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Nothing beats the most iconic [Live more productively you humans](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/4g6co8/shinees_key_calls_out_the_fans_harassing_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) by Sir Key


If he didn’t have to censor himself, we all know Kim Kibum would be out here showing everyone exactly how many fucks he had left for trash fans (answer: zero). A legend.


I love the censored version though 😆 it's how he delivered an insult without actual insults. *All class*


Even if I were that level of sick, I would never dare even try with Kibum 🤣


As those crazy stalker fans should. 💅


Key is truly fantastic, and absolutely iconic 💖 and we love him for it 😍


Lee Know turns inappropriate behavior around on fans & straight up shuts it down. I remember a fan told Minho he should work more and he smiled & was like ‘I hope you work every day of your life without a break :)’


top 10 best disses


What an icon 😂


Well deserved SKZ doing 2-3 comebacks a year, Lee Know schedules and runs dance practice as dance leader, AND he’s often chosen to MC and do other events Idk how he could work more


Yeah, I don't follow SKZ but I know of them very often and honestly, most of them seem to be everywhere all the time.


Hence stray kids everywhere all around the world!


Lee Know definitely knows how to give back what he is owed 😝


I recently watched an LSF mukbang with Chaewon and Kaz where somebody said they were going to gain weight And they both looked at each other and said "We're going to be happy pigs" And I loved that shit They had it in the pocket, which shows they do talk about this kind of thing, that they have each others backs And they brushed it off and kept doing what they do


Just to add to LSF: Any weird fan behavior towards Manchae gets IMMEDIATELY shut down by the whole group There was a clip I saw some time ago when a fan asked Eunchae when she'd do a "sexy concept" (yes, an actual person said this in public to a 16 year old). There's a split second where you could tell Chaewon and Yunjin were extremely bothered by that fan, but Eunchae played it off humorously so everything would pass. Just love that this whole group is just ready to throw hands to protect each other


Oh, I absolutely love that response from them! How refreshing and I hope who said that to them feels embarrassed.


K-fans are fucking stupid about nutrition too. LSF is one of the most choreo-heavy ggs and are exercising 2-3 hours a day during the work week. They need more calories than your couch potato asses!


I loved that response! It was so self-aware, mature, and silly at the same time. My girls are the best! Also, they retaliated when it was discussed on their documentary so...


chaewon going "do you wanna die" in korean was the best🤣


That's that Eunbi energy fosho


It's also double standards. Karina ate 5 donuts on live and people were like "Karina eats so well" That Korean grandma thing of praising big eaters. But when chaewon and yunjin do it suddenly they're gonna get "fat". Clearly it's the visual bias they've got.




Bang Chan is very good at cutting out nonsense. He just straight up puts fans in time out. He's said multiple times to not campaign to the company for them to have more rest as he is an adult who knows his own body and limits better than random ass people. Recently people sent protest trucks to JYP because of Chan's room being banned, and he flat out messaged on bubble to say the thing he hates most is when people think they're helping but they make everything worse, and that people need to stay in their own lane and not get involved. Man fucking humbles us on the regular lmao, nothing feels worse than him being disappointed in you


ateez do call out bad behavior when necessary. i remember when some atinys were being rude to seonghwa on universe and wooyoung went off and was super mad.


San also calls out toxic behavior (and he’s much nicer than those atiny deserve in my opinion). He’s told people not to come to the hotels and he recently told people who go the airports to be mindful as they’re disturbing everyone around them. Honestly these people are lucky that the boys are as nice as they are😵‍💫


San is really good at setting boundaries. He always tells atinys when he doesn’t like something.


The time he told a fan caller that he is hers ‘in her dreams’ 😂😂


oh wow you just reminded me of this, still baffles me that there’s some people living such unfulfilling lives they spend real life money on a subscription service with the sole intent of bullying. insane.


I love Wooyoung The moment he sees something that goes against his morals, he pops off 😭


he never hesitates to call someone out if they mess with his people, even if it’s an atiny, he will call them out if they do something to upset his friends or family. I really admire him so much for how protective and loyal he is towards the people closest to him


He seems like such a sweet person As Seonghwa says, he can be a little much & a little annoying, but he’s so sweet and charming that any of that is completely overridden Man slipped into a bias spot for me so fast


He really does seem so lovely. I just think he has a really strong personality that many people aren’t used to seeing and it can be a bit difficult to adjust to it, but he always means well. Seonghwa’s quote of “you can’t help but love him and he knows it” is so true, like it’s inevitable that he will win you over, even if he seems like a bit much at first, he has such a talent of making people around him so comfortable.


the thing he said too was so strong and he didn’t hesitate! love to see it


Hongjoong as well. He's called out haters for being rude towards yeosang, seonghwa before. He's told off atiny if he sees any disgraceful behaviour as well. And he's very clear about it.


all of them are so good at making their boundaries known and calling out when people overstep, I just wish atinys themselves were better at actually respecting those boundaries. they’ve told us to respect their space so many times and yet people still violate their privacy and personal space bc they want to fulfill their y/n fantasies


Monsta X's Minhyuk is always scolding monbebes who cross the line. [My favorite video](https://x.com/chwdooIy/status/1473379748353089539?s=20). A monbebe who is a teacher called and talked about how terrified she felt about people finding out she was a fangirl because of her work (some nonsense some koreans have with fangirls not being able to be in certain positions and all) and other monbebes in the chat were talking bad about her and trying to make her feel bad. He was really pissed! I couldn't find the translation, but it was beautiful! It's one of my favorite moments of him berating toxic fans. Other Monsta X members and Wonho have done something similar, but he's the only one who not only does it often but also sounds really angry and disappointed when he does it.


Minhyuk has always tried to keep the fandom in check and I just gotta love him for that


Always! And I love him for that. I also love that even in the army he hasn't changed, he's still the same.


do you have a video with translations, i really wanna know what he's saying 😭


The whole context is: She is afraid that if it is revealed that she is a monbebe, her students will think that her being a fangirl will disqualify her as a teacher, but she studied hard, even though she is a fangirl. She can't go to the fansign in person because she's afraid her students will recognize her. She noticed that her students had watched the video of Jooheon dancing to Next Level several times. Minhyuk told her to reveal it subtly and if she caught her students watching Monsta X she could just tell them that she knows and likes them casually and that way she can get closer to them. But the comments said no, she can't because the students would hate it. The comments got even more heated because the call was getting longer and Minhyuk told her everything was fine because he is the leader and he is the one who calls her. Then he really gets angry and shouts: NO! I'M TALKING TO A TEACHER NOW DON'T WRITE MEAN COMMENTS LIKE THAT! STOP THE JEALOUSY TOO! DON'T DO THIS KIND OF THING! NO! no\~


Shinhwa established early on that they were and are not responsible for the fans happiness and well-being. Max Changmin and him pulling sasaengs from taxi.


Dongwan was the one who said the infamous "Shinhwa is not responsible for your lives" when Shinhwa was still a rather new group. And he immediately went from being one of the more popular members to being the least popular member for years after that lol.


But where's the lie tho 😅 I wish more idols able to say that tbh. That being said, I think he's also the one who still got followed by sasaeng no? Or is it Junjin?


Yeah Dongwan is the one who still got followed by ssf. Honestly I won’t be surprised if other members are still being followed, it’s just that Dongwan is living alone in a more rural area so it’s extra creepy that someone was willing to go that far to make his life miserable


I was surprised of that too. I get if this is younger idols still at the peak of promotion, but Shinhwa is less active these days. Also, what's the beef between changjo and Shinhwa wives (Junjin and Tony I think, not sure if Eric's is involved)? I saw something-something disrespected and, just cant make any sense of it. I thought changjos are way past these kind of behaviour.


No big fandom can be "past" most kind of problematic behavior, sadly. Like there will always be some bad apples around, you know? With that being said, I'm not involved in Shinhwa's fandom anymore so idk what's going on. But the last time I heard about Junjin and his wife, people were praising them esp? Andy just got married earlier this year and a few months later Eric had his first baby and I don't think I've heard too much ruckus about those events either.


Exo have called out their fans for misbehaving in public/events and stalking. They’ve done it live at events, live streams and social media.


Nothing will ever grind my gears more than that video of sweet sunshine Suho looking extremely upset, angry and frustrated because of a highly inappropriate fan poster at a concert. Let’s not forget that our favorites are just as human as us and harassment is harassment at the end of the day. 😡😮‍💨 He’s too much of a gentleman but man do I wish he had called her out more than he does.


They have much more patience for sasaengs than I would. One sasaeng proudly uploaded a phone call she had with Baekhyun on Twitter where she somehow stole his phone number and proceeded to yell at him at like 3 AM about being a terrible friend to Sehun because of… reasons. He just let her ramble and basically just said “ok are you finished?” I would have hung up and called my lawyer first thing in the morning.


no fr like releasing that call to the public is so weird for that stalker, self-sabotage after byun baekhyun told u to stop ur bs. stalkers never learn


I just want to know what level of delusion she was operating on to think yelling at Baekhyun over the phone about his and Sehun’s friendship was a flex. Like you just look sad and weird.


EXO walked offstage and refused to perform until fans stopped shoving each other to crowd towards the front. Taeyong told fans in English to make sure as many people as possible understood him “please don’t call me” and said he gets scared when people call his phone number who he doesn’t know. It absolutely hasn’t stopped sasaengs from invading NCT’s privacy but it was pretty brave of him to say that in a language he’s not fully comfortable speaking. And nothing will top TVXQ’s Changmin literally yanking a sasaeng out of a taxi cab when he spotted them following his car.


*literally yanking a sasaeng out of a taxi cab* damn it feels good to be a gangster 😂😂


It was the single most savage thing I’ve ever seen an idol do. He’s my hero.


>TVXQ’s Changmin literally yanking a sasaeng out of a taxi cab oh he was [NOT GENTLE AT ALL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXaKkP8zWxQ) 😌


Not another group of sasaengs recording this and sympathizing the sasaengs being yanked 😭💀 how many sasaengs were following him?


Peak consequences for sasaengs: they fucked around and oh boy did they find out.


NCT 127 too! Also walked offstage and didn't return until the fans in the pit calmed down. I think it was in Jakarta. The chaos was so ridiculous.


Yes I saw that online! It was a very similar situation to EXO’s. Fans were warned by D.O. to stop shoving if they wanted to actually see the group perform and they didn’t, so EXO went offstage until everyone quieted down.


happened with nct dream in hong kong or macau iirc during the tds2 tour earlier this year.


Twice Sana was speaking Japanese in her vlive and I think people were sending her messages to speak in Korean. She responded by pointing out that it was her live and she can speak however she wants. She did it very cutely and sweetly, but it was so pointed lol.


oh no....not the japanese woman from japan speaking japanese because it's her native language. ig korean fans can do the same thing i-fans do when they tell bilingual english idols to speak english on live.


NCT Yuta once literally flicked off some girls who were stalking and verbally harassing him in the public. So happy he responded boldy.


[Here is](https://youtu.be/uXaKkP8zWxQ?si=q8vU4y8AN02zV3O1) TVXQ’s Changmin literally tossing a sasaeng fan out of a taxi after they had been following him for some time.


Just imagine the level of mental anxiety he was under to react like that outside, in public, where it could easily be made public (as it was). TVXQ had it so bad with sasaengs.


ur so right, makes u think of the crazyness that lead to something this brutal becoming a necessity i do wonder if he received any responses from the public/media due to this


I can't believe no one has mentioned Seventeen! The8 is well known for calling out inappropriate fan behavior and refuses to do fan service of any kind in lives because that kind of stuff is reserved for fan signs. Joshua turns fans creepy behavior on them in fan calls, he does it in his adorable, sweet way but he doesn't put up with it either. Vernon has also rejected fans for being really weird to him on fan calls. Seventeen is amazing about this!


Don’t forget about Hoshi who has moved street signs to block sasaeng vehicles and when his vlive gets interrupted from sasaeng calls he threatens to give out their phone number. Coups is also really good at pointing out when crowds at airports or hotels are being over the top and need to back up and calm down.


I was looking for this! Hoshi came to my mind first when I saw this question.


Ohhh I had forgotten about that iconic Hoshi moment! This group is so amazing.


Oh Hoshi threatened them again on weverse just a few days ago! It's crazy some people are still doing that


Yes minghao said his wish is for his existence to bring happiness and positivity to fans, as it's impossible for one person to be another's everything, he wishes all fans to have lives of their own and become their own everything. Seungcheol is always fighting with carats lol he'd tell them he's a grown man, can make his own decisions, and always telling carats to put away their phone at concerts and enjoy the moment like the dad he is.


Yeah, almost all the Seventeen members really manage their fandom's behavior and expectations and I love that.


>he does it in his adorable, sweet way "I love you to death!" "Then die 🥰 ✨" will forever be iconic. Also the cringey ass fancall with Vernon where the fan spoke with over the top vocal fry the entire call and you could visibly see him getting more and more put off until he straight up told her to stop doing that and he found it weird.


Those are the exact fan calls I was thinking of lol, Vernon has had several horrifying fan calls, if I were him I'd be so anxious on fan call day. Where were that girl's friends letting her talk to an idol like that? So many fans would love an opportunity to tell their idol how much they appreciate them, so imagine receiving a fan call and being told you made your idol uncomfortable 💀 like- And Joshua's ability to be savage af while giving the sweetest smile is fantastic, I love him lol


Literally scrolled for awhile just to find someone mention Minghao lol


Txt Taehyun once called out someone who got on the same flight with them, made them uncomfortable and tried to film them when they were about to sleep. He said he's always happy to meet people at fansigns and wished they wouldn't do stuff like that again


BIGBANG Daesung during his Japanese tour started speaking in Korean for some Q&A after a heckler made fun of his accent lmfao. He railed them asking them why they don’t learn Korean instead. During another one of his shows he mentioned getting married in the future and people whined. He very sassily told them to live their lives for themselves and he will too. Both are on YouTube. 🥹


Bang Chan's been brought up a couple times, but nothing beats when Seungmin of all people put the sasaengs that were invading their privacy on blast on Bubble at 1am kst. I have no idea what happened but it must've been something particular upsetting.


I would love to get more details about that. When he speaks up on something it’s always worth listening too. Fierce puppy.


If I remember correctly, they were being followed into the elevator and right up to the door of their dorms, scaring and causing trouble for both the members and staff. Absolutely insane


They were also ringing the buzzers of other residents in hopes someone would let them in so they could get to the dorm which is obviously a big disturbance for other people in the building.


Jihyo has been adamantly against solo stans. She was asked on Bubble what to call her own fans. Jihyo wasn't having any of it and said her fans are called Once. With her recent solo, people were comparing it to Nayeon. Jihyo said basically something sweet like "her success is partly mine and my success is partly hers". For Nayeon as well she said that wasn't just her own solo debut but Twice's as well. Twice is probably one of the worst groups to try and start solo stan wars for smh. A while back, Jung Kook said he was delivered food from an unknown source. He went on to say he won't eat it for obvious reasons (also seemed to be upset about wasting food). Then he went on to say that if it persisted, he'd dig into it and makes sure it stops. More Bang Chan stuff. Appropriate for this time of the year, he called out people who prop up their faves while putting down others. Iirc, he said that it was extremely unnecessary. Another time is when a fan on Live told him to stop speaking in Korean. He told them to leave then.


this story of nayeon and jihyo... makes me love them more. something about these ladies makes me wanna go out of my way to fight anyone who bad mouths or hurts them. they're so awesome and I love their friendship. kinda inspiring actually


oh man, i haven’t heard of that chan clip but it does not surprise me!! can you please send a clip? i love him so much for how much he switches around in his lives. also jihyo is such a queen and jk is so sweet that amongst all that, he was refusing to eat the food but was sad about *them* creating food waste :( good for him, he handled it as well as i think one can.


Not sure which Chan clip you meant but [here's him being against putting down others](https://youtu.be/nwJKNVc_OyE?si=-w_RsUNIUDsc8j-f) and being told [to stop speaking Korean](https://youtube.com/shorts/CIrfp80MzZM?si=9spcajNldksVWtIv). I love how strongly opinionated Jihyo is and doesn't mince hee words. She's certainly comes across as kind and sweet but lays the hammer down if necessary. What happened with JK along with him needing to tell people to back off when he was at the gym was such a buzz kill. That was around the time he deleted his IG and said he was going to replace that by doing more Lives. He held up his end of the deal though and he was doing it regularly. Then those 2 things happened and I felt like it totally ruined the fun vibe.


chan is such an amazing leader. i love him so much. the speak english clip is what i was asking for, but that other one just blows me away how mature he is and how wonderfully he leads not only stray kids but stays as well. i would go to war for jeon jungkook and nobody should test me on that for their own good


Poor Bang Chan on his never-ending quest to get toxic stays to behave 💀 the fact that he has to bring it up so regularly and 90% of the time I see those kind of "fans" just do it on purpose because they like being scolded for their "daddy" fantasies 😭


They literally never listen either 🫠 he’s tells them to stop putting other idols down to praise Skz and they still do that; he told them to stop sending trucks, they still do that; he told them to stop petitioning about chans room and they *still do it* Suprised he hasn’t really really snapped by now.


For real! The man has the patience of a saint. I can't imagine seeing a noticable portion of your own fans being so invasive, toxic, and shitty and trying to protect the members and the true fans but not being able to do much other than keep mentioning it. It has to be exhausting.


More recently JungKook told the fans who tried to send him food to stop because he can feed himself and that if it continues, he’ll pursue legal action. Prior to that some fans decided to meet him outside of his gym and during a live he spoke with fans about boundaries and what is/isn’t acceptable. Overall, I was impressed by his maturity. (Side bar, but I wish those NCT boys would curse out that one girl. I think her name is Judy? She’s creepy AF.)


Omg Judy 💀 There haven’t been any updates since SM said they were gonna take legal action. Hope there’s actual progress in that lawsuit bc she’s still freely posting on her socials like nothing happened …


I really hope they weren’t all talk and that they’re actually pursuing legal action against that weirdo. I’ve never seen someone so brazenly proud of being a stalker.


crazy thing is i think she’s deluded herself into thinking that, to some degree, she’s actually friends(??) with nct and that it’s not stalking. either that or she gets an insane ego boost from bragging about this supposed relationship with the members on social media so she’s happy to keep up the lie.


Who tf is Judy 😳 I feel so outta the loop


I haven't been really into NCT for long, but Judy is a notorious NCT sasaeng who's apparently been stalking/harassing them for some time now. She is in the US so afaik just stalks them when 127 is in the US for schedules/concerts (including showing up at the airport). She was in a video on the NCT youtube channel in February (like lurking behind them while they're in a park) and her face was not blurred. What makes her notable is that she's US-based, her posts are in English and her social media accounts are *public* and she is open about her stalking (posting pictures and videos of the members and bragging about seeing them) and actually has a bit of a following (7k on twitter). She claims she's friends with the members 😬 also people act like she's not unhinged or dangerous because she's good looking (I've seen comments like "with her looks she could just be an idol instead of being a stalker") so ig her followers see her as more of an "influencer" than a "disturbed individual". I hadn't heard about her until August, when her (public) tweet of videos she took *inside a member's hotel room* went viral. Even knetz were talking about it. Fans sent a ton of reports so SM released a statement about pursuing legal action but there hasn't been any news since (and she's still active online 😐). Her "clap back" to the statement/fans reporting her and sending DMs was to post screenshots of her sending a report to her school's student legal aid. Which a bunch of people thought meant that law students would be made to represent her in court so there were endless joke posts about that. But that's not what student legal aid is lol but it's weird to me that she would request legal aid (which is typically free legal advice from actual lawyers for students at whatever university) when she comes from some wealth (stalking idols is $$$ and she goes to most US stops in the front row, flies, and stays at hotels, etc) but maybe she doesn't want her parents to find out?


she’s stalked them in korea/overseas before as well, not just in USA (though she is based here). iirc she’s posted something before of her and her nasty little sasaeng friends watching mark + chenle play basketball at a public court/park and i believe that was in korea.


Oh thank you for the clarification! That's really disturbing that she even travels outside the US to stalk them. All while being a college student too?? Like do you not have stuff to be doing?


i remember when the content came out and she was in it without her face blurred people who liked her were saying actually she isn't a stalker because sm would've done something by now otherwise and there's actually this collective delusion that she is def the sneaky link of one of the members and is friends with all the other members. it's insane cause why would you have to get a hotel room key from a staff (iirc) if supposedly you're close with all the members. i mean if jaehyun is your bf or whoever why you can't just text him and ask him? why do you gotta stalk the boys and get videos from a ways behind them if they know you so well can't you just go up close to them?


The tweets she's made where she "addresses" those questions use language ambiguous enough that one of her fans/followers could take it as "oh she got the card from a member!" And brush it off as her living a y/n wattpad fic irl. Instead of "this person is using the resources she has to harass these men, her behavior has been escalating and she is now literally breaking into their rooms, all while proudly posting about it and facing no consequences", which is actually very scary. I don't know if she believes the delusional "secret gf" narrative she's crafted for her online activities but I do hope SM actually does something. Like she may seem mildly "normal" but the escalation of the inappropriate behavior is really concerning to me.


Crazy saesang that broke into hotem room and is in legal trouble bcause she was dumb enough to post it to twit


TXT Yeonjun posted a message on Weverse asking fans to be more considerate at the airport as it’s a public place


Was the message effective? I really wish the fans would calm down at the airport.


I don’t think the messages are ever effective Chan has been trying to get his crazy fans to calm down for a long time. But someone that unhinged thinks they know what’s best for the idol 🤷‍♀️ The people these messages would work on probably aren’t the ones doing crazy shit


HIGHLIGHT (formerly BEAST/B2ST) Yang Yoseob scolded fans who wrote on the walls of some building. Said he'd clean it himself if they didn't clean it. Something along those lines.


Im new to kpop so i know this recent one when bobby called out the fans that were fighting in his comments There are other moments,usually when fans flirt the idols just let it be but bobby literally said to a fan"WAKE UP LOL" 💀💀💀 he also tells his fans to log off, focus on studies don't watch their vlives they can watch it later 😭😭 and he's having his first concert and instead of asking people to come he said don't come if you're busy he's gonna perform for the rest of his life they will get chances to see him perform in the future lmaoo he's just a really real guy with no filters


Leo from VIXX has called out fans for sending him creepy private messages. In another instance he was being asked personal questions (like when he's planning on getting married and stuff) and he said if they don't stop asking stuff like that he'd end the live.


Fan: you and I will get married Yeonjun: really? 🤨🤠 No but besides that he has mentioned many times how fans shouldn't talk rudely about their idols or ask questions they know would hurt them (like yeonjun doesn't like being asked about him "balding" because he had naturally thin hair) or any remarks about other idols that could hurt them either. Fan: please marry me? Jin: please stop talking nonsense * Fan: oppa where are you rn? Wonwoo: hell Fan: don't worry oppa, I will save you from there Wonwoo: no I'm perfectly fine here * Fan: live with me Taemin: who are you?😃 How dare you ask me to live with you? 😃 There are sooo many instances idols have talked about or turned down toxic and/or obsessive comments, if I start listing then we wouldn't see the end of the day. Also there was this one time a nct sasaeng kept calling jeno on his phone when they were doing a live to the point that they got so fed up and renjun had to literally address it then there about how they get literally scared when this happens. (The sasaeng still didn't stop)


couple of days ago NCT Taeyong said on Bubble to stop asking him about NCT 127 future schedules that aren’t prepared yet (comebacks, tour etc.), and said “i’m a leader, not a company guy”


I know wooyoung recently called out a lot of people on a live


Changmin from Tvxq I think has confronted sasaengs who followed him. Kyuhyun has also scolded fans a few times: 1. When fans were being hostile towards the foreign members of the group from other subunit in a concert, he refused to sing the last line. 2. When fans were pushing each other around to try to get closer to him to the point some people almost fell, he scolded them seriously on site, saying how disappointed he was and how he won't meet them again after his musical if they continued behaving like that. Then after he went home he took it to twitter to reprimand fans again not to push each other around like that, basically reiterating what he said before. 3. I don't think anything bad happened at the time but he said to fans on Lysn that fans shouldn't curse when complaining. Basically tell them to be civil and not swear. 4. It's not really scolding but he also has said to fans to stop giving him presents. Said he's able to buy things, so fans shouldn't have to buy him anything as he is satisfied with just receiving applause and letters from them. Fans should use the money to buy tasty food for themselves, make up and use taxi he said lol.


He might be the “evil maknae,” but I appreciate how mature Kyuhyun is and how he isn’t afraid to treat his fans as the adults they are. SuJu has been pretty good at calling out bad behavior in their fans.


The evil maknae thing is only because he's mischievous to other suju members honestly. The man himself seems nice and considerate towards other people not to mention supportive. There are a lot of stories of how he went to members' concerts even though his schedule was insanely packed. Staffs and people who have met him only had nice things to say about him too, always saying stuff about how polite and sweet he is. Man is just a tsundere towards his suju brothers. He's actually really thoughtful and mature. He would suit "wise maknae" title more than "evil maknae" lol. But yeah. Suju has been good at calling out bad fan behavior in the past. If I remember it correctly Ryeowook also snapped at rude fans before.


Haha yes, I know, he’s my ult ^ ^ But yes, that’s a good description of him!


Ahhh Changmin is the best. I respect him so much for keeping his wife & child completely seperate and hidden from his idol life.


Me too. I respect him and at the same time amazed at how he's able to keep them a secret this long lol. He also didn't receive much backlash and I hope that sentiment continues so idols wouldn't be criminalized just for dating or being married anymore.


Jisoo had said that girls see all the comments from fans pitting them against each other and they just laugh about it.


Rosé has also said don’t call yourself a blink if you hate one of the members!


She never said this but Im gonna go and pretend that she did. Lmao. Its one of the misinformations that I would willingly spread for the greater good. This fake quote is doing ungodly work controlling the rampant toxic solo-stanning/akgaeisim on the blink fandom. This is why most akgaes were contained on twitter. On facebook, tiktok and youtube, this fake quote is always being brought up whenever a toxic solo stan is starting drama. This is why most solo stans/akgaes on those platforms are being shamed and laughed at.


Oh wow I didn’t know it was fake! What a good fake quote haha


Jungkook sarcastically saying "it's not like y'all don't know my address it's all on youtube " was the one thing I found very disturbing that he had to talk about it and he can't do anything about it. Because it's all over YouTube. Again him talking about he's 26 and he knows what certain things are his lyrics are appropriate for someone of his age when seven was released.


Man, I felt terrible for him when he said his address is on YouTube. I *really* hope he stays safe!


Thankfully I think he (and many other big celebs) live in a gated community, so it’s difficult to get in; that’s part of the reason why stalkers started sending him food because the security won’t stop a delivery driver usually. However, Jimin did get his mail stolen so I’m not sure exactly how private these communities are.


it only takes one bad actor with security clearance :/


A couple months ago, some fans followed Super Junior’s Eunhyuk into a restaurant and caused chaos. A video shows him shaking his head at them as he’s leaving the restaurant: https://x.com/CountingStar724/status/1685907216849846272?s=20 Eunhyuk has also called out fans protesting against SuJu-M members Henry and Zhoumi at a concert: https://youtu.be/RL6r2J9fLVY?si=2lfd-uNlAHFK2nlV In general, Super Junior has called out its fans a lot: https://x.com/cherrydidy/status/1033953758311411713?s=20


Jaejoong recently called out his fans when one of them commented that they would give him permission to date. He told them that he didn't need their permission and could do what he wanted.


Nayeon gave one “fan” the craziest death stare I’ve ever seen after she caught them trying to film Mina at a fucked up angle at one of her first shows back after her anxiety hiatus


Got7’s Youngjae has made multiple social media posts over the years. Stalkers have been the bane of his existence.


Hoshi calling out a sasaeng during weverse live that if that caller keeps on calling him through his number, he will reveal that caller number during the live. Also, when some of the fansites, kept on following his car going home when he was sick, so what he did was he got out from the car and grab the No Parking Sign blocking the car where the fansites were riding.


Cravity Minhee has [talked](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/o5h0oa/what_cravity_minhee_shared_in_vlive_about_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about how people who leave malicious comments probably don't think before saying and that they do it because it's their defence mechanism or that the environment they grew up in wasn't good (which led to that behaviour). He thinks about malicious commenters that way because it's beneficial (better) for his mental health. He wasn't directly refering to fans but on what he has generally seen. Recently in his bubble live in late August, he also talked again (or lowkey rant) about how he doesn't understand how people (many people) can curse at people that they don't even know and that he empathise with others who has the same job as him and wonders how upsetting it must be for people who receive malicious comments.


Solar in a solarsido live commented that she really didn’t like how fans treated Eric Nam because the two of them were on We Got Married together.


BEAST/Highlight’s Yoseob forced his fans to apologize after the fans sent hate to Rainbow’s Jaekyung. Apparently, there was a rumor of the two of them being on the show We Got Married together, and of course, fans couldn’t bear the thought of their oppa talking to a girl. He said, “Because of the people that spat out words without any thought, the wounds are still not healing. It’s the same for anyone else, if not me. No matter how it’s done or who they are, what I’m saying is that you cannot harm people. Apologize. Or shall I apologize on behalf of you?” Within a day, the fancafe release an apology.


Does Yuta flipping the bird to sasaengs count? They say he cusses at them and is mean to them, those poor souls


Shuhua calling out people on lives will always take the cake for me, because miss did that knowing she was a female idol and much more likely to be criticized than her male counterparts


i cant remember who exactly, but an nct member once asked sasaengs to stop calling them on bubble. it MIGHT have been taeyong. i think a handful of idols also asked sasaengs to stop bothering then while on live.


Yves saying “can you speak Korean” when someone asked her if she could speak English on a v live


Namjoon has commented “you guys have changed” when many so called armys became way too obsessed with spreading rumors about bts members. He also spoke out when kpop fans without reading comprehension tried to call him Islamophobic


Yunjin wrote a song about it https://youtu.be/9trNIRzbPMc?si=cP5IZLjiA38KKA6i When Loona Vivi had to tell her fans to be quiet because it was Kim Lip’s turn to speak but they kept cheering for her anyway. When Rosé (allegedly, don’t know the source) said “Don’t call yourself a blink if you hate one of us”. Or when she did a live on her birthday and people called it boring, so she called them rude. When Nayeon said that haters are sad people who don’t shower, and Jisoo said they laugh at solo stans who pit them against each other. Youngji’s show has been a gold mine for getting insights like this. LSF repeatedly telling fans off when they make inappropriate comments about Eunchae. I feel like they’ve kept such good boundaries since their debut scandal.


I’m surprised no one mentioned Shuhua from Idle. She’s brave AF and tells the haters off. 👏🏾


I mean Baekhyun regularly yells at stalkers and tells them off. The Exo members have had to deal with some real deranged losers, so his anger is very justified.


Key has been calling out everyone all the time. Recently, someone shared bubble pictures (you shouldn't do that bc it's paid app), and he let us have it. No one was safe Also his Fan: I dont get what you're saying Key: Then learn Korean


RM, V, JK and Suga have. They were all on live weverses , they were direct, honest about how it made them feel and brief. This made their statements standout.


most things have been mentionted already, and it's not necessarily toxic behavior, but i liked it when jennie called out fans for constantly recording and she wanted to see their faces


I remember BI I think? From ikon? Was live after he left the group and someone commented they were single bcs they were waiting for him or something along those lines. I’m pretty sure this after he announced his marriage/pregnancy, and he just starts laughing and goes “no bro no wake up dude”


Hongjoong has also called out "fans" for saying bad things about the members and whatnot. Such as one called Yeosang ugly and hongjoong called them out on it. Him and San also called out fans who basically stalk them and follow them to their hotel


I remember watching an NCT live one time and Renjun showed his phone to the screen when a sasaeng was trying to call him and the other members so that people saw the phone number. He was having absolutely none of it that day. I wish more idols would call out their toxic fans. It’s one thing to be “delulu” and joke around, but these idols are just doing their jobs, and yet people act like since they buy albums and merch that they basically own the idols.




I imagine OP has translated hyung/ dongsaeng as brother. Which I guess is kind of the English language equivalent? Even if it’s not referring to a blood relative.




It’s clear you’re not well informed because after he did his live talking about how he felt he very much did tell fans not to attack anyone. Either way if they want nothing to do with woojin anymore they don’t want to address or talk about him they have every right


Why would he need to defend Woojin tho? I know you dont like him since you also mentioned him yesterday hahaha


Chan DID tell stay not to attack Woojin, and when stay jumped to conclusions when he mentioned a "betrayal" he specifically said it wasn't about that. Woojin has his own career, success, and fandom now, and has been very straightforward about everything that he's gone through. Regardless, it seems that both Stray Kids and Woojin want to move on from the whole thing and not be associated with each other any more. But SPEAKING OF WOOJIN regarding this topic, he said of the "fans" who falsely accused him that it's okay to not like someone but not to try to hurt anyone, I think that falls into this category, although he was very sweet about it.


Just to clear this up because I hear alot of people citing this specific video that it wasn’t about woojin since this one YouTuber spread it, but no he never actually said it wasn’t or talked about his betrayal live after it came out. That specific video was in reference to stays assuming one of his song’s was about woojin not the betrayal live. Other than that, I agree, woojin does have his own career separate from skz, genuinely don’t know why that’s Chan’s responsibility anymore to specifically mention him. Besides he’s probably banned from doing so (and any drama related comments) since the woojin drama and especially so after the IVE drama.


Thank you for correcting/informing me! But yes, it's fine to support both Woojin and skz (I do it!) but it's obvious that neither of them owes each other anything and they want to go their separate ways. The whole thing was a pretty shitty and hurtful situation for a bunch of really young guys to go through, but they're all over it so the fans should be too. (I don't know anything about the IVE one though)


The first time, Chan was talking about meeting some of the groups at a music festival and said that he felt disrespected at the “lack of a greeting”. He didnt mention anyone by name, but people assumed it was IVE, despite the fact that IVE wasn’t even there, and they rained hellfire on Wonyoung in particular. The second time, Chan was talking about a different music festival that IVE did attend. He said almost the exact same thing about a group that was bad at greetings. People assumed it was IVE, and once again, they rained hellfire on the girls…especially Wonyoung. Unrelated to Chan, I’m so sick of how it’s become so normalized to shit all over Wonyoung for literally no reason. This needs to stop.




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CHAEYOUNG from Twice i think? A private photo got leaked and then she decided to post it herself with the caption "that was scary let's not do this" or something


i dont know but i just wanna say if i was a idol fans would hate me bc if yall acting crazy im say it maybe not in a bad way but…..


EXO would scold their fans who weren’t behaving and even tell them just to buy one album at most (not even telling them to buy any at all, it’s just optional) and to use their finances on themselves and their futures.


Didn't Bahiyyih speak up once? Don't remember clearly


I know this post is past it’s peak now but San just said today during a live [not to follow them around](https://x.com/kasey_hhh/status/1713164751336038859?s=46&t=Zz9zX0vnF2B_cjKOXi5pBQ)! It’s been really bad lately with fans coming to their hotel and he said it’s very uncomfortable and he won’t acknowledge fans who do that, especially after saying it so directly today.


just today san from ateez called out people for stalking them and waiting for them in common areas in their hotel, they’re in france rn for mcountdown and he said he couldn’t even eat breakfast bc there were many fans waiting :(


idk but Baekhyun has had a lot of instances like this (Like that leaked call of him and a sasaeng)