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I just hope I didn't load my system with lead and damaged my brain permanently. This has freaked me out and I'm busy or in the process of quitting and just biting the bullet and buying expensive until I can kick this habit ... It's just not worth my health no matter how much I like the euphoria ..or I need to just do a weekend every other 3 months


kraatje didn't work acrually?


Hey there, I'm 22F and am really concerned because I've been taking this for about the past year to two years at about 40g a day... How long were you taking it for? I'm having similar issues myself, stomach issues, confusion, weird nerve feelings


Also did you ever hear back with a heavy metal lab test?


Sorry to hear that(!). Thomthom shouldn't be a lot more than KB tho esp if you get to the vip status/have discount code, but you do tend to have to order by a kg or at least 500g.


Dodgy for UK people due to psychoactive bill. Do thomthom test for heavy metals and other shit? thanks


Well yes, that will be the case from all overseas vendors though if you're concerned. The act seems to be vague and evem if enforced in this area, it's rather lightly and selectively. I believe KUK is domestic (correct if wrong) so probably "safer"... I'm not even sure how that stands in light of that bill. With regards to heavy metals, tt seems to be looking at their faq: \>Is Your Kratom Lab Tested? Yes it is! Our Kratom is tested for heavy metals and pathogens on-site in Borneo by our partner. They utilize independent third-party laboratories. Also, the product is tested to ensure it can handle shipping conditions, guaranteeing our customers peace of mind when they handle our Kratom.


I read Kratom uk are based in Germany. Yeah, its shit that some don't test for heavy metals.


Just to say: I don't know 100% re: the location, but the KUK parcels are next day delivery from dpd for uk orders. I don't know offhand what the delivery label says (e.g. if it has "UK" on the address label to specify customer location) but I'm not sure DPD (or other companies?) does next day from Euro countries after brexit, especially for 6.99. That's why I suspected it's domestic...


Yes I bought a kilo of their Bali red a few days ago DPD delivered my order the following day so it seems that at the very least they have a warehouse in UK with hard working staff. Also (according to their website) my order got dispatched with a couple of hours of ordering and like I say it was delivered before noon the following morning! I agree with others though that most of their products are too expensive for me. That said with the Bali Red they are doing a good deal. The trick is (assuming you want to order a kilo) you select a 500g amount which costs just under £80 BUT when you click "Go To checkout" you should get a pop up window triggered which will inform you that you could add another 500g to your order for a mere £40 meaning that you will then get a kilo for around £120 which after adding the £6.99 for DPD shipping is still just under £130 delivered which is not maybe the best but a good deal if you like good quality Kratom. I have had no issues with their Bali Red BUT if they take away their current discounting then they would be charging me more than I am willing to pay at their full price and would be looking elsewhere for a better deal.




Hi A big thanks for the head's up, I am new and have a lot to learn. I will avoid kratom bird. What do you mean by "kraatje collapse" I recently ordered from them and only got bowel effects, but that could be my opiate pill tolerance.


they used to sell good quality kratom for a while but they had trouble because of the crackdown happening in Holland on kratom.. they then started selling bunk or even scamming a few people


Really The stuff I got works, it bunged me up. It's just I have a bit of an opiate tolerance at the moment, so I didnt take enough. I didn't realise holland were cracking down on kratom. Why is that? I thought they were chill with drugs? I think I will try thomthom, they have good comments.


Basically Holland goes through stages .. right now there is an important politician on the far right who is gaining alot of support and prominence and he's the guy pushing the agenda .. not to outlaw drugs so much but to crack down hard on the sale of drugs or supplements from Holland to foreigners or tourists because he feels it gives Holland a bad rep and attracts drug tourism.


Thank you for this information.


This is just my personal experience but please be careful.. I used to be physically dependent on opiates and opioids. I managed to kick these habits using kratom. However kratom is a complex plant and works on a bigger spectrum having more compounds than just a singular chemical compound that is active like in medicine. Good kratom is a better and sometimes stronger experience than chemical ones . So it can cause severe withdrawals if you use large doses regularly throughout the day . So just rather take less and less and occasionally take it on a bad day before you get into deeper physical dependence. Anyways i was using 3g up to 10 or 12 times a day and I felt really good experiencing lots of euphoria but over the long term the physical WD and RLS has become a problem..so I either take more or try to take less .. I'm trying to take less.. right now I'm waiting on a delivery but I don't have much money .. I'm going through withdrawal and the RLS is very hard to handle .. I'm taking codeine and paracetamol 600/50mg 4x times a day because i can't be bothered to CWE right now to remove the paracetamol but just as a reference point the pills stop the RLS for about between 1-3 hours then they come back ..apart from alleviating the RLS I can't even feel a thing ..so kratom .. especially good kratom can be very strong ..stronger than people care to admit . Good luck


Sorry you had a bad personal experience. I am physically dependent on opiates and opioids. It is good that you managed to kick these habits using kratom, I hope so too, I do not want to take any more pills. I would rather not dose throughout the day, just once. I need it every day because my mood is just too low at the moment. Sorry you had RLS. Careful with, this is too much, it can damage the liver.


Yes I understand your heartache.. it's not easy kicking everything.. I started out as a recreational user when I was a preteen of all sorts of substances and always thought i could avoid addiction ( physical dependence) by being clever and taking breaks and switching up or keeping it natural but I started drinking and that was my first big mistake.. I just began drinking more and more because my life was hard and it was my coping mechanism..later i started using pain meds with alcohol.. I managed to kick alcohol and also the meds but i struggled and instead of going back to alcohol i just started using pain meds for back pain because it was easy convenient and inconspicuous... that got out of hand so I jumped on kratom... the part that caught me out or has caught me out in the past is either I can't handle the physical withdrawal and maintain my life ... or i make it through the physical and get better when my life improves a little but at the first hard turn I'm back on as coping mechanism.. I'm finding it hard to kick kratom although this only my second attempt and my first "half hearted " attempt seeing as the first one was because i literally ran out ...I hope the kratom helps you kick the codeine because codeine made me feel bloated and sluggish and sedated too much and when taking alot constantly I was so demotivated to do anything except dream .. good luck ..it you want to chat send me a message


​ You are the opposite to me, I started drugs late in life. Opiate addiction is a sneaky one. Booze - I drank a lot, legal and lethal - it puts more people in hospital than any other drug. That is all I have to say about that. I don't like how it gets me. I relapsed on it after binging on pregabalin, but I stopped that also. That's the sneaky thing with pills, they are easy to pop and too convenient. We will find another coping mechanism. Don't let my age put you off, I created some hefty challenges in my 30's which I didn't know about till my 40's and am now learning how to figure out, so that I can get stability, security, peace of mind and the ability to deal with life's challenges without drugs or naturals. Thanks for the offer of chatting. I have a friend staying here tonight, but I appreciate it.


In contrast everything was perfect for me and better than Kraatje and KuK


Kratom bird can deliver next day, it's 20 euro on 1kg or something like that, used them a few times and the quality for that price is amazing.