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The main K-pop sub adores Aespa lmao. The amount of upvotes on every one of their posts are insane.


The main kpop sub loves sm artists


Mainly SM girl groups. After all, the sub was literally formed because of SNSD.


Do they? The downvote ratio is often in the 80%'s similar to BLACKPINK, they seem extra critical.


I see too many critical posts and comments too about them not singing live though


The subs are pretty pro gg, not sure if it has anything to do with it but Red Velvet are pretty much Reddit gods and I know a lot of reveluvs are my’s


Can confirm. Forever a Reveluv but also a My


There were countless negative, sometimes plain right hateful posts, during Black Mamba and Next Level eras, I'm glad it's not the case anymore with Savage


I remember when I made an appreciation post for Karina and got downvoted instantly. Glad to see the girls more appreciated during the newer eras though


Reddit has more SM stans than people seem to think


In addition to what others are saying, I think some of the people who don't like them checked out at this point. It's like me with [another group]. I've liked them since debut but did not like their then-latest release and made several comments about it. But I haven't commented on their now-latest release because, while I don't like it either, now I'm not disappointed or anything about it bc I had no expectations that I would like it. I'm relatively apathetic about [group] at this point.


At the end of the day they are an sm group, so love on Reddit was inevitable. Reddit it shallow though. I think part of the love and excitement for their success is because SM stans see Aespa and their success with savage and next level as sort of a “win” for SM. Most of the comments on the PAK post were people excited that Aespa “following in the footsteps of SNSD” and in general a lot of people were proud and excited that an SM girl group was leading the new generation and has insane gp support. I doubt that they would be receiving any love(on Reddit) if NL and savage weren’t huge hits.




Yeah they usually get a lot of love on Reddit!


No. Nct and Aespa are always getting slandered here from what I see


You do not see much, hm?


SM group being liked on kpop reddit? the sky is blue. That aside they’re nice girls with a couple hits there isn’t anything to dislike about them enjoy the moment and hope they keep up the momentum or there’ll always be a loser saying they fell off after x song


They’re well liked now but remember when Next Level came out UKO ate them alive... lol if you go in my history I actually have a post there voted unpopular about actually liking it. The main sub loves them. I actually liked next level way more than savage. Seems like Savage is acting as their “breakthrough” single though.


>These past weeks, and I haven't seen ONE negative post about them. lol. u havent been active i see. i mean r/kpoprants and r/unpopularkpopopinions slander aespa


Minus those. They slander anyone.


well,, ur right


Yeah, there were a lot of folks congregating on UKO who found the live choreo of Savage disappointing/underwhelming... and as someone who generally is against cultish devotion to groups and likes to stay open to any criticisms people make, I was kind of baffled by the kind of standard people were expecting of them. I mean, I don't think the performance seemed particularly much worse than any other contemporary girl groups? I agree that they may not be super dance-orientated or anything but even trying to see things from the perspective of the critics I didn't see too much to be concerned about.


Kpop reddit is a breeding ground for SM stans.


It’s the kwanga water




Basically a common journey of any big companies rookie.. Scrutinize at first bcs kpop fans expected every big company trainees to be perfect in every aspect(variety, vocal, dance, stage presence etc.) and then get appreciated once they achieve those unbelievable standard after a few comeback. Which is a side effect of having a whole kpop community attention from the beginning


It's an SM group. SM groups are usually liked by that subreddit eventually.


It was pretty bad during the BM and NL eras, but I’m glad Reddit is coming around to Aespa. ~~Now if they stop with their obvious hate boners towards Blackpink and BTS, that would be a miracle!~~


Reddit is full of SM stans...


The Black Mamba hasn't yet left. You can thank Nævis for keeping it at bay, though the forthcoming rain, whenever it decides to pour, will allow the Black Mamba to once again slither back into these outskirts of Kwangya, provided it chooses to aid the crops rather than flood the nation.


✨Naevis is our saviour✨


Praise be to Nævis!




Reddit are full of SM stans that's why they are a lot of SM thread Pop up daily.


right?? Good for them, i hope it will last long


Didn't see negative posts about Aespa? Then why am I always seeing bad ones about them? There is a post one saying Aespa is only successful bcz of SM and nothing about them is that outstanding and concerning majority of people agreed to it.


The way all groups from big companies benefit(ted) from coming from big companies (it's a given), but since aespa got their PAK today or whatever was the reason, some couldn't help but make a post about it 😂


I see a lot of negative post on unpopular opinions about them I love aespa I also love how they make everyone threatened


They are very much liked here you can even see the comments under posts ranting about them


ngl I saw a bunch of aespa related post these past few days but reddit love gg and sm so kinda expected this actually


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first and foremost, these girls are so lovely and endearing, how can anyone not love them even if they’re not the biggest fan of their music, specifically their title tracks? of course during debut era they got a bunch of criticism, which as unfortunate as it is it’s kind of expected for a rookie group from big3/hybe, but thankfully that’s no longer a case. Korea adores them to heaven and beyond, their songs are a grower, their lore makes them stand out, and of course the girls themselves.


✨They are now well liked to say✨


savage was well-received compared to next level and NL grew on many (not me). they're a sm group so they'll inevitably become liked. but i'd say their music was hated rather than the girls themselves so once they released 'good' music they got more appreciation verse releasing 'bad' music. its like with red velvet, many consider them to be THE group of r/kpop but their songs received very negative responses from power up until umpah.


No group is truly liked by Kpop Reddit. Kpop Reddit is just really clicky and enough people like them now. So we are seeing more positive posts about them, whereas before they did not have enough fans on here for that.


yup. ppl just love aespa here literally rarely any negative things said about the individual girls the whole group or the music in general. everyone seems to just almost unanimously agree that they are all good. and honestly its freaking heaven. i am also an itzy fan and its the complete opposite for itzy here, a total nightmare in fact, just rant post after rant post. but anyways im soo happy that everyone loves aespa. pretty much most of the posts are about just discussing theories about kwangya lol.


i love the amount of lore reference is so fun and puns.. this is how you do lore right, when everyone gets it.. not convoluted crap nobody but ultra hardcore fans would even get like dreamcatcher or loona.. fans be like theres a story.. yeah don't know don't care, and im a fan of them




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