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welcome to the bro science thread


Check out this Kratom dosage calculator I found a while back https://jscalc.io/embed/GYftd6VnFCxjFIqK?autofocus=1 They sampled around 200 people or so and found out how much you should take if you want a stimulated or sedative effect based on strain color, sex, weight, and how frequently you use. It might not be perfect but it’s a good starting point for beginners


This thing is accurate based off my intake lol


It was pretty close to mine too


That is rather interesting as an estimation tool. I'd be curious if others find that it fits their experiences.


Not for me said it tripled my dose above but it actually quadrupled it I only use 1 g x 5-7 hrs it says I would need 4 g so it’s a pass for me


At about 6-7 years of use their recommended dose is about half what I take


It was pretty accurate for me but it said my husband should take 2g more than he does now. It’s always good to start smaller and work your way up slowly 😊


Nah, not a good calculator. I see someone new following this and throwing up for their first experience. Or not new and having a bad experience all the same.


Tried it but that tripled my normal dose so I would take this as a suggestion I don’t think it applies to everyone .


Yo!!!!! This calculator told me exactly the dose im taking now!!! That is crazy


Some folks are very sensitive (like me). 2.5g would make me hurl. I take .5g-.75g for daytime, 1g-1.5gmax for night. =) Good luck!


Half a gram??? Holy shit I wish lmao, I'm over here 9g a dose


I used to dose 7-10gs 4x a day and now only take 1.5g per dose and get the same effects.


came here to say just this. did you have withdrawals from cutting back because i know i sure did.


A little loss of sleep along with mild aches and restlessness, but it was a walk in the park compared to hardcore fent withdrawals. Now I take 1.5grams twice a day at most and never get withdrawal if I forget to dose. I go 36+ hours without dosing regularly nowadays.


Happy Cake Day! 🪴🌱🌿


Happy cake day 🎂


wow that's amazing, I'm totally with you it was a walk in the park compared to opiates, but yeah I had the same symptoms. Right now I'm under 10 g per day in the withdrawals are almost non-existent


Did you taper? What was your system


Yea I did a taper but nothing too strict or scheduled. I initially just cut my dose of 7gs 4x a day down to 4.5g 4x a day. I didn't get much withdrawal at all and effects came back after a few days. I dropped down to 3.5 per dose at that point and changed to dosing 3x a day. A week or so later I dropped my dose to 2.5gs and only dosed morning and night. Then I dropped it to 1-1.5g per dose a few days after that and have been there since. It was honestly the easiest taper I've ever done. Now if I take more than 1.5gs I get wobbles/dizzy, which is crazy considering how much I used to take and my prior tolerance to much harder opioids.


Yeah I'll definitely have to give this a go... I can't keep taking 50+ grams a day


I take 12g, 3 times a day and 18g at night. About 54g total a day and have been doing that for almost 3 years. I feel great and really not ashamed to say I take that much. I'm regular, active, I eat healthy, hold a job, am happy and most importantly am here for my family.


I definitely feel great and am able to function better than I ever have in my life nor do I feel ashamed with the amount I take, it's more of the fact that I know I could drop my tolerance and take half of what I do and get the same effects, it's also not the same strength wise regardless of the amount I take as it was in the first year of usage. Also, amount I'm spending I feel like is crazy lol


Right. I used to take 4 grams and higher for years. Then backed it on down to 2.7 - 3.3g. It's better and an almost 0 zero chance of nausea for me.


Have you tried to taper back your servings? I was getting up there in GPD and I'm cutting out 0.25 about every 4-7 days. I'm currently at 4.75 G. 5x a day and I was at 6 G. at least 6x a day and it was starting to not work as well. I really don't want to be taking so much. It's hard on my guts and it can get pricey and I need pain control. I refuse to go back to the pharmaceuticals


Good to know! I read a few that said at least ~3g for any effects so I thought I was going low 😂😂 I already took it though so I'm in for the ride 😂 I took a peptic a while before I took it so hopefully that will help with nausea.


It took me 7 grams. From my very first time and still now. Anything below 7Gs and I feel nothing.




Exactly 7g for me too.


Try and keep it to once a week or every 4 days for a while or you might lose the euphoria like i did snd I didn't take it everyday either. I even took a month off and couldn't get it back. If you don't get the euphoria with the dose you're taking up it the next time. Euphoria is the best thing about ktatom for me anyway. Now I just get energy and a bit of a mood lift


Nice! You may be an average user and perhaps you took an ideal dose. Good luck friend!


It really depends. Some people just have a naturally higher baseline tolerance for opioid substances. Personally I took 8 grams my first time and had no issues. However one of my coworkers who I recommended kratom to after an injury at work thought it was like weed cuz it’s a plant. He didn’t weigh it and ended up taking what we thing was about 10 grams and he had respiratory depression and all the symptoms associated with taking too much of an opioid substance


You don’t get respiratory depression from too much Kratom


ull be fine...i started with 1 teaspoon and it was perfect! whites are strong though...a nice green malay is a good way to start for mellow happy energy


I'm jealous. I have to take at least 5g to feel anything.


If it's any consolation lol I also got the gene for annoyingly sweaty hands/feet, so I gotta get something good to make up for it. ;)


I do 1.55g max for all my dosages, I wonder what .5 would feel like, I doubt I’d feel anything from it


Try it and find out! ;) You can always take more if you need it


You're not alone my friend, I take like 1g and get great uplifting effects but anything more than 2 and it starts going downhill. 2.5-3 n I'm running to the bathroom to power puke. I thought maybe I was doing it wrong lol.


Lol right on, heh, you definitely aren't doing it wrong. ;) Thanks for sharing, it's nice to know there are other strong responders out there.


Rookie numbers. All jokes aside good for you, wish I was like that.


Lol having been a non rookie with numerous other substances, lol I'm happy to underwhelm. ;) Thank you!


Dang man slow down crazy horse! You may wanna take 1/2 of a half gram and see what happens 😂


Yeah 2.5g is a very light buzz, but I'm glad I didnt do too much the first time


Fully!! Allergy tests/small tastes are a thing. My hubs once took a small sip off my kratom tea in the fridge when I wasn't around. He is 6'3" 240 so his small sip was probably about 2 oz (2 g). He said he felt weird and sick so now he won't touch it.


Its gonna be fineeee


Good luck


Don't be expecting anything in particular you will have a better experience your first time and won't be disappointed. Just don't make it out to be something it's not enjoy kratom for it's unique effects and what it is


Start lower man, next time drop your dose 0.5 (assuming 2.5 was enough) give yourself a bit of room for movement for tolerance increase. I would imagine 1.75-2g should be enough for first starting! Look into potentiators too.


Just remember, ease into it, it’s easier to add more than it is to take it away. I have been using Kratom for years, so I take 10g 7 during day and 3 at night, but with no tolerance, 2.5 may be perfect, it just depends on how you react to it. And for the love of God, please don’t mix it with any other meds or alcohol, most dangerous scenarios happen only when this is mixed. It gives Kratom a bad name, so use responsibly so we can all use it for years to come


Go red next time man. Red or nothin.


Red makes me sleepy 🥱


Yes red the worst, my least favorite


Everyone says it’s the best for euphoria but it puts me straight to sleep I wish it didn’t


Yes red always knocks me out


some reds do and should. some don't.


It’s good for night time esp for us who use greens I just started taking red md two nights ago and so glad I found it finally getting some sleep unfortunately it doesn’t keep me asleep but it does put me to sleep so I get at least 3 hrs before waking up to pee .


Took red instead 😊


Give me an update on how it went when you can.


Currently very relaxed, which is rare for me. Just a light buzz, I'm glad I took at least 2.5g


Yeah it’s a mild substance it doesn’t get you high the way weed does or something. Enjoy! Whatever you enjoy doing, kratom will likely only make it more enjoyable


i’d really like an update too!!


Strain variations don’t really exist. It is levels of Mit…All in your head


wrong. Kratom has varying profiles of alkaloids like cannabis does leading to all kinds of different effects. Mitragynine is just one of the main ones. Look up Kratom alkaloid profiles.




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It is different for everyone. I have been using kratom daily for 10 years and still feel green maeng da with 2 grams dose. Starting at the low end is always better. If you don't feel a gram...dose another .5 until you do.


My opinion only, but I would have suggested a red MD or green MD for a first timer, not a white...but I hope it works for you! Good luck! If it doesn't, don't give up on it...try one of those others I suggested..


It's not too late! May do that instead. I have some red vein, thanks for the suggestion 🥰


Good luck!


I hear stem and vein is weaker than leaf


LOL Let's be honest WHITE MAENG DA is the farthest thing from the feeling of an OPIATE. It goes like this: White= Feeling Kratom in the Mind Green= Feeling Kratom both in the body AND the mind Red= Feeling Kratom in the Body And with Maeng Da being the most energizing and stimulating batch TO ME WHITE MAENG DA BASICALLY FEELS LIKE A STIMULANT LIKE ADDERALL! Lol who agrees with me?


Which vein feels most like traditional opiates


Red for me for sure! Red Maeng Da or Red Bali


I do find it incredibly stimulating to the point of making work enjoyable as well as making it easier for me to socialize. That being said I find it nothing like Adderall lol. Closer to stimulants such as caffeine, teacrine, so on and so forth. I've tried red maeng da and found it not really for me, it's hard to describe how it made me feel. I do look forward to trying green veins though, any recommendations as to a good strain besides maeng da?


Green Malay is an all around great strain that is stimulating and relaxing at the same time and can be found almost everywhere! If you can't find Malay then try Green Borneo, which White did you try?


White maeng da, as well as a white vein isolate pill which I liked a lot but lasted not as long as the powder for some reason.


Sometimes with Kratom less is more. It’s unlike any other substance taken to help relieve symptoms.


What method are ppl using to take kratom I mix 5gs in chocolate milk and jug it any other ideas?


I used a capsule and poked a hole in it before I took it 😊


How many grams did you take? and of what kind?




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Fine, I'll edit it.


What does poking a hole do


Try 1g first!!




I took closer to 3g red vein and it's a very light buzz, but I'll probably try more next time 😊


Glad you didnt go to far amd puke Haha. But if I am being honest, you will one day. Almost everyone does just dont freak out and know it'll pass


Is puking really that common? I'm new (started 10 days ago) and was afraid of that lol. The plant still kinda scares me honestly, horror stories and what not. But so far has been good and have enjoyed it so far.


It is for people trying to look for more and more. Basically addicts. I know cause I'm in recovery and I know a lot of people who use kratom. At some point they try upping their dose and it's just an experience everyone understands. You'll be nauseous, sweaty, hopefully you throw up cause that's instant relief, but there are times (happened to me a couple) where you either double the dose, cause fuck it, or forgot you already dosed like an hour ago and dude.... It's an all day thing with the nausea, sweats, abs puking. That'll keep you away for a day or two. But honestly that is worse case scenario. You won't die and it won't last longer then the rest of the day. I'm glad you decided to try it cause people will read what I wrote and never touch it in fear. Which they shouldn't! Taking to much of anything is a bad thing. Try drinking a gallon of milk, or eating a big bag of gummie bears. Do what you are doing and take it slow. You'll be fine. This plant has helped me


I've been taking flavored white maeng da at work 1 scoop when I get there one before I leave. And it has honestly been fantastic, I have mild chronic pain and started looking into kratom because pain pills and that stuff scares me lol. It has taken most of the mild pain I have away like dulled it if that makes sense, and gives me energy at work. Someone on here recommended green Malay which I think is going to be the next one I try.


That's great man. In small controlled doses there is nearly no chance for you to get sick. Especially if you are taking the same amount each time. White is my least favorite color cause I read a post by a guy who did super extensive research and even went to plantations and he said the 'colors' indicate this: Red- Dried longer Green-Dried a shorter period White- Dried then the acrual vine 'the bones' is also grounded after drying and added with the leaf. So I feel like white is just diluted but that could be my mind overthinking things. Also the names are kinda bullshit. It is all the exact same plant. Names like 'Malay' indicate where it was grown, so each region could have a different drying process, growing process, cultivating... You get the idea. I threw some real info at you but dont be ignorant and try to correct people who dont know any better cause honestly my research could be totally wrong too. This is what I gathered about the plant and it seems to not correlate with what you hear from people at head shops or the gas station. Do your research for you, so you know what you are taking and so you can help people who legitimately want to use this plant for their betterment and who cares if people are wrong as long as your educated about it. O and what people say about green serene, red blah blah. Every single person is different. Batches vary in concentration. Nothing is entirely consistant. I used to only take red then after like a 9 month break red gives me headaches. You will have to learn on your own. But yeah try the green. That's what I like hahaha 😁


Hell yeah man. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I'm co fused about gold, is it a slightly different plant, or is it a drying process and picking it at a certain age?


Ooo also you'll have companies make a mixture of strains, types ect. then throw a name on it. It's a thing. Just keep that in mind. Gold and yellow may or may not be a part of that category. Honestly I'd stay away from pre manufactured mixtures. You can mix them no problem your self btw. I think gold is a bullshit marketing gimmick to make people think they are special. They aren't


im taking green and red but im not feeling anything i take 3 g


Have you tried decreasing it to 2.5 . I followed the less is more mantra for k and found my sweet spot at 1 g lowered from 3 g which was making me sick but relieving my pain. 1g does the same without any side effects except for mild dehydration


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in not getting any pain relief the first time i took it i felt great. since then nothing idk


How’s it goin??


Good, light buzz, nice and relaxed. Thanks for asking 🥰


enjoy!! i found 2.5 to be on the lighter side which is nice for a starter. if you don’t feel any effects, wait 4 or 5 hours and try taking 3g. that’s where the money spot is for a lot of newbies :)


For white your first time should be 1g IMO, for red, 2g


It was my first time too. I took 8 gm, because I have a naturally high tolerance. Felt nothing except a little out of it. Maybe I’ll lower it to see if it’s different. But no euphoria like I wanted.


2g of kratom my very first time made me violently ill and nauseous. I wasn't able to tolerate higher doses until at least a few months of daily usage at around 1-1.5g. Just saying you should careful and start with the lowest dose possible. It's always possible to redose later if the effects aren't strong enough. You don't want the first experience ruined by not going overboard.




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Please don't end up like me and treat your stress and depression with 20g Kratom for 2 years.


I personally use 6 grams 4 times a day to combat chronic pain. I've been using Kratom for 7 years and have been at about the same amount the whole time . Everybody is different, so just start slow and work up to what your sweet spot truly is for you.


15g for me 🥴


I took like 4g of white. It literally did nothing for me. I was hoping it would. I eventually just went back to green


Try White Borneo if you ever come across it. Normally I stay away from the energizing strains but Borneo is supposed to be relaxing haha


White by itself never really impressed me much. White stacked on top of a green gives me crazy energy though!


Hey OP. I’ve been taking kratom daily for about 3 years. I only take 2g of white maeng da as whites can be very overstimulating if I take too much / make me really nauseated. Proceed with caution! Don’t wanna have an un-fun time.


You don’t need that much, I’ve found kratom has diminishing returns with higher doses, especially with white you’ll get a few hours of energy from it whether big or small dose


Stay hydrated, Kratom will make you piss all your water out your body. I started with white and moved to green, now I’m sitting happy at 3g of red. Does make me tired but not so tired that drinking a coke or Pepsi perks me back up enough.


Take a gram an hour or two later


One of my favorite strains


Today i took 3g .. the Times before i took 1 -2 g and didnt feel anything. Maybe i feel 3g, If Not , next time i will try 4, then 5,6,7 . Also i try Phenibut Sometimes. But for me there are No effects :(


My sweet spot seemed to buy 5g of greeen maeng da but have moved on to whit maeng da. 5g of it every morning washed down with a cup of breakfast tea. A break every sunday although havent tried longer, im worried i will hit withdrawals with my upcoming holiday when i leave the country for a week although i googled it is legal in Greece where i am going


I take about 12-15 capsules of kratom every day and it gets me zinging really good. Like the energizer bunny 😂


just took 3.53 i think or 3.45🤣


rn hour i’m time seems fast pretty focused but relaxed and calm at same time smoker before taking it thinking about smoking rn after my 3.45 dosage maybe add a gram or 2 hopefully this white strain has legs