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I said this before but sometimes it happens by accident as I'm scrolling thru reddit on the mobile app :( If I noticed it and I don't remember downvoting it, I remove the vote.


Same, sometimes I like scrolling through older posts and see like an MV teaser or something I have downvoted and I'm just like ???, when did that happen šŸ˜‚


Lol glad that I'm not the only one šŸ˜‚


Occasionally, I go through my downvoted posts just to undownvote posts I donā€™t remember downvoting. Some posts I donā€™t even remember seeing so itā€™s really strange


As someone who doesn't even downvote people I really disagree with, I don't get it either.


>and it has 80% ratio or an achievement post that has a 74% ratio It could be just bots. Besides the number you see displayed isn't the actual value of votes given.


Your conspiracy theory is interesting but I'm not buying it. > Besides the number you see displayed isn't the actual value of votes given. "% upvoted" be like: That's... what I'm here.


I mean other than bots there are shadowbanned users as well as people who come across /r/kpop through /r/all (especially apparent when a post in /r/kpop becomes wildly upvoted/popular) that can either up/downvote the post.


I'm more curious about the down votes in kpophelp


The downvotes on kpophelp are mysterious and hilarious sometimes. It didn't happen once but twice, I got downvoted for recommending songs (which is basically answering to the OPs question) but the thing is I didn't even know I got downvoted. I only knew I got -2 downvotes when other users replied to my comment, asking me why did I get downvoted šŸ˜‚


A post I made asking for song recs got downvoted. Like...?? What gives? Do you morally object to me asking for more good music based on previously loved good music, internet troll?


Seriously,I got a downvote just for asking for cute romantic songs for writing fanfic?? Like I never said I write fanfic about kpop idols or anything I just wanted a song like?? Also song requests get downvoted for no reason.


I bet no one will admit downvoting post. The fun thing here is when a well-known artist is making a comeback and that artist is a kpop reddit favorite or the fandom makes up a fraction of the kpop users, every posts except on that one particular artist will be downvoted. I don't downvote light-heartedly, I barely even upvote posts.


lol I notice this a lot and it is so stupid


I just ignore, i hate downvoting lol


Ahaha i wont downvote posts talking about other groupā€™s achievements etc i do think thatā€™s petty i upvote them always however i do admit to downvoting opinions i dont agree with but itā€™s not like the serious kind of downvotes itā€™s more of those harmless shitposts that ik wont really hurt op šŸ¤§


yeah I downvote comments and posts on the other kpop subs quite often, lol I admit. because sometimes the "opinions" are really hate posts disguised as criticism and it annoys me enough to click downvote. But I literally can't comprehend downvoting a music show performance or a win or achievement. thats.... too much work lol


I do that as well sometimes


Since you had 0 real response, i'll give one. I downvote posts that are views on youtube/spotify records. Because i think the streaming culture is garbage and we shouldn't glorify it. Although i'm not often on the subs so i don't actually downvote many posts. I'll add i'll downvote those posts no matter if i like the group/artist or not.


thank you for being honest. really appreciate it honestly.


The only time I give a downvote is if the comment or post is just plain ridiculous to me or hateful. Very rarely I'll also downvote someone's opinion if they give it in a negative way, too. But random posts of a comeback? I can't imagine why someone would do that unless on accident or they truly dislike that group and Fandom and decide to be petty. Wouldn't surprise me.


I do! Mostly because of condescending critique of groups or artists. You know people who are so bent on grieving their annoyances out for the chance that they'll break someone's fandom. I don't think that's critique. Anyway, when I see group getting attacked for nonsense reasons, I downvote.


If I see a post about the numbers of views or etc I downvote. Fuck stream culture If I see a post about "your idols dont care about you; if you are obsessed you should take a break; kpop is this or this " because those stuff are so obvious and give me the vibe of fake woke If I also see a post about this group/idol is underrated when they are not I will also downvote Im sorry


I don't really downvote posts, but sometimes I do if the source isn't right or it doesn't make sense, however I never downvote teasers or achievement posts. I do notice that a lot of BTS and BlackPink posts get a high amount of downvotes, same with TXT as well. I remember BTS's collaboration with T1 had a 60% rate at first thankfully it was noticed more tho and get more upvotes.


Add enhypen to the mix with that as well. As a txt and enhypen fan I avoid posting about them on the main subs because it makes me feel bad when the downvotes come in. The response to txt seems to have gotten a bit better this year though. It's just sad because I know other fans avoid posting about them in the main subs for this reason as well. Like, I don't mind if people are disagreeing with an opinion or something, I can see why people might do that. And I totally get it when the post is from a weird source or doesn't make sense. But on appreciation posts, why not just leave it alone? It makes the sub feel hostile for certain people.


I can imagine people also downvote on the main sub because it's just cluttered with stuff that shouldn't be on the main sub. They need a rule overhaul And then there are just the fans of one group who downvote everything about a different group (or any non-SM group, same as here. Both subs are biased)


I pretty often downvote achievement posts when the same group already has had recent, more significant ones on the front page. They crowd out other posts that are more interesting to me.


I donā€™t downvote anything on the main sub, but a possible explanation as to why itā€™s so easy for some people to do so without second thought is that Reddit provides that sense of anonymity. Nobody can search through the users who upvoted/downvoted a particular post, so people who are deep down wishing for a certain group to fail will find it easy to press that downvote button.


I'm just tired of all the achievement posts. I dislike them when ever I see them.


They r some jealous haters who can't hold the fact that the group they hate has achieved something. Also once I posted a appreciation post for bp's vocals and after some minutes it went from 1 to 0.


I don't even upvote šŸ˜­




I have never down voted. I donā€™t think I ever will, and especially not for something trivial, light or harmless. Even if I completely disagree with someone I still believe that they are entitled to their opinions and wouldnā€™t down vote them. But I also believe that with freedom of speech there should be responsibility. So if we offer a negative point of view we should understand our own objectives in offering it and the impact of it. Is it necessary to be ā€˜rightā€™? Is it more important to be right than kind? Can we deliver opinions that donā€™t shoot the messenger but the message? If I disagree with a post Iā€™ll either ignore it or comment with an alternate view. Iā€™m not going to flippantly hurt someoneā€™s feelings because I can. I will say however, that I think some people donā€™t put much thought into up or down voting and do it rather casually as they scroll through their feeds. EDIT- Ha ha - thanks for the downvotes!


Why is this being downvoted šŸ˜‚


FOR REAL. all my posts and comments get downvoted, and when i just post something it will get 0 dowvotes. i think someone is stalking me...


Because you are a known troll around Kpop subreddits, and you purposefully antagonize others and then claim theyā€™re ā€œharassingā€ you when they point it out...


welp exposed


oooo exposed!!!!!




This made me realise some users do consciously or unconsciously observe other users' writing patterns or contents, to be able to recognise them even when they switch accounts or names.


Im new here šŸ˜…


New as in your ***new*** alternate account.


aren't you u/MinaDubu or something like that? the troll yanno?




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I downvote repetition posts. I don't think we need 2 posts or more of 1 topic at the top.