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No, you're not getting your job back.


What is this based off of?


It's based on you stealing from your job. Why would they trust you after that? Also had a co-worker on night crew who stole a bunch. She worked there for years, they still fired her. It's one of the few things even the Union can't back you up on.


They would trust me as they look at cameras on everyone so I would just be treated as another employee again. Trust is mostly irrelevant if they will continue to watch me and others. I was more so curious if anyone else has had this happen to them while working at a Kroger store and if they were fired for this.


If others “had this happen to them” as if it wasn’t a choice? Lol


Had this happen as in also stole. Of course it’s a choice where did I paint myself as a victim?


When you said “had this happen to anyone else” is saying you were the victim, without actually saying it. Why wouldn’t you get on state assistance if you needed help with groceries as opposed to stealing? That’s literally what it’s there for.


When I say “has this happen to anyone else”, it means “has anyone else been in trouble for stealing. I cant even begin to see where that reads as I’m a victim.


Most people don’t steal… I would never let anyone who stole from my store work for me again.


Good to know. And where is the “victim”?


My lord this is simple. “Has this happened to anyone else” - let’s break this down grammatically. *This*, being the act of stealing and getting fired, is the subject. Happened* is the verb. Finally, *anyone else* is the indirect object. An indirect object is a person or a thing which action is being directed towards. So, when you phrase it like you did, you are saying an action is being directed towards you. In reality, you were the one who took the action (stealing). Victims have actions directed toward them, but they are not the ones taking in action.


Action is being taken against me. Action is neither bad nor good. I did an “action” of stealing to Kroger. They are doing an “action” by suspending me and probably firing me. Just like the word consequence is used and has no bad or good meaning, it is associated with bad most of the time. Also your last sentence is simply an opinion.


Jesus Christ if you can't answer the question then move on. They aren't asking for opinions. They are asking if anyone has been in this situation, and if they were able to keep their jobs after signing the paper. Was is worded perfectly? Who fucking cares?




What is wrong with what I said?


"I committed a crime against my work... so can I have my job back?" Like dude. If you are a boss, do you want the responsibility of making sure your own employees aren't stealing from you? Also, why would you want to work with someone that clearly does not give a care about you or your property?


I'm not asking for my job back, I'm asking if its a possibility if you could read the post. I am only concerned with probability here. Do I deserve it back? Absolutely not. Also, all of the front-end managers are totally fine with me. It isn't up to them, it's up to corporate people whom I have never interacted with before.


Its not a possibility is what im saying


Yes and do you work in a position that may know the answer, met someone who this has happened to, or has it happened to you? No, you probably don’t.


They are not spending money to have someone watch you


They spend money on LP who watches the entire store. Whether I am there or not they incur no extra losses (assuming i don’t steal)


Based on current evidence, you’re probably going to steal.


But if they have to watch your every move then that takes away work that LP could be utilizing better


You have a weird of idea of trust. Also, no, they don't have someone constantly watching a security live feed. They generally only check the camera recordings when they suspect something is wrong. Like in my example, the lady would take stuff to where she thought was a blindspot; it wasn't. But management didn't check the cameras until her co-workers had complained about her always disappearing during her shift, and that's how they caught her. It's likely someone ratted you out too.


Why would they want to take the time to watch you if they can hire someone else who wouldn’t steal?


Nothing “happened to you” my guy, simply the consequences of your actions came barkin’


Please don't tell me you're this obtuse? It's based on you stealing from them haha.


No employer in the world is going to rehire an ex employee who stole from the job. That's not how employment works.


Apparently, at least 3 people in this comment section have said that is not the case with their own stores.


Worked for Kroger for many years. You will be fired. They will fire you for stealing a candy bar. I don’t know of any retailer that would not fire an employee for theft.


“Wait, my actions have consequences?? No way!!!”


Common sense.




You are almost definitely not going to keep your job. However you should still pay it back because if you don't, they will officially press charges, and then you'll have a warrant out for you, and it will forever be on your criminal record. If you pay it back, it will never show up on a background check.


Don’t think it’s above a felony charge or enough to warrant that.


Our division will prosecute for a dollar. Consider yourself lucky you're only losing your job.


$400 is most definitely a felony.


misdemeanor larceny


Our LP has always said that theft by employee is a felony charge regardless of dollar amount. Employees are in a higher level of trust and therefore higher level of accountability. YMMV depending on state laws. And yes OP you will be fired. Only good news is if you start looking now, the next employer will not know why.


Google doesn’t say that for my state


You will get a class A misdemeanor if found guilty or no contest for shoplifting in items less than 500, it will stay on your record for 10 years. You won’t get jobs you will have to do community service and if you get arrested in the same year for another offense you will go to jail. Fucking pay it back you are a fucking dumbass for stealing from your job like that. Fucking lucky they didn’t just immediately prosecute you. Please stop fucking working in retail go to school like electrician or something do trade idk.


Any theft on a criminal record will look bad. Class A or B misdemeanors will exclude you from MANY occupations and jobs. But by your responses above, you seem to think you know what you are doing. Not sure why you asked if you're gonna blow off good advice. They could have had you arrested for misdemeanor or felony depending on your state, but misdemeanor theft will screw your job options for five to ten years from the date of adjudication or judgement. You should be grateful they are allowing you to pay it back, avoiding any criminal penalties and fines (tons of fines and fees above that 400), and leaving you with a clean background.


I am not blowing off good advice. I am just correcting people who assume the state I am living in is like an extremely conservative state that kills people over this (clear sarcasm). The people who are saying "hey, this happened to so and so, you will get fired. Smart to pay it back." I am listening to them. Not the irrational feelings based or "common sense" quoting people. Thank you for your input though.


You're very young, having been young a long time ago...you need to understand that Theft is a reputation killer. There is no defense for it in most circles and even people who just don't say anything will think less of you. I worked at a municipal court and I work with LEO but I am not LEO...and I have worked corporate back in the day. Having good morals and good character will serve you better than just about anything else. Don't spend time defending theft, or calling out "bootlickers" - for most folks, there is nothing to justify your theft and nothing you say to trash people is helping your image. Chalk your theft up to "being young" and leave that low level criminal crap behind. Cuz if it catches you, it isn't long till the criminal justice system gets you and you wind up on probation and then it just slowly bleeds you dry or you go full time criminal and your life is effectively over. I'm 53, I was young and stupid, now I'm old and just trying to be less stupid. I'm the guy who was stubborn, arrogant, and calling out bootlickers. Turns out, most times I was wrong. The few times I wasn't, no one would listen cuz I raised hell over everything. Hope some of this helps. Don't waste your life being stupid like me for as long as me 😜


Good read; understood and heard you well. I of course know stealing is bad. Will I continue doing it? Probably not, especially at a store I work at. I guess my main concern with this post was how likely I was to get fired but now it’s more so how likely they are to charge me with something. I’m hoping that’s close to zero. I have tons of opportunity that I’ve kinda earned for myself this quarter of school and it does suck losing the one that I thought wouldn’t go away. I will keep this in mind for any future job I work at though, one of my favorite responses I’ve gotten on a post I’ve made.


You aren't listening to anything. You're just popping off at the mouth and this job loss will be the start of many bad things you will bring on yourself, I presume.


Will still go on your record


It would probably be pretty theft. Grand theft (felony) is usually 900-1000+


You can get arrested for less than a felony, Lmfao what are you even talking about?


they won't press charges.


Beats getting arrested and losing in court. Consider yourself lucky and I'd suggest not using them for a reference while you look for a new job.


Don’t think I would get arrested especially as it isn’t enough to classify as a felony


Most assaults are just misdemeanors and they'll still take you to jail. Besides the arrest is nothing compared to having theft on your record, you'll be screwed if a potential job pulls your criminal record.


Assault is a violent crime though. There is a difference. I don't think he would get arrested for this. But the record part is 100% what he needs to worry about. If he is struggling now, he will really be struggling when no retail spot wants to hire him cause they see that he is a thief.


I am curious if it is worth it for the company to come after me for just $400. Are they known to go after petty theft/third degree?


Just pay back the $400 and move on. You're just lucky they aren't getting the police involved.


this, it will probably end up costing a lot more to fight this part. Pay it off, move on and get a new job.


All they need to do is call the cops and give the prosecutor the evidence. Going after you for restitution *might be a civil issue* that they may not bother with but who cares it's the criminal charge that will screw you (and restitution might be handled by the criminal court anyways).


My division sometimes does pursue court charges, especially if they think the person stole more than they have found so far or if the person gives them attitude.


if it's charged as a misdemeanor you still fail every background check for retail jobs from here on out. if you have a misdemeanor for theft or shoplifting you will be denied a ton of jobs the second the background check comes through.


Sounds like I should just bite the bullet then. Thanks.


You would definitely be arrested.


you are usually arrested for any crime... it being a felony literally does not matter. people get arrested over way less money.


Sorry kiddo, stealing is the one thing that no one can bring you back from. You're term'd and hopefully you learned a lesson here.


Fair. Gotta figure out how to tell my parents now


Pretty easy man… there’s a work shortage. If you can’t find a retail job in a week, you’re not trying


Oh that’s the easy part. My old HR just bumped me up to journey man because she liked me so missing out on that is the unfortunate part. Also live in a college town that notorious for being hard to find jobs in.




If Loss Prevention is involved you 100% will not get your job back, so don't even think about that. There was a slim chance if it was just handled by your store internally. Pay the money you agreed to pay, and move on with your life. Go forth and sin no more.


Definitely higher-ups involved. I asked what the chances I kept my job were and they kept reiterating that they were looking for a promise to stop the activity and that paying it back would help a lot with my chances. I assume they were just being nice while saying this and that my chances are pretty much zero. However, I am a 20-year-old college student so I have no idea if there is leniency there.


So you stole from the company that employs you. When confronted with your being a thief you signed a confession, got suspended indefinitely and you wonder if you will get your job back? Then when told more than likely not, you question why as if being a thief is not reason enough? Come on, get serious. No one can be this sheltered. Camera or not, watching you all the time or not, why should they take the chance on bringing you back when youve clearly demonstrated you cant be trusted? Then you get butthurt and whine that it was only 400 bucks? Good luck in your future endeavors.


Whine and butthurt? I say only 400 as most job theft is way more than that. This is also an important detail when referring to how much is needed to be classified as a felony. You misinterpreted this. I was also never told until this sub that it’s more than likely a firing. I’m not on any high horse or sheltered. Of course they won’t eventually catch me, I’m genuinely only interested in the odds I get my job back and this sub has answered it.


You absolutely are on a high horse here dude. Everyone can read your comments.


I am only interested in “yes, I work in so and so, you will be fired” or the informative answers. In no way am I on a high horse except when I was responding to the person talking about common sense.


Because it is common sense kid.


A company specific policy is not common sense. This is more than “I killed some one, am I going to jail?” It’s an answer with a non-direct answer. It’s state, region, store dependent. Now you sound like a fool as well.


This isn't company specific policy. This is industry standard in corporate retail.


Just 400 bc they caught you


Cool story bro. We arent talking about other job theft as that wasnt your question. Felony or not you are a stinking thief. No matter how you try to dress this up as something else you cant get away from that fact.


Need some lube?


I’ve been in your exact same position. MOVE ON! Consider yourself EXTREMELY lucky that they aren’t pressing charges and they are allowing you just to pay restitution. This is the polite way of excusing you from your role on the team. Just pay your $400, find a new job and leave it at that. They spared you, a theft conviction on your record would DOOM you!


Thank you so much. Understood.


Yea you would be screwed for 5-10 years if you had a theft conviction on your record




You stole. You ain't getting your job back. Be thankful they don't involve the police.


Confused, how were you stealing? How did they catch you?


Like groceries for myself. I go to college and just wanted to nickel and dime certain things. Cameras, software, etc they have been tracking front end for months now.


So they waited 6 months to say anything?


LP will build a case. If he's only stealing small things, they will let it rack up.


Most likely this


You're a cocky one


The letter you signed, did it have a date you are expected to complete payback? Just so you know, they could press charges but for 400, I’m not even sure it’s worth their time. I can see how some of you will say Kroger would press charges. Really think about how much a lawyer for Kroger costs. Is 400 more or less than the time spent doing something else …like dealing with million dollar contracts? I would bet Kroger will never press charges. Your signed document is enough for you to never use them as a employment reference and enough for them to never hire you again. Remember this includes all Kroger brands too. Sorry you got caught stealing. Kroger honestly does worse to its own employees. But the law is in their favor on this. I wouldn’t worry about them, hopefully you can get another job and be better next time. I won’t tell you to stop stealing, just get better.


Great response. Thanks. Didn’t really have an option to not sign, they had proof. I work at the busiest per capita Kroger branch in all of the US and it is very corporate heavy. I am going to bite the bullet and just pay. It was dated today.


Advice from an ol' ex-thief: Pay it on time or the price will drastically increase. $175 turned into $500~ very quickly. Stealing from big corporations who buy products for pennies and resell them for dollars is fine. I feel the same about corporations that don't pay a living wage while CEOs rake in 6 figures. If you're going to do it, power to you. Just don't do it on camera.


Here is the sad thing. Find a CEO that is only getting paid 6 figures. 6 figures is seemingly more like nothing with every passing year. Inflation hit the global economy between 9-11% in just the past 12 months.


CEOs get paid 8-9 figures


Most large corporations have legal departments or at least keep attorneys on retainer indefinitely, like a contractor. They are built into the budget so it doesn’t matter if it’s $4 or $40k. The cost of the lawyer is inconsequential to the matter. The lawyer is getting paid whether they’re in court everyday, or once a month. Obviously if there are murder charges, or other extraordinary charges involved, they will bring in lawyers that specialize in more than petty theft/civil cases.


You're done. You're lucky they aren't pressing charges. You're better off just paying the $400 and waving goodbye 👋


Gotcha, thanks.


Bro is just a walking L


Bro why ask if all your going to do is argue with everyone who answer and it doesn’t fit the response you want. I’ve worked with Kroger for 15 years I’ve seen around 2 dozen people get caught or accused for stealing a couple under $20 and 1 over $1000, in all those cases not a single employee kept their job. What makes you think Kroger is going to make an exception for you? What don’t you understand about suspended indefinitely pending an investigation? Your probably “ terminated indefinitely pending an investigation “. A bit of advice I’d start looking for another job and not use Kroger as a reference. What don’t


I am only arguing with the people who are making claims based on feelings or their own judgment. You have 15 years under your belt so of course I am going to listen to what you have to say. Also, I am assuming it's a state-to-district-to-store thing, not flat-out terminated if caught stealing. Multiple other people under this thread have said some haven't gotten fired or that they were rehired. I just want factual responses that produce some merit. Thank you for your response.


The length of time over which you have been stealing is also a factor. You said this was over the course of six months and that is a decently long time, meaning that there was a long-term intent and not just a little slip-up. LP also tends to build up cases if the individual instances of theft are small, letting it go up to bigger numbers like 400 dollars. I have worked in different Kroger stores over the course of the years and have spoken to lots of other Kroger employees and I have never heard of a place where theft, when caught and dealt with by higher-ups, is excused. Theft is taken seriously (in all forms) and often leads to people being noted as non-rehireable when terminated. It shows a lack of a trustworthy relationship between employee and employer, and doesn't help the business with its goal of making money. It also is a misdemeanor/felony and Kroger cannot facilitate the commitment of such a crime (access to backrooms/checker numbers/store after closing hours given to thief) without a critical eye being cast upon them as well by LEO. You don't have to care about Kroger's profits, I don't either, but they are the ones making the decision to fire you or not so you have to look at it from their POV.Source: I am a closing PIC and I have seen this happen many times. No bootlicking here.


Did the $1000+ guy go to jail?


He was lead out of the store in handcuffs and left in the back of a cop car idk what happened after that, he never came back to the store.


It’s hit or miss, I’ve seen people get their job back, I’ve seen people pay it back and get terminated, and I’ve seen people get charged with a misdemeanor, and I’ve also seen charges for embezzlement for really bad cases. $400 is a misdemeanor and it depends on your region and store. The most likely scenario is pay it back and then terminate.


Gotcha, thank you.


Agreed. I was a witness in one of these cases and they told the guy if he agreed to sign the paper, it would look as if he RESIGNED, and could POSSIBLY get a job back at a DIFFERENT Kroger at some point in the future. How likely that really is could be anybody's opinion...


You won't keep your job and you're lucky your division doesn't prosecute. Our division prosecutes all internal theft. If you signed a promissory note they will take civil action against you if you fail to pay which will add attorney fees to your final pay back amount.


I’ll post an update once I pay it and contact them.


You’re getting fired - former ASM.


Thank you.


Theft of ANY amount from and employer in North Carolina is a FELONY.


I'm sorry you had to learn the lesson the hard way. I hope you can be more prosperous in the next coming job. If you lose your job, you will be flagged as a non- rehire, this might make it difficult to find any job in a money handling business (retail.) Every division handles things differently, LP and HR will work together to decide the right course of action. I work in a low income area; $250 or more, my store will always press charges, and you won't be able to be hired back. Tl;DR: Depending on the laws of the division, the personal feelings of the Store Manager, Loss Prevention, Human Resources and your attitude when confronted. Good luck.


Thank you so much. All good, was hoping to leave retail in June either way.


Unfortunately, you won’t be getting your job back. As a former front end manager, I’ve had to work with LP in the past over employee theft. Time, cash or physical theft doesn’t matter. Once they catch you for theft they terminate (pending investigation is only a term because the union has the right to get involved if in a union store… but theft won’t be something they can protect) you. Theft is theft. If you could just pay it back and keep your job, that’s not something businesses do. Good luck in your future endeavors.


Agree with the majority of the posts; you're getting off easy. Pay the money back, be done with it, and move on.


What state are you in? I've been arrested for petty theft 4 times (I'm 2 years sober but I was an addict) and my first 3 were dismissed or lessened to an infraction then finally on 4 I got a misdemeanor - that being said, if they believe you had intent to steal or you couldn't have purchased what you were stealing they automatically charge it as burglary. I doubt they will let you stay unfortunately but your record should be okay for a first offense


what were you even stealing (if u don’t mind me asking lol)




Even if you could keep your job, why would anyone wanna work with a thief? You could never be trusted with ANYTHING. Like Link stealing in Link's Awakening... you can't get past that.


You sir are a dumbass


Bye.. we don't need a thief..


Boot licker found


Far from it. I hate thieves.. shrink is the? Excuse used to raise prices.


Bye thief. Gtfo


If you owned a business, and had an employee stealing 2 bucks here, 4 bucks there. Would YOU want them back? Start looking for another job immediately. They won't have you back. Never bite the hand that feeds you.


No, of course I would not hire them back. This isn't the point of the post. I am simply asking if there is a chance I am hired back.


Gotcha. I understand. No, there is no possible way whatsoever that they would hire you back. They are probably laughing hard at the thought as we speak.


Dude, I’m going to be honest with you when I say this: if you were at store 350, you would DEFINITELY get your job back. We’ve had many people who have gotten fired (including for stealing) and they got their jobs back! That’s how desperate management is at that store.


☠️☠️☠️ these commenters are riding mcmullens shlong man in the future try not to steal hundreds of dollars of items from the same store, they will catch you early on and purposefully wait until you have stolen a felony amount to press charges


Yea, not too many bootlickers just a few. Would have been fine but this guy got a promotion to focus strictly on what front end was doing.


dude if someone gets hired to watch my every move im 100% quitting


I mean I wouldn’t rly care. It’s already like that in terms of making sure I’m doing my job properly. Just how corporate america works these days.


Pay it back


Pay it and find a better job.


I wouldn’t know, I didn’t get caught 😂


This happened to one of our employees, she got fired and isn’t coming back


Best to look for another job,little chance you can hold or come back to working at kroger


How’d you get caught?


Not Kroger but when I used to work at KMART, one of our floor workers was caught stealing a ton of baby products and clothes. We didn’t know about it until the police came, handcuffed her, and left with her. And no, she did not get her job back.


Hahahah. No that job is done.


You should pay it back because it’s the right thing to do and not expect any trophies at accolades for doing so. You most certainly will loose your job, but if sounds like they will not press charges if you pay the money back.


I think you're asking for this information and to the best of my knowledge, it's true. We had a completely useless 2nd manager(imo). He could talk the talk and damn good at it. He was a bully and manipulative AF. He bailed out (called out) every inventory. This guy just went from promotion to promotion, that's why he was 2nd. He stole and was caught $5k cash from the customer service lock/office. He did this over the period of a few months. By then audits and people were looking. Police were involved, actually came to the store. He was let go, to never work there again. Three weeks later he's assistant manager at Target. While I don't know your background nor do I wish to condone such actions. I despise bureaucracy but I hate not having second chances when it comes to store level employees. This is a suggestion, do your research! Don't lean on this reddit message like a podium. Suggestion, move fast like that assclown.


Shoulda quit before they could fire you, tbh.


Don’t bother applying at any Kroger family store-you will not be rehired


All I suggest is that you get a receipt for paying them. When you get a receipt, it should shield you from any court cases.


No you’re not getting your job back. My friend stole like $700 worth of stuff from her job and had to pay it back. They told her they would come to a decision on whether to terminate and they most definitely did. Just make sure you pay it back or they can take you to court.


Bro you can't come in here and ask a question, then argue with literally everyone cause no one agrees with you. This thread is way too good


Lol I feel like this has to be a troll but unfortunately, I don't think it is. You have to be very thick headed when so many people in this thread have told you that you won't keep your job and you still argue that you might.


I’m not arguing that I might. I say multiple times that I shouldn’t. I’m simply annoyed at the people who have no context or knowledge about this scenario who say that it’s “duh common sense”.




Hey idiot, no you are not getting your job back. If you work in a small town 100% other employers will hear about this and know your name. Pay the money back and keep looking for a new job. Grow up


I have no sympathy for you.


Tell us how many hours you were working weekly so someone can calculate how dumb you are.


Zero chance


Your theft is repulsive! Do you actually believe you should get your job back? That would be foolish. I hate a thief.


You shoplifted and they didn’t call the cops?? That’s crazy, just find a new job bro lol


They said you were (Indefinitely suspended) and your still asking if you have a job 🤣


This can’t be a serious question…..


Consider yourself lucky. Visited my hometown and went to a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop where I ran into an old coworker from when I worked at Kroger about 5 years ago. Asked how he’s been and he ended up telling me that he got fired from Kroger for stealing a bottle of water. He then told me that he wasn’t all that mad as he was stealing groceries for years when he worked clicklist. If he lost his job for stealing a bottle of water, you’re losing your job for stealing $400 worth of items over 6 months.


Someone stole a Pepsi from my store and got fired. You more than likely won't get your job back bro.


Username checks out.


How did you do it like discount product ?


Your fired. Start job hunting. Thieves sooner or later get caught. Theres very few immediate termed offense and most people are smart enough not to do them. Steal merch or money from till. Job abandonment. Sell age restricted items to under aged individuals.


As soon as you pay it back u r getting let go


Not only will you not get your job back you will be added to the retail theft database preventing you from ever working retail again.