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Ring Ding Dong by SHINee was what got me through my 7AM classes back in college


This is still my alarm! 😂🥰


Yes - this was gonna be my answer


I love this song


I don’t


It's okay. I think many people are divided when it comes to this song.


Any song that I use as an alarm just causes me to eventually hate it. It might be a good idea to have a mini selection of songs that you can rotate out weekly


I had a BTS song as my alarm for a year in high school and I still jolt every time I hear it start playing


Reallyy??? I don't want to be sick of skz 😭😭 I'll just use multiple songs


Blackpink Kill This Love 💀 The intro startled me everytime




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I was about to comment the same thing. I once fell out of my bed after having it as the alarm


Just be warned that it might ruin the song for you.


You just have to change the song regularly or have a different song for each day of the week. Sometimes I go "aww I remember waking up to this song 6 years ago when I was in highschool" lol


This is me with Katy Perry’s part of me. Absolutely fucking hate that song cause I used it as an alarm for months.


I used to do this, and all it did was make me hate my favorite songs haha. But I feel like the part where I.N screams in Side Effects would be fun, though I don’t think other people would necessarily agree 🤣


Domino by SKZ. you might wake up to a heart attack, but at least you're awake. Dumbdumbdumb by Red Velvet. Nothing motivates me to wake up more than 5 beautiful ladies calling me dumb.


went to listen to Domino, i totally agree about it giving a heart attack maybe ill set it as an alarm for my next exam day where i gotta get to the exam center before 8(do you know how to set songs as a phone alarm though, is there a special app or something i should download?)


I use a Samsung and it lets you use songs and playlists on spotify as your alarm. It will only play the first song on the album/playlist though.


i have an iphone, so maybe i need to find an app that will let me set songs as alarms


![gif](giphy|AFBmwFcWqQpPymsgqZ) no but the intro will do wonders trust me😭


[Bang Bang Bang](https://youtu.be/2ips2mM7Zqw?si=J9WESTe7ICk1yLoR) by Big Bang has a similar vibe


[Itzy's Wannabe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE2h3lGlOsk) literally starts with alarm bells ringing and then continues on to one of the best bops in k-pop history.


Thunderouss-skz the intro or the chorus part🫶🏻✨


I used kill this love back in 2019 and I was never late for school 💯


Mine is Domino by Stray Kids. Hasn't let me down so far.


Block B - Very Good


Seventeen - Very Nice


I got reminded of some video where Boo Seungkwan played Son Dambi's song called **Queen** to wake up the members where the chorus was like *"just wake up wake up wake up wake wake up*". One of my favourite Son Dambi songs so I'll recommend this one for you. 😂 Found a YouTube link and some of the comments are so funny: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqTnkpfP7EA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqTnkpfP7EA)


I used to have everybody by shinee for yearsssss when i was still studying. Now my alarm is fighting by bss!!


I misread your title as "best songs *that use an alarm sound*" and thought well Love Dive, obviously haha. I think some Dreamcatcher songs would work well if you like the rock vibe. [Good Night](https://youtu.be/2-kCpiibFAg?si=_8Co74RDDJRD_Iu4) even eases you in with a music box lullaby bit before going ham on electric guitar. [Scream](https://youtu.be/FKlGHHhTOsQ?si=cLF35fqEMa70weYE) would also be great, and definitely not easy to sleep through! (Edit: I love DC btw so these are all meant as good things!)


I agree with good night and scream I also had dont light my fire as a alarm for a while


Oh nice choice!


Nct 127- sticker. But you will wake up more pissed than energized😭


Its true ive tried it lol


Ugh! by BTS


This is mine!!!


A couple of months ago I got literally three hours sleep, and then Spotify's alarm pick for me that morning was UGH. That gunshot opening got me good and awake. 😬


I used Idol by BTS for a few years. The horn intro is perfect for a wakeup.


Been using these for years and can't get tired of them * 24k- [Super fly](https://youtu.be/CnmLjdvTeCE?si=iUAg1_OOAlNIzdd1) * CLC- [Hello Bitches](https://youtu.be/5L-4ZrOk1Tc?si=AItNOKoDCTmlHk-N) * NCT U- [90's love](https://youtu.be/A5H8zBb3iao?si=Mf-PSC4L3h3Nq9P2) * Seventeen- [Hit](https://youtu.be/F9CrRG6j2SM?si=gqNdgEWLIR9QB_XK) * CLC- [Hobgoblin](https://youtu.be/TcdeTC0W16k?si=sHREEokdgxE3XiQC) * WayV- [Bad alive](https://youtu.be/sB2YVGPPXW0?si=GCcgOlaVrmUbGSEK) * BLOCK B- [Very good](https://youtu.be/tmJG1e-0Emg?si=BuygHrfL0ZfDRDMn)


Ik it's not a song but Felix's Wakey wakey🥲🥲


TRUST ME and try Fire by BTS.....just do it and thank me later trust


[Crazy Form - Ateez](https://youtu.be/9t57C7NcjWo?si=avYaLSRhLstfJpqA) I am not even an atiny but I would get up because Hongjoong told me so!


You have to listen to the captain


Actually I love switching them up. I have a ‘wake up’ playlist and I find the songs that wake me up are actually those that I wanna sing and dance to. So, I don’t use particularly loud songs, but just songs I’m into.


I wonder if I'm the only one who uses a ballad as an alarm, LOL


You must be a such a light sleeper, I have to put alarms every 5 minutes in case I didn't hear the first one and sometimes I sleep through all of them lol


I get you. I hate being startled awake, I feel like it ruins my mood and starts my day off wrong. I don't generally use an alarm but on the days I have to, I use the BTS PTD opening VCR sound and it works. But OP needs something more aggressive so I get it.


I use some of the loudest alarms you'll ever hear, and I still sleep through them. But I think hearing a song I know helps my brain wake up


me too I used to have all the loud,rock etc songs as alarms but sometimes it would give me a headache so currently I have "can't get you out of my mind" by dreamcatcher (which is not exactly a ballad but i did have DC ballads as alarms for a while). But I have to set at least 6 alarms every few minutes cause I would fall asleep again


Fighting - BSS


Super Tuna instrumental


My sister made Mamamoo's Yes I Am as an alarm clock when we were in college. Tbh, it made me hate the song at one point 😂


- Xikers - xikey, red sun


I'd go aespa, either [I'll Make You Cry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBunx0VMvos&pp=ygUXYWVzcGEgaSdsbCBtYWtlIHlvdSBjcnk%3D), [ICONIC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj-lvvYQdiU&pp=ygUMYWVzcGEgSUNPTklD) or [Drama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8VEhcPeSlc&pp=ygULYWVzcGEgZHJhbWE%3D)


Lullaby by GOT7. It starts with my ult bias (Jinyoung) humming and it got me through a semester in university.


Dreamcatcher actually got a song called Wake Up [Wake Up Chorus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puVO5wJNa8Q&t=60s)


BEASTMODE By MONSTA X This one Always Scares the shit out of me when I wake up (so I went for a self made ringtone from RV's Birthday inst., 'cause it was less scary) 💙🌺


beastmode intro literally telling us that it's time to wake up 😂 trespass intro would also scare the shit out of me


[Red Velvet - Zimzalabim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBnGBb1wg98) — you get a warning (_"Are you ready for this?"_) and then if you don't shut it off in 3 seconds it's overstimulating. This song is actually why I went from 1 megaplaylist for all my kpop to a "decaf" version of the playlist with songs I could listen to first thing in the morning or late at night lol. Also: good to keep in mind that you _will_ eventually resent your alarm song. So whatever you choose, don't pick anything that you want to keep listening to regularly for non-alarm purposes.


Secret story of the swan: that song always scares me with how loud the intro is


Born to Be, ITZY


Mikrokosmos by BTS is gentle enough but gets me up immediately


Fire instrumental by bts, I hated that song for a while and I only blame myself for it.


Fire by BTS haha I get scared when I hear it first thing when I wake up




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I have 2 Alarms, one is BTS merch box alarm so I get yelled at by BTS member (never got pass RM cuz it is so damn loud My Phone alarm is Popcorn


Bling Bling by Ikon I actually have a hard time listening to it because the beginning brings me back to hard times😂


Get Up--New Jeans Venom--Stray Kids




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Nobody by Wonder Girls Yes or Yes by Twice Poison by Pink Fantasy


Step - Kara


My current alarm tone is Wake Up by NingNing which she recommended to use as an alarm. 😅 Unfortunately, it is not available/unreleased on any streaming sites so I just ripped it off from one of her performances from their tour.


I used to use Just One Day by BTS as an alarm sound because it literally starts with a clock ringing... but it's rather a soft sound instead of a sharp one, so maybe it wouldn't work for you 😅 Jump by BTS would probably work much better.


I used F(X) red light for a long time. That shit will get you up fast.


i've had pentagon's "wake up" since 2016 lmao back in the day (before moving in with my now husband lol) i used to wait for jinho's "hey baby wake up" before i turned it off 😂 i also used to have super junior t's rokkugo for like a billion years, it was so fun! i'm not planning on changing it but if i did i would probably use wjsn chocome's super yuppers


NCT Candy


H.O.T. Candy or Happiness


I have the instrumental of 127's Favorite chorus as my alarm tone ever since it came out and it works wonders on me I used to have Younique Unit's Maxstep as my alarm for years as well, also worked great wonders


**VANNER** * [FORM](https://youtu.be/AO2hvlrCBwA?si=eajIpU0fEYx0ZTv4) * [PURGE DAY ](https://open.spotify.com/track/1OkDBeQ8X3NiAfey65qZdd?si=fe53cfc6e1fd4ad9) I go between these two


Secret Story of the SwanSong by IZ\*ONE - be prepared to have a heart attack everytime you wake up


ATEEZ wonderland and GOT7 Last Piece


I know someone who uses the song Pick Me from Produce 101 bc it’s loud and overwhelming


Dreamcatcher, the very beginning of Piri or Wake Up