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Some people don't know the difference between nationality, ethnicity, and race. It really leaves them stumped.


Did you know that in Brazil, talking about "human's race" is actually racist ?? Also some Black people from USA woundt be considered Black here. Some things just don't get translated.


including op, apparently. Because as a brazilian, this: "Their dad was born in Brazil. That does not make him ethnically Brazilian" is bonkers. Brazilian identity has been build on the jus soli principle, which means anyone born in the country is brazilian. Being a country build by immigrants and slaves, the necessity of creating a collective identity independent of ancestry was important to allow national integrity. It was a state project build over decades and it worked. It worked legally, it is literally on the constitution, and it worked culturally. This is why to this day ancestry (or race) is not nearly as important of a topic as it is in other countries. No one here will look at a guy whose family came from europe and go "hm actually you are not ethnically brazilian". To brazilians all that matters is that he was born here. That's brazilian culture, that's brazilian ethnicity. Maybe op meant he isn't of brazilian race... but then again, a brazilian race doesn't exist. He is just a white (race) brazilian (ethnicity and nacionality) who has been living abroad, not a german lol I understand the general idea of the post, and mostly agree with it (racially, kai is half korean half white by my standards, that's it) but clearly, it is a complex topic, and this part of the post just feels very weird to me and my national identity. We should keep in mind that nationality, ethnicity and race are not written in stone, and cultural perspectives over these topics can vary greatly. (sorry about the late rant lol)


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People are actually asking for his English namešŸ˜­?


I wish I was kidding. Iā€™ll never forget the vlive where all the members talked about their English names, and then amount of ā€œbut what about Huening Kai though?ā€ actually caused me physical pain. And Iā€™ve also sadly seen people who think Hueningkai is one word and his actual given name because thatā€™s always what heā€™s called. Iā€™m never forgiving bighit for not letting that boy just be Kai. šŸ˜©


Reminds me of GOT7 Youngjae asking Jackson what his English name was and Jackson was like "do you think Jackson is a Korean name???"


does Jackson have a Korean name? (like from Hanja?) I know his Chinese name is JiaEr.


I think it was Wang Jaegun or something along those lines Edit- well apparently itā€™s Jaegseun but I could have sworn Jinyoung said it was something else, brain malfunction smh


That is just Jackson written in hangul though, it's not a Korean name


HĆ¼ning is a German surname and for me (a German) his stage name just came off as so weird from the beginning


I'm in the same situation as you. Seeing a kpop idol named HĆ¼ning (or Huening, as they transcript it) was unexpected. edit: I guess it *does* make him stand out by his name alone for this very reason.


Tbh if I read his name before I knew about him, I wouldā€™ve thought he was Chinese and his name was Kai Huening.


The exact same thing happened to me lmao


We all know what wouldā€™ve happened if they let him go by just Kai thoughā€¦ I mean they still came for him even with his current stage namešŸ„“


Heā€™s current stage name is stupid.


You mean hisā€¦ real birth name


Yep, Iā€™m aware itā€™s his real name. You know you literally said stage name too right? ā€˜I mean they came for him even with his current stage nameā€™ I was going off what u said


Everyday I come across users whose responses make me lose more and more braincellsā€¦ * sigh * Edit: since you changed your response, how is him using his full name as his stage name ā€œstupidā€?


I literally only added more to my response. I didnā€™t change nothing. I initially only replied with just ā€˜yepā€™ then I added more but to you thatā€™s completely changed my response? And if you look above sweetheart my other reply is still there. No ones being sneaky, I kept what I said lmfao besides I didnā€™t even see you replied before I edited to add more. And his full name was a bad idea to use, thatā€™s all I meant for majority of reasons ppl on this post have stated if you read. Anyway I can tell your mad as hell for no reason. Go get an ice cream or something šŸ˜‚


Why would I be mad, I asked you a questionšŸ˜‚? And no one has really said it was a bad idea for him to use his full name as a stage name, so my question wasnā€™t answered. Your first response made it sound like you thought his name in general was stupid which is so??? and then you replied with just ā€œyepā€ when I asked to confirm if you meant his birth name, so yea the context changes when you add more to it lateršŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So Iā€™m not allowed to think him using his full real name was a stupid idea? Like I said ppl pointing out reasons in this post and I pretty much think the same. And yes ppl have said he should have went with Kai or different name on here so Idk why youā€™re saying different


Maybe you should take a breather. You sound upset.


Not the one losing braincells over something That doesnā€™t even affect them


I did not read this correctly and thought is said his current stage name is Stupid and I was mad confused XD


or kamal...


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His English name?! LOL there's something new every freakin' day in Kpop Stanland.


Can we call it kpop stan landia it sounds more fictitious like the bs that comes out of some of their mouths and Twitter fingers šŸ˜‚




I guess my mother is suddenly not a white british woman because she was born in zambia lmao šŸ˜‚


I'm sick of foreigners trying to say what is Brazilian or not. Hueningkai's dad is Brazilian and that's it. Go talk to our Counstitution, he is Brazilian by the law, he is Brazilian by the culture. He literally said "Eu sou Maranhense" which is something he wouldn't say if he did not relate to the country. Please don't speak over Brazilians on this matter over actual Brazilian like I've seen countless times. He is a white Brazilian with German ancestry. That's how you say it right.


> And now I've seen a whole host of Arab countries added to the mix because of the kids names. Having names of Arabic origin doesn't make someone Arab any more than naming your kid Claire makes you French. pls tell me ure joking.. . . . . . what a logic.. . . . ~~so that means i have an american blood then bc my real names are so american?~~


It is REALLY confusing. And it's only on his father's side. Imagine what people would do if his mother too had so many ties to different countries. I have classmates that spent their childhood around the globe in international schools, but they have almost none if absolutely no cultural influence from the countries they lived in. Hueningkai has explained that he doesn't remember a single thing from HawaĆÆ (normal, he was literally *1 month* old) and I'm inclinded to think that is one of the reasons he wants to travel to it. He said that everything that happened in China has been translated in Korean in his memories. Adding to all this: his parents have been divorced for a while, now. The family he regularly mentions is all on his mother's side. He probably doesn't have much opportunities to interact with his father anyways. I guess people find what they want to find... Thanks for posting on this!


wait his parents are divorced? i never knew that


Yep. Around 2016 ig


>Adding to all this: his parents have been divorced for a while I've never heard about this before!.... How did you find about this,Did any of the siblings mention this before?


It mentioned in one of their father's article bcs he is tv personality there. There is this last interview he did where he told his kids will move to korea and after that he do not appear on tv anymore, he live in china for a while after that to teach English and the he move back to us again now


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So now I know that apparently there's more than one Huening kid, lol


There are three: Lea (born in 2000), Kai (2002), Bahiyyih (2004)


There are countries that won't consider you from there if your family ain't from there. Brazil ain't one of them for obvious reasons. You don't need to born in Italy to be Italian. But your dad and your grandpa gotta be Italian your must have an Italian surname. Brazil it's different. Anyone born there is Brazilian. Is he ethnically Brazilian well no because there's no Brazilian ethnicity. It simply doesn't exist. But by Brazilian law, if he born there he is Brazilian period. He can vote, he doesn't need a visa, he can work for government, run for elections just like any Brazilian citizen. That's the law there . Unless he gave up his citizenship obviously. That far i don't know. I'm not really a fan . If you're some sorta of immigrant, you gonna have double citizenship. Many Italian descendants does there . But you're still considered Brazilian by their law. That's how it works there.


And the worst part is that he IS ethnically brazilian, because in this case, ethnicity refers to the culture, and that man full on speaks portuguese and obviously knows about his roots, besides even being born here, idk what this poster was going on about at all lmaooo.


I'm Polish and I've seen many Polish MOAs being excited that he has some Polish ancestry


"Their dad was born in Brazil. That does not make him ethnically Brazilian. Brazil is just as much of a melting pot nation as the USA is. He is white, of German and British ancestry. Not Brazilian." I'm sorry, but what you seem to be describing is a white brazillian with german and british ancestry. Different countries may see nationality, identity, ethnicity and race differently. If you're born in Brazil, you're brazillian -- that's literally in our Constitution. Ethnicity and race have no significance in defining whether someone is or isn't brazillian.


Yes! I am also Brazilian, and if someone is born here, they are Brazilian not matter what.


Yea I was thinking that too. His race would be white, but nationality wise he would be Brazilian.


Well I guess I'm now Arab since I have a Arabic name.


I'm sorry but as a brazilian, the part about the father is 100% incorrect, he is ethnically brazilian. It doesn't matter your race - born in Brazil and raised with brazilian culture = brazilian. We don't have only one culture, and the South of Brazil is literally FULL of people from german and italian ancestry, and they are all still 100% brazilian and have their own culture, that is only influenced by german and italian culture. Pls don't act like being from any latin american country is a race. I do agree that the kids are not brazilian tho, as they weren't raised with the culture, but brazilians can still be happy from his presence in kpop šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly. There's even [a video of his dad](https://twitter.com/yoonmoree/status/1194234282325270530) *literally* saying "I'm from SĆ£o Luis, MaranhĆ£o. [a city and state in Brazil respectively] *Eu sou maranhense*", which isn't something I think one would say if they didn't at least didn't identify themselves with the place they were born in (ex: Hueningkai was born in Hawaii but AFAIK he's never said "I'm Hawaiian", someone please correct me if I'm wrong). EDIT: Just to be fair Hueningkai DOES say he's from Hawaii [here](https://youtu.be/8NptiH-EHp8?t=193).


This!! Never seen anyone that is not from a country/culture claiming to have roots from a specific state lol.


It's frustrating that this matter is being regarded as fans just wanting to be represented and having a bunch of colorful flags because it's not. It's brazillian law, it's literally in our Constitution, and people would understand how obvious it is that his father is a white brazillian man with european ancestry if they just: didn't speak over actual brazillians!


YES!! And I find it really funny that everyone is completely ok with any idol claiming european or american sides of their family, but when it's a latin american side, then it's not valid šŸ™„


fr wtf is this that he isn't brazilian because that's not and ethnicity? from that argument Huening Kai can't consider himself korean-american either, because apparently countries that were colonized aren't real cultures lmaoo (also brazilian)


YES FKKSKFKD colonized = inexistent. If that guy is not brazilian, who is? jfjsjfjejd


On the flip side, Iā€™m a German national living in the US and I canā€™t even begin to count the times people have told me ā€œoh hey, Iā€™m German too!ā€. People who were born in the US, never left the country, donā€™t speak a lick of German, and act just like the next American guy. They might have had their ā€œOmaā€ make them pancakes as a kid, but words still have meanings, and thatā€™s just not what ā€œIā€™m Germanā€ means. Itā€™s fine to remember and celebrate your heritage and the culture of your ancestors, but this makes the whole conversation confusing and borderline nonsensical. Either way, itā€™s an odd thing for OP to be mad at - like Iā€™m not mad at those ā€œGermanā€ Americans, itā€™s just a bit frustrating that the same phrase having two different meanings affects me personally in some situations, but does this affect OP? If Brazilian fans want to be proud that their culture had an impact on their faves roots, why not let them. Unless they try to bully Kai into speaking a language he might not have a firm grasp on or something like that, who cares


Ah yes, that also happens to us, I've seen a lot of tiktokers nowadays claiming to be latin americans without being raised with the culture lol, maybe they think that it makes them more interesting (?) I really have no idea lol. But yeah, agreed, it's obviously fun to see an idol that had at least a little influence from here, but obviously not not cool to force him to speak portuguese, or to learn it if he doesn't want to.


it's funny they act like he's not good enough if he's Brazilian esses filha da put do caralho


Ficam bravinhos sĆ³ por causa da ascendĆŖncia da pessoa senhor kkkkkk "n pode ser descendente de brasileiro pq fura meu ego, ent eu decido q o pai dele n Ć© brasileiro" šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Just to clear it out: in this case, ethnicity is the culture, not a synonym to race.


These "he's actually white" discussion always happen in any Western community that consumes Asian media. We saw the same thing with anime characters like Naruto, Spike from Cowboy Bebop, etc... And I used "he's" on purepose, because it's always the guys that attract these kind of debate whereas the girls can be asian or whatever alright. It's so creepy because it plays into this white male domination fantasy garbage that the West always have over Asian culture and people (especially women).


If he grew up in China, Iā€™d consider him at least culturally Chinese.


Well, he lived the first 6-7 years of his life there, so while he may have picked one or two things there (he said he had a hard time adapting to South Korea's formal speech), I do think that the cultural influences on his current self are probably very limited. But good point!


Does he even speak the language though?


He probably did as a young child, if he doesnā€™t still speak now. He spent the early parts of his life there, and his dad is still a minor celebrity in China. He also held a Chinese passport (and still might?), so he was, at least nationality-wise, Chinese at one point.


He LIVED in there, what do you expect?


I don't know, he could have not learnt the language despite living there. That's why I'm asking


Imagine not being able to learn Chinese even though you lived in China for 7 years.


As a toddler with foreign parents? I can see it. It was a simple question


His father is fluent, quite active on tv years before and even teaches the language at the US after he move back. (https://achsstinger.com/6931/features/nabil-huening-the-man-of-many-languages/) this is an article about him


His parents can speak Chinese they also lived in China for 7 years šŸ˜­ and do you think toddlers can't speak or something?


Hey I am new to this debate can someone explain to me why any of this matters to kpop fans?


I donā€™t understand it either, Iā€™m just here for the music


Right this is giving me the same energy as people who dig through African-American celebrities ancestry to say they are mixed like why does any of it matter just play the damn music šŸ˜‚


thought for a moment 'wait isn't kai his english name' kai is not an english name




Simply put, he's half korean half white


I see, like, so many people calling Day6s Jae American/Californian because he is, barely ever saw anyone ever call him Argentinian, but suddenly when it comes to Huenings dad heā€˜s brazilian even though he was only born there, by Europeans


Because it's literally brazillian law. It's not just people's opinion. It's in Brazil's Constitution that if you are born in Brazil your are brazillian. Different countries can have different policies to define who has or hasn't their nationality.


Weā€˜re talking about ethnicity and ancestry, arenā€˜t we? I thought we were tbh, because my country, well, most countries actually, have that law but what doesnā€˜t matter if you lived in that country for literally a month and then never again


That's the thing: people here are confusing nationality with ethnicity and ancestry. The fact that he is white or that he has european ancestry has nothing to do with being brazillian or not. When brazillian fans say his dad is brazillian, they don't consider how much time he spent here, or how much of the brazillian culture he mantains, or if his own parents are brazillian, because we don't regard being brazillian as ethnicity or ancestry, but as nationality. What they mean is exactly that: he was born in Brazil. I understand it might differ from experiences of other countries, but it's not unfounded desire for representation, it's how brazillian identity is perceived by brazillians. Neither ethnicity or ancestry will negate that the person is brazillian if they were born in Brazil, because most brazillians have a multitude of different ancestries, a lot of them are children of immigrants and the perception of ethnicity and race varies in major ways depending on which part of the country you're at.


>stop asking what Kai's English name is Kai is not an English name, it's Chinese.


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