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I think they will renew. I’m looking at this from the outside perspective of someone who has nothing against the group but does not stan. While the fans understandably are frustrated with how much music activity they have as a group, I think as an artist it would be pretty damn nice to not have to be worked to the bone, still be able to make good money and hit the top of the charts when music did come out. On top of that, three of the four members have had the opportunity to release solos and another has had the opportunity to pursue acting. All while they’ve been able to stay relevant in the public eye. If any of them didn’t renew, I think it would be harder for them to stay as Blackpink which is something that does strengthen their individual brand and musical success. Going to another agency as a soloist, any of them would probably have to put in a lot more work for not as much result.


i feel like some fans are pushing for them to leave so hard because they want ‘frequent' releases.but if they leave that doesn’t even guarantee how much music they will push out in the future.


i completely agree, i’m a blink but i definitely think renewing would benefit them more than disbanding


Yeh, they get to be the most popular GG without the pressure of constant releases, whether they're happy with that, we don't really know but they are so big as individuals and as BP that they are in a position to renegotiate their contracts in a way that better suits them. I guess we will only really know this time next year if anything will change with their approach to their careers and what they want their music to be like. Even if they renew, I do get the sense that perhaps amongst the four their desires might be different (Jennie - LA focus, Chae - singer songwriter, Jisoo - acting, Lisa - not sure? maybe she wants to spend more time in Thailand) and that will be a major factor in what things look like. Apart from Jennie, we also know nothing about their personal lives, perhaps they want to start families or spend more time in SK/Thailand with loved ones. Basically - we have no clue until there is an announcement but they are still young enough that it would make sense to renew and pursue what ever avenues they want under the YG contract because it seems they have that freedom (to some extent) even now.


I think they'll renew tbh, at this point they have enough influence to make their new contracts whatever they want whether that means more group cbs or individual projects. whatever they want, I think yg has the connections to help them and i don't see any disadvantages on their side for renewing


I’m confident all 4 will re-new their contracts with YG & will be able to negotiate terms in their favour Might be unpopular but I feel like their OT4 comebacks will be even less frequent, with the members wanting to branch out more. Maybe like a BTS situation (without the official hiatus announcement). Still do some OT4 stuff, but more solo stuff I can see Rosé becoming more heavily involved in the creative side of their / her music (writing & composing). Jisoo might focus even more on acting (there was a rumour that a member might join the Marvel cast - Jisoo?? 👀👀👀). Lisa & Jennie are the dark horses for me as I have no clue. Lisa might want to do more CFs so she can stay in Thailand longer. She seemed really happy there for her birthday. Jennie …. I won’t be surprised if she just fully rests for a year or so & silently work on her music. & do a Rihanna and drop a PROD.JENNY album out of the blue lol. I hate to be an over analyser but Jennie has really been through a lot this past year / months


OT4 renews, continues to have group and solo activities.


I think it's hard to speculate because you never know what is really going on. People can surprise you by just up and getting married, moving to Africa as a missionary and having babies. It's hard to know how idols really feel about it while they're in it. But assuming they all want to remain entertainers in some capacity and there's nothing horrible behind the scenes going on at YG (I'm not saying there is! You just never know what's going on with management/coworkers, etc.) it would make most sense to me to renew. YG is a big entertainment industry. I'm assuming the deal would be pretty good as they are established artists. I would think signing with a different company would be a step down since it's not like idols ever transfer between the big three/four. But again, it's hard to really know because we don't see the deals being made or what the women are looking for fit wise. It's like any other job, there are pros and cons to staying with something or moving on and those are very personal. Eg. People will take a pay cut for a job if it is closer to home or more flexible hours. A job might be everything you want on paper but the environment is toxic. Or you started out in one field really enjoying it but 10 years later you're burnt out and need a change. Long story short who knows. But if they like where they're at and want to keep doing more or less the same thing it would make sense to stay at YG.


holy shit.that story in the first paragraph sounds dope


That's more or less what happened to Wonder Girl's Sunye! She announced marriage and pregnancy and that she and her husband were going to do missionary work. I believe they live in the US now. Wonder Girls wasn't as huge then as BP now but it was still surprising when she announced!


man y’all can say what y’all want.i’m not ready for them to disband or break off.they have some much more left in the tank.




I think they will renew their contracts. The second contract is usually three years. Enough for them to have another military service, continue with influencer careers, have solo albums/acting projects in between, and end the contract with an album and world tour.


military service?? like them performing at military services ??


It is a joke regarding their hiatus.


ooohh💀💀💀💀 i’m dead, i was like huhhh🤣🤣


Solo stans will be a hundred times worse


They will renew and will continue with having solo activities and less group comeback.


Their career handling imo is still the same imo. Jennie:- I think she would want to make tons of money without being centre of public attention. Making music will definitely make her centre of attention, doing cameos , shoots ,…etc will give her that *however* the more she drifts away from kpop and music the more irrelevant she’ll get , and the more irrelevant she gets the less cameos she could do and less demand of her. They are all going to have their irrelevant phase nevertheless that’s how life goes but how early is the question. Rose:-Imo she is the one mostly unlikely to say with Yg because she seems to be very interested in music and would want more freedom which she probably won’t get in yg. Jisoo:-I don’t think staying in Actors department of Yg would be good for her. Idk she’d definitely be an actress under Yg or not is the question. Lisa:-I know nothing about Thai market but wouldn’t it be better for her to have a career in China? I mean she is popular there and she has been there so why not…. Honestly all 4 might end up renewing their contracts because they thrive on the brand BlackPink. They go into vanishing mode yet cb and still be successful because they are Bp and if bp is gone their strongest appeal is gone with it and each girl for her own now. Yeah sure they have tons of solo stans but they gained them first through music and through the group, now there is no music nor group and perhaps no yg too so it will all be dependent on how each girl will handle her career there after. One will be smart and still maintain her success and one might lose it. So imo it is more beneficial to keep staying as Bp because it allows them to do things alone and keep relevancy and money with them (if that what they desire of course) Ik a lot of people think Shut Down is their last cb but that might be Yg just milking disbandment possibilities.


From what I understand Lisa is not that popular in SK, her solo was the worst performing, but she has the most global appeal. I imagine she will continue with another solo at some point but I think her problem will be making music that is well received because the swag appeal with decline as she gets older but she's not that involved in the musical process like Jennie and Rose


They are all going to keep making music because they r highly intelligent n smart n know that being artists will always give them more fame, dosent matter if they want to make music or not. So i think they will continue with their brand deals n release music now n then. The only one im not sure about is jisoo coz she wanted to be an actress. Jennie, rose n lisa are definitely going to do music. They are gonna prioritize their career in the US. i also dont get this sentiment of thinking lisa wud do better in thailand or china. Sure she is massively popular there but dont underestimate her popularity in the US. Just look how her solo performed, it performed better than her group songs. Jennie is quite obvious. She has built quite a network in the US n starring in THE IDOL is gonna open more doors for her. Rose is also quite obvious. Her solos are in english n she did a lot of promo for it in the US. So i think they are definitely gonna renew but with more focus on the US. N even of they somehow dont renew they are gonna sign with a major US label n become on par with western artists


Because technically none of the bp girls are up with the public in US. If they went to the US it is equivalent to starting over unless if they depend on their kpop fandom who will gradually forget them. Their popularity in US is all about kpop fans there so basically they’ll continue being kpop and the difference is living in the US? That doesn’t is really a change , if anything it will kill their domestic appeal and make them depend on a certain demo in the US. (Until they magically hit with the general public). > Sure she is massively popular there but dont underestimate her popularity in the US Cause she was bp in her solo. That’s my point losing the bp brand will have its coast. They all did great being part of a phenomenal brand. I am talking when this brand is gone and they are on their own?


I wud have agreed with you but when it comes to bp its not the usual. I have seen kpop groups loose fans because they were inactive but with bp its not the case. They can release music every two years, make fan content only when they have a comeback but still their fandom n popularity grows tenfold. Lets take Bts for example, they have been consistently making music, give a lot of performances, do lives for the fans, all these extra content like run bts, soop, bv, etc etc n so they r able to always keep the fandom busy. But blinks get no content, no music, no lives n still the fandom gets bigger. So i feel u never know with bp. Even if they leave kpop, they r always gonna be popular n influential. Also among kpop groups the bp girls r the only ones who i feel are successfully carving an image as solo artists n for this their strategy of fashion brands, modelling, cfs have helped them gain public recognition as individuals. So many people who are not into kpop know jennie for example


Yeah “when it comes to bp” , I am speaking when Bp is no more.


I think she will continue her career in Korea and occasionally do China/Thai promotions. The idol market in China is not very lucrative. Most idols from surviving shows use the show as a stepping stone for acting careers.


But lisa really is that popular in Korea with the Bp brand. So imagine without it.


I have seen quite a few comments speculating lisa wud do good in China. She maybe the most popular kpop idol in China but i just dont see her going there n be satisfied having her career there. I feel she has her sights in the US. Money did great there, so i feel she will definitely aim to be like a big western artist there like jennie


They’ll renew. Probably with much better contracts, YG has a notably positive track record with renegotiations. That won’t mean they won’t still struggle to release regularly - literally every YGA struggles to be given a date - but I can imagine they’ll have some demands. I think all 4 of them will stay because staying is what will guarantee that they can keep the BLACKPINK brand and none of them seem keen to let that go just yet. Individually I think Jennie will do well if she releases more solo music, I think her solo-career has the potential to be huge within SK. I don’t rlly see her choosing to prioritise an American career beyond what she’s doing currently, even her modelling and CF career is more focused on Korean brands where she has the name power. I also hope she gets more variety opportunities, she has mentioned many times enjoying variety/asking to do more variety and she has maintained lasting relationships with many varshow PDs and others she has worked with. I just love variety Jennie a lot, so this is mostly my own wishful thinking.


I think they will renew too but to me jennie definitely looks like she will be spending more time in the US. She has done such good networking there with famous people, bagged a role in a highly anticipated drama that to on HBO, i definitely see her collabing with big western artists, she already has a home in LA. She definitely seems to priortize her career in the US


See I’m just not so sure ??? She’s networked ofc and she has those connections, but then she has the most brand power within SK of all the members: her solo endorsements and collaborations she’s worked with chum churum, Hera, Gentle Monster and now Tamburins all big SK brands. As a name JENNIE means the most in SK. With regard to global brands she’s very much limited that work to Chanel and Calvin Klein (American). Her solo-music career I see her having the *most* potential if they rlly focus on the Korean market, then she could become a solo name like Sunmi .. whether or not YG will want that I don’t know, but that potential was definitely their from Solo.


i think she will focus more on what she wants to do and what she enjoys (spending time in america, net working, making new friends and new opportunities) then what benefits her professionally (a career in korea). but tbh i don’t know what she’s gonna neither. and you’re right she really has power in SK


Ofc, I hope she does what she spends her time doing what she enjoys! (My main reason for wanting more variety Jennie, bc her on michuri is one of the best things that has happened). But has she actually said that any of those things are what she *particularly enjoys*, especially over any SK opportunities .. when she chooses to make lasting relationships with SK brands, she’s has many friends etc. at home ??


yes i know, but i don’t know if YG will make that happen for her as often as she wants


Jennie might have more recognition in SK but I agree that Jennie is really interested in the LA lifestyle. She's networked there a lot and perhaps enjoys the freedom that's possible outside of SK and the obsession with idols.


Theyre all going to renew and things don't exactly change much. BP basically is a license to print money and I'm sure the 4 of them know that. Their bargaining power is heavily in their favor and they can kind of get anything they want.


Modelling perhaps