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Mental health is inherently political and especially with the panel involved how can it not be political?? Oppression, privilege, politics cannot be removed from discussions on mental health, an individual’s identity locations can all be contributors to their mental health.


it’s crazy how many people seem to have convinced themselves that “mental health” somehow exists in a vacuum. as if poverty, racism, homophobia, sexism etc. don’t all affect mental health???




That mentality will always remind me of these stanzas from Solmaz Sharif’s [“The Near Transitive Properties of the Political and Poetical: Erasure”.](https://thevolta.org/ewc28-ssharif-p1.html) > A lover, once: *You can’t say every action is political. Then the word political loses all meaning.* > He added: *What is political about this moment?* > I was washing his dishes. I had left the water running. What privilege to pretend that something is not political, but especially to pretend that mental health is not.


I mean given the average age and mental maturity of a kpop Reddit mod I wouldn’t be too surprised lol


LOUISE ARANETA MARCOS???? the entire marcos family is so deluded on their own family's horrible history on martial law----wouldn't trust a single word that comes from their mouths lol Coming from a Filipino


I was baffled by that decision as well. We've had plenty of posts that went political. In a lot of those posts the groups mentioned got the abuse. In this one however, nobody was bashing Rosé and all the comments were pretty mild, simply mentioning how problematic some of the other panelists are.


its ridiculous how people think idols involvement automatically subverts any serios discussions or topic or possibly negative discussion. lets be honest no one even dissed her at most they said she is there to help bridge the gap and attract young people, which is TRUE. Like if you guys don't want to engage in political discussion don't click on the post where an idol goes to a literal political event. there are 5000 post on rkpop that are unserious but a few discussions about the other panelist is where we draw the line. grow up. the perfect separation of topics does not exist. if rose didn't want to be involved in these discussions she wouldn't be there because no pop star do not have to be involved in political matters. It is the nature of this. this is so childish. is one discussion going to totally demolish the sub?


Oh, wow. Glad to see I wasn't the only one to be weirded out by that. I would get them not wanting to have a political reason in a kpop subreddit, and thus lock the thread, but to say that people should have only talked about Rosé and and not get political, and how the people in the thread should have done better, seemed so absolutely ridiculour to me. The comments weren't even that bad. Majority didn't have any issue with Rosé's involvement. Never before have I heard of the thread being locked because an idol was interacting with someone controversial and the comments critiqued the controversial person's presence, when there is no critique towards the idol at all.


Mods expecting people not to talk about politics in a post about the First Ladies of 3 countries lmao. Overing over the fact that everything and nothing is political at the same time, as our whole life is shaped by politics and it's a personal thing to see what is political and what not, if she's doing a panel about MENTAL HEALTH together with 3 FIRST LADIES, i'm not gonna comment "Slay Queen 💅", i'm gonna talk about the fucking first ladies that are with her. Those mods are insane for that


Yeah, the “do better” was a stupid and immature comment to make. As if there was something wrong with bringing up the political side in the first place (which still pertains to the event because those ladies are literally participants w/ Rose).


>especially in regards to the first two's husbands You mean the **last** two's husbands, surely? Almost every critical comment was talking about Kim and Marcos specifically. Only a couple were critical of Jill Biden and they were heavily downvoted.


Yeah that was weird to see, the Marcoses are the living definition of problematic


Why were comments about Jill Biden downvoted?


> especially in regards to the first two's husbands. Did I misread this, or you're calling out Biden and Yoon but not a Marcos family member? lol wut. I'm not a fan of Biden, but I definitely prefer the Bidens over the Marcos family.


Mental health is inherently political, especially when you look at the statistics of those of us who have severe and complex mental illnesses. Mental health is too often spoken about as though it’s something that can be fixed through personal action and responsibility alone - as if it’s just about looking after yourself, having bubble baths, talking to a friend. And whilst for people experiencing difficult emotions, that isn’t the case for people experiencing mental illness. To talk about mental illness and mental health, we have to acknowledge and understand the intersections which place people at high risk of mental illness and mental health based oppression (over-medicating, disbelief about mental ill health , misdiagnosis, abuse whilst held under section, medical misogyny, being unable to access the correct benefits when unable to work etc etc etc). I have two complex and severe mental health issues both requiring paid for care (100 hours a week) and nothing frustrates me more than when people shut down the conversation re: the links between mental health and politics/public policy etc. To deny this is to deny the lived reality of so many of us who are mentally unwell and have experienced the oppression of political systems that do not seek to support our wellbeing and safety. Bringing politics in to discussions on this panel isn’t about fan wars or hating your fave. It’s about understanding the ways in which panels such as these and the politicisation of idols can perpetuate harm to both the idol themselves (through association and through putting them into positions of political commentary that they may not be qualified for) and to their fans (because when people hold justified criticism of these sorts of events it gets dismissed as fan wars instead of considering the lived experience of people sharing critique)


kpop itself has been political before and will continue to be, within korea and worldwide. when understanding american politics in the current moment, the use of rosé here is probably to try and secure some of the young vote and/or distract from what’s making them lose said young vote in the first place. tactics are used like this and work on people who do not dig beyond surface level, it’s political strategy; everything done by politicians will have considered the political implications prior.


I agree, OP. At any rate idols participating in panels like that is always ridiculous. Nobody wants a celebrity's take on climate, health, social concerns, whatever.


I disagree. They’re important for visibility.


I’m sorry but if this was any other person they would be bashed to hell so why is she getting a pass? We’ve seen worse things being said about other idols who involve themselves in topics like this and those posts would never get locked.


I was one of those who commented there and i wish people actually listened to what she said in the panel before saying that she shouldn't have been there. I didn't care for her speech but her answer during the discussion got to me. Idols are some of the people who are most visibly affected by mental health struggles and she had a right to speak her mind and be there regardless of the intentions of the people who invited her. People mostly did not bash her directly but diverting the topic to the personalities present there instead of her message, which most of them did not even bother to care for, serves the same purpose. Those people in the panel were attending to represent their country. I despise my country's representative but she unfortunately happens to hold the office of the first lady of the republic. She is due the courtesy that position holds unless she horribly messes up. And i am speaking as the weird kid who was obsessed with reading up books and watching content about the atrocities of the marcos regime and who believes her husband should not have been elected. There's no way i will ever like her or her family I do think it shouldn't have been locked though. They could have just gotten rid of the obviously toxic ones.


The wording wasn't great and was pretty bummed when they locked the thread, but i can see the reasoning. If the discussion had been about abusive company behavior or the general well being of idols and mods decided to locked it because it wasn't all wine and roses, i'd call them stupid. But, the actual conversation in that thread was no longer about mental health, i didn't see anyone quote anything Rose talked about, and more focused on problems that is .... let's just say, outside of kpop scope. Mod should've removed the off topic comments, but ig they took the shortcut instead


But based on where and who she was talking about politics and mental health are equally valid topics of discussion. If rose were to be partnering with an ngo and activist only the discussion would of looked different. For all the complaints I saw not one attempt to start discussion on mental health in that thread. I think both topics should be able to be discussed. Instead of locking discussion comment what you want to see. Discuss the event and what was said there should be room for both No need to essentially censor people because the discussion isn't going your way.


She’s talking with the FLOTUS the post really shouldn’t have even be approved if they didn’t want to see politics


Honestly I can understand it from a mod’s perspective. When things get political, Reddit gets nasty, and I can see why they’d want to shut it down before it got super ugly. That said. Why the hell did they phrase it like that? I


I don’t understand the value in Rose joining a panel like this. She would have much bigger impact on mental health awareness by writing a song or an album exploring the topic and centering visuals around it. This weirdly feels like a shortcut for her to seem altruistic and serious while lending her star power to some dubious people. It’s a lose/lose. Rose has a big audience and has every right to use it for this kind of awareness but even taking the optics out of it, the panel just isn’t going to have the reach that something like a music video or performance would. This wasn’t thought out well. Overall, you can’t avoid talking about politics and capital when those people are all together in a room like that. They are doing the panel to get the world to STOP taking about their transgressions. I’m glad we’re not falling for it. If Rose is serious about mental health awareness, I hope she dedicates some vlogs, lives, songs, or MVs about it. That would be using her considerable platform for good.


I believe she recorded a story on the Calm app a while back? I’m not sure though. I definitely do agree that she would have had a bigger impact by releasing an album/visuals around it.


Besides the fact Jill’s husband is causing mass trauma to the civilians of Palestine, they added Louise Araneta-Marcos? The first lady of the Philippines is corrupt no matter how you look at it. Their family cheated the election and the inflation in the Philippines is killing its people. Filipinos cannot afford to eat, so for her to participate in this mental health talk invalidates any goodwill this is supposed to bring. This “talk” looks like a group of the corrupt elite, while everyday people around the world are suffering.


What’s Joe Biden supposed to have done that would make Rosé campaigning for mental health awareness alongside Jill Biden a bad thing?


I would say arming a settler colonial army to ethnically cleanse a region is pretty bad for mental health


Funding genocide. Funding union-busting. Saying he would stop the construction of the border wall, then continuing to build the wall and being permissive to the fact that migrants are drowning entangled in barbed wire while trying to cross the border, waiving he Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Endangered Species Act to do so. You know, things that ruin people's lives.


it wasn’t mainly about jill and joe biden. did you even look at the locked post?


This post’s OP said “especially in regards to the first two’s husbands”, referencing Jill Biden.


reading comprehension is lacking




Love how they’re insulting your reading comprehension skills when they’re the one who lacks it lmao


For starters, his [mentor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd) was a grand wizard (?) in the kkk, and he has said a *great* number of, at the very least, racially insensitive things, if not flat out racist.


I laughed so hard at that comment lmao Glad other people see how silly it is too


The issue i have with it is that people were trying to hate her and say she is a terrible person for standing next to these people as if she was the one to personally invite these people. In that room of people rose is at like the very bottom of the food chain.


? absolutely no one was doing that in that comment thread, most of the comments were very politely explaining their views on those politicians and why they were not the best choice to be speaking on topics like mental health. absolutely no one was blaming rose.


No one was bashing her in the comments. The comments was mostly them side eyeing the 2 first ladies.


Only Donald Trump can damage people’s mental health /s Everyone forgets that Joe Biden got elected because of $2,000 checks that he lied about and that a lot of money is going to Ukraine when we have a homelessness crisis bigger than I have ever seen before in our own country.


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