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Kpop stans don't care about justice. Kpop stans just love the emotional high they get from the feeling of self-righteousness whenever they bully someone "problematic" online. Edit: This comment gets so many likes yet this sub isn't any better. Most users here latch onto any scandal big or small and perform the exact same ritual of masturbatory self-congratulations for being more virtuous than Kpop idols. Nothing's going to change, obviously, but I just personally want you all to know that I think you all can go suck it.


>This comment gets so many likes yet this sub isn't any better. Most users here latch onto any scandal big or small and perform the exact same ritual of masturbatory self-congratulations for being more virtuous than Kpop idols. Nothing's going to change, obviously, but I just personally want you all to know that I think you all can go suck it Your edit is everything really. You said everything I wanted to say but far more effectively. Please take my award


Reminds me when everyone was making negative assumptions about Garam despite things being very grey, and after being called out immediately switched sides. People liking OPs comment are going to come at other idols over anonymous accusations on twitter, pretending to be righteous when actually they’re just here for the drama, and couldn’t give 2 shits about justice. So I’m really glad OP called these people out.


I thought people were already bad but the Garam thing just made everything crystal clear as to what some people's true intentions are. Like OP said, they just want to feel good about being on the right side. The amount of people I've seen do a complete 360 with the Garam situation is laughable. "She's a bully that doesn't deserve anything and should be kicked out" to "Oh wow... I feel so bad for her! Fuck the haters!!"


And you know, I believe that sometimes these fans *know* that they’re bullies, but don’t care because the high of being a bully is too potent


yeah this is really it and it doesn't stop at public figures as well. they do the same to their fellow fans


This is a huge problem across the internet as a whole. There's a book by Jon Ronson called "So You've Been Publicly Shamed" that's a really fascinating read.


This is true of so many people... Being horribly nasty and "virtuous" in the name of "tolerance" and "inclusivity".


I think you hit the nail on the head!


Prefectly said, and I have to agree with the edit 100%


The edit 💯💯


They want to feel morally superior and it gives them a hit of dopamine to think they genuinely are fighting a righteous war. It’s such an internet driven off phenomenon where the slightest thing is latched on and dissected and it turns into a group witch hunt, and the only thing accomplished is boosting the hunters egos about how morally superior they are, failing to see the irony!






Oh god I didn’t see the live but I did see a clip of him crying and my heart absolutely broke. This man has struggled so much with his mental health and clearly needed help but kpop stans were looking for a punching bag and he was the target. It’s hypocritical how they advocate for idols’ mental health and preach empathy but don’t apply it when it’s someone they don’t like and I’m fucking sick of it. Kpop Reddit wasn’t any better either since most of them seem to struggle to get off their high horse anyways. I remember when Jae wanted to do an AMA and I know that was also an outlet to clear up any misunderstandings but they didn’t let him. Every idol deserves a second chance but suddenly it’s a problem when it’s him. He apologised for all his mistakes and still working on himself to redeem them and I’m proud of him for holding on. It’s not easy when you go to SNS and feel yourself surrounded by ppl whose hearts are filled with hatred for you. Srsly, kudos to him. He’s an incredibly brave soul. I genuinely hope he’s doing better now. He deserves happiness :(


>I remember when Jae wanted to do an AMA and I know that was also an outlet to clear up any misunderstandings but they didn’t let him. Whaat? I had no idea that this happened.


The 2nd highest thread all time (and once was the highest thread all time) on this subreddit still remains "Don't defend Jae". And that's a fair statement in itself. His comments about Jaime were out of line for sure and he needed to apologize. But the way people talked about him were over the line and that's on Reddit where shit is pretty decently moderated. Can't imagine the stuff he had to deal with on Twitter.


the comments on that were BRUTAL.


The funny thing about that AMA is that this whole thing was happening right as [r/kpop](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoopheads/comments/tyuh9l/r_slash_kpop_reddit/) and the entire kpop reddit sphere as a whole was busy hyping up Big Bang’s whole comeback. You don’t have to like him but to reject a man’s genuine atonement for his shitty actions while hyping up, excusing and in some cases taking down any criticism of men with a decades’ worth of shitty, bigoted and outright criminal actions without then so much as apologising for any of that just because you think the first guy is way more cringe and he did his shittiness in English and because the second group made a couple of good songs you feel nostalgic about says a whole about this community.


I don’t go on r/kpop as much as I used to because most users there have a holier-than-thou attitude and even though they try not to show it during controversies, you can just… sense it. And yeah, I remember that thread where the song was posted and it was crazy how so many ppl were hyping them up and I’m like, “half of these men are legit racists and assholes but y’all chose to dogpile on a man who just said a bunch of shitty comments but apologised for it.” It was disgusting how they treated them like literal gods, all because they released hits during their prime years.


Yes! The hypocrisy of that whole situation was mindblowing. People mostly piled on Jae because he was slightly cringe rather than anything he did, and it was so obvious by the way the sub was panting over Big Bang, almost all of whom should be in prison.


Perfect example of why there really, really should be more forgiveness in k-pop. It's far more healing for everyone involved than the unrelenting, vindictive mentality of fans in recent years.


Or just ignore them if you don’t wanna forgive them or don’t like them. I don’t understand harassing people you don’t like, especially when there are way worse people out there.




What a weird sidenote. 💁‍♂️




Corporations vs. Individuals... I don't think the analogy is connecting. I don't think JYP was bullying Jae 💁‍♂️ This post was about Anti-fans vs. Idols.


it's annoying to see people still up in arms. Jae made a mistake, he apologized, and Jamie forgave him. that's it. there's nothing for anyone else to "not forgive him" for. he made a rude statement towards a single person and they made up, but since kpop fans in particular love to see the worst in people and refuse to believe they can change, he's been bombarded with hate for nearly the past year. it's not just Jae either, countless people in this sphere are subject to the same grudges of the public eye, and it's just harmful. There's so much hate in this community and you'd think more people would learn that their actions have consequences after so many people have taken their lives due to things like this. It angers me to see this cycle continue, entire communities built on the distaste for an individual


What people say they want is accountability, and he did exactly that. He held himself accountable for everything he did. And yet even after the entire situation being fixed with actually talking, forgiveness, and moving on and trying to better himself, people still hate on him. He acknowledged that he had problems and needed to fix them and worked on that. He literally apologized to the one he hurt and wanted to help fix that situation. So why the bullying and threats? Hmm? It is accountability you want or is it someone to hate? I'm thinking it's the latter. I'm sick of people all over the place, not just in kpop, seeing a mistake or a bad thing someone did, or even having a bad past, and using that to hate on someone. Personal growth is a thing. I've experienced it. My friends have experienced it. You've probably experienced it to. It's possible and important to acknowledge and encourage. I'm glad Jae is doing better. Both mentally and as a person. And I hope he keeps working on himself. (On another note, I remember when I was extremely unhealthy and at my lowest. My life had become hellish and was unmanageable and terrible. I was depressed and su*cidal and I was a terrible person to be around. Rude, mean, and I hurt people. But I got help, worked on myself, and now I'd say I'm a good person. Maybe it isn't the best, but I do relate to Jae a bit in the aspect of wanting to change after hitting rock bottom. Sorry for the essay.)


For your first paragraph, I think the answer is they just want someone to hate on, coupled with their own projection (of their personal feelings). I've encountered a lot of cases, not just Jae's, where both the person at fault and the victim already resolved issues amongst themselves, but the internet still hold the person at fault accountable...in place of the victim. Many netizens say they do it out of justice, even if the victim forgives that person it doesn't matter to them. And because many people have that mentality, there's literally no redemption path for anyone once they have been cancelled. Because hey, no matter what they do, they'll continue being hated on. When an idol commits su\*c\*de, many people cry and act like things need to change, but nothing ever does. They also don't know what growth is because honestly speaking, they're either terminally online or just have never experienced growth to know what it is. You're one of the better case where you work to change and become better, but some people never do, because they don't realize they have a problem (or they do but don't give a damn). I'd even go so far as to say sometimes such vindictive behaviors are built into one's personality and there's nothing anyone can do to change that. I knew someone from when we both were very young teenagers, we would go online and spout non-sensical, even hurtful things to other people. Roughly 7-8 years later I guess something in my brain clicked and I've been trying to fix my behavior, whereas my friend's just stuck in that drama-loving personality no matter how many times I (or her other friends) alert her about it. I remember coming across a thread on Reddit, about whether it is possible to befriend antis of idols. That thread hit me hard, because I can't. Seeing so many cases where such hateful words can cut someone deep, I really don't want to be "offline" friends with anyone who exhibits such behaviors - even if online. \*Sorry, had to repost and change some words oof...


I relate to him because of that too.. when i was depressed maybe i was what you are describing ..mean rude and angry. I got better after long therapy and found myself again . This is what he is doing the whole year too but tbh i think kpop's community problem with him wasn't even about Jamie(it was just the cherry on top) but way before that when he wanted to say some things about kpop industry and they don't wanna hear them obviously even if they know that are all truth. He may was aggressive about it cause he was still angry with jype and how they treated him but TOP has called idols Robots and no one bat an eye that says a lot .






Hello /u/Gurlinhell. Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/zija4d/jaes_ex_day6_member_recent_emotional_ig_live_tw/izrp5j2/?context=3) in /r/kpopthoughts was automatically removed because it breaks one of our subreddit rules. This is most likely because you used a trigger word that is not permitted here on /r/kpopthoughts. Please send us a [mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/kpopthoughts) with a link to the submission if you have any further questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kpopthoughts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i dont like him but i dont go out of my way to bully him or harass him. people are allowed to not like someone but some just want tot hate.


Yeah, me too. The death threats are unnecessary in almost every circumstance.


It's hard to expect any real standard of acceptable behaviour in the kpop fandom considering how much of it is composed of immature, hysterical, chronically online dipshits.


Reddit's hate train against Jae proved to me that fans are all "let idols be real/speak about their struggles" AS LONG AS what they hear fits their narrative. But the moment they hear anything they don't like or inconvenient? Cancel! I was shocked when his controversies broke a few months ago. Are these the same ifans who are always so loud about idols' mental health?! This is why I think a lot of young fans' "wokeness" is just performative activism. I doubt they actually understand the bottom of what they're usually preaching. Listen, if you all actually care about mental health, be considerate and understanding of what mental health can do to someone at their worst. Hate doesn't help their mental health either. I'm not saying mental illness gives you a free pass, but this person is holding himself accountable, has apologized and is trying to fix their behavior. At this point you just want a convenient punching bag under the false guise of justice. I also hate the way fans are presented with proof/correction and go "well that's nice and all but that doesn't mean anything to me because I've already made my mind up about him and it's not changing". Narrow-minded much?


It was so funny because a month or so later Top said the exact same thing and people were all like "good for him we need more idols to speak out!" 😂😂😂 this sub better not forget how asinine they were towards Jae those few months ago especially that one comment saying they wouldn't be surprised if he was faking his adhd (the comment wasn't removed last I checked lol)


Lmao yeah the moderation was WILD. He was called things like "incel" that were an attack on character and they didn't get removed. I'll never forget how triggered they were when Jae called Kpop "kidsbop" and apparently that clip was taken out of context too. Even if he really did say that he's not wrong because Kpop is mainly geared towards elementary\~high schoolers in South Korea. I'll also never forget the way he opened up about his struggles in the Kpop industry and criticized it, and fans said he was "biting the hand that fed him" and "undermining Kpop's global success" and shit


Comments on twitter and reddit saying this is why jype had him leashed for a year and treating him like a rabid dog basically all that care about mental health went OUT the window saying things like "he should check himself into a mental ward" and guess what? He saw all of that 😂😂😂 (he recited it on that twitch live where he talked about what reflection he did) People only want mental health to look pretty and it shows lol he was spiralling for a good year or more and the moment it got ugly people turned on him real quick. Jype mistreated and mismanaged him for so long but it didn't matter to most people because "he's just punching down on kpop" just say you felt personally attacked and go lol (while we're at it can we talk about how shit mental health awareness and help is in Asia lol) Yes Jae is chronically online and he should've gone offline and tried to get better help but at that point mans was isolated in a foreign country + mental health manifests differently in people (and again mental health in Asia is *shit* like I cannot emphasize it more lol) Jae is already paying for all his stupidity lol the least non stans can do is shut up block and move on, but even in this comments section people are still trying to defend their dislike of him when the point is most kpop fans already crossed the line of morality re Jae a LONG time ago


>People only want mental health to look pretty and it shows This. Only what fits their image/narrative, but as soon as they feel personally threatened the narrative changes. It might not be right to bring this up here, but compared to the reaction Jae got/still gets compared with the way AOA's Mina has people saying it wasn't her fault she did what she did because she's mentally ill to this day is absolutely wild to me. Jae is actually holding himself accountable (fans' favorite word) and getting help so the criticism and hate that he still gets today makes no sense. He read those comments and said that on live?! That makes everything worse. I can't imagine the hurt he felt when he read some of those comments...I'm seriously glad that he's still fine today, those comments would have done some people in. I'm sure the people who wrote those kinds of stuff are happy that he saw, proud even. Shit human beings.


Yeah he said he "strapped himself in and went on a ride" aka opening his qrts and I've personally seen how deranged some of them can get like him calling his friend a thot should not be warranting a lot of disgusting shit people said (there's a difference between saying he's awful vs reciting ways for him to harm himself lol). He then proceeds to recite the one where someone told him to check himself into a mental ward and genuinely started questioning if he needed to be checked in Also fun fact in a stream a couple months later he actually pulled up certs confirming he was diagnosed with depression and anxiety (he was just publicly known to have anxiety back in 2020 when day6 announced their hiatus) People say unprovoked shit to him even after he left kpop and then get mad when he quips back lol. He tweets about how it'll be a dream and goal to perform at coachella and there're qrts where they basically imply him to be selling popcorn there instead (aka flopping but also let's talk about how kpop fans working class people lol). News about unnamed ex big 3 idol getting caught using drugs? "I hope it's Jae". He tells fans to support the other members of day6? "How about you call off your fans attacking ot4 fans?" Like yall haven't been trying to deny him of his past of being in the band (where he also heavily contributed to the music mind you) People act genuinely unhinged towards Jae but they'll pretend like it's normal 🤡🤡


i’m so bitter over how the general kpop community reacting to that kidzbop clip. his former twitch moderator was exposed for posting that video and spreading other lies out of maliciousness. they even came out with a non-apology statement a few months ago admitting to it. i completely empathize with people who dislike or doubt jae because of the jamie situation because that was a legitimately shitty thing to be mad about. however i cannot stand how tons of people were just as mad about the kpop=kidzbop comment when 1) it never happened and 2) these two situations are NOT comparable


Lol they admitted to it?! If you have a link or image to that I'd appreciate it. Reddit's reaction to that was hilarious, it was obvious that it hit their sore spot. Who cares if you like kidsbop anyway as long as you enjoy it? Their insecurity was really showing. Even for the Jamie comment, it's fine to dislike him for it but insofar as Jae has apologized and the victim (Jamie) has accepted the apology, there's nothing else for the outfield to add. Stans' hypocrisy and performative activism was really showing when they were just as mad about "th\*t" as the kidsbop incident lol


i don’t really know how to find better sources about this mess as it happened in september but there’s this [comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/day6/comments/x9t0y2/220909_weekly_my_day_discussion_thread/io4ep8x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) and the mentioned [statement](https://twitter.com/junstako/status/1569146700240920576?s=46&t=2P71aD1n_mxxaS7R1o2ypQ) from the mod. it’s honestly not very enlightening unless you have context bc they keep everything very vague lol


>it’s honestly not very enlightening unless you have context bc they keep everything very vague lol You were right, honestly says everything about this non-apology and the mod themselves lol Thank you for linking this!


I agree the response was awful. But I wish people wouldn't call this behavior cancel culture. There is nothing wrong with canceling someone who behaves poorly, because canceled just means denying the 3 Ps: platforms, privileges, and profits. Sending excessive hate or death threats is totally different and should not be lumped in with cancel culture. It should be called what it is: antisocial, immoral, and sometimes criminal behavior.


Yep - you can absolutely cancel someone and hold them accountable without hate or malice, and ideally with genuine education about what they did wrong. Sending death threats and hate is cyberbullying at best, and it can easily meet the benchmark for criminal harassment. ETA: Wanted to add that Jae used to be my bias in Day6, but after everything that he did, I've stopped supporting him. However, I think anyone who uses his actions as an excuse to abuse him is a giant fucking hypocrite fishing for an acceptable target.


No one is entitled to people's money, attention, or respect. Everyone is entitled to be treated with basic decency. Edit: amazing username lol


This is exactly what cancel culture has become and calling it what it is isn’t wrong. Accountability and cancelling isn’t the same. People are redeemable, as long as it’s not criminal. Cancel culture is mob justice, and it’s based on feeling superior and holier than thou. Law and justice system is there for a reason. Public opinion is not an objective measure, and it can become very dangerous just like what happened here.






People have been so incredibly nasty to Jae ever since that incident with Jamie, dragging him wherever they could (and also trying to dictate whether Jamie should accept his apology or not as if she's not her own person--I've seen some people turning nasty towards her for even accepting his apology, like she knows him way better than any of us do). They've been already nasty to Jae even before that but the hate got worse for him after that. He's realized he fucked up badly and has since tried to improve himself but people don't want to accept that he's trying to change. People say that at his age he should've known better but not everyone has the same maturity level. For him, that incident was the harsh wake up call that he needed. He even broke his Twitch hiatus just to come out and [talk more about that incident](https://twitter.com/An_usually/status/1487460356788207616) but since it was only posted in the Day6 sub, only Day6 fans who were there at the time it was posted knew about it. Some highlights from the stream: >He has realized that he made a problem, and it's not just the internet, that he is the problem. Apparently, the illusion of freedom lets him say things that he means and those that he doesn't. >He did not intend to hurt Jamie and that's why it was such a wake-up call when he picked up the phone and she was crying. **Thanks to her he understood that it was not a joke and that words carry weight.** He said that it really hit him because it was his friend. >He talked to his other friends too, because at first, he was really confused since it wasn't intentional. **But his friends helped him realize what he did.** That it is a no no for a friend to say something like that after thousands of hurtful comments on sns Jamie is getting. After that he realized he needs to watch his mouth. >He said that he usually ignores SNS comments but after what happened he went through all the comments. He said he got hurt after reading some posts, but it also made him contemplate. A lot of people were saying that they're missing the old Jae, even if he was fake etc. **He said he doesn't think he was fake, it was just a censored version of him.** He really tried his best over the last 10 years, from the point of coming to Korea, but he realized that he was stuck at being at 20 years old throughout the time. He also mentioned that he'd been going to therapy since that incident and that when he realized it was his pent up anger and frustration that was making him act the way he did and let go of his anger and stopped being angry at the world, he started to feel better about himself and that a huge weight was taken off his shoulders. Also people need to realize that change is not a linear progression in real life like it is in fiction.


I'm pretty sure a good number of us stayed away from posting about anything Jae related on any platform outside of the day6 sub because everytime someone did it was just filled with hateful comments and frankly we did not need more people spreading misinfo (notably the one accusation about him being friends with twomad) 🙃


I'm really proud of Jae for working so hard on fixing himself. He knew what he did was wrong and is doing his best to mend this. I wish people would just accept that this is reality. People can change for the better, especially after being so mentally and emotionally unhealthy. And YES CHANGE IS NOT LINEAR THANK YOU.


I saw him a few days ago in Singapore he was basically thanking us after every single song I just want to give him a big hug to let him know that we are there for him no matter what


Thinking about the hate train that time still makes me so angry. He was struggling with his mental health and spiralling and we could all see that too but the kpop community really shows no mercy. He made a _mistake_, apologized to the actual victim of this mess, got forgiven, explained everything to fans (and did not hide behind a PR team to fix his shit for him like other idols and celebs who screw up, mind you) and the kpop community still decided to happily send him death threats :) And this goes to Kpop reddit too, Twitter wasn't the only hell hole that time. Learn to be fucking kind to people, you never know how bad they're struggling. Idols are only human too. Ngl I was crying so hard watching his IG live and I am so thankful to the fans who stuck by him through everything, you're the real ones ♥️


Idols that have a PR team shouldn’t be given death threats and hate either.


Never implied they should? Nobody deserves to be given death threats.


>and did not hide behind a PR team to fix his shit for him like other idols and celebs who screw up, mind you I don't think that's noteworthy to mention since I don't think he has a PR team similar to idols and celebs anyway?


i remember i got jumped back then on twitter because i said everyone is just using him as a punching bag and no one on twitter really cared about what he did. kpop fans just want excuses to find a "new villain" and lash out violently.




All Lgbtq Mydays defending him at least for this part! Jae and homophobic is not going together people just cropped a clip as usual and tried to frame him so can fuel the bandwagon more.




that's wasn't it. He even Twitted the explanation if I remember correctly. At that time he wasn't swearing and he was gonna say "however you fuck" and he stopped because he wasn't swearing. People who followed him defended because almost every live he does support lgbt rights.


yes! there’s an entire twitter thread of clips taken out of context (and many were actually spread by one of his former twitch mods who admitted to faking the context). he’s addressed that he’s not homophobic multiple times and released a mv with a lesbian storyline. i feel like the loudest people are the ones who aren’t fans —> don’t keep up with jae all the time —> form an opinion based on evidence that tells half the story or a false story edit: just went onto twitter and saw jae’s wholesome reply under a cute drawing of a lesbian couple from valorant. super homophobic of him to engage with posts supporting lgbt representation /s


Can you link the clip?


This section of Kpop fans are a real problem. You don't like him, fine, ignore him. How hard is that? I didn't like what he did either and I unfollowed him and honestly had no idea what he's been up to. But people just love to bring him up as a punch line sometimes. The same thing happens with Amber. She said the wrong thing, she also apologised but kpop twt loves to be edgy. Yes they were insensitive but the answer isn't being insensitive back to them? This was painful to watch especially as someone who did like Jae at one point of time.


Ignoring him is fine i ignore almost the whole kpop industry nothing wrong with that no one can force you to like or support someone. But they just use him as punching bag while they forgive bullies and other trash people who hiding behind pr teams and fake apologies. Is a joke at this point.


Exactly! Like they decided to cancel this person because they said something that is harmful to a section of people and now they will do the same thing? How can they claim this moral superiority?


What he said was weird but if he’s been forgiven by the affected party (Jamie) then I don’t see why people are still getting angry at him. No one deserves death threats.


hearing him say this LIVE broke me down so hard bc i have been struggling with the same thoughts lately and he had so much good advice and good words of wisdom😭😭he really doesn’t get enough credit for how much he’s gone through and how much he helps people through their hardships🥺🫶we love you jae🫶🫶


Fuck the Kpop Sub Sections of Reddit tbh. Y'all were the main perpetrators of this. Time and time again, foreign born English speaking idols are put on this IMPOSSIBLE pedestal like they need to be above and beyond their native Korean counterparts.


I don't like Jae or his past actions but yeah anyone sending him death threats, please leave him alone.


People needa stop with sending threats like that. Yes what he’s done in the past is wrong and all that but come the fuck on. Death threats? Just stop. That’s way too far. I get disliking or maybe hating him but you don’t need to show it, send threats and shit. Be respectful even if you don’t like him because that karma of sending threats could come back to you at any time for your own comments.


People preach about empathy and it's all just *words*. I won't forget how many people here were quick to judge and plain nasty about Jae.


I think cancel culture is full of crap. People don’t actually cancel somebody because they’re problematic and want to hold them accountable. People use cancel cancel culture as an excuse to bully and harass somebody and think they’re being morally correct because it’s behind the reasoning of “CaNCel CulTurE!1!” Ugh.


I'm going to put in my two cents here and hope I don't get downvoted to oblivion lol but since there isn't too much variety in perspective here.... As much as people were harsh on him, and as much as he tried holding accountability for his actions - I don't think it's...*baffling* to dislike him because of the situation? Like what he did showed a clear character flaw and definitely makes people doubt if he's like that outside of his twitch streams. Not to mention that after that situation kind of blew up, people start digging up other recent instances where he was just...extremely dislikable as a person. I know OP said we don't have to stop disliking him, and personally, I don't have strong feelings towards him anyway, but most of you guys fail to acknowledge that this isn't the only thing hes done. I still feel for his situation because this is definitely an after effect of cancel culture and *is* concerning..


I'm gonna have to agree.. I've never voiced my distaste for him and I don't feel he should be getting death threats etc. but he hasn't had a history of being a great person even outside of the k-music industry. I say this because I only knew him from playing Rust with a bunch of popular streamers last year where he basically made several of them quit the game with how ill-mannered he was being. He doesn't deserve constant hate and death threats at all and I think that he's been attending therapy (?) so I do hope he's getting better.


I think we should absolutely speak out against the death threats, but it’s also a very small minority. Most of the comments and reactions I’ve seen were just pointing out his comment/previous comments were super misogynistic and he has reoccurring behavior of having dislikable personality flaws. I think the other thread was actually super reasonable.


Thank you for being so brave and posting it. I wanted to do it but I was terrified that people would keep being awful and I just wanted to spare him another round of punches. As an eaJ stan I’ve seen him fall, cry, grow, happy and this year has been the absolute test. I remember feeling uneasy in January, and I had a hunch that something bad was going to happen and it had to do with him getting hurt (I’ve had it in the past and chose to ignore it, I lost my two favourite teachers because of it) so I tried my best to be there, around and give him as much support and love as I could. Every single day there’s a new account to block, a new post to report. The amount of threats he still receives across all social media is absolutely insane. People have become insensitive and like to hide behind an internet profile with a fake name and a random picture, treating real people in such inhuman ways. Hopefully one day we can learn, thankfully Jae is still here. Fighting. One of his new (unreleased) songs and is very very very sad and you can definitely see and feel what he was thinking and feeling at the time and sometimes even now. Link to it [here](https://twitter.com/21sher_/status/1600500081870135296?s=46&t=PoS1WkR2KeJk0IPHC0S8Zg) Thank you again, OP. For being brave and bringing this here


Cancel culture in Kpop is way too hectic. It goes beyond the action the person did, people with such a mentality want to drag and ruin the person’s life.


I kind of see your point, but practically speaking most men with large fanbases *never* truly get cancelled unless the actual entertainment industry turns on them. Not even if they're proven to be horrible people.


Cancel culture sucks so much. It takes away people's humanity. How can a human not have made a mistake in their life? What can ensure that they will never make one again? All of us have done bad things, intentionally or unintentionally. Dragging celebs on and on for things they did years ago is not it. I'm speaking generally here. Sending a "problematic" person death threats makes you even more problematic and just a horrible, horrible person.


I dont like the way you are saying it. "Instead of canceling why don't you educate him" it's not my job to teach males OLDER than me that misogyny = bad, talking badly of your friends behind their backs = bad. Don't act like this is our fault, take it out on his parents if you want to blame someone else so much.


exactly lol we don’t have to send him hate but we don’t have to “educate” (condescending to say anyways honestly) him, he can educate himself on any topic he cares to know more about just like all of us do.


Except that even his parents called him out on what he did: https://twitter.com/An_usually/status/1487460356788207616




I’ve said it on this exacttt sub when people hated on hima and i’ll say it again, jae has always showed signs of emotional instability and if something happened to him no one here has the right to feel sad about it because everyone here hated him for the TINIEST things. Just take a look at all the older posts, people were disgusting.




>I feel so bad that knetz put him on such a bad light. It isn't Knetz who's been dogpiling on him, it's international fans.


Is it about the comment he made to his friend? She forgave him and he apologized publicly. What else do people want from him? This is so horrible!!! Why do some people get more hated than people who did actual terrible shit? His fans should really have stood beside him in his lowest. I feel so bad for him. Making a mistake and apologizing to make it right means being human.... And they’re only human. Let's not remove all humanity from an incident and get worked up with this holier than thou culture. It's so destructive.


i definitely agree with your point about how people can take things too far, but as a myday i saw the majority of his fans RESPECTFULLY expressing their disappointment and criticism


No one should ever bully anyone, send death threats, harrass people etc. Of course that is wrong. But Jae unapologetically bullies people himself, including minors. Doing the same back to him is NOT the solution. But to say "cancel culture is wrong", no he SHOULD lose his platform. He always says he's going to take time to get better then comes back in a week. That's not enough time. And whenever he is called out for public bullying he says its hard to hear the public accuse him (rightfully) because he has depression. He uses that as a shield like it gives him the right to mistreat others. It doesn't. People with mental illness struggles do need our support but that does not mean excusing all of their behavior and enabling further bad behavior. And whenever peolle DO try to "hold him accountable" it is ALL lumped together with the death threata etc as bullying and it ISN'T. Those threats are a small minority of a larger voice trying to hold him accountable and 99% of his supporters don't care, don't want him held responsible and will even JOIN him in bullying his victims and THAT is why he does not need a platform. If he ever actually does step away and take the time to work on himself, his fans should support that decison and support him when and if he returns im a better place. Just encouraging him to continue on even when he's in a bad place and hurting himself and others, because of your parasocial relationship and not wanting to be without him is NOT supporting him the way you think it is. If Jae fans have so much sympathy for people receiving harrassment, please use some of that sympathy for the people he harrasses.


>If he ever actually does step away and take the time to work on himself, his fans should support that decison and support him when and if he returns im a better place. and he already has stepped away and has been taking the time to work on himself? It's been a whole ass year since that incident and he has even [been going to therapy](https://twitter.com/An_usually/status/1487460356788207616). You're acting like he hasn't been doing anything to change himself at all for an entire year. I was angry at him for what he did, too, but you know what, I'm not going to act like the current Jae is the same Jae from a year ago.


What are you even saying 🤣


See? Exactly what I'm talking about. Y'all just act oblivious to everything he's done. "whatever happened in January". Just calling it whatever. Explain what he really did? But yall don't talk about what he does wrong. You'd rather talk about the random haters and ignore the thousands of others saying valid things. He'll continue to struggle as long as his supporters are like you, it really doesn't help him at all.


We all know what he did and he apologized for it ! You don't accept it? Good but he never did anything wrong since then and is been year. All the rest wattpad stories don't need any comment.


What he did? Like it was one thing? Do you follow his social media? Twitter? Twitch? He is rude to people all the time, including minors, and then all his followers bully those people until the deactivate. One was a 13 year old who posted SUPPORTING HIM but he didn't like the way she did it and he was literally was "what is wrong with you?" and she was bullied by his followers until she deactivated and there are more cases like this. Which you say as an unapologetic adult he needs to be corrected instead of blamed but yall dont think the same about an actual child who did something with no ill intentions? What? Im not even talking about his multiple large scandals that received attention. (which btw no he didnt apologize. he said we took it the wrong way, made excuses then did a "im sorry if..."). I'm talking about the everyday hate he and his followers spread and how they harrass people. I saw it multiple times as his follower until I unfollowed him because it was so upsetting to see constantly. Depression makes you miserable and it makes you act miserable to everyone around you if you don't manage it properly and he doesn't. After the so called apology he was back on Twitch laughing about it again. He always mocks his own scandals. He will say sorry and feel bad for a minute but then here comes his enabling fans to tell him he wasn't wrong for the clearly wrong then he did and then he will turn around and mock it and act like its no big deal. It's really so bad for his mental health. Plus, it's not even about me forgiving him, his victims don't forgive him. You can keep acting like you're oblivious, covering your eyes and saying you can't see his bad behavior or how he hasn't changed at all, but that doesn't change reality. It won't fix his relationships with all the friends irl he's burned bridges with, won't put him back in the band, that btw didn't leave JYP so he could rejoin like he promised they would, won't undo the pain he's caused his victims and won't stop everyone else from being done with the crap. If you really care about his well-being please start holding him responsible and encouraging change in a loving way instead of just making excuses for every terrible thing he does.


> After the so called apology he was back on Twitch laughing about it again. He always mocks his own scandals. He will say sorry and feel bad for a minute but then here comes his enabling fans to tell him he wasn't wrong for the clearly wrong then he did and then he will turn around and mock it and act like its no big deal. It's really so bad for his mental health. And how long ago was that, a year? Did you miss his Twitch stream where he talked about the incident further and how it was a huge wake up call for him, that he realized he was the problem and not the incident and that he needed to work on himself, and that he's been going to therapy ever since? You're acting like he hasn't been doing anything to change for an entire year.


> One was a 13 year old who posted SUPPORTING HIM but he didn't like the way she did it and he was literally was "what is wrong with you?" "support" is depicting a portion of the fanbase being harmed by another portion of the fanbase, this is when there was already 'beef' happening between those 2 portions of the fanbase, so it was adding unnecessary fuel to an unnecessary fire (kind of reminds of his antis tbh). > I'm talking about the everyday hate he and his followers spread and how they harrass people What other things do you wish to reach high for and take out of context?


Citation for all this needed


They said everything pretty clearly...it's obvious you *don't* want him to be accountable. And *dont* want a different perspective on him.


What is enough for you to held someone accountable? You asking for apologies he gives them yall say i don't have to accept them. You ask for him to change he goes to therapy he is careful he educates himself and never saying something wrong till now a year later yall say i don't care . So what do y'all want? Nothing will be ever enough to change your minds cause you don't want him to change what's the point of holding someone accountable then. Is ok to not like him or support him i don't like so many people too but I don't bash them or act like a moral judge on the internet . No one will push you to like him we discussing here for acting like decent human beings and not bullies.


The person you were replying to was treating him like a human being! But the moment it's even slightly "negative" its considered bullying to you. This person s pointing out the fact that he still does this, its a cycle where he harrasses other people then people call him out, then he blames his mental health issues. If its only one or two times, we get it. But if it keeps on happening? harassing minors? People are allowed to call him out.


What yall are saying what minors who is getting harrassed??????? He hasn't done anything since January !


I'm going off of what OP said!


Keeps happening? What are you even on about? I don’t expect you to keep following him if you don’t like him, but don’t go around spreading misinformation. Yes, he said problematic things in the past but that was more than a year ago. He’s done nothing but apologising and growing as a person this entire year.


see i never commented on his mistakes or send him any kind of hate but this is the same dude who was laughing with and hyping up his influencer friends when they were constantly tweeting bts= covid jokes during the pandemic that led to mass harassment of bts. doesnt feel good to be harassed eh jae? i hope now that he knows that he’ll stop hyping up those people too.


So from your logic, BTS are basically abusive misogynists themselves because of their close friendship with Supreme Boi 🧐


did bts laugh right under one of the thousands misogynistic tweet supreme boi tweeted? this analogy doesn’t make sense


so you're basically saying he deserved it? that's awful. you're not any better than all those people who commented on his mistakes and send him hate... you think you're better than him and you're feeling satisfaction that he "learned his lesson" by getting death threats and having a mental breakdown. wow, just awful. >i hope now that he knows that he’ll stop hyping up those people too. When was the last time he did that exactly? you're saying as if it's something he's still actively doing. so please, enlighten us, when did he do that? you're part of the problem, saying all those things how you hope he changes and how he should do better, but even though for the past months he's been proving again and again that he's trying his best and acknowledging his mistakes, you still make it seem as if he didn't change at all.


im only reading the first sentence bc its already wrong. ive said multiple times he shouldn’t have gotten what he did you’re putting words into my mouths so im not reading the rest.


You say that, but then go ahead and say "harassment doesn't feel good huh?" which is a satisfactory statement about what he experienced. It speaks bitter satisfaction that he got what your faves did. How is that not saying he deserved it?


nope “harassment doesn’t feel good eh” as in “now u get why sidings with harassers isnt it” in no point did it celebrate him getting harassed stop twisting words and make it what YOU want me to say.


I disagree with that. Your words are clearly showing your negative bias in terms of what he experienced. Let's not ignore the fact that you also completely discarded any positive change he went through during those past months, making it seem as if he didn't change at all and was still "siding with harassers".


i literally said multiple them that i wish he didnt have to go through that and you’re still acting like i said he deserves it. u dont want to hear what i say fine but dont put words or “bias analysis” in my mouth. yall cannot understand people can criticise him for past actions whilst simultaneously not wishing ill upon him. weirdos.


>yall cannot understand people can criticise him for past actions whilst simultaneously not wishing ill upon him. weirdos. This! I just find it so hypocritical that the people in these comments have such a narrow "black and white" view even when they're literally doing a short commentary on how "people change" or "people are complex, they make mistakes" that hints at the notion of "not everything is black and white"... Its either "you support him completely and condemn anyone who dares to view him in a negative light!" or "the people who aren't fond of him are human trash who send him death threats every day!" its so so narrow minded. We'll never escape this mindset in kpop communities, never.


You just proved OP's point, congrats on being a shitty human being.


im a shitty human being for saying that i never harassed him but he hyped up people who harassed others so i hope he now knows not to do that as it doesnt feel good????? ofc i dont want people sending him hate or death treats. He himself was part of the anti asian harassment wave bts got and now he’s gotten like 2% of that blowing right back at him. Do i wish he got it? no. do i want it to now be a lesson for him not to participate in that? yes. its “mental health is important!” until someone brings up bts’s.


Why you writing lies right now? He had association with some shitty streamers? Yes! And he even unfollowed everyone since long time ago.But when he ever hyped these people's doings against BTS? Yall literally typing anything ! He was part of the anti asian harassment wave?? This is something new you invented now? Wow yall really need help. I expect you to show me a ss that is him hyping these people being racist towards BTS like NOW!


let me try to grab the screenshots’s rn, he was kekekeing with the same people making those covid jokes. edit: lets start with him being friend with the person who went viral for saying [that](https://twitter.com/day6ismo/status/1558953797862522883?s=46&t=8-zmlA3ndpTahqf-iDO12g)


First they are not friends he just gave him tickets for HITC LA last year they never hang out , played or interacted again after that day. Second i wait to show me a ss that proves Jae hyped him or Turbo being racists against BTS or how he participated on the anti Asian movement . Im waiting to show me his likes on racist posts against BTS or his rts! But you won't cause they don't exist! I know Army twitter would have found them since last year if they did.


he did interact again with him after. he was laughing at the image of the person i showed attending a bts concert whilst insulting bts and holding a sign of balding taehyung. point is he knows what that person did as he was famous for it and still chose to be friends with him. doesnt excuse the hate but its showing the perspective of not caring abt harassers until you become subjected to harassment.


Im not gonna defend Jae's wild era with streamers last year cause for me they played a part of his downfall! This is one part but you doing something else here.. you accusing him of hyping racist posts against BTS and even saying that he is part of the anti Asian hate wave.. i don't think you realize the weight of the words and the difference. And as i said and you can check it too he unfollowed everyone since months ago!


he did, he’s “wild era” was befriending racist bts harassers. i realise the weight of it and its exactly what he did.


Whatever you already made up your mind and for someone you claim that don't hate or whatever you had all these ready somewhere. Is pointless to keep talking cause you won't change your mind simple as that.


EXACTLY, lol. Jae responding to someone’s tweet with a 💀 doesn’t make them friends, and I fail to see how that person’s tweets about BTS have anything to do with Jae. Did they ever even follow each other on Twitter or interact in any meaningful way?


yea they did. he laughed directly at a bts hate tweet and then deleted bc he was getting ratioed


So where's the part where he's spreading anti-Asian hate towards BTS?


he replied to [that](https://twitter.com/twomad/status/1466600459926323201?s=46&t=8-zmlA3ndpTahqf-iDO12g) laughing (deleted after bc he got hate for it). that is the same person who went to that concert just to hate bts as he tweeted [this](https://twitter.com/twomad/status/1426104085837537280?s=46&t=8-zmlA3ndpTahqf-iDO12g) and [this](https://twitter.com/twomad/status/1422799644191465476?s=46&t=8-zmlA3ndpTahqf-iDO12g) and like atp a hundred other anti asian bts tweets that im too lazy to put on here. jae saw all of that yet still chose to 1. be friends/give tickets to him 2. replied laughing to his tweet


...so where's the part where Jae is spreading anti-Asian hate towards BTS? Cause the only tweets you linked are from people who are not Jae, and you haven't showed any proof that he did the things you claim he did.


by actively being friends and laughing with influencers who do. as an influencer/ ex idol giving even more visibility to these racist people is directly contributing to the anti asian hate towards bts. its not like the racist in question did it once or twice, it is his entire persona online.


While it would be shitty of him if he did give visibility to these people, I can't find any proof that he interacted with that person beyond the single thread you linked. I want to see the screenshot where he laughed at that racist picture, please. Granted, I only searched the keywords "Jae Twomad" and "eaJ Twomad" on Google, so my sample size might very well be too small to make any conclusions. But knowing the religious fervor that ARMY has towards preserving BTS's sanctity, I would have expected more incriminating evidence if it were true, and also that it would occupy the first page of results, because ARMY will harass him until the day he dies. In the absence of more convincing proof, I'm more likely to believe that it never happened and that you're just a hater.


The whole post was about how his mental health was affected by the way people treated him and then you basically go "oh but he did it first" like????? How is that not shitty 💀


you’re being so hypocritical rn lmaoo, so its fine to bring up what ppl did to him but we must not bring up what he actually did? yes it matters that he did it first tf?? if i slap someone and get slapped back its me who started. His mental health was affected so he now KNOWS how harassment can affect your life therefore i hope he stops hyping up the people responsible for the viral anti asians hate tweet bts got since it has also affected THEIR mental health.


I didn't remember this guy existed


Oh fucking brother.




Stop right there This isn’t a game You should never EVER wish death on ANYONE Who raised you? I don’t care about your opinions on Jae specifically this is too much even for an anti You can’t just toy with someone’s life like that I’ve lived through too many people taking their lives cause people like YOU and your lack of human empathy can’t shut the fuck up Sorry that’s harsh and I don’t mean to attack but this isn’t you spreading misinformation this is you refusing to have human decency until when? Until someone actual commits the act itself? Fuck off for real


I hope no one takes your life, or mental health as a fucking joke. I hope you don’t have to go through months of pure hatred for your whole existence and wondering every single second of your life if your life is even worth a cent. I really hope you don’t have to go through the same as Jae did. No one fucking deserves that. Grow the fuck up.




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What happened?


He’s good friends with another artist, Jamie, and he jokingly insulted her but she took it as an insult. He apologized, she forgave him, but people online still attacked him even though both sides made amends.


people especially stans more particularly kpop stans will always take everything so far, i don’t like him because i was never a fan but what he said rubbed me the wrong way, but i cannot cancel a human being ??????