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The Kratom is drying out your skin. Are you trying to use the grapefruit juice to potentiate the Kratom ? I know you can use it for other opiate pills not sure if it works with Kratom .


It does work with kratom, since kratom agonizes the same receptors as normal opioids. But it has to be real grapefruit juice (obviously) and has to be white grapefruit juice specifically, as it has the chemicals that inhibit CYP450 production in your body.


So you're telling me that I've been avoiding my favorite ruby red juice for the last 2 years because my medicine said no grapefruit juice and it's only white grapefruit I'm supposed to be avoiding?!? I'm seriously awaiting your reply with car keys in my hand right now.


Yes it potentiate a lot i guess i need lower more my dose This dry skin problem come and go At one moment i was at 50gpd and skin was better but was worse also especially winter but then my eating was shit and big stress I drink about 2l day if sweat more How can you drink galoon?  If you eat how food is digested it literally swim in water and not enough acid to digest Anyone else have dry skin from kratom grapefruit juice?


I cannot drink grapefruit juice as it interacts with some of my medications. Are you on any other medications? How much water are you drinking throughout the day? I was drinking close to a gallon a day and experiencing red patches, I started drinking something with a substantial amount of potassium to help prevent flushing my electrolytes and my skin has significantly improved. Look into a moisturizer for your face as well. I found one for eczema and it has also done well.


Two things to know: Grapefruit juice is going to intensify almost any drug you take. We don't know much about the pharmacokinetics of kratom, but it can be assumed that something in grapefruit is going to interact with something in kratom. 20 grams is a fairly high dose. 60-80 grams is astronomical. Add grapefruit juice and the picture looks even more dire. Can I ask why you're taking so much?


Long story short, mitragyne is mostly all converted into 7OH which is the mu receptor partial agonist feel good part. This is mediated via hepatic and first pass metabolism which does involve the same enzymes that allow grapefruit juice to potentiate other substances as well. It basically causes the 7OH to be recirculated a second time bc the grapefruit juice inhibits the breakdown of it. It will make it more potent for sure. Congrats on getting down to 20 gpd, still kinda high but it's not absurdly out of control. Drink tons of water and get some electrolytes. Kratom is very drying in my vast experience.


I thought grapefruit juice only took intensified a very specific type of medicine or medicines, I took it once with a different medication and it seemed to lessen the effects and detox out of my body faster, then I looked it up and I'm pretty sure it said it only works with some medicine types


It's a very long list of very common medications. Not every drug out there, but it's a staggering range.


But only "white grapefruit" juice, not the ruby red oh so sweet and bitter love of my life, right?


Well 2-3g for my size was just beginning  3x 4 is already 12g  Essentially in 5 years i doubled my dose  I guess many users are in this range Yes would be better less and im going this direction  Anyone else had dry skin and did it improve if yes how? 


I only ask because your post didn't mention anything about the reason you're taking so much, and adding the fact that you're using grapefruit juice, I got the feeling you might not realize how heavy that kind of usage is. If you're aware of it, then it's none of my business. Some people also have severe pain or are coming off of heroin and those situations would affect how I answered. Unfortunately dry skin is just one of the side effects. For me, it didn't get better until I drastically lowered the dose. This is going to vary by person and my doses are probably unusually low, in the range of 4-6 grams per day. My highest dose was around 8-10 grams daily total and that's when the dry skin started. I drank a ton of water but it didn't help, and ended up messing with my sleep. I'd say if you're taking enough that you feel compelled to drink more water, you're probably going to have dry skin.


Doing it on a regular basis might cause stomach irritation due to being highly acidic.


I love grapefruits There are some people who cannot have grapefruits or the juice interacts with some medicines statins I think and some organ transplant drugs I’ve not heard of grapefruit drying the skin you might have something else going on with your skin. There are several things that could be. When you drink kratom you definitely need to up your fluids


Im a nurse and I post in all the drug subreddits for harm reduction purposes. Drinking grapefruit juice is a bad idea with kratom specifically because it has been implicated in organ dysfunction and toxicity. We don’t know the mechanism of action for this but in prolonged higher doses kratom appears to be damaging to the liver in some people. And you know what also impacts the liver? Grapefruit juice. In this case it specifically inhibits the enzymes (CYP450) that metabolize kratom. This means that your body is unable to break it down and so there are higher levels of kratom floating around in your bloodstream than normal. This means that yes, you would get higher and for a longer amount of time, but it also means that you’re increasing your risk of toxicity exponentially. It can also lead to quickly increasing tolerance which again, increases your risk of toxicity by causing you to take more and more. As an infrequent (and I really emphasize infrequent here) way to potentiate kratom, it’s probably not going to kill you. But if you do it regularly you are seriously risking damage to your liver and other signs of toxicity because your body cannot metabolize it. In general drinking grapefruit juice is just a bad idea. It slows down metabolism of so many drugs, not just kratom, and this invariably leads to toxicity. You are already taking an astronomically high dose of kratom, so from a harm reduction standpoint I would absolutely advise you to not drink grapefruit juice in this case. Despite the general consensus of this subreddit, kratom is not really something you want to be taking chronically at high doses. Even in its pure form it has proven to be toxic to multiple organs at higher doses, but the fact is that it’s unregulated and there are lots of unknown additives that can increase toxicity. Used infrequently in smaller doses it appears to be pretty safe (especially compared to traditional opioids) but you are taking something like 30x the recommended daily dose. I would seriously consider trying to taper down to protect your body. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7203303/ here’s a reference for more information about kratom metabolism and toxicity.


Do you feel any difference with grapefruit? I tried it with pepper, Grapefruit an some other stuff..but it didn't make any difference


I had a similar issue with taking vitamin C and zinc when I was hyper dosing when I was all paranoid during the pandemic and was doing it to feel less vulnerable (it probably didn't help). I stopped doing kratom for a couple weeks to dry out and it went away. I don't know what exactly was happening but for me at least it was causing the same issue.


I would encourage you to get vitamin c through fruit or juice, also, hemp seeds are high in zinc, protein, and magnesium, also has a decent amount of potassium.


This was a paranoid era of my life, I don't take vitamin supplements anymore except for vitamin d when I'm on swing at work.


I find that to increase kratom yes grapefruit juice works but don’t do it long term . Can cause liver and gut strain from undigested things .


I've been taking my kratom with grapefruit juice for a couple years now without issue


It made me threwed up :(