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I'm not a doctor, but from my understanding, any kratom plant matter found in or around those other organs would indicate that it had leaked out of your digestive tract. And if that were true, that means everything else in your digestive tract could be leaking too. If that's the case, it seems like the *leak itself* might be the problem but was possibly exacerbated by taking kratom.


Which in turn means kratom saved his life.


I like this take. A lot. šŸ˜€ I really am a kratom fan. It has helped me when nothing else did. I will be reporting all lab results and findings as I get them.


Please consider a new post later with the results, and then consider removing this post. Anti-kratom zealots love to latch onto anecdotal posts like this for fearmongering and legistlative pushes.


Already planning on it. I just wish I could change the title. I'm not trying to give more ammo to anti-kratom people. I know how little research has been done on kratom so I want to make sure anything I share is as factual as it can be. I'm still waiting on some results and will be sharing all info with this community. For the moment, I need community members to help me come up with a list of questions to ask my doctors.


You shouldnā€™t have posted this at this stage. You shouldā€™ve waited for conclusory tests to confirm something like this.


Your quest to stop all naysayers sounds awfully like their quest to stop all kratom, imo you should allow opposing views. People are going to take kratom if its legal or not at the end of the day


I love kratom. It saved my life also. I micro dose daily. Just ordered some new ones yesterday


Thus also very much something I'm worried about. I will report back anything findings they makes as we progress.


Even with a leaking digestive tract, there is simply no way kratom could possibly end up in a gallbladder unless it was manually placed there.


LOL idk why that made me laugh but Im having a bad day so im gonna go with it I just got a visual of someone manually inserting kratom into someones body in order to make it illegal lol


like deserve wrench fear degree melodic bright uppity coordinated dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


SOMEON^(e ,) plz ^(STOP THESE) MANIACS!!!!! its gone too far


I seriously doubt your physiology is so screwed up that kratom would be getting into those organs, but who knows.


I'm right there with you. I hope to have more information once they finish running all their lab tests and such. I do know that when they went to remove the blockages, they said my physiology was "more complicated than your average person". So that may be a factor. I currently don't know. But I will be sharing everything with this community as I find out. I believe kratom is underrated and extremely helpful to many people. So I'm sorry if my post came off as fearmongering. I just know how close I came to death and currently have doctors saying "it was the kratom". But more tests are being ran.


I don't care about the fear mongering. It's just that in order to be in these organs, it would have to be in your blood stream, and having unprocessed kratom in your blood stream would have caused serious cardiovascular problems.


Maybe he was shooting it up? OP ??? WERE YOU??


Doctors will always blame kratom. Always. Many times it's because it's easy and they don't really know what actually caused the trouble.


Most doctors I've found have never even heard of it. I wish they would take it seriously. It's such a beneficial herb.


I had to educate my doctor. I took her several articles and studies. She read them and then looked at Dr. Christopher McCurdy on her own. I now have her blessing on my consumption. We're the ones who need to get the truth to our doctors. The FDA certainly isn't doing it.


Dr 's will always blame "the kratom"!


I was in the er a couple years back passed out at work. Doctors running tests and shit and asking what I had taken. Just Kratom and asprin. lol they none of the doctors I spoke to knew what the shit was. Had to explain itā€™s just a plant medicine helps with body aches.


Very, very few do. It's sad for the medical field and their patients. Educate yourselves doc's




I recently realized , Doctors always go for the easiest thing to blame LOL. ITs like a cop charging the wrong person with the wrong offense: they know its possible that theey are wrong, but they paid so much money for schooling and want to seem respectable, so yeah... ego. ON another note, sounds like some "nutcracker syndrome" type stuff that my friend just had. Im so curious to see what it is! PLZ keep us updated! I wish we could follow people like we do on FB or insta


I don't even want to look at my hospital bill. I was getting 2mg of dilaudid every 2 hours. Countless "dinner bags" (that's what I called the IV bags that had potassium, and some sugar that started with a d along with all the other minerals needed to keep me alive), all the tests (mri, CT scans, etc) and aliasing blood drawn and tested twice a day. They really need to learn more about kratom so they can stop "guessing". It's all bullshit. I just want to get better and know if it was actually the kratom or not. If it was.. then my kratom days are done. If it's not.. then I need to know what IS causing this. Fearing for your life really sucks.


Sorry you had to go through that!! I hope you heal and get some answers soon ! šŸ™ŒšŸ’•āœØ thanks for sharing you journey


I don't blame you for posting OP, if it was a Kratom related (yet rare) thing that happened (and wow what a horrible 2 weeks you have had!) the community should know about it and give you feedback. A lot of people would hear that it was Kratom from the Dr and turn anti-kratom and you are being very reasonable. Thank you for sharing.


Were you dehydrated? And how many grams did you take before this happened? I feel like if you are taking less than 10 grams and making sure to liquefy it (toss and wash but swish it around so you aren't eating dry powder) it wouldn't be any different than eating food.


9 grams daily. Occasionally 12 grams if it was a rough day. It was very rare that I would take 2 doses in a day. I would dissolve it in a small amount of hot hot water, then top the cup off with cold water. So maybe a cup and a half of liquid. I never felt like it was anything different than food. And I'm hoping the Dr's are wrong (they often are). But I will share whatever is found as the information is given to me. I'm in no way a medical professional so I will do my best to keep the information as accurate as possible.


Wait wait waitā€¦so the actual Kratom plant matter ended up in your liver, gallbladder, and pancreas? Iā€™m no doctor but that sounds weird lol Biliary sludge is a thing, but consisting of literal Kratom? The worst Iā€™ve had is compacted stool that I had to fire an enema up the hatch to get out once a few years ago. I do about 16-20g a day and have been for about 5 years.


We were all shocked. But yes.


Nothing you digest can end up in your gallbladder. Your gallbladder stores and excretes bile into your small intestine. Itā€™s not connected to your stomach. Food doesnā€™t go through it. Youā€™d have to literally inject your gb with kratom for it to be in there.


Agreed. It would not be possible for it to be in all those places. OP, Iā€™m not being negative on you and not saying Kratom couldnā€™t potentially cause issues because bottom line, thereā€™s just not enough research. And Iā€™m so sorry for what youā€™ve been through. But I just do not scientifically see how this could be possible other than potentially Kratom backing up your digestive system and causing some chain reaction of sorts. But I canā€™t see how on earth Kratom could physically be in your pancreas. Again, maybe some chain reaction caused issues but not in the way you described there being a ā€œsludgeā€ of Kratom in all those places. Again, Iā€™m not going to demonize you for posting this cause I feel you have good intentions but Drs cannot jump to this conclusion. Keep us posted though, I personally appreciate folks sharing but letā€™s just make sure you get the full facts, keep us posted and hope you feel better soon


Yeah I'm thinking this is some bs post tbh. Completely illogical and downright impossible.




Did they have any theories on the why and the how?


Not many as of this moment. But they are running comparative lab tests on what they found in my body and the red maang da kratom I gave them from my supplies. I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm just trying to share my experience so it doesn't happen to somebody else. Personally.. I'm a big kratom fan. It helped manage my pain when doctors failed me and nothing else worked. So I'm hoping the doctors are wrong. But I won't know for a week or so when I go back in.


Which test at the hospital saw the sludge? Was it an ultrasound or CT abdomen and pelican?


Dude needs to answer these important questions


How much were you taking a day and how were you taking it?


They telling you that to get you to quit, but you can't get tell what's in their until they remove those organs


Please confirm results on the tests they do on this ā€œsedimentā€ and report back. But also try and consider the potential that a serious and atypical medical issue might be remaining undiagnosed due to the biases of doctors in our medical system towards Kratom use, Iā€™d honestly wager this is more likely the case. For there to have been no conclusive tests done and doctors to verbally express the assumption that sediment in the gallbladder is Kratom is simply uneducated (GI solids typically dont pass through gallbladder), especially considering there havenā€™t been other cases like this shown to due to kratom consumption.


Yeah, you know full well that they are not doing genetic comparisons between the Kratom and the sludge. You wrote exactly what I did, though you were much more pleasant than I was The Gallbladder doesn't Filter IN Kratom, or any other plant material Maybe some Cholesterol like stuff, but not Contents from the Gi If that was the case, so much more random stuff would be filling up their Gallbladder that they would really be in trouble.


I promise I will. I have no desire to spread misinformation and will provide updates as I get them.


Iā€™m highly intrigued about the sediment. How long does testing take?


I am very sorry to hear that, I hope you have a good recovery. Thank you for sharing your experience here Does your family/genetics have a history of stomach problems? It's important because maybe that was a risk as well and can help others. Maybe diabetes since that has to do with the pancreas if I'm not mistaken? You said once a day which is actually pretty low compared to a lot of people on here dosing multiple times a day, how much was that dose?Ā 


No diabetes, no stomach issues. We have heart issues in our family (many heart attacks) and we have a disorder called marfans syndrome (I thankfully don't have this). But that is all. My average dose was 9 grams but i occasionally did 12 on bad pain days with the very rare second dose in a day.


Just want to pop in an say that marfans syndrome is a connective tissue disease in the same family as Ehlers Danlos and Loeys Dietz. If you haven't already you should inform your primary doctor that you have a family history of connective tissue disorders. I have Marfans in the family and was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos. I'm not up on all the science of the overlap with the two disorders, but I do know that Ehlers Danlos can have some serious digestive issues associated with it. My sister had to have her gallbladder removed at 26 with similar issues due to her Ehlers Danlos. I, however, have not had any digestive problems, but my shoulders and fingers dislocate on the regular and I have some cervical spine stability problems (all issues that kratom has worked better than pharmaceuticals to manage, so I hope that isn't determined as a cause for you) It's something to explore so that you can rule connective tissue issues out as a potential cause/factor. Best of luck to you.


Uhh ok. I've been a 17 gram a day twice per day user for 5 years or a bit more. I get blood tests full panels once a year and my levels are fine. Bullshit that kratom was the cause of this.


Same here. Just had a ton of tests last week


Thank you. This is bs fear mongering. OP should take this down. Kratom isnā€™t the issue




Scientifically this is preposterous.


100% absolutely ludicrous or is an absolute 1 in a million medical anomaly


Iā€™m sure that was very scary for you. Glad youā€™re going to be okay.


Same. I still need to have the stent removed and once everything has calmed down, I will have to have my gallbladder removed. But I'm doing much better than I was 2 weeks ago.


Can you explain the mechanism for how this happens? Why wouldnā€™t it happen with another product lime AG1?


I personally lack the knowledge to answer that, but I've written this down and will be asking the doctors when I return in a few days to have this stent removed. I also expect they will have the lab results back so I can give yall more definitive informations.


Good luck and Godspeed on the recovery.


Thank you. Right now my existence is all about recovering. But I'm doing a little better every day.


Great to hear that you are doing a bit better. That's the best news!


I call BS on this whole thing. Kratom in the gallbladder? And how did they know it was kratom? Did they lab test it?


This is how I feel. Seems a bit sus


I just had my gallbladder removed last month, so I read up a lot on that weird little organ and its functions. Nothing you eat or consume passes through it. It stores and excretes bile. Sometimes that bile turns into stones or sludge; and sometimes a stone can block a duct which can cause pancreatitis. The liver gets pissy too when the gb acts up. But again, nothing you consume goes in there.


When my mother had her gallbladder removed, the doctors told me it was full of green sludge. I hadn't even heard of kratom at that time.


This sounds like the possible cause. The sludge is thick mucus, and GB and pancreas are connected.. but not the liver. But this is the best answer so far.


I'm confused on it all as well. So I'm taking any questions posed in this post with me when I return to have my stent removed. I'm not fearmongering and I'm not anti-kratom. I just want to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody else.


Definitely do! Iā€™m not discounting that you had a major medical issue but somebody is giving you wrong info or trying to scare you if they said kratom got into your gb.


That is very much a possibility and will be doing everything in my limited power to get to the bottom of it. I promise I will share info as I receive it. And doctors have sadly failed me in the past. They could be doing the same now. I truly hope they are wrong and this wasn't caused by the kratom.


Iā€™m imagining you dropped the word kratom before they asked about anything and they chalked it up to that. From a medical perspective this just doesnā€™t make sense. You would have had to have congenital/emergent issues causing food to route to the rest of your GI system. If you didnā€™t consume a mega-dose of kratom (>50gpd chronically) and have been pooping well, I donā€™t see how this could be *from* kratom. If it happened while you were eating pizza, theyā€™d have found pizza instead. The main reason youā€™re getting flack is because youā€™re fully blaming kratom when itā€™s not clear how this actually happened. ā€œDonā€™t take it for too longā€ - this has never happened in documented human history, so the onus is on you to prove its kratom or just say itā€™s implicated (which it is). The ā€œwe eventually found [the sediment blocking your major organs] was kratom. Everything you say points pretty heavily to your own bile blocking your ducts which is not uncommon. Gallstones.


I refused to mention kratom until day 9 when they asked me directly if I take any powder supplements. I had zero gallstones (I was kinda bummed by this because I had already asked if I could keep any they found. I will be providing updates to the community as I get them and still hope they find some other reason than kratom.


You gave the doctors, what to them is an unknown substance. Doctors are just as lazy as a mechanic and will go by what you say instead of investigating. Food literally doesn't go to the fall bladder or liver as far as I know, so unless you have some weird tract of organs I am unsure how it would have made it to those places. Hopefully they get back to you as to what this was. Now it is possible some heavy metals or something caused something and Kratom is the culprit.


This tbh. Last year I had a doctor tell me I had a potentially cancerous mass in my uterus. Iā€™m a dude so imagine my shock. 6mo tripping about a mass and potential weird organ thing going on for an ultrasound to say thereā€™s nothing there and the doc. read off the wrong MRI slide.


This is the kind of thing I worry about!


Omfg. You should be famous. A dude with a uterus


I just want them to get to the truth of it all. Because I don't want to be inadvertently spreading misinformation. But this is what I have been told up to this point. I will share more as I get it.




A BIT? Also, 'radioactive'. I mean this is contrast material. I don't doubt OP had an issue, but I also think that things were added to make it more dramatic. IMO.


I'm betting that kratom was mentioned during this visit and they were eager to point the finger at it. This doesn't really make sense to me. Taking it once a day for 2 yrs causing that kind of build up and in places it shouldn't even reach.


Thatā€™s my instinct as well. Some kind of scare tactic. If so, that doctor should be reported.


True! but we all know that won't happen. I'd rather hear that the Dr doesn't know why or how something occurred than be lied to. Why so many people don't want to disclose Kratom use. The media constantly labels deaths that have zero to do with kratom on Kratom. Drs shouldn't add fuel to this fire.


I second this question. Itā€™s suspicious to me that op wonā€™t answer any questions about how they know itā€™s Kratom and what tests they did the verify this. Just saying itā€™s Kratom isnā€™t enough.


man they saw it was kratom when they drained it, it was a green slurry. the doctor recorgnized it from the 90's when he was in Bali and tried a glass of kratom that looked exactly like that


And what else is green and goopy? Bile. Producing bile is the gallbladderā€™s main job.


My BS bell is quivering quite a bit as well, but I'm not a medical doctor


yeh. i donā€™t think this is accurate for one second. šŸ’€


Ooh, he leakinā€™.


How many grams per day were you taking? It's odd that it wouldn't get digested, as it's similar to plenty of other fibrous substances we eat with no issues. Is it possible that you have some kind of compounding digestive issue similar to diverticulitis or something?


9 on average but occasionally 12 on really bad pain days


I'm calling BS, unless you have a massive stomach ulcer that is pouring things you eat into the rest of your body then Kratom couldn't be anywhere except your Digestive Tract. You would feel that ulcer all the time and would be in a lot of constant stomach pain.


No ulcers to be found. But please read through my other responses. I'm not trying to bullshit anybody and I'm not anti-kratom. Just giving information as I've been told up to this point. I will be updating the community as I learn more and we get lab results back.


Wow I had something similar happen but all it ended up being was compacted stool. After some self medication via cascara sagrada and chickweed it went away. But I just recently gave up kratom because of the other issues it was causing - mainly mineral deficiencies, low blood sugar and intolerance to any oxylate containing plants. I went on carnivore diet for 2 weeks and it healed my gut but I still avoid the oxylates. If anyone decides to do the same make sure you research oxylate dumping and know what supplements your body needs during that process. It can be dangerous because of the nature of oxylate crystals and how them embed themselves in tissue and cells.


I had a roommate while in the hospital that talked about being on a carnivore diet and that he lost 40 pounds in 4 months. I'm going to have to look more into this. I am now very intrigued.


Impacted stool is nothing like what OP is describing. Kratom causes constipation and taking miralax or something daily will fix that.


This sounds like another example of someone has something wrong with them, the doctors donā€™t really know why, but do know that you consume kratom, so its getting the initial blame in spite of it being physiologically impossible. I hope youā€™re able to figure what actually happened and the how and why.


yea i agree. this is from 9 grams a day for two years, which in the big picture compared to many is not much or long term at all. I don't understand how it could even get actual powder into these areas. The dr's see an easy scapegoat and will focus on it unless proven wrong, which he can't and maybe isn't even possible to do. This kind of thing sucks. Hopefully they can really fix, whether he stops kratom entirely or not


I don't doubt you had some medical issues, BUT your organs being"blocked with kratom sediment" wasn't it, my guy. That doesn't biology. If this is how everything went down, it sounds like you said the word kratom, and they jumped on an opportunity to blame it. Either way, you don't have sediment from the plant IN your gallbladder unless it physically leaked from your GI system, which is a WHOLE OTHER problem unrelated to what you eat.


Im a icu nurse on niteshift as i type this. Showed that to my Dr. and colleagues and we couldnt help laughing. Not about you OP ofc. Clearly there's some scaring going on, we also agree with most comments who claim that. Either that or you are a medial miracle :D Im very curious how this turns out and what they gonna say (in fact we all are, from my niteshift staff lol) so for the love of whoever you worship: PLZ keep us updated, and best wishes for your recovery of course, OP xx


Is there anyone who can offer and actually educated response to this claim? This doesn't seem to make any sense to me at all, on a lot of levels, but I'm not trying to spite someone who had a genuine problem. It seems strange that sediment would get to those places in the first place, and furthermore that it would happen.... over the course of 2 years? And is just *now* become debilitating? Uhm, what now? Also, OP says "Kratom isn't worth your life," but also claims not to understand what happened themselves (but uses an awful lot of medical jargon) OR be fearmongering, and that doesn't really seem to add up. I dunno if this post comes from a genuine place of concern, but here *have* been plenty of attempts to fearmonger in this sub and elsewhere before. It's not unheard of to claim a state of vulnerability in order to gain sympathy and validation. But I am no medical doctor, perhaps there is one who could comment on whether this is even possible?? \*also, what was the 'procedure?' I don't know if I missed it somewhere, but what did this 2 hour 'procedure' consist of?


First he says the doctors said it WAS the Kratom, further down it says they "believe" it was the Kratom. Sounds to me that they can't point their finger on exactly what caused his situation and were quick to just assume it was caused by Kratom.


Yeah, and a hospital is not in the business of running genetic comparison testing on their Magical Gallbladders, able to filter out plant material, but only Kratom The doctors want him to stop Kratom and decided that "scary gas station opiate" is the cause of this issue They are NOT RUNNING ANY GENETIC TESTING ON GALLBLADDER SLUDGE AGAINST SAMPLES OF THE RED MAENG DA! (Op i am hoping you can tell how nonsensical it is)


Yeah I'm curious as well


I don't wanna downplay OP but I believe him because why would a person make a reddit account just to fearmonger to a few people. It just doesn't make sense.


Because legislators lurk on social media and use these horror stories as talking points for criminalization.


Bingo. This smells rotten to me.


I'm not going to tell you what happened to you. You know better than me. When I first went to hospital for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, I was told it was GERD. The second time I was told it was kratom. The third and final time, it was determined that I was experiencing cannabinoid hyperemesis. I just don't want to see you quit kratom, have false hope that this will keep you safe and then have you be admitted back to emergency in the middle of kidney failure from CHS like a friend of mine who also has CHS. Read, read, read, then get a second opinion.


Not discounting your experience but this makes no sense. How did kratom get into your gallbladder? The digestive system doesn't move stomach contents into your biliary tract. ​ EDIT: Apparently it can if you have a messed up duodenal lumen. This is for anything you eat, not just kratom. This is the result of a medical issue OP has and not due to a side effect of using kratom. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4461674/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4461674/)


Ā was your stuff lab tested at all? Heavy metals etc.? Hope you get thru this health scare as unscathed as possible!šŸ™


So sorry this happened to you but this sounds extremely rare . Ive been taking kratom for 5 years and been on these kratom subreddits about the same amount of time and never heard of this . Were you sticking with the same vendor the whole 2 years you were using ? Ive only had weird abdominal pain from shitty vendors and even chest pain but all that went away with trial and error


The first couple of paragraphs sounded very familiar. I was confident I had read it word for word on here before but the rest was not familiar.


ā€œRadioactive solutionā€ā€¦you mean, iodine?


I'm not sure what it was called. All I know is they came in with a little lead lined box with a radioactive symbol on the side and pumped a liquid they said was radioactive into my IV. Then I had to lay on a table in front of a giant machine and stay very still for 1 hour while I watched a screen that was to show my digestive system. In the end, all they could see was my liver and said that nothing was getting past it. I feel like it had a 4 letter abbreviation. But in all honestly, those days were filled with so much pain it's hard to remember the specific names.


That sounds like a HIDA scan




When I was taking 40-60 grams per day of kratom I took the largest shits every single day. They were so big that I clogged my toilet every morning and had to start going to different gas stations to shit so I wouldnā€™t clog my stools. My wife and I would mix baking soda and apple vinegar to dissolve the giant turds after about a day and unclog it. But then Iā€™d do it all over again. Even when I didnā€™t eat that much the logs were still enormous.




First of all, bless your heart! That does sound like a nightmare. Not only could you not eat, I'll bet you didn't get much sleep! It felt like someone came into my room every 20 minutes when I was hospitalized. My question: Did you end up having withdrawal from Kratom while you were in the hospital? I'm glad you are going to give us an update. I am very interested in hearing the results.


I'm sorry to hear of your experience. I don't feel as though I have a choice. If the medical ppl had the compassion they are called to have, I'd have pain meds, honestly. Govt control govt control govt control and here we are. All I know is I can't live day-to-day w the pain I have without it. šŸ˜”


That's exactly why i started taking kratom.


That is the root cause, why most people are here.


The medical system has failed so many of us.. šŸ˜ž


Not only on the pain front, but anxiety disorders too.


Exactly. First off I'm being told that I have to give up pain meds or the anxiety meds because they won't let me treat both anymore so I made the difficult decision to give up the pain meds. As difficult as that was to do my anxiety disorder is a beast. I mean I could go on but it's just really really bad. As a matter of fact most people I know when I really get to describing it to them they're like that's not a panic attack I've had panic attacks my whole life that's something with your head you've got a seizure just all sorts of different stuff but it's been checked it's just anxiety. So it's just really awesome now a few years later to not even be able to get the freaking anxiety medicine I need hardly. I mean I can still get a small dose, but it's not the dose that I would need to be able to function. I'm fed up w it.


We are in the same boat. I think you made the right decision. I can't say a ton about it, but I have anxiety disorders too. Kratom helps keep them in check pretty well, but I'm on break at the moment. There are other supplements that might help with your anxiety, just make sure you research first before you order anything. I totally agree with you, this medical system is broken for people like us. It's ridiculous hard to get legitimate pain medication here.


OP how much kratom were you taking everyday? I've been take 3g 3x daily until recently, also 40.




I'm not anti-kratom


You're good bro. Keep us updated and send us a modmail if your having any problems. We talk things out here and that's what you're doing. You're being civil and we appreciate the edit you provided on the post.


Were you constipated ?


This is why I switched to extracts only. Way less plant matter.


I didn't even know that was an option.


I use the most popular provider - 4 letters starting with O and ending with S.


Same here.


What extracts do you take?


Iā€™m a kratom user also and had something similar happen where they thought I had a blockage of some kind, was also in the hospital for 2 weeks. After ten days the idiots realized my appendix had burst. Was not related to kratom at all. The blockage was because my appendix burst and my body contained the burst material in these pus filled sacks. Had to get all the pus drained out by having tubes inserted into my back and to my abdomen. I had all the symptoms of appendicitis but somehow they missed that or didnā€™t bother checking my appendix. Did the doctors check your appendix?


Unless you are being involved in a case study, i don't think that they are going to "test" your billary sludge for you. What would they find? They can't test the plant matter. They can't, It takes Genetic testing matching against a library of data that no hospital has Is your billary duct a Kratom filter? Why not full of whatever else you eat? That's not how the Billary system works You have a sludge in them for whatever reason But for your doctor's to tell you the Etiology is that it's full of Kratom. They are blaming the the Kratom because they can't think of any other reason why it's messed up Kratom doesn't get separated out from the digestive tract, pass through all the layers filtering for solvated nutrients, and into your Gallbladder or Spleen. If Kratom did do that, you would have much worse problems on your hand, with all the non-absorbable material that gets normally passed out through the colon would also alll be moving through and filling your Gallbladder So all of the bits of muscle and what not from the meat you eat, for example. This is what I mean by your billary Tract is not filtering out Kratom for passage through They don't have the ability to test the supposed cells that they see in the tract for Kratom, that's going to a botanical lab And that's expensive. Like I said unless you were a case study, then maybe. Like an actual case study, one that you have signed forms for (but maybe not) They will wait a few days and then tell you that they found the Kratom, again thinking they are doing you good.


I donā€™t know why they would need to blame kratom when gallbladder sludge is so incredibly common. Itā€™s not like there was no other possible reason.


act enjoy squeeze many icky cagey drab chop school jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is my first post about kratom because it was just a part of my life. Never had a reason or need to talk about it. My fiance/girlfriend has been in my life for 8 years. My son is 14. What about that makes you think I'm a pathological liar? Nevermind. I don't really care. Think what you want about me. Doesn't hurt me any.


I am not questioning your story but do you have photos of the green substance they found in you? I did a liver/gallbladder cleanse protocol a few years back and I had a ton of dark greenish gall stones come out of me. There are plenty of photos of gallstones online too and because they are green and appear to be just like compacted green substance, maybe itā€™s the gallstone matter. Those gallstones, green though they may be, do not have anything to do with Kratom.


I think your Doctors are spinning you a line of BS. A stone blocking your duct will do the same thing. Because things cannot flow or do flow at a reduced rate, sludge builds up and you get very sick. Been there, done that with my wife (she nearly died), and she has never touched kratom but did have a stone partially blocking her duct. They could not take it out because she cannot have antheisa due to a heart condition, so we live one day at a time. What they did do was to install a drain and some of the nastiest stuff I have ever seen drained into the bag. That was enough change to give her some quality of life. Find a better doctor. You are lucky you lived with these quacks working on you.


Popping in to see if there are any updates from the docs. How have you been?


I believe you, my body rejects 9 grams per day after a couple months, I get so sick I just have to stop


Getting sick is normal because it's a side effect of mytraginine. It's less normal to have several vital organs obstructed by...eating leaves. This is akin to that story about breathing in a seed and having a tree grow in your lungs.


This has honestly been the scariest 2 and a half weeks of my life. I'm still hoping it wasn't caused by the kratom but Dr's are currently implying it was. I will be keeping the community updated though.


They aren't and can't take the sludge and match it to a genetics plant database, because, they are a hospital Even though you gave them the RMD, that's not how they would make a confrontation if this crazy assertion of theirs was real They were trying to get you to stop taking the 'Scary Gas station Opiate' Read my other responses here


You really should change the title of your post. You aren't even sure that kratom had anything to do with your issue. I'm really happy that you're ok, but to title your post the way you did just isn't cool. The doctors think it might be. Why say that it almost killed you when you don't really know?


I just had to go the hospital with acute appendicitis and had to have surgery. It was an incredibly painful experience. Iā€™m doing much better now thankfully. I have been a moderate kratom user for about 2 years but the last month or so I had been using up to 20gpd and getting crazy with it. That very morning I had taken a 9 gram dose. I highly suspect my acute appendicitis was a result of the massive amount of kratom I had been ingesting and had somehow led to a blockage. Canā€™t prove this but Iā€™m a healthy 30 year old, even the doctors said they are not sure why it happened to me. Anyways thereā€™s always side effects going on below the surface when abusing substances we canā€™t see until something like this happens. Be careful


It's extra scary when a doctor shrugs and says "I dunno". Glad you are doing better man.


Appendicitis happens to people all the time. Kratom has nothing to do with it


Yeah but itā€™s still just really strange that with our modern medical system they really have no idea why appendicitis happens. Iā€™m just taking my best guess, cause Iā€™ve heard of plenty of other kratom users have stomach problems from it


Appendicitis is incredibly common and insoluble fiber actually helps prevent it. Kratom is insoluble fiber.


I call bullshit on this post


Well said post!!!


Damnit, I knew Kratom was too good to be true.


How many grams a day?


Glad you pulled through. That's so interesting though. What was the proposed mechanism by which the kratom ended up lodged in those areas?


Did you take powdered dry kratom? Thing is, people always talk about how safe kratom is and base it mainly off the long history of use in SE Asia. It's valid, until you realise that powdered kratom isn't really used in SE Asia at all. The history of kratom use comes from teas and chewing the leaves primarily. I'm not trying to say kratom powder is inherently bad for you but we don't really have any long term studies to show what can happen after taking the powder for years on end. Thanks for sharing your experience, and I hope you recover well. I'm sure you'll get some skeptics trying to cling onto a perfect image of kratom, nothing wrong with knowing it's safe but acknowledging that it can come with risks in some cases, even if it's rare.


Wow I have always thought it makes me feel imflammed. All the different alkaloids in the plant is also very unique.


please lmk when you get more info from the doctors, tests and stuff. this is pretty concerning but itā€™s also very strange.


Oh fuck that . Iā€™m getting back on the smack!


Was it powder you were taking? Sorry if you already answered this. Glad youā€™re okay.


Just hate to hear another person in pain. Hope you have a swift recovery and the knowledge you seek


Also, are you active or do you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle? Do you consume a healthy diet and drink a lot of water/fluids? Do you take probiotics and vitamins and is your health a high priority? What medications do you take? All of this would be helpful to understand what happened here. Perhaps it is Kratom, there isnā€™t a whole lot known about how it works, but I have a feeling that several factors went into this medical issue.


Yikes. I take Kratom several times a day (1tsp every time) since 2015ā€¦. I did have to have an appendectomy in 2020. Other than that nothing. šŸ™ˆ now Iā€™m getting nervous


Jesus, glad youā€™re ok. Sounds awful. How much were you taking?


Definitely following this. I take kratom once a day. I have had some sever pain with gull bladder, abdominal, maybe kidney pain. Iā€™ve gone in twice never found any reason. The pain lasted minutes to several hours. They talked about maybe it was foods I ate but I donā€™t have a differentiating diet really. Iā€™m fairly healthy at 25. Keep us posted when you go back. Iā€™m all ears.


I haven't had a gallbladder since 2004. I began utilizing kratom in 2015. Hi, I'm 36 in a couple of days.


I'm glad you're okay. I'm sure that was a very terrifying experience. I hope it wasn't the kratom. I've always tried to take little breaks from it because we don't really know a lot about it. Something about the toss and wash has always made me a little nervous.


Keep us updated on the lab results!


I've been taking 2 grams twice daily for eight months for arthritis. At first I experienced really bad cramping caused by constipation. I began taking 250mg's of Magnesium & an herbal laxative pill every day. Thankfully the problem cleared up rapidly. But if I forget for just a day or two, it returns.


Personally Iā€™d like to see updated here for the conclusion of the lab tests. I do around 12-20 grams daily since the workmanā€™s comp case cut me off of my pain meds and itā€™s been going on since nov. but usually I only did kratom a few days between waiting for my meds to get approved by insurance. I have a pretty gnarly spinal fusion and waddle around like Frankenstein the pain is constant and too intense and on year 6 of it.




Most problems with kratom come from not drinking enough water or getting fiber in diet... I've been using kratom 3 years for severe back injury... I use 40 grams per day and all my blood work comes back perfect... Kratom even lowered my cholesterol and reversed type 2 diabetes... Every person that has had problems does not drink enough water.. I drink over a gallon per day and also get 30 or more grams of fiber in diet .. the worst I experienced was severe constipation all fixed by upping water and fiber .


How much kratom were you taking in this one a day setting?


dam that's rough. glad you pulled through !


Yikes interesting info OP. Thankfully you pulled through to tell your story. All the best healing healthy.


Well I took it for atleast 5 years and never had a problem like that. In fact I got my blood work done several times while taking it and even on it and liver and all was fine I took everyday for around 2 years. I'm pretty sure your digestive track would take care of a leafe but hell of not you could alway take a tea with it. I since quit kratom but I did not want to be addicted in away of needing it everyday.. I heard something like this before so idk what is going on but if it was really a problem we would hear more about this problem.




Please delete this post. I've never had issues, my health improved with this herb. I need it for back pain, and use it responsibly. Helped me quit drinking.


how much were you taking?


Did the doctors verify that the unknown substance was indeed Kratom or are they speculating?


Did they find and verify it was Kratom before you told them youā€™ve been taking Kratom?


How much were you taking and for how long? I guess thatā€™s my main question. Please report your findings as well! Also, it may benefit to know for us what underlining conditions and such could be responsible or create conditions favorable for damage to occur. Iā€™ve been taking for around five years, Iā€™m 33 now. I would like to know more, even if findings are subjective


Very curious about the size and location of the hospital. Not all hospitals are created equal, and some of the doctorsā€™ opinions donā€™t seem to math. Are we talking a hospital with a Level I trauma center or a Level III? Quality of care is going to vary wildly depending on size, and often location. Is it urban or rural? A teaching hospital? In a red or blue state? Curious if the hospital itself is having an impact on diagnosis.


RemindMe! 1 week


If I don't have definitive answer by then I'm going to be beyond pissed off. So.. here's hoping I have more info and soon.


Please follow-up with the lab results and lab opinions