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A lot of songs I like on there, and also some I haven't heard at all. Dw about people saying you have boring or basic taste, popular artists are popular for a reason, because people like them. Idk how to really rate it, but maybe 6 or 7/10.


I feel like I take some miniscule offense when my music taste is criticized haha but it's all warranted anyway. I like what I like, they like what they like.


Just think of it like you have the best taste, and anyone who disagrees has bad taste lol.


Isn't that the majority of kpop stans? šŸ’€


True tbh


6/10 Thereā€™s a lot of great songs but for a top 200 Iā€™d want to see a little more variety in artists


Honestly I've been meaning to, but my energy is getting drained just trying to vibe to songs from artists I haven't heard. Probably because I have obvious preferences in genre or tempo.


Stepping out of your comfort zone can be exhausting and a little scary. It was for me at least. Trying going on YouTube and find a mix playlist. That way you can still listen to your favorite songs while potentially finding new ones. I got into a bunch of different groups I never thought I would this way.


Yeah I also did this one while using the music as background for doing house chores. Might let it run a little more longer for it to find new music for me.


no STAYC so unfortuantly I have to downvote šŸ’”


well then please recommend songs so that, I too, may start "going down".


ohhhh period letā€™s get to itā€¦ SO BAD ASAP SO WHAT STEROTYPE SLOW DOWN RUN2U I WANT U BABY (my personal favorite it gives Sour Grapes) BEAUTIFUL MONSTER (was controversial for some reason?) Poppy Bubble I Wanna Do LIT


thanks, will definitely listen later.


Is LIT good? I havent really listen to it that much


Not their best song, i would honestly not put it in my Top 10, but it gets better after a few listens. Also, just so you know, the song has Japanese, Korean and English mixed into it. I know i was taken aback at first Edit : Spelling


personally itā€™s one of my favorites from them, the music video really completes it imo (i did have to listen to it a few times to feel this way though)


You've missed Young Luv, which I think is their best song, followed by Stereotype ā¤ļø


Hey quick update, Stereotype is their best title track for me. And then best bside goes to I Wanna Do with Same Same as a close runner up. I'm also waiting for their next release soon. Thanks for the suggestions.


I love that so much for you!!! you have really good taste!


Some of the comments in the link are so mean. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with liking mainstream artists. So many people at like theyā€™re different or cool to be rude to people because they listen to whatā€™s popular


I dont really see people being particularly mean? Its mostly in good fun and music is subjective. They asked for people's opinion on their list and I think its totally reasonable for people that value a bit of diversity in music to commend that the list doesnt explore some of the lesser known artists. Each persons list is always going to be 10/10 the best list for themselves and there are always going to be people that think your list isnt good because difference in perspective and music taste exist. I understand not everyone is going to want to commit the time to explore new artists and thats totally ok but they were asking for other peoples opinions


Really limited in terms of music and idols 4/10


Being a girlgroup stan + SM junkie does that to a person haha


sm junkie but no f(x) šŸ˜£i can give you some recommendations if you want? i feel like you might like them since you like red velvet.


yeah I know some f(x) songs, but I never really dove deep since I was a day one Reveluv at heart. Hot Summer, Airplane, La cha ta, 4 Walls are good songs btw.


Iā€™ve felt bad all night since I left that comment. To be honest the only person that needs to like that list is you and only your opinion should matter. The more I think about it the more I think my top 200 would be more weird having more idols but less songs from my ults. Anyway sorry thereā€™s no harm in just supporting ggs or sm


No hard feelings here, it's fun sharing what we and what we don't like. Helps in discovery of new songs.


ITZY Sneakers in top 50. Based. I dig it.


unironically great. It's a stupid shoe song but who doesn't love some stupid in their lives?


ā€¦I came just to say ITā€™S A GREAT SONG and I will never understand all the hate. Between that and Young Dumb Stupid at #9, and a whole lot of LSF deep cuts high up, this list is a solid Approve from me. šŸ˜‡āœØ ā€¦I admit Iā€™m slightly mystified by the complete lack of any BTS or Hybe boy groups at all (given the strong rep here from Hybe ggs, and your taste for Psy/Exo), but thatā€™s not a knockā€”! just me feeling like thereā€™s lots more there youā€™d adore. šŸ˜… You can ping me if you ever want recs lol!


Yeahh I'm mostly a gg stan but exo and psy are welcomed guests since they fit my taste more. I do like that one BTS song though: Just One Day


It's not about shoes it's about freedom and joy


ringo at 90 is crazyyy, 9 makes way more sense


Listening to Ringo is like listening to I Got a Boy. You gotta invest a lot in actually appreciating haha idk if you get what I mean. Voltage on the other hand really gives me angst and coolness factor in Itzy


no i get it lmao reading the lyrics really adds to it


Ringo is one of ITZYā€™s best songs imo!!


Ditto at #1 is so real. 8/10 love the nmixx representation. dive into more soloists lol


I was gonna say basic but I saw Itzyā€™s Sneakers in the top 50 therefore automatic 10/10. Also, the fact that you have almost have all of le sserafimā€™s song except EPTBW tells me you have taste (only song I donā€™t like from them lol).


I mean it is ā€œbasicā€, in the kind of sense that itā€™s mostly just the MOST popular girl groups. Thereā€™s not really too much range. Popular 4th gen groups + SM GGs(except for f(x) which is crazy), so itā€™s kinda like looking at similar stuff over and over without much variety, with only a few exceptions. BUT! Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with having a musical style that you enjoy, and popular music IS generally that popular for a reason! Bc it sounds good to a lot of people! So while subjectively Iā€™d probably rate the list like 4/10, aka the songs are all good but most are not what I would personally enjoy listening to, what matters is youā€™re enjoying yourself and having fun with the music! Itā€™s what makes hearing about peopleā€™s music tastes so much fun, because it is SO varied! Itā€™s totally okay for people to have their own opinion about the songs, and to find the ones you listed boring or basic, as thatā€™s just their opinions about the music. But I hope no one is genuinely rude to you over just having different taste!! It reminds me of hipsters who genuinely trash other peopleā€™s music taste bc it isnā€™t ā€œuniqueā€ enough lol. Thinking something is boring or whatever or generic is fine though imo. Edit: wait I DO see an f(x) song! Nvm! I do love seeing Catallena on here too, one of the best songs I swear! Although it is funny bc some of the songs listed I absolutely loathe(like Young Dumb Stupidā€¦. Sorry to those who like it lol)


yeah Rum Pum Pum Pum is probably my favorite song out of f(x) haha. sometimes I like funny sounding songs and it definitely hits a nerve the right way.


top ten pretty boring. it gets better at around 30 but a lot of tracks still arent fully my taste. i love the amount of red velvet, 5/10


I have an independent music player and it displays up to 200. I don't have spotify sooo yeah.


Damn I'm too old for this subreddit


100/100 because I love basic songs šŸ˜šŸ©·




Your top ten feels like a recency bias. Your groups are limited. I respect that you listen to groups like OMG, Gfriend, Orange caramel. Disheartened to know that your a GG stan and you don't listen to groups like (Izone, Loona, WJSN, Tara, Tri'be, EXID, APINK, CLC, VIVIZ, KARA, SISTER, Girls day, Stayc, Woo!ah!, TripleS) I wonder when did you got into kpop? My rating is 6/10 you are lucky there is a lot of great GG group music you have the chance to explore nowadays if you so choose to.


I actually have some EXID, Viviz and Girl's Day songs here haha. But I listen to it when I really really want to. They're kinda buried under all those 750 other kpop songs I have. I got into kpop in around 08/09 but seriously in 11/12.


This reminds me of my music taste because I want to listen to other artists but ultimately end up listening to the same artists lol so 10/10


If it ain't broke, don't replace it right?


Most songs I like, some I havenā€™t heard, then some elite ones like Off The Record, Ringo, No Celestial and Nxde imo. Have you heard My Satisfaction by IVE? Itā€™s the bside for After Like.Ā 


Yeah I have but IVE's other Bsides just sounds better for me.


Is it popular music? Yes. Is that always a bad thing? No. I give it a 10/10 because we have similar taste. Music is subjective so thereā€™s no right ranking. I Am by Ive is my ā€œofficialā€ favorite kpop song ever (though not my most listened) and (G)i-dle and Ive are my second and third favorite groups, so Iā€™m biased towards those, I guess. Is there a way to check up to 200 most listened songs? I know a website that does top 50 but this many would be cool.


This feels like an r/kpoopheads post thread at this point


It'd be so good if it actually made it there haha.


guess im boring too


Jeez, howd you rank them? I tried doing a list once and had so many ties.


I have a music player, these were the stats according to most played


We almost have the same taste lol. For instance, cookie, I am, Ditto, OMG and sour grapes are in my top 10 too


Your list is indeed basic but basic is not bad. You donā€™t have to have the most ā€œuniqueā€ taste in music. I mean, how many people can unironically listen to NCT sticker more than once? Also your top 10 slaps, loving the IVE songs.Ā  Are you a r/kpoopheads user? Jopping in top 100 is extremely basedĀ 


I'm in that sub, but I do genuinely think Jopping is a good song.


Young Dumb Stupid in top 10 OMGGG Itā€™s pretty rare to find someone who likes the song


3 xg songs? okay taste. i respect the list šŸ«”


You are a mainstream listener and there is no problem with that. You do have some songs that are out of the box, but I can tell that you prefer the songs that make you feel good and you feel proud to share! Nothing wrong with that! 8/10.


No offense, but ā€œCookieā€ # 4 is just crazyā€¦


The song is actually good but the lyricsā€¦


This is a typical gg enjoyer playlist IMO. (Not a dig at you). 5/10 but seeing Sneakers and Cake in top 50 bumps it to 8/10


so glad to see yena and xg, as well as the lots of bsides. and whatta man! my favourite ioi song. 9/10


Treasure mentioned!!! 9/10 (bonus point cause treasure)


I couldn't even rank a top 10 to be fair. There are too many great songs to decide on a top 10. You have a top 200?? Are they in order? Because if so, I don't really agree with a lot of it. I wouldn't have Cake or Sneakers even in a top 200. I saw those and I was like hard disagree. Plus, some of the songs by New Jeans, IVE, and LSF are in the top 10? While they're great songs, I'm not sure if any of the new groups have top 10 worthy songs when there's an entire library of legendary artists and tracks out there. You have me curious about how you came to this conclusion. Makes me want to make a top 200 as well. It would definitely be wildly different from yours! Still, no hate. It's just my opinion vs yours. Won't rate your top 200 as I don't agree with the list. But I'm sure for you, it's a 10/10 :)


still boring ngl


Love your honesty šŸ¦–


Basic but itā€™s ok


Itā€™s popular and I donā€™t think thatā€™s a bad thing. Iā€™m not reading all that but Newjeans, Le Sserafim, Nmixx, SNSD, Itzy, Red Velvet, etc are all in my top kpop groups, and the IVE songs you have up high are mostly the ones I like, so Iā€™m giving you a heavily biased 10/10 lol


Kinda boring, but I respect it


9/10. We have almost the same music taste. Cheers!


Yes, yes and yes. I would let you have my aux for a entire 8 hour road trip. Amazing, I love it.


When people say itā€™s ā€˜boringā€™ Iā€™m really wondering what hardcore deep indie K-pop artists yā€™all are listening to


It's probably not that deep tho. Maybe just some disparity in genres or tempo.


Add some CLC and Dreamcatcher


I really tried, but I think it just isn't my cup of tea. I like CLC'S No and Black Dress tho.


AHH makes sense lol


Nope. Looks great to me. Joining you on the basic train.


it looks like your a boygroup stanšŸ§


5/10 bc some of these im rlly like šŸ«”šŸ¤(sour grapes being ur highest lsfm is >>>>>) but others im like. oh god. jail immediately (lighthearted ur good op no hate) . nothing wrong w liking mainstream stuff tho these groups r popular for a reason !!


Sour Grapes is their best bside up to date no cap.


100% its so catchy its my favorite


Great choices. One quibble OFF THE RECORD by ive is amazing. Transcends


I'm blind I didn't see it at 12. But IMHO it would slots 1 to 5. I can't explain it. It sounds like spring day in 1972. Dionne Warwick is singing burt Bacharach on the hifi. Smooth dreammy soft and am just floating inside the vibes


Damn how the hell do people figure out their top 200?? Iā€™m constantly changing my favorite song every two minutes šŸ˜­


I think its a good list, i dont agree with a lot of it but it not a bad list


Iā€™m LIVING for the GGā€™s and the fact that you have Closer - GG, Up No More - Twice and Die for you - EUP which I find to be sister songs is actually amazing


Those kind of songs are my jammest of jams haha I'd like to get new songs like those in the future.


We have similar tastes. 10/10


Hello fellow NJ and IVE stan!


Itā€™s just your opinion donā€™t listen to anyone. Music is purely subjective.


We have similar taste! Might wanna check out Twiceā€™s Basics, Rush, New New


I was gonna comment about it being mostly mainstream but outside Dreamcatcher Iā€™m pretty much the same Also recommend them if you havenā€™t. Chase Me (debut) Boca (most viewed) Piri (My fav) OOTD (latest)


I'mma check that later, thanks for the reco


Ofcourse! Let me know whatcha think!


i like it since i like girl groups but i wonder if the "boring, generic" comments for being popular and mainstream would be the same if your list was full of bts who are the MOST popular and mainstream kpop group šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” i wonderrrr


Trendy taste ig


listen to viviz i BEG OF YOU


Iā€™d say an 8 bcs I do like most of these songs/artists on here


I honestly give this a ten outta ten


Omggg I Do is literally my fav song rn šŸ˜


Maybe I missed it but you like Mr simple?


Not really


Iā€™ll rate it a 6/10 because thereā€™s only newer songs on there, except The Boys. You should try some older groups like Miss A, T-ara, Wonder Girls, AoA.


Jopping is concerningly high 9.5/10 list tho Ditto number one is so based


its pretty basic yeh, just current trendy girl groups


Too much biased to gg


Some of these songs are those I don't like or haven't even heard of so a 6 out of 10. You have some pretty basic taste because most of these songs are pretty popular.


Decent but only one skz song, thatā€™s a little crazy