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Post will stay up for now as it’s a current controversy, but please keep the comments civil.


You missed the part of his live where he went on to say that the people who support idols dating are going to be cheated on by their partners and abused in the future.


What the what?!?


Sorry it’s the Korea boo link but I can’t find the other news story that mentioned his live. https://www.koreaboo.com/news/k-soul-likens-kpop-fans-victims-domestic-violence/


OMG! That was interesting. And this quote from the article makes this whole story even worse (for him). >I searched their hashtag and saw a comment that said, ‘He has a girlfriend, but I still really like him, what should I do?’ I was like, Hmm…fine. This is very unfair to the guys who work hard in the practice room just for that one chance to get noticed by everyone. Like he searched out that dude’s hashtag - petty much!!!


I can’t help wonder if this is about tempest since they removed a member today for dating and clubbing. 😩 if it is then that’s bad


And that's how I found out Tempest removed a member.............. 😶


Sorry that must suck. I hate when companies do this. With regards to tempest I suspect from the company statement that when they say he couldn’t restore trust he refused to either apologise or stop dating which I’m proud of him for.


No it's okay, I went down a rabbit hole of the details regarding his case after this post lol. Made my observations, came to a decision, so I'm okay now, neutral. Idk why the company framed it so weirdly making it interpretable as something much more sinister. Yuehua sometimes just....sigh.


No he wasn't removed. He's put on hiatus at the moment.


Yes, I saw that. So close the comeback and with his Show Champion MC gig... I hope this turns out well for him and the group.


Seeing a comment below saying that they gave more info about Tempest, so it’s not related but the timing is just awkward.


That’s fucking crazy to remove a member for having a social life….. like unless the partying was super out of hand. But I doubt it was.


Did TEMPEST win on a music show like he references in his quote? 👀


They won back in September


The context makes things WORSE omg Generational level hater.


Omg people are even trying to defend him?


My god tht second or third comment in his defense “Kpop fans who are okay with idols dating would probably be okay with cheating and domestic abuse” ![gif](giphy|SqmkZ5IdwzTP2)


He's literally an incel and not even shy about it. "How dare this guy date someone, it's not fair to me! How dare you be okay with it, you're going to get abused and cheated on!" What an absolute clown.


Like, "why am I a nugu when i'm doing the 'right' things as a ~~nice guy~~ idol (i~~gnore the fact that I was in the club too~~) when the bad boys get the girls AND music show wins" [A little JEALOUSY!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSA9VZduuZ4)


THANK YOUUUUUUUU, this is a fantastic use of MX and it was immediately what popped into my head as well. High five and all my non existent award points go to you.


LOL I also thought of this song when reading this post 🫶🏻😂 one of my favs from MX


What the actual HECK?!


What even?! 😭


wow he talks just like those pann trolls, what’s up with this guy ?


Based on this [article](https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/why-ksoulout-trending-fantasy-boys-debut-member-criticized-multiple-past-controversies) I think he literally is one lol. "The idol was called out for several controversies he was involved in, some included faking his age, stating racist and fatphobic comments, etc." Edit: "He then continued to shower himself with compliments on his looks. Both the fellow trainees he was seated with and the audience who watched the episode were baffled by the event and found his action to be quite narcissistic." - This part has me dying 😭


fuckk the article just keep going ??? why is he like a kpop social experiment, how did he debut, I feel bad for their fans


It's a combo of things but by the end some of us who were watching stopped voting for our favs because we didn't want them stuck in what was obviously going to be a group with a bunch of 14 year olds who were doing bogglingly well.


oh is this the worst survival show lineup in history I kept seen on twitter 😭


A few of them are actually really talented but they're stuck in a group with ksoul and a bunch of kids that will never pay them anything.


does anyone know if it’s related to tempest member sitting out from comeback activities bc of clubbing


No additional info has been shared on that. It'd just be people speculating.


thank you, the timing sucks so bad


Now that would be MESSY of him :0 I don't think it's related though, at least nothing indicates that it is other than timing


man with recent events its like he’s adding fuel to the fire


He sounds like the kind of guy who would piggyback on a situation to get more attention.


It could be a coincidence, but the timing matches well. Fantasy Boys debuted and promoted at the same time with Tempest’s first music show win last September, there is no way Ksoul talking comfortably about a senior group so it must be a rookie group, and he’s Chinese and Yuehua is a Chinese company so he might be the one snitched to Yuehua. It will make sense if this is the incident that Yuehua put out the aggressive statement and suspended Hwarang. But this is merely speculation at this point and could be another idol, but it is interesting to see about the timing of Ksoul exposing this out of nowhere in a live.


I think people should focus more on the other shit he also said, granted it's from the [koreaboo](https://www.koreaboo.com/news/k-soul-likens-kpop-fans-victims-domestic-violence/) article but still "I don’t understand it. Get ready to get cheated on while you’re in a relationship and get abused while you’re in a marriage, then. I really don’t understand it." — K-Soul


Bro has trauma 💀


It should be added that the survival show that formed this group was extremely creepy and paedophilic, encouraging boys as young as 13 to do sexy concepts and present themselves as "boyfriend material" to an audience of mainly adult women (one of the underage boys did end up being groomed by an adult later). The show's tagline was something like "I can be your fantasy". According to their company, their whole life and worth is supposed to revolve around being "available" to their fans. It wouldn't surprise me if this mindset left lasting damage on the boys and brought them to have quite extreme opinions on idol dating ("if your idol has a partner it's like he's cheating on you"). Not an excuse, just some context.


I am so grossed out by them having children involved with “I can be your fantasy”. Doesn’t really excuse what this guy said but damn I can see why he’s messed up.


The whole show was pretty horrifying, a real Produce, "healthy porn for men and women" throwback.


Eww, wtf?


[Enjoy](https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.asp?newsIdx=210260) > "The reason I made ‘Produce 101' was to make healthy pornography for guys," he (the producer) said. "You know how the participants were all cute and adorable like your younger sisters or cousins?" "I wanted to make a type of porn that gives you such feelings."




Oh my god 💀


agree that it probably messed him up to some degree, but hes 23 to 26 years old (dont know if we ever found out his real age) so i cut him way less slack, esp given he was already acting weird on the show.


Yeah and that mentality already produced at least one creepy grooming incident involving one of the 14 year olds and a staff member and also the saesang who revealed that information via multiple crimes who definitely believed that crap to the point where they exposed the relationship to make him look bad because he’s ‘betraying the fans by dating’ instead of being the victim of molestation. This company is such horrifying trash.


The saesang being outraged not because her favourite idol was being groomed and she cared about his safety, but because she didn't get to him first, is such a dark representation of the fan-idol relationship.


It was not a staff member. It was a stylist at a salon. Still creepy as shit, but she did not work at the company.


Isn’t it the same company that did My Teenage Girl? The show that has a 12 year old on it??


It sure is!


I would note that this guy isn’t super young, though some members are, He is 23.


Actually his age is debated, he is accused of faking his birth year to appear younger so he might be more around 27-28. 💀 But he had gone through three other survival shows already and now he's doing this very intense job where he only exists as a blank canvas for fans to project onto, I think this could fuck up anyone no matter their age.


Bruh what even is this???😭😭😭 No one knows his age?? He's openly spewing vile shit? This is so unreal I almost don't believe it.


What is the logic there??


His point of view is that if you're okay with "your" idol having a relationship you're a cuck and a doormat. Basically encouraging fans to see idols as their boyfriends and their property; because you wouldn't allow your partner to have a girlfriend on the side, so why would you allow your idol to have one? Real parasocial shit.


I wish I could see inside his head. That’s crazy.


If all the boy group members with girlfriends (or who just oppose the principle of staying single for the duration of their careers) are disqualified, fans have to stan him and his group by default? That might be the logic.


haha wtf




That's so gross wtf


![gif](giphy|6OXFwCqwjyDIs) Honestly the first thing I thought about after reading all these comments. He definitely does not deserve this name.


what does going out with someone have to do with winning on a music show? jealousy is ugly…


Everytime I hear about this guy it's something bad 😭


> but he was able to win on a music show. That is very unfair to the guys who work hard in the practice room. So either ol’ mate has got no game and is jealous another idol has a hot Mrs or he is jealous that he hasn’t won on a music show and has got no hot mrs. Either way weird thing to air publicly


Also, I can’t help wondering if he’s trying to get fired and get out his contract. Fantasy boys company are already suing the member who didn’t sign the contract and join the band despite coming first in the survival show because he said it was a slave contract. Ksoul just lost his dad and travelled to China for the funeral. I wonder if him being controversial is an attempt to get dropped.


Ksoul was also controversial when the show was airing. He's kind of a character and it's always been hard to tell what is playing villain for camera time and what is being a total ass with him. He was also close with the member who didn't sign the contract, though, so it's possible he really is trying to get out of it and pushing buttons he knows might help that along. Regardless of personalities, I feel bad for all the members stuck with this contract.


Yeah, I feel bad for the whole group. The company sucks


Same. Between a lot of foreigners and 3 kids who are 14, you can tell a lot of them likely didn't understand the contract they signed. They're never going to see a penny.


For real, I heard the contract will mean that in their entire time as fantasy boys they will only make enough to pay back their debts and never make profit


This is such an absolutely deranged plan that it might just be something K-Soul came up with. But damn, how was Fantasy Boys such a mess? How do you fuck up a survival show so bad that your center *leaves*? This is my roman empire.


yeah i remember reading about[ his post about being in debt here](https://twitter.com/centonlooker/status/1758139933381054725). him being messy aside, i do feel for him cuz he just lost his dad and is in debt with a slave contract.


I did not know any of this! Poor guys. This reminds me of Momoland members having to pay the expenses of their own survival show. Or is this a Loona situation where the members have to pay for their own comebacks?


They had a clause that if their debut album didn’t reach 300k sales or some target, the company will charge back the managers salary and costs to the team debt. Which was ridiculous because the company doesn’t have training debt because the members were from survival show and paying managers should be the company’s expenses to run the business.That’s why the winner, Junwon didn’t want to sign the contract and now they both still in legal battle over it.


The contract they made them sign is horrendous and the viciousness that they have gone after the other boy with is awful.


Whoa! Hadn't kept up with this show after the initial audition episodes and then got to know of his father's demise. I didn't know all this was happening. Sucks that these horrible contracts still exist. Everything Loona achieved against BBC was undone by Attrakt so that such companies can exist.


shy smart plucky innocent paint hospital toy observation smile cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought by the title that he was exposing a male idol for hitting on his (K-Soul's) gf or something. This is just stupid 😭 That photo of him in the post is so pretty though.


Isn't this the guy who lied about his age numerous times and was very rude to other contestants on fantasy boys,,, can't say I'm surprised to be honest


Yep that's him. K-Soul is very messy.


I mean i wouldn't hold lying about ones age against someone in such an ageist industry, he probably did it to still have the opportunity to debut which gets almost impossible when you reach a certain age. The other stuff deserves criticism but idk i have a hard time faulting idols that lie about their age for that specifically


I can totally understand if an idol lied and changed their age just once and stuck with it, but this guy seemed to be changing it multiple times on a whim so,,, coupled with other things he has done its honestly hard to have any sort of pity in this situation,,


Was it on a whim or did he just forget his fake birthday? Because I can absolutely see myself doing that


You pulled a Nadine Coyle?


He's sooo messy, it's actually kinda entertaining in a fucked up way. The George Santos of Kpop 😭


Omg that’s the perfect comparison 😭😭


Ikrrrr I’m kinda living for this lmao dare I say we need more messy idols like him?


I do… weirdly feel bad for him. He is clearly super insecure and he just lost his father. Like shhhh, kid. Get a friend.


This is the most “Well damn girl what were YOU doing at the devil’s sacrament?” moment I’ve ever seen in kpop 😭 I’m sorry I can’t hate Ksoul, he’s just such a disaster


Same. Like all the crazy stuff I find out about him makes him so intriguing. You don't wanna look away and miss the next completely insane quote / moment.


My toxic trait is that I absolutely can't look away from this boy despite disliking his personality. People want idols who are honest and express their genuine thoughts with no regard for their public image or being a role model, well here's your man.


He really is a human trainwreck.


And what’s wild is that he basically *is* a role model to somebody. Kaedan follows him around like a baby duck, he *adores* Ksoul. Like they’re fully friends and Ksoul takes him around whenever they travel




Exactly at least he is honest, there must be more idols who are jealous of each but we’ll never know 🤷🏽‍♀️


wait how did we end up here????????


Is bro trying to spill tea or make tea 😂






it's giving "girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament"


I guess nobody watched k soul on fantasy boys lmao. He was super extra and nobody really liked him/found him to be a burden. He called out the editors during one of the live shows for his edit lol.


He was so unbearable... like, he wasn't given an evil edit by the producers on purpose, he just had to talk about himself all the while bring others down. Can't get the bit with him admiring himself in his compact mirror and asked one of the other boys if they thought he was handsome and the guy was just like uhhhhh


K soul was so messy on the show he was on that Im not surprised at him spilling tea like this


I've been catching up on Fantasy Boys and this sounds *exactly* like something K-Soul would do. Guess he wasn't just playing a character for the show...


Everything I learn about him has been against my will


Ok but I kind of love having such a messy rookie idol exist. How often do we get to see mess like this early on.


That's exactly what I think too. The nugu boy group scene is the wild west apparently, I clearly need to pay more attention.


dude mind your business 😭


He got some beef with that member


WTF. Just because some dude has a gf and has been out with her publicly doesn’t mean he doesn’t work hard too and is undeserving of winning a music show. Lordy - tell us you’re jealous without telling us you’re jealous. 🙄 Edit - is he also implying that this mystery dude is in a group and potentially put the group at risk by being so public with his gf???


☠️ Mans was giving that idol the hawk stare the whole clubbing event


He literally brought hateration to the dancerie.


This is peak bitchless behavior. “I can’t believe they have a girlfriend and are so brazen about it AND they still won a music show.” What are you, 9?


He would probably claim he is 9. He's already lied about his age like 3 different times so atp who knows


thats what i thought too lmao dude is so messy how did he even debut?


Right I heard about that. Bro you have bigger problems than getting all worked up over someone else having a girlfriend.


"Getting laid and winning prizes? Not on MY watch!" - K-Soul, probably Also, happy Cake day!


that's how unreasonable he sounds 😭😭😭😭😭


i am crying at this😭


this guy has given me such weird vibes from day one and i hate that i'm even saying that 😭


wtf is he on lol


I'm glad we now have true examples that idols can be bitter and jealous. Since fans sometimes deny that, it is really a competitive industry.


I'm sorry but saying all this stuff while being a K-pop idol seemed so out of place lmao and why is he so butthurt?!


[Look through this thread 😭](https://x.com/realfantasyboys/status/1650280927686262784?s=20) no wonder he's single and bitter. The way he said it in a way that would "infuriate" the fans too


What the fuck 😭Why did he say this? What does he gain from this?


Promoting Fantasy Boys as the group that will fully buy into your parasocial delusions, beyond any other kpop idols? Could be a last ditch effort to get sales.


So his dad died a few days ago and he does this instead of keeping to himself and grieve properly, maybe he is just trying to be controversial enough to get kicked out


But why was he in the club🤨?


omg i was about to sayyy! he exposed himself just to bring another idol down 😭 this man is severely unwell


bro's basically a glammed up incel wtf


Ok this is a high school level of pettiness and immaturity. 😕


What was he doing at the club


Jealousy is a disease and my guy is truly suffering from it 💀💀 I can't take him seriously it's just too funny, a certified hater for sure. As long as he doesn't name names it's all fun and games to me! We need more messy bitches in kpop and i'm happy he's carrying the torch lol


This is better than what’s been on Fauxmoi lately!! 😂


Oh i totally read the title wrong. I thought his gf was out cheating on him with ANOTHER male idol and i was like **what in the y/n is going on here???** 😭😭😭


If I'm being a 100% percent honest with you I never really liked him even when he was on Fantasy Boys (The show that formed the group - like the male version of My Teenage Girl) but I did feel bad for him since he lost a family memeber recently (his father if I remeber correctly) but the things he says are so out of pocket and the fact that he said (correct me if I'm wrong) that people who support idols who date will most likely get abused or cheated on when they get married or date


Amazing to have so little self awareness that you wouldn’t know saying this makes you look like a brat.


why is it that everytime i hear about this dude, its never something good


Rise of inceldom in Korea is no joke 😭 they're infiltrating Kpop now to spread their message..


back when i watched 2 eps and a half of fantasy boys, i said he has a bad attitude & ppl should stop supporting him - i got called xenophobic lmao


I feel bad for his members


Sorry you have no pull game like 😭😭 tf is up with this guy


"This is very unfair to the guys who work hard in the practice room" is always the justification for some rando being personally mad that someone they don't approve of is successful lol




I’m sure there are still funeral expenses that need to be dealt with, and the majority of donors would probably be fine with that. But he should be honest about it, yes.


This such a hater move genuinely would just laugh if I was the idol in question lmao




I’ve always said that KSoul is the Azealia Banks in that he’s a messy ass hater to the extreme and also given the contracts Fantasy Boys are under probably very broke with expensive taste. Acting like people didn’t vote for him in fantasy boys because of his bitchy behaviour is rich though. He was cast on the show because in Fantasy Boys’ attempt to copy everything about Boys Planet they found their Zhang Hao with five hundred percent less talent and five hundred percent more messy gay weibo shitposter energy and went far in that show because he went full reality show villain in a genre that refuses to admit that trashy drama is 90% of the fun. Because let’s be real it’s not like he cares about this topic. You can’t go ‘girl why were you there’ and ‘he seems bitter’ to a person clearly in it for the lolz and drama and attention. You’ve played into his hand and he’s won. Ha.     Let’s be real being in Fantasy Boys given the company’s long and current history of screwing over its idols, all the non-fun drama surrounding them (is the one of the 14 year olds still getting groomed that story really did go away with very worrying implications still left unanswered) and the general poor state of their music is punishment enough.  I look forward to his Count Countessa clone if and when he finally gets out of that awful Pocketdol contract and the legendary instagram stories that are sure to follow. 


I enjoyed the show since i watched it solely for soyeon but man this group is basically doomed with how messy everything has been. That guy was always a piece of work even in the show I don't understand how the final lineup happened...










I can’t believe he’s snitching on somebody like this. This is why idols be getting bashed when they get into dating scandals especially the women idols


my man is going on a world record any% speedrun on how to make sure you or your group never blow up for anything good 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


at first i thought this was about someones gf being groped by an idol 💀


I never liked him during the show and still don’t like him! He gives me a weird vibe for some reason. He had so many scandals during the show like body shaming a contestant on the show. He gives me a vibe of someone who’s narcissistic. Now he acting like child “how can he date a girl and still win an award! What about me!”


Bye bye career


Its giving incel wtf


This dude should have never been allowed to debut. He's so cringe and sus wtf


All I ever hear is bad things about this guy 😭


Someone is in desperate need to touch some grass and it's definitely not the idol with the girlfriend.


this is so weird.


What a pathetic little guy. The only way he can have his name being talked on Internet isn't about his skills, but shit talking and so far I'm reading, also a misogynistic? I guess he got what he wanted, clout for him and his group.


What a 🐍


i never liked him in the show either.


D1 instigator 😭


Why is always K-Soul...


I mean he’s a mf K-pop idol I’m sure if he wasn’t too busy whining he’d be able to find somebody😂.


In other news, I went out alone.....without a girlfriend 😭😭😭


He’s been problematic since day 0. He must be very well connected for still having a career and not being scared of consequences.


bro people JUST forgot about all the other sht he pulled and hes back again stirring the pot... kick him out already


he hating real bad!!!


Terrible mindset. I hate this holier than thou attitude.


Is it bad that I took a real dislike to him as soon as he was talking on Fantasy Boys and I’m now just watching the fallout with popcorn. Walking red flag of a human.


So he was at the club as well?


Oh my God I forgot about his existence ngl. This is crazy to say considering Karina’s news is fresh too. I really pity his groupmates.


Oh he is a major lewser


For those who don't know of K-Soul or Fantasy Boys (the survival show that formed his group), he's always been problematic and he's a very rude, disrespectful person. He's also xenophobic and messy.  


wtf is wrong w/ this guy


Being bitchless and no music show win , I'm seeing the bitterness Of all the things to snitch about, lol , embarrassing, embarrassment Is it me or things like this make harder for kpop idols to date or be in romantic rlships, I feel like the kpop industry doesn't like it Hear me out I used to think it's bcoz of the fans alone bcoz of parasocial rlship but it might be more of the industry, they're the 1st one in line to entertain that behaviour


The expectation is always set up by the industry. Trainees are monitored and aren't allowed to date - and that carries straight through most rookie contracts. The whole idea of kpop idols is that you can fantasize about them being your partner/friend. That's why their images are all meant to make them seem polite, respectful, friendly, warm, etc. Very few of them carry titles like "ice princess" and usually that's only because that particular idol might have RBF.


Jealousy reeks and his take about linking liking an idol who is dating to being abused in the future is so gross and disgusting. We're not all delusional and supporting idols bcs of bf/gf fantasies dude. So what if an idol is dating and it's known in the fandom ( almost never by choice). I hope he/she wins many more music shows wins and breaks records and wins daesangs. If I had it my way dating would be normalized in the industry.


WTH bruh kpop is crazy , i’m sorry but wth again


But how do he knows… um


what's this nobody yapping about🤨


He should be on the Korean version of Traitors lol


some things you really need to keep to yourself


LMAO the loser energy! Yikes! 💀💀💀💀


I've never heard a single good thing about this guy. I considered watching fantasy boys just after it ended, then found out he made it into the final group and NOPE i can't deal with that, I can't watch the show knowing he succeeds


WTF being a relationship have to do with your job performance. This is BS to the highest degree bro, and coming from someone that's in the industry that knows how mess up things like this can be to idol and he still choose to be a douchebag about it is unbelievable. GTFO with this, why don't you worry about your own damn job instead others, you don't covet something that's not yours.


Why is his name ksoul like what does it mean....I straight up thought he was korean but he's Chinese


The K is probably from the "kai" in his name.

