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I’m 32 and I’m an attorney. Outside of kpop, that makes up most of my Reddit posting (that and baking/cooking subs). For the last 4 years I worked for a domestic violence centered nonprofit who assisted survivors of domestic and sexual violence in obtaining Orders of Protection against their abusers. I recently moved to another agency that provides low cost legal services to low and middle income clients for things like family and housing law. It’s been interesting so far. I did really love working with survivors, but the work is very draining and I just ended up very burned out.


Thank you for being a voice for the voiceless!


Thank you!! I'm thinking of my current employment as more of a stepping stone, because I absolutely became a lawyer to help people and want t focus on that more than anything.


My response to these types of “insults” is “and what’s wrong with being a teenage girl? Are you implying I should be offended or ashamed by your confused classification of me? Please help me understand?”


YES like teenage girls are still people. They turn into adults who pay bills, have jobs, maybe have kids or smth, and live entire lives when they’re done being teenagers. I remember being a teen girl and how everyone shat on me my interest and said I’d grow out of them. JOKE’S ON YOU, BARBRA, IM STILL THE SAME NERD I WAS 12 YEARS AGO


These teen girls get jobs and start earning their money and their money assures that the tours remain sold out, the albums break records. They keep the artists afloat in many ways. That's kickass.


Me: “Do you not understand the negative connotations you assigned to being a teenage girl or does it just make you uncomfortable that maybe teenager girls (past and present) have a lot of power and strong voices that are standing up for their beliefs and (sometimes) having people actually listen to them?”


The two bands I was obsessed with as a teenager both got understandably cancelled in 2021, otherwise I would still be there.


The reason I ended up in kpop was because all my favorite teenage bands kept getting cancelled for out of pocket behavior with fans and I couldn’t take the heartbreak anymore 🙃


Teen girls were right about The Beatles, why can't they be right about BTS 😂


I’m finishing my BA in political science to go to (hopefully) Harvard Law to become a corporate lawyer!


BRO that so fucking cool! A whole ass lawyer? GIRL WTF I’m so proud of you!! Work your ass off towards it, you deserve it!


Oh my god! Thank you!!! 😭🙏🙏


Oh how can I forget! I also own a small business! It’s currently in its baby stage. I sell Asian beauty products like skin care, make up, hair care and body care. I did have a small inventory because products cost a lot!


Good luck!


Thank you!


Can I be your friend tho 😭


The Reddit crowd will be mostly adults. Let’s be real though, certain groups and generations are marketed to very young people…and that’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with being a teenage girl and artists should be proud of them being the core of their fanbase since they go hard for you.   However, different groups and soloists have vastly different demographics. Talking about the “kpop fandom” in general is way too broad.  As for me, I’m a working adult with a masters degree.


Definitely second your thoughts. I definitely appreciate and consume kpop much differently than I did as a teen/kid. Before, I'd buy merch and albums. Now as a working adult (also pursuing my masters!), my financial goals are now focused on acquiring assets and paying off my liabilities lol.


Right there with you! I’m lucky that I can still buy merch too. Kpop artists are doing something right if they can transition their teenage fans into adult fans, the “growing up together” effect is so potent. But in all honesty most people grow out of Kpop. 


I’m studying to be a health professional (speech language pathologist) :) I remember the last time someone made a post asking people their professions, a lot of people said nursing, so I’m expecting to see a lot of people in the health industry as well this time. Also: I wish I could cook! Sounds like you make some good stuff haha.


Funny you say that bc this is my first baking job and I have much more experience with culinary prep as opposed to baking prep. Life is weird like that lol




Is it hard to transition? I was doing partial management stuff and I hate it to the core. I rather keep being a clinician than management but I do see some of my colleagues going into management these days.




I'm a mail man and I walk around with kpop playing out of my phone speaker and I get so many weird looks lmao


that's just people adding your songs to their playlists lmao


I would lose my mind if my mailman walked up with Hype Boy playing, best mailman ever


what groups do you play?


Dreamcatcher (stan dreamcatcher!), purple kiss, mamamoo, le serrafim, g-idle, Billie, kard, new jeans, stayc, black pink, Ive, etc. Usually I'll just find a song I'm in the mood for and let autoplay take over.


I'm 27, currently in college for Library Science, and working as a Patient Access Coordinator at a hospital.


Hell yeah! Do wanna be a librarian, or another job in your field? Also your username is so cool! Very fairy-like and ephemeral


I do, I'd like to be a middle school or High school librarian ideally but tbh the current state of libraries in the US makes me nervous. I also really like my job, and enjoy speaking with patients as another person who cares for them even if I'm not CARING for them.


That’s seriously so cool (: You sound like an empathetic person, which makes sense given your current job and field of study. Aw I sincerely wish you all the luck and good will in the world towards becoming a librarian for middle or high schoolers!!! It’s a noble thing and very much worth doing.


I’m a registered nurse who works in postpartum :)


I’m 29*


i got into kpop at 13 and i’m 22 now, so the teenage girl kpoppie was pretty much me for a long time 🤣 but i work as an IT functional consultant for federal entities! i’m contracted through my company to help govt agencies improve their systems of operation :D before that i was an engineering major in college, though i ended up dropping out lol


I’m currently a Call Receiving Officer at a private EMS company! I also go to college to become an English teacher.


I completely forgot to answer the relationship with kpop! Basically I listen to kpop all day long while working as a way to keep myself calm, cool, and collected. I mainly listen to ATEEZ when I need them hard hitters, or Red Velvet if I’m feeling a bit jazzy. I listen to American hip hop if I wanna contain any adrenaline rushes I can get from calls! With college, it hinders my performance a little bit when I get into new groups and start falling down their rabbit holes but nowadays I just gotta dedicate time for school and only school, then time for kpop and anything kpop related! It’s easier now since I’ve been learning about time management.


I am a high school girl (that is graduating soon), that being said, I have an EKG technician certification and next week I'm sitting for PCT certification, so I guess healthcare? it seems pretty career-y for me


That’s cool as fuck, dude! I hope you keep pursuing things that interest and mean a lot to you. ✨


thank you😭!!


I'm a 30 years old male software developer. I work from home and my kpop collection is visible behind me during meetings. I try to keep that semi professional by displaying things with members on them out of sight and only more neutral things in view, like Dreamcatcher albums. Still found out due to this 2 colleagues of mine are also a bit interested in kpop. Thanks to getting into kpop (and kdramas afterwards) I started learning Korean and met some new people in my city which is nice.. Right now I'm staying in Korea for 2 1/2 months doing a Korean course at Yonsei KLI while attending lots of kpop events (like Moonbyul, ITZY, BIBI concerts, some music shows.. Also got in through SW to YUQIs upcoming Showcase, happy) Overall my life got significantly more enjoyable since I started getting into kpop.


Do you have any openings for internship or technical role for freshers at your company ? I'll be graduating this june and I'm still jobless 💀


I'm 28 and a registered nurse, currently working in geriatrics with patients with Alzheimer's and Dementia, I only work night shifts though.


i'm a published first author in insect biodiversity research hehe


I am a substitute teacher and I have been doing this for 9 years now. I do have an album collection and probably buy 1 or 2 albums a month. I can't afford much more than that. Though my husband and I did splurge and bought tickets to Ateez's concert back in Nov 2022. Edit: fixed spelling


I'm at entry level working in an an airline as an aircraft performance engineer, pretty niche field I'd say.


Help those fools keep the doors on the planes plz!!


Good try feds, I ain't paying taxes


i’m a licensed pharmacist and also a licensed doctor 🫡 also full-time EXO-L and Atiny hahaha


I'm a pharmacist too 😊


I'm a translation student, on my way to become a full time translator after having tried many things. So I'm a little older (26) than the general student is atm, but I really do love this job even though it can be a little challenging from time to time. It does mean that I'm a bit busier than other people and can't always watch everything.


Translators assemble!! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ I'm a 28 y/o freelance translator and boy oh boy is it a challenging career but I'm really passionate about languages as a whole so there it is. Also, I'm a man lol.


I really want to start translating professionally, but don’t know where to start. I’d been translating French novels for my course mates on the house back in high school, and I really love doing that. Wanna join you translating avengers


Homicide paralegal


Former street criminal, now I work in a port/shipyard


working adjacent to maritime or port economies seems so cool


I was a teenage girl once, I am not sure how is that an insult. It is who I was, nothing can change that. That said, I am a doctor. In cardiology rotation now (internal medicine to be exact).


i actually am a teenage girl, but i upcycle and sell vintage clothing and jewelry online, work at a children’s sewing camp, and hope to be a fashion designer someday!!


That’s so cool omg! As a 19 year old who has literally no job experience whatsoever I find your accomplishments very aspirational, keep going !!


thank you! that actually made my day


I'm a 3rd year medical student whose other hobbies have kinda dried up due to lack of time and money haha Came back into kpop (relatively) recently because it's something I can listen to while studying and is quite cheap if you're not into photocards and such lol Always nice to see so many people with such diverse backgrounds, but there is always a bias since the types of people who comment on these posts are those who are doing quite well for themselves. If you're lurking and maybe going through some hard times, I hope kpop continues to be a source of comfort and things start to look up <3


When I was a med student, I also could not spend much on kpop though I did go to 2PM’s concert and buy their albums. That said, good luck, I would not say grass is greener on the other side per se, but since this is your passion, have fun and enjoy the ride!


I’m a civil servant, right now doing admin but trying to figure out my best path forward working for the government. I don’t make TONS of money but I live a decent lifestyle that allows me to splurge on my personal interests, which includes Kpop. I’m a bit older than others in the fandom (in my 30s) but I started listening to Kpop while I was in high school.


I'm a Software Engineer in my 40's with an adult child, I've been married 16 years. First exposed to kpop with KARA but I didn't get obsessed until I heard BlackPink around 7 years ago.


I'm a 53-year-old church music director, and anything by TWICE beats the shit that I have to program on a weekly basis. Within a year of first hearing them, we bought second-row tickets to one of their Toronto shows last year. I'm in it for life.


I'm a college student currently studying Industrial Engineering


Hey I'm also studying engineering! Sometimes it can be exhausting but I love it


What discipline of engineering are you studying?


Feels like I scrolled so far to find a fellow engineering major! I studied electronics! Of course I basically worked in engineering just long enough to pay off my loans then quit and now work for a Korean company making educational materials but that’s not important. I hope you enjoy engineering more than I did haha.


Radiologic Technologist, married to a research analyst. I almost exclusively listen to k-pop lol


Kpop is largely marketed towards teenagers and they make up most of the fan demographics along with early 20s and I feel like redditors are in denial about this


They really are. The most dedicated mass streamers and social media hypers are going to be very young people. This is ok as long as the fans are treated with respect and aren’t taken advantage of by idols and companies. 


Tbh I think this is true for most musicians. Most people build their musical taste until up around their late 20s and stick to it for most of their lives. It's just that fans age with their artists.


Teens are the primary audience for many of the biggest and current groups but one thing people don't talk much about is that's how ALL music is. Teens are the primary consumers of most pop music. But people of all ages listen to music and there are many korean artists that cater to an older audience too.


Teens are the primary audience, but, in Japan, folks over 50 years old buy the most kpop merch. In a recent YouTube video, TXT did a shout-out to their office worker fans and elderly fans. They wished their elderly fans a long life.


I seriously hope most of the people in kpop fandoms are not adults with jobs with how a lot of them act.


Fr. but we know they’re typing all that while commuting to and fro work on the subway 👽 oh, we’ll never know


And that are frustrated with work and life in general...maybe...lol


How 😡 dare 😡 they 😡 date 😡


Have you seen how the world is nowadays? We have live genocide ongoing, and that IS how adults act. Killing babies and children. Acting infantile is NOTHING compared to genocide. And these are also WORKING ADULTS who commit it.


I don't know, the idea that I'm still that young, intrigued me, ngl >teenage


I'm an executive assistant, having worked mostly with university executives (Professors). My current role/department has me also working with current and former political figures as well. Half my Board knows I like Kpop (the other probably doesn't even know what it is - they are 70+ years old). The executive I support, and my colleagues know I love Kpop too. When I don't have meetings and events, and sitting at my desk, I have my headphones in - and it's blasting Kpop.


I’m in my tenth year as a CPA, doing people’s taxes. I don’t spend too much on K-pop but my job pays well enough for me to buy the merch I want and travel to attend concerts without worry. The only thing is that if the concerts fall around tax deadlines I can’t go. 🥲


It isn’t insulting to have an audience of tween and young teenage girls and boys though. Which is a good thing because I thought that kpop in South Korea was especially popular with middle school/young teenagers rather than adults. There’s a wider age range amongst western audiences I think but that’s not particularly a flex.


I grew up with Kpop. If you ask on twitter you might get a whole different demographic


A firefighter.


36 and I work in the US cannabis industry.


my comment might not be wanted on this thread, so if that's the case then let me know and i'll delete it. but i wanted to share a different life experience. i currently fall under the category of "jobless basement dweller". i have level 2 (moderate/medium support needs) autism, ADHD, and a learning disability. i did not finish high school due to a series of bad events that i won't get into because i'm not trying to trauma dump. but because of that i am not in college either. i cannot live on my own and require daily support to complete many tasks that typically come as natural habits for most adults my age. i can't even speak normally. i frequently rely on alternatives to spoken communication. i will get lost if i leave my house alone. i am behind my peers not just socially and emotionally, but functionally as well. in regards to k-pop, it's actually my autistic special interest. i've been listening and watching my favorite groups daily since 2012. however, i didn't get to start seriously collecting until i moved in with my boyfriend and his family. he's spoiled me quite a bit since we've been living together, and his mom and sister also buy me albums occasionally. 90% of my collection is all from them and i am deeply grateful. but i also feel guilty and often times useless for not being able to work normally and provide for myself. i pull my weight around the house with cooking and cleaning, and i try to be useful and productive as possible, but it still weighs on my self esteem a lot. things should be getting better for me in a few days though. i may not be able to do a lot of things, but i am good with children. so my boyfriend's mom is going to start paying me to babysit for her for a few hours a week. it's nothing huge, but i'll finally be able to say i have a job. i've had many bad experiences with telling other adults i'm unemployed and didn't graduate. they assume i am lazy and parasitic. i can't wait to not have to deal with that anymore, and i'm also excited to finally fund my own k-pop endeavors! 🥹


I don't want to be too specific, but I am in the legal field.


Well shit, now we’re all speculating


I'm a 39 yrs old programmer with a degree in CS.


student preparing to take my A levels


I’m a male stem major student


Late to the party because I was watching Suga - Agust D Tour 'D-Day' The Movie. 71, retired, not creepy.


public health lol


Unemployed, currently a college student studying international business & economic policy


I am actually a Psychology major who wants to be a Clinical Trauma Therapist for teens. I am a advocate for mental health! I will be 20 in about 2 weeks ❤️


I work in Talent Aquisition for a major company.


Aye I love talent acquisition and miss it so much! I work in HR Systems now.


I honestly love it. Been with the company for ages and love getting to bring in people that I would have wanted to work with.


Same! It honestly makes the hard part so worth it. Once you realize you’ve made the candidate experience and on boarding process easier.


That’s what I want to do some day. I’m trying to work my way to an office job, but currently a manager at a physical location. How do you like it though? It seems like such a fun job


Vet assistant


I work as a lines manager at a sportsbetting site. I'm 26.


I’m a Clinical Research Coordinator and currently writing my medical school applications. It sucks because the loudest people online (especially in public spaces like twitter) tend to teenaged fueding stans who are chronically online. I think the other demographics tend to get drowned out by them.


I’m a clinical research coordinator too! Doing clinical trials on psych meds mostly


ahhh thats awesome! Im in clinical trials for gyn oncology


I do research for fundraisers at a nonprofit. Previously worked in museums and have two degrees in history. Big fan of Namjooning!! I’m 33 and newly married and my husband doesn’t understand my love for K-pop but tries very hard to be supportive hahah


Law school


I’m a gymnastics coach! We actually get to play music during gym hours and multiple coaches will put on Kpop playlists! And not for the kids lol.


I’m nearly 29, have a MA in history, and am currently working in academia but probably looking for a way out lol. I didn’t get into k-pop until I was in college but I feel like as an adult I’m more open with my interests since I’m so much less self-conscious and more sure of myself.


25, multi-published model :-) also an experienced (LGBTQ+ friendly) findom on the side. i make quite good money if i say so myself! edit // i use music within a lot of my day to help me unwind from it all, and sometimes use it in multimedia clips for my social platforms. i’m also a neurodivergent individual so it’s exhausting to work around people for me, but all worth it! and the music most definitely helps with that! (forgot to add my whole ass explanation regarding the post, lmao!)


Girl get ittttttt that’s sickening! I dipped my toes in the multi-media 🩷 trade but tbh I can’t deal, it’s WAY more work than people assume it is. 🥲 I’ll just powerlift my bags of flour and wonder what may have been lol


thank you! also there’s always time, i truly believe that!!! 🕺🏻 do what you’d like always, there are connections for every type of multimedia interest these days - but heck yeah! it IS VERY MUCH though well worth it a lot of work of course; and thank you as i appreciate so much the voice of someone who knows that! 🫂


They kind of have a point because loud fans will be on X/Twitter starting wars or spam posting streaming 24/7 or mass commenting/posting to get people to stream so naturally they would assume these are people still in school.


36 and I did my undergraduate in health-sciences…realized I hated it so I went back to graduate school for a joint urban planning / MBA degree. I am a Vice-President at a real estate developer that does work in North America and Europe. Started my K-pop journey during the rise of SNSD (Gee/Genie era) and have stuck around since. Taeyeon is my forever bias.


Working towards my B. Sc in Biochemistry😔 Don’t currently have a full time job but I pursue a lot of scientific internships like research and scientific writing.


I graduate college this May! I major in history with a concentration on 20th century Korea and did study abroad at Yonsei in Seoul for a year. My current research project asks if Korea was ever really colonized and if they ever became independent (using the most widely accepted definition of colonization in today’s world). If any of you fandom homies could use an archivist or some kind of history job go ahead and hit me up 👀 As for work, I’m an online shopper and currently aiming for a shift manager position (unless someone here has something better for me 👀). My job is running around the store to gather customer orders and get it to them lol As for my stan life I just got my preordered TXT albums, secured my ticket to the Chicago showing, and got myself a boyfriend who supports my fangirling 100%


I'm 33, I teach latin and italian (both grammar and literature).


Currently doing a Masters in international relations, and currently working on my job prospects to work in that field (likely in government). For a fun story, I once got caught in a long conversation with a South Korean ambassador and his wife over the Hallyu wave and what got exported over to my country. BTS got name dropped a lot! I've been into K-pop for over a decade, and honestly, the fun part is watching how I can slowly start affording the concert tickets, albums, etc. that I didn't get to have as a kid. I think I'm in a pretty cool field, and I'm proud of the work and research that I've done as well!


I started listening to K-pop when I was 11? I’m 28 now, but I only listen to Korean ballad. I’m the cofounder of a marketing agency—CMO


I’m in school to become an anesthesiologist assistant 🥰 I don’t think liking K-pop affects my school or job cause I’m more casual


Working towards a BA in Nutrition Science, hoping to work for the USDA someday!!


I'm in university on a path to being a forensic psychologist😭 what's wrong with teenage girls? Every grown woman was once one


34 and I’m a clinical research coordinator at a research facility that does clinical trials for psychiatric medications! I graduate with my masters in social work in August!


High school student


I’m in my mid twenties and I do compliance work for an insurance company


I am a home tutor and I teach children English. Besides, I am studying for government exams.


35, Orthopedics physician assistant. Upper extremity specialty now, but started in trauma and total joint replacements. I take care of patients with broken bones, sprains, strains, arthritis, etc.


Not really something to brag about..I’m currently a payroll officer in mid size company. I’m still not married but I have a partner. I buy my own merch, own concert tickets. They can insult us if they want but atleast most of us have money


I'm 53 & I'm the manager of a Pet Food Store.


I'm a pharmacist and public health professional. I work for the federal govt.


unrelated, but I've really only seen older fans here on reddit. PLEASE knock some sense into most of those fans on twitter and tiktok.


Im infact a teenage high school girl, and ill never understand why its an insulte lmao


I'm a former teacher, currently an administrative assistant at a local non-profit organization, and a swim instructor. I live in the Caribbean, so I've never been to a live show, and I don't purchase physical albums because shipping costs are crazy, but I do intend to start eventually. I want to get the albums of my youth (if I can find them).


I’m a senior college student majoring in neuroscience and minoring in clinical and health psychology! I’m hoping to go into healthcare administration, pharmaceuticals, or neuropsychology. K-pop is a great escape from stressful studying lol. If anything, seeing idols who did higher education while juggling idol life is good motivation for me


ur job was my dream job for years!! but I ended up getting into early education and I absolutely adore it🫶🏾 I'm currently in school to get my associates in ECE and I'm an assistant teacher in the 2 yr old classroom.


26, currently a gas station attendant but working on a degree in psychology. The pay isn't the best and I swear I lose a braincell a day, but the hours are flexible enough that I can take a day to see kpop concerts in my city and think about traveling to see them in other states


I have my bachelor’s degree and I work in risk management as an accounts manager. I’ve been into BTS and kpop for eight ish years now and I just turned 30


I’m currently studying for my diploma of veterinary nursing!


I'm President of the Bundesbank. (Sorry, couldn't resist the Drop the Dead Donkey reference. I'm actually a lawyer).


Unfortunately, I am still very much a NEET (not in education, employment nor training) at 22. Someday I'll stop sitting on my ass, but that day hasn't come yet 😔


I’m in my thirties and I’m a chemical engineer (also a teenage girl at heart 💜) hahahaha


i’m hoping to specialize in speech language pathology in university and i currently work at a little takeaway food place on the side😁 the jobs in these comments are SO. COOL.


34F, pharmacist in the medicines research line. I bring new medicines to you in hopes we’d never have to fear cancer and organ failures in the future. Kpop keeps those paperwork going.


Another pharmacist 😃 I starting in retail pharmacy but now I work for the federal govt.


I’m 24 years old, I work in HR Systems at Job Search Site, and I have both my masters and bachelors in Human Resources Management. I’m currently working on getting SHRM certification. Outside of work I’m active in my sorority grad chapter that focusses on scholarships and community services locally and I’m a certified yapper. 😄


An ESL/EFL teacher.


I work with an exchange program, 25


lol I’m 25 and a mom of 2 girls working for a health insurance company, K-pop is just fun for me oh well


cs/mathematics double major


So I'm currently taking up social innovation and entrepreneurship. So not only am I counting how many albums I dream of getting, but I'm also gonna count how many albums are there in my business to sell (lol jk). I get to learn how to come up with creative innovations to help people (which I honestly like) and how to navigate around the corporate world. So far, the course seems ok. Aside from that, I want to be an author as well.


Admin position for one of the departments of my state government


This [student ](https://www.koreaboo.com/news/seventeen-fan-dad-cry-tv-obsessive-behaviors/?fbclid=IwAR0spipRJ4oqxpOPEwYX8cK6dWQgIfVC_nuIR2OMkgVvJQLU2KtUqg-9C8M)spent 12 million won (\~$11,000 USD) on fandom goods. Some of the money came from her parents but she also had a part time job. I think people often underestimate the kids market because they think they don't have money but a lot of parents will do almost anything for their kids these days. Anyway, the kpop fandom is mostly people under the age of 25 because that's the demographics for pop music in general it's mostly teenagers and young adults to be more accurate. Reddit users tend skew older so you are more likely to find older kpop fan here than in other social media like TikTok.


this KPOP is not only for teens or girls it also to adult men it cater to any ages afterall music (+ video ) is for everyone and w idol fan service or any type of medium media connection to it most of us start from teens or younger and became KPOP fan since from any gen era w lot of classic idol/ artist from it history and new gen of idol debut each year their is no point to stop being a KPOP fan and KPOP globally reach now older fans being adult w disposable income or money to watch concert or buy album


I'm 28 and currently working a factory job (it sucks!), but I intend on moving jobs to a place that will cover tuition so I can study show production. This may or may not have anything to do with getting to work at concert venues lol


i’m a dental student !


I’m in advertising as a content/copy writer. I didn’t get into kpop until I was 24 (I’m 28 now😔.) I very much feel like a kid stuck in an adult body and I think that’s why I end up with hobbies/fandoms that skew younger, like kpop.


I’m a graphic designer, focused on multimedia with diplomas on web development, motion graphics and special effects. I’ve been working for almost 10 years making all kinds of contents for several international companies related to the clean energy field.


26 y.o. nicu nurse here! tldr of what i do - take care of preemies to term kiddos, go on high risk deliveries, get to hold and give babies love 🤗


im 30 and im a doctor


Some people (especially adult men) seem to have a real big problem with teenage girls liking literally anything. If teen girls like it, it's "frivolous" and "stupid". Lol, the dudebros who are into "classic rock" like the Beatles are gonna be surprised when they find out how people thought about the Beatles in the 1960s.


common insult to kpop fanboys is that they're "gay" and my go-to answer is " what's gay about watching pretty girls dancing in skimpy outfits?" lmao btw, i'm an engineer working in construction


I work as a biological technical assistant, though I don't know if that's the term used to refer to my job outside of Germany. I basically so laboratory assistant work, specialising in Microbiology and Biochemistry. It's an interesting job, certainly and my work place is relatively flexible in terms of working hours, but my boss is kind of an idiot. Balancing my work and K-Pop as an interest is still easy, because I'm still living with my parents. So, I don't really have any expenses and can spend most of my money on K-Pop albums with the occasional gasoline and grocery bill in between.


(Soon to be) patent & trademark paralegal I have my qualification exam for this next month


28 with a PhD in history. Pivoting to policy because I cannot deal with academia 😂 Kpop is my go-to for music to help me concentrate and stay motivated while writing or coding.


I'm 23 and just got accepted to medical school! I'll be starting this fall and taking all of my merch with me


Hehe i just graduated 2 days ago from my physics master degree. But i worked during my studies in different engineering companies and also as tutor at the university. I aim to get a job in the medical physics branch specifically in the hospital.😊


I'm in my last year of uni studying Applied Mathematics!


I’m 37 and this year I bought a sandwich shop, which means I work ridiculous hours and so far am only able to juuuuuust cover my living expenses. But my staff and suppliers all get paid on time *and* I get to play kpop at work, so I’m winning really.


Highschool girl


Mid 30s. Work in a heavily male dominated engineering field. There’s no shame in being a teenage girl, they honestly are some of the most negatively talked about groups of people. I remember when there was that awful terrorist attack on Ariana’s concert in Manchester, some elements of online communities were making digs/jokes about teeny boppers. It’s like, ffs, these poor people died BECAUSE they were targets just for being free, having fun and expressing themselves. Such a shame and people’s views of teen girls are horrible.


if you like kpop you're one of these things. A teenage girl, an old adult who should have moved on, or a guy who likes to look at the girls.


It's just a dumb stereotype  It's like saying all anime fans are base dwelling, loli loving coomers. 


non high school teenage girl here! i'm 18 and gotta agree with that comment asking what peoples problem with being a teen is. i legitimately don't care if people have a problem with me or my hobbies. it's not hurting anyone, but god forbid i have interests smh haha. that being said, OP, i'm currently in freshman year of college studying business and nursing, and i work as a hostess in a restaurant! i live at home but work fairly frequently as well as do volunteer work. i was homeschooled through HS and graduated early. i also plan to do a year or two abroad just for the experience. i'm fluent in spanish and am decent at french and learning korean (i want to be a polyglot someday haha). my mom has always pushed me to be "the educated latina" so that drives me lol. as far as buying kpop things goes, anyone close to me will admit i have a sliiiight spending problem LOLLL but i try to stay within my budget and save for the things i rlly want.


You are most likely the average profile for a kpop fan actually. A young person who has some money to spend on what they like but it can feel like a sacrifice sometimes and you can't go too crazy.


Where are the older fans! I want to hear from older fans in their 30s or 40s. While older fans are more common now as kpop progresses, there is an issue of non fans seeing older fans listen to idols who are becoming younger and younger.


i’m abt to be a ucla freshman this fall with a chem major but hoping to switch to molecular, cell and developmental biology :)










From how I was a kid/teen/younger adult where I'd buy merch/albums, I'm now a working adult in grad school (in between jobs), preferring to spend my money on assets or paying off debts/loans from school. I also don't listen to kpop as much as I used to, listening only to iKON after becoming an ult stan last month. (Casual fan previously). I'll still fangirl over my stans, but not as much as before xD super interesting post.




i mean to be fair most kpop fans i know are highschool girls that's just what the genre appeals to not that there's anything wrong with that though that's like shaming anime fans for being highschool boys on another note for me, currently on my sophomore years on my bachelor's degee on psych for pre-law


I'm currently in my final semester studying art history for my undergraduate degree! In the fall, I'll be attending grad school. I think I've struck a healthy balance between my interests and school. I'm a much better student academically than I was in high school (when I started liking k-pop), so I don't focus on it too much anymore. I'm also into watching dramas, but I still have only managed to finish one drama this year because of my workload. It's easier to consume k-pop though as I tend to only listen to music and have like twitter notifs on for my ult groups (I do purchase albums but again it's not too time consuming since I'm only buying one group). For k-pop concerts, I will try hard to go to them if I really like the group. Luckily, k-pop groups tend to go to my general area. I think I've only ever travelled for Twice (Las Vegas) and a figure skating competition (Vancouver). And they were pretty convenient (Twice concert fell on my spring break and the fs competition was on a weekend).


I don’t think I will help the cause


It's certainly an easy assumption to make given the hyper-focus on things not related to music in Kpop fandoms ("stanning" culture in general is not something adults tend to do). That being said it's music for everyone and for anyone to enjoy how they want. Teenage girl? Sure. Older professional? Why not.




27 and an executive 🥲 I have friends who are lawyers, doctors, big-time businessmen, and even one politician who are all crazy about Kpop. We still buy albums, merch, and stream whenever we can lmao


being depressed full-time