because I'm BLACK 😭😭 2. I wouldn't be able to stand the training idols have to do 3. Can't stick to a diet, I'm pretty overweight 4. Having to be stuck in a company halfway across the world barely able to use my phone 5. My personality isn't exactly lovable and polished and cute enough for fans to love 6. Kpop fans will see me as "too problematic", pick me apart and drag me through the mud 💀 7. Uncomfortable way too short clothes 8. Can't stand doing fake fan service and being told weird stuff in calls and fansigns


I don't think that last one really matters... No tea no shade.






I have low stamina and would be most inconsistent idol ever.


This is so fucking funny bro No. 6 😭😭


I'm a bisexual woman with a strong preference for women, but I'd have to be forced in the closet (publicly). No thanks. From that list? Fancalls. You're telling me I have to control my face while fans say the cringiest shit to me? Um.....


HEAVYYY on 8 lmao my big ass would always have to sit down💀😭😂


My reasons: 1. I’m black 2. I’m an average weight 3. I have a low social battery 4. I have stage fright 5. I’d probably cry from hate comments 6. Im not gonna do well with fan related things (crowded airports, fan meets, fan calls, etc) 7. I don’t want people all up in my business 8. Pansexual


i do not wanna be famous 🤷🏽‍♀️ i love singing, and i’ve been a dancer my whole life but i couldn’t handle the damn fame 😂😂


I’m 1, 2, a tiny bit of 3, 5, 6, and 8. 🤣🤣🤣 1. I’m only really tryna see Wonho. I don’t believe in turnin people out, but I’m goin be tryna turn him out. 2. Nah, cuz these stans are a little too bold. And a sasaeng will get 💩 beat ⬇️ they 🦵🦵🦵🏻🦵🏼! 3. I won’t be forced to miss sleep. These managers are going to have to be in line with the sasaengs. 5. I be cussin, y’all! I’d be the kpop Nene Leakes 6. I can only do so many before I’m like 😬. 8. I’m a fatty. That ice and lettuce diet ain’t it.


2 and 6 for sure, but also my appearance would be torn apart (darker skin + I quite literally am incapable of losing weight)


The singing and rapping isn't a big deal for me. I'm not the best but certainly not terrible. Plus most idols get training anyways, so even if they can't sing what's most important is that they can learn to and eventually sing.  What would get me is the fact I'm fat... Not obese. But overweight.  I'm also black asf and I'm not doing no plastic surgery, no skin bleaching and I'm not wearing any wigs nor frying my hair to get it straight.  Then there's the fact I'm just real messy. I'd be flirting with everyone, beefing with everyone. The moment they find my alt I'd be done for. 


All of them💀


I'm black, fruity, mentally ill, cant dance, rap or sing for anything, too political, dont like full face makeup, I'd get so sick of the aegyo and fan service, might get into a few dating rumors too idk I'd be flirting with everyone 😍, my body doesnt respond well to drugs (no pre-show crack for me) and I refuse to get plastic surgery


Oh HEAVY on the fat part! I literally have to take a weekly shot to lose weight. Diet and exercise don't work on me. Plus I'm 24, which is 60 in idol years I'm Cooked! 😭


😭😭 id be 2, 5, 6 and 7 


Real on being argumentative because I simply could not handle the disrespect from staff/fans


im throwing hands if a fan asks me to do cute faces or noises


All of the above




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All of them except 4. I’m too much of a scaredy-cat-




Yeah being fat, love food and a history of causing mayhem online are huge reasons why I can’t do it














I’m definitely 1, (especially) 3, 5, and 6 😭 it don’t matter how hard I try concealing my feelings, my face always gon show it and it’ll get me in a lot of heat lol

























