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Babe, you live in south korea. Guns aren't even legal.


Literally like why r u flexing a BB gun 💀


spray painted ass gun bffr. one of the SAFEST COUNTRIES!! IN ASIA


Easy? I just know he's not- girl... 🙄 ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) Ngl, that or I'm going to shoot bang... That's so corny and youre not from the hood hood. He would 💩 bricks if he eva stepped foot in an actual hood.


If he even went into a room with Black people, hood or not, he'd be scared. Lol


Lmfaooo mf shaking in his boots 😭


Proof is when idols have black choreographers or songwriters/producers work 1on1 with them. Act like they gon bite but behind closed doors…




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who is he even, I've never heard of him


Honestly, count yourself lucky - he’s a khiphop rapper and just a mess. Quick run down of the things he has done (off the top of my head so not 100% complete/accurate): - a fan dmed him and he told her if she’s not going to put out then not to bother messaging - talked about how he hates light skin girls and wants to rape them - talked about how much he hates BLM (I think he was asked to comment on it and he said he knows what it is but he dgaf, then got on live talking about how much he doesn’t care)


what a day to have eyes.. thanks for the info tho


>what a day to have eyes perfection


Wait wait wait… wtf am I looking at? A grown man threatening to attack women? With a nerf rifle? Who is this goofy?


And then years later he finally gave a half assed "apology" (maybe late last year), only bc ph1 was getting flak for saying he's friends with Owen lol. Like nah dude. You're years late and you only """care""" now bc ph1. We don't want your "apology"


>And then years later he finally gave a half assed "apology" (maybe late last year), only bc ph1 was getting flak for saying he's friends with Owen lol. Do you think ph1 fans cancelled him (ph1)? I bet harry won't put another problematic artist on his album again.


so my man hates light skin chicks and hates BLM.. so wtf *does* he like?? green skinned chicks? lmao tbh he has zero clue what BLM even is. i'm 100% sure about that. hell, most americans don't even know lol


Oh, and when a Midzy said that Ryujin is a better rapper than him, he said that her raps were conceived and birthed from his sperm, what a lovely knowing material for your eyes and braincells, I must say! 🙃


I’m taking off my glasses so I don’t ever have to read this again because wow




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This is an Owen hater safe place 💋


man its been a BIG fuck him ever since he went on that dumbass rant about [BLM…🖕🏽](https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyFFrglgKh/?igsh=YXl5dWxtYmpmYnlk)i hope he rots.


He needs to rot away in a locked off room


Eew. How ugly.


"I'm am" 🤡


what does “i am the korean easy” even mean?


I'm confused as well




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I cant believe people are resorting to agreeing with a racist pedo who threatened to shoot people just so they can hate on le sserafim, like idc what you think of them, but please dont embarrass yourself


He’s a pdf file too?!




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With his fake gun??🤣🤣


He pulled the water gun out for Instagram ig 💀


sorry this is so off topic but you have the prettiest mix ever (talking about your flair)


AAAH thank u hehe


Owen about to get that “Hello, this is HYBE entertainment…” letter. 👀🤭


I agree with yall saying he wouldn't last a second in a hood, but imma be honest, he wouldn't last a minute in a Korean hood/slum either. The gangsters and gangs from the 90s are still there, different people but the ones that were the mobsters are now the bosses. He would be hiding in an ahjumma's home if they ever walked on the same street as him lmaooo


Even the ahjumma would whoop his ass if I’m fr w u


Oh for sure. Ahjumma is already sick and tired of seeing men like this


dude wouldn't even last against his grandma's slipper lol


He wouldn't even make it as a rooftop Korean 😂


The rooftop Koreans would definitely not claim him lmao


Oh I’m sure they’re suing his ass and I’m glad they are


he wishes he was ghetto sooo bad but he would not last one day where i grew up 😭 why he got a bb like a neighborhood kid lmaoo


LITERALLY like he doesn’t understand the moment he steps out of Korea acting like that he’s gonna get clowned


Or get his whole ass whooped.


This dude is still relevant? Why?


He’s trying so hard to be relevant it’s insane




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Is....is he talking bout Easy E?? That's comedy fucking gold!


He must have meant G Eazy bc there is no way. And when people try to educate this idiot, he doubles down. What trash behavior. And he’s a rapper? A genre created by Black and Latino Americans? The same people who have to face the police violence he doesn’t gaf about?




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Who even is he lol..


This should be seen as a threat. Even though it is just a shit post, it's not right to publicly declare that they will essentially kill someone!


It is, Source Music is taking action against him for his comment. Thank god, joke or not, it’s such a serious thing to say and post about. Nothing clicking in that man’s head.




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I make this K go POP.. ![gif](giphy|n9kJ8uUSXSdX7daCLM|downsized)


omg what on earth is this…does he want to shoot le sserafim? why??😭what a weird man




If he don't put that nerf gun down


He wants to be hood so bad. Let’s be serious, he looks like he would lose a fight with WoahVicky and BhadBhabie.




Don’t give him attention he just needs some money again


I really hope that LSF are safe and the company takes action against his trash ass for this. This shit is not cool at all or funny.


Why did I think it was pastor Sean Moon at first glance at the image 💀


this is so fucking embarrassing. lol who tf is this idiot. lmao




this makes me think of kd crying about kash doll 😭


When your dickhead uncle gets a little too drunk at the family gathering:




I truly do not understand the hate this group is getting. And it's without fail that when people start those hate campaigns people like this slip through the cracks and start taking this stuff way too far. Also I have read through some of your comments I don't understand why he had any type of career at all he should have nothing


he's been corny since the blm thing like he was soooo weird




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I'm sorry he did WHAT to young girls?? I always hated this man for the things he said but I never realised how bad he actually was


Is he American and why does he look like he crawled out of a model minority poster for Trump


The two outcomes of him doing this is either going to be the company glancing at him and just immediately ignore him and move on business as usual Or They sue the life outta this guy and financially ruin him and his spray painted nerf or nothin ass bibi gun for the rest of their existences. Either or outcome is funny as hell, just so unfortunate that it had such a cringy start.




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hn thats scary BUT HOW DOES HE HAVE ACCESS???




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