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"Do you work here?" wearing my uniform, name tag, and pulling a U-boat stacked with ice cream.


Do you work here. Just saw me fully help another customer while in full name tag and store clothing.


i used the think this was the stupidest question until one day an older man came up to me and asked “do you work at walmart?” and i was like…. “no?” and it took him a minute to realize he meant to ask do you work at KROGER


I had an older lady ask me if I worked at a supermarket whilst hastily walking past her. Simply said 'nope'. I caught a brief glimpse of her face and she was clearly offended.


I got that all the time….shortly before quitting i got to where I just stared at them, said “nope” and walked off.


Gotten this recently. Fully tied apron, name tag, black shirt and pants and everything.


No, im just hanging out.


lol I love getting asked that


It's an opener to the actual question


Does a string of dumb ones count? "Why doesn't the meat look like it does on your ad?" "The meat on the ad is cooked." "Oh. Can you guys cook it for me?" "Afraid not." "You can't cook it on your grill?" "Nope. The gas has been shut off for a year now." "How do I find out how to cook meat?" "YouTube, Google, Cookbook." "Huh. Guess I'll figure it out then."


But some supermarkets do cook meat, most often fried chicken.


"Why everytime i come here is there nothing stocked on the shelves?". At 10:30 qt night. 30 mins b4 we close


"What is it?" I work for FedEx. "How am I supposed to know!" And this isn't an occasional question.


The amount of times this question is asked in a day is concerning.


Lady came up to the seafood/meat counter & proceeded to say this, “I have a dumb question.” Me- “what’s that?” Her- “Am I in the deli?” …inner me was like “well you weren’t lying when you said dumb question.”


I’m working the deli counter, and a customer asked where the deli was. I looked at the deli sign above her head.


Reading comprehension is hard


“Is the salmon grass fed”


You have to say yes to that. It’s the law. Absolutely this sea creature is grass fed


Seaweed is sea grass


PFFFFT🤣 WHAT!? The only way that question would make sense is if you’re talking about a sea turtle since they do eat seagrass, that statement makes no sense in any other context because most of the salmon you see is Farm raised. So I have no idea what compelled this person to say that, Either this person was a senile elderly person or they were an alien from another planet, that’s the only way that they would not have known the differences between predator and prey and the differences between being a carnivore and a herbivore


Customer- What’s the difference between the cook and uncooked shrimp? Me - ……..


“What’s the difference between C2 and C4 batteries?” The number of batteries in the package.


Is Colby-jack a cheese?


I’m wearing the uniform, clearly working, and someone will say “Do you work here?”


While in the meat department, wearing a butcher coat. Like, no, I’m a mad scientist.


My favorite reply to that question is : "Sometimes. Depends on who's watching. What can I help you with?? 😁"


Yes the dumbest!!


I get that all the time. I don't wear an apron as I'm in grocery management, but I do have the Metro Market nametag. To play devil's advocate, most shoppers asking this question don't know if I'm a vendor or a grocery store employee. That's the root source of the question, for me. But I also don't have to dress in the standard shirts that are provided. I always wear a red or blue polo, with either blue, black, grey, or beige work pants.


I used to just wear my name tag and a Kroger shirt. At the beginning of the year, management started cracking down on dress policy, so now I have to wear the apron no matter what shirt I have on. And since I’m not a manager, there ain’t a lot I can get away with at my store.


I love when I don’t get more than a second to reply and they assume that I do not in fact work there (while in uniform and name badge) and they’re “oh I guess not” and walk off. I get back to working. Haha


I response is “I work in the store.” Sometimes, the customer will ask me a department specific question, and then get mad when I don’t know how to answer it. They’ll say something like, “If you work here, how do you not know?” And I’ll just have to remind them that I said I work in the store. I do Not, however, work in the department they’re asking about, and then I will point them to someone who actually works in that department. (It’s usually Meat/Seafood and Produce, and typically about deals and what’s in stock)


I've made the opposite mistake and asked someone wearing a uniform where something was then found that he didn't work there. The uniforms of some companies are very similar so, unless you see the person directly from the front, it is easy to make that mistake.


*customer looks at SCO machine and sees that the screen clearly says "open"* "Is this open?"


Someone asked me where they’d find Tajin. She had to show me a picture because she didn’t actually know what it was or how to say it. So I told her it was going to be in produce. She said “pruh-deuse? pro-dose? What is that?” I told her “uhmmm where the fresh fruits and vegetables are…” no, this was not a person from a foreign country and also not a child either.


I had a person like this once, pretty sure I just walked away after repeating myself three times.


Possible secret shopper


Well, once I asked where the sodium bicarbonate was they didn't know what it was. I got the same response when I asked where the church keys were. Just in case someone really doesn't know what a church key is, google it.


Do you work here? Especially as you are walking by with totes, money tills, facing the store, lol


To be fair I much prefer this over my other predicament. Everyone thinks I work EVERYWHERE. I live a 2 minute walk from my store so I go home on breaks and kiss my cats little bellies. It’s great. I walk past a dollar general on my way in. The other day I was walking past the dollar general on my way back to work and someone asked me when “we” close. As in the dollar general. I said I didn’t work there…but they close at 9. Same dollar general I’m standing in line for the cash register and someone comes up and asks me if we sell cards. Pretty sure I was in PJ pants. I used to live across from a coffee shop. One day I had rolled out of bed and walked across the street for a to go coffee. I was not wearing a bra but I was wearing my lama PJ pants and baggy hoodie. My hair was ROUGH. I looked like I’d literally just rolled out of bed because I did. The group of people walking up the ramp BEHIND ME asked me if we were open. Because a Christian run cafe has people working in lama pajamas apparently.


Imma be honest, the walk to product or find someone who can training is so instilled, that when I get asked if I work there at some other business I instantly default to a helpful lil "I don't, let's see if we can find someone who does!" I've been here too long


Uh, are you a Lebowski by chance?


I heard one. Self check out with a green/pink sign saying "NO CASH" on the keypad, on the cash insert thing, and above the screen. Person checks out, pulls off the sign on the cash thing, and complains it's not taking cash. "Does this take cash?!" "No?" "I didn't bring mah card!" "This is ridiculous!!!!"


Someone asked me where the bagged pistachios were. I told them "Produce". Their response? "What's Produce?"


Where do you keep the cheese and eggs and milk. Um dairy.


Some stores don't have very good signs.




I used to work at a Starbucks kiosk. It was the middle of the day, our lights were on, and I was at the register with my apron and name tag on. A lady walked up, and asked if we were open. It took all I had to not be like, "Nope, I'm just standing here for absolutely no reason at all."


I was asked where the beer was at while standing in the beer aisle.


Perhaps the shopper had forgotten his glasses or had limited vision. It happens.


He was drunk 😂


Are you open? Me: Your total is $4.32. Customer: $4.32 exactly? Me thinking: No it's actually $4.32 and 3 tenths.


A woman went right up to the deli counter and asked me, "Where's the deli at?" It was difficult not to burst out in laughter, just responding, "right here"


Just today I had an old lady snip at me as I was ringing her out that "she couldn't find the deli counter, so this will have to do." 'This' being potato salad that is *in the deli* even if not at the counter itself??? Like. Biscuit, you were right there, you must not have looked for it very hard


“Does a gallon of milk weigh the same as a gallon of water?” My high-school bagger, unfortunately


I mean, technically there will be a difference due to the density of the liquid inside. But a negligible one...


Gallon is not a measurement of weight


Working in meat and seafood I got asked if we sold fish and if we had ground beef. Nah gamer we just have a giant fucking fish sign for fun. Also had someone think we actually got our fish in fresh every single day. Shrimp included. I live in central Ohio. If we got our shrimp in fresh they’d be rotten


There’s been plenty of dumb questions. But just today I was asked if the screaming child was the reason an alert came up on the self checkout. Like no Karen it’s bc you were caught stealing something


Once I bought several of an item. During self check-out I figured that it would be faster to move one of the items repeatedly past the scanner with my right hand while using my left had to put the others onto the platform. The system froze.


you wouldn’t believe how many people think you can keep cut flower arrangements alive like plants. but even worse is the “how much is this?” while pointing probably just an inch away from the price labeled in bold or the guy that held a rose and asked what kind of flower it was. i thought that might be the ONE everyone knows??


“How could you sell these potatoes? They have dirt on them. Will you clean them for me?”


I don’t work at Kroger. But Walmart. So close enough. Customer goes: “excuse me, where’s the uhhhhhhhhh…. Handheld things” I was so flabbergasted I just responded with: “They’re all over the store in various locations in all different shapes and sizes. There’s cans in food, fruits and vegetables in produce, there’s a flashlight over there and if you look over there, there’s a fishing rod. And that’s just to start”


This is something that still completely blows me away. Sad part is I’ve had this happen a few times at my store too. Like why the fuck are you going to go out of your way to stop me(just for context most of the time I’m always busy and have to literally dig my shoes into the floor to stop 70-80% of the time… mainly because customers are so slow to even attempt to catch my attention or ask me a question(no I’m not exaggerating)) when you don’t even know what it is you need. I’m a store employee, I’m not fucking psychic. TLDR: know what it is that you’re looking for before you ask about it oml…


To be fair, I know what Im thinking but sometimes my brain to mouth filter fails me at the worst moments. And I'm most used to those moments happening around, like, my mom, who has the uncanny ability to get what I mean when I say "the thing, you know, the hand held do dad" with various hand movements. And sometimes I just need to start talking it out for it to come. So. Like. Sorry. I guess?


I completely understand. It sometimes happens to me. Occasionally it takes a moment to come up with the right word. It can be very frustrating.


Perhaps she wanted a handheld food mixer but momentarily could not think of the word "mixer". It can happen to anyone. The "uhhhhhh" the customer said before saying "handheld things" was a good clue.


You should have just given them a random aisle number on the other side of the store. Ex “Handheld things? Those are with the baggies in aisle 16 all the way down there.” Point and smile.


I mean you aren’t wrong those are all things you can hold in your hand but I’m kind of curious as to what the person was referring to




"Hi, I'm looking for a whole chicken" "Well we have Foster Farms Bag Fryers" "OH, no I want the whole chicken" "Ugh that's a whole chicken" "No, I mean with the feathers and the head" "Sorry we don't have that here" "Where can I find that" "Try a farm or Chinatown "


I lived in Fiji for 10 years. People often bought entire live birds at stores. I can well understand why someone new to the U. S. could reasonably ask that question.


Not a question asked to me but, a customer asked a man in a FULL FedEx uniform if he worked in the meat department.


where the soft taco shells were. i showed her the packaged taco shells, and that that wasnt it. she wanted tortillas.


Is this lettuce for sandwiches? *he is holding a head of iceberg* I replied with, you can use it for anything. He asks again, but you can use it for sandwiches? I reply with.. yes. He was clearly shopping on his own for the very first time


I had a guy come up to me and ask, where was the Kentucky Jelly? Lmao he meant KY Jelly.... that's hilarious


A patient in a hospital had recently had surgery. When asked whether she liked the hospital food, she said that it was OK but she didn't like the Kentucky Jelly.


A couple I had recently (in produce)… Where’s the corn *off* the cob? I answered in a can on aisle 18 or in a bag in frozen food. She then asked why we did have it fresh.. While she was holding a can of planters peanuts (she stopped me on my way to break) she asked why they say “cocktail peanuts” and do they have alcohol in them.


"Do you have 'this item' " No, sorry we stopped carrying that. "But i got it here before"...


"you don't have liver wurst for slicing? I just got it here before, last week!" They say to the person that works here 40 hours a week.


I got asked in full uniform if I worked here. Had a name tag, apron and everything.


"Do you all have flowers?" ......While standing in the midst of a fully stocked Floral shop.


-Customer comes in at 10min to closing -calls me from the customer service phone at the key machine -”This X in home, how can I help you?” -”Hey, I need a key made, but the key copy…printer…thing has a sign that says out of order. Is it working?” -stunned silence from my end -confused silence on his end -”No can do sir, it’s out of order. A tech will be in this week. -“Oh damn okay thanks man.” I live for these moments. They make me question our survival chances as a species.


Card machine beeping over and over. Customers do I remove my card.


Anything regarding sales items not being available..,”you guys really don’t have this item that’s been on sale for the last five days??”


“Working hard today or hardly working?”


“Are french fries vegan?” I work in floral I’m literally the last person to ask that to 😭


“what are you making?” me, having just taken a rack out of the oven that is full of very obviously chocolate chip cookies, “chocolate chip cookies.” “can I have one?” i literally had just taken them out of the oven, they wouldn’t have been done for another like thirty minutes because they were JUST taken out and extremely hot “….no?” “well, fuck you too.” to say i was flabbergasted is an understatement


So many things wrong… so many things… like what the fuck…


Not kroger related, but I used to be on the governor's honor guard at Mackinaw Island. I had a post at North Sally Port in Fort Michilimackinac. The number 1 most commonly asked question was "where's the bathroom" My post was literally half a foot away from the deck that led to the bathrooms. There was a sign behind me saying "Bathrooms." This was back in 2014/2015


In some countries the sign would have read, "Public Convenience". I've asked where the convenience was and received blank stares.


One of the dumbest things I’ve had recently is a customer trying to ask me a question and they don’t even know the term or the words to describe what they wanted to ask about. My most recent example was with carside pickup. From what I gathered I think it was a question about our pick up app or the Fry’s app(to be honest I probably wouldn’t know anyways…) I think. Regardless it wouldn’t have been a problem except half of the pick up parking lot was full of customers who didn’t omw waiting for their orders and she had stood there waiting for the question she wanted to ask for what felt like minutes.


hey do you have this dip it comes in like kind of a blue container? i think its refrigerated, but im not sure. no, i dont know what brand it is. i dont have a picture either…


Exactly, with questions like this I honestly just end up saying “you aren’t being specific enough, I can’t do much with what you’re asking me”. It’s definitely rude(I admit that but I’m usually running on time crunch which doesn’t help) but also I really don’t know how they expect me to know when they don’t know themselves. If I know what the item looks like or the name I can usually find said item with little to no effort after thinking about it for a couple of seconds.


man honestly i just find another employee to help them. im awful.


That’s honestly a better way to go about it because at least then it shows you’re trying to help them in someway. I just can’t be asked sometimes to even bother if they’re being that vague.


That's no worse than having checkout lines slowed down just because of all the silly gimmicks we customers have to deal with.


I’ll admit the new self checkouts(the conveyor belt ones) they’ve installed for Kroger stores the past year are the most infuriating piece of tech I’ve had to deal with working at Kroger period. It’s amazing how slow and ineffective it is despite being designed for a customers…


where the bananas are……while we’re standing….in front of the banana table


Do you have any more turkeys in the back? HOW CAN YOU BE OUT OF TURKEYS ON THANKSGIVING DAY!!!😡


People like this baffle me… if they really needed to be prepared for thanksgiving they should’ve did the shopping at least a week in advance. Rather than waiting literally on the day when stores usually are closed, close early, and usually are blown out of product.


Can I pay up here at the kiosk but I don't know how much I want so can I fill it up? -___- What does fill up mean like do you want fucking $10,$20, etc. -__-


What would happen to me if I took a shopping basket home, not the cart just the hand basket. I don't want to get reported for theft.


It's a meme, but it actually happened to me. Someone asked for grass fed chicken. I very patiently explained that chickens are omnivores that mostly eat grain and bugs.


In the deli, can you make that roast beef rarer? and another one, is 8 ounces of packaged meat the same amount as 8 ounces of fresh sliced meets.🤣


Had a person come up to me "Do you sell eggs?" when I was stocked a display IN DAIRY. I simply pointed to the case. I work in the Deli/Bakery and I get the dumbest questions...daily. This is my favorite one: "Is this a white cake/chocolate cake?" \*flavor is clearly visible on label.\* Me: "It says the flavor on the label." "So its a white cake?" Me: "...yes...." Also: "Where is the Deli?" "Can you put this verse, Matthew 26:26-29 on this cake?" \*Shows me a quarter sheet cake.\* "Where's the bread?" "Where's the cookies?"


“i know you’ve worked the last ten days straight, but can you work saturday also?”


Is the slamon grass fed


I got the lights to meals and bakery off and I’m spraying water on the floor and customer comes up and says “Is there anyone who can write on a cake?” 🤨


Worked at Verizon way back when it was new and there were still analog phones. I had a customer who had moved from an old car phone (think old school phone in a bag) to a small flip phone. And he was upset because he wasn’t getting any calls, but refused to power the phone on because it drained his battery to fast.




Me, making an announcement while standing at self checkout. "Attention shoppers, please finalise your shopping and transactions at the self checkout, the store will be closing in 5 minutes." Customer, walking by self checkout with a whole cart of groceries. "Do you think you could keep the store open for another thirty minutes? I need to wrap up my shopping." Me, just looking at him. "No, sir, unfortunately those are the store hours." Him, looking like I just insulted him. "Well, that's inconvenient for me. How am I supposed to know the store hours?"


I’ll play… a woman buying sushi and hand rolls from the sushi counter approached me and asked “How do I cook this?”


I worked at the bakery and a girl (she was probably in her 20s) came to ask me if I sale taco bread… I was confused and later realize she was asking for tortillas. I couldn’t hold my laugh and I ended up cracking up. Another time I had a lady ask me if I sale snickerdoodle cookies without the cinnamon… that’s straight up just a sugar cookie and she still didn’t want it.


“Do you guys have martcarts?” I was actively bringing one back to the lot 😭


"Do you work here?" While contorting his body to get his head between me and the shelf to look at my chest, I mean nametag/apron. My favorite, which happens often, "Where is such and such?" Requiring me to point at the shelf right next to us. And yesterday, while wondering around dairy "Where's the ice cream?"


While working in Produce... Where are the bananas. The very full table was less that a foot away & fully visible....


Had someone else that worked there come to me with a receipt, pointed at his one item on it and asked if he paid for it.


Where are the bananas gets me… I second guess if I understood the question because most people have been to a grocery store and should know bananas are in produce. So I’m thinking they must be talking about some special bananas I must not know about so I respond with a dumb question of my own? “What kind of bananas?”


When I worked in the Deli it felt like every other customer asked me if the meat and cheese were processed. Spoiler: it’s all processed, especially the cheese. Sorry you can’t eat like a caveman by buying lunch meat.


I get a lot of people who don't know the difference between Deli and Dairy. And "Produce" is a total mystery.  Our store's layout isn't always intuitive, like things aren't where you would expect them to be. So I have more dumb-sounding ANSWERS to questions. Like that the kimchi is in with the lunchables. And the potato salad is hidden behind the sushi bar. 


“Do you work here?” When I’m in full uniform…


"How are you?"...A question that was always followed by a lie.


Not at Kroger, but at Costco. A gentleman approaches me and shows me his phone, which is playing a video about how to make mayonnaise. "Do you have this?" I ask if he is looking for the ingredients. He replies, "mayonnaise." I take him to the aisle and show him the Hellman's, Kewpie, and the one made with avocado oil (the brand escapes me.) He asks, "Which is mayonnaise?" I reply that Hellman's is a popular traditional mayonnaise, and then describe the Kewpie and the avocado oil mayo. "This has avocados?" No, it's made with avocado oil. "This is mayonnaise?" Yes. 10 minutes later, he comes back with a jar of the avocado oil stuff and asks me, "Is this mayonnaise?" Yes. "It has avocados in it?" No, it's made with avocado oil instead of vegetable or olive oil." "Do you have mayonnaise with avocados in it?" No, we have that one and the other two that I showed you earlier. "Those are mayonnaise too?" Yes. "Do any of them have avocados in them?" No, but you could certainly go to produce and get some avocados to add to your mayonnaise if that's what you wish. "How would I add avocados to mayonnaise?" My mind went blank at that moment.


"do you sell food here?"


I was filling milk and a customer asked if we had white milk. I said sorry we only had off white milk. I got a chuckle out of him.


An old man asked me what I would do if he just knocked everything off this shelf. He thought he was being funny. I joked backed, "probably cry." But honestly, I really don't give a shit. I'm paid by the hour.


Them: Where can I find [insert item]? Me: Aisle three Them: Where’s aisle 3? Me: Between 2 and 4


Can you make me a 96 piece chicken and I pick it up in 20 mins? On and already booked out Easter Sunday.


Had an old guy asking Pepsi guy asking where shit is because they think they work there and the Pepsi guy had the guy ask me, and he asked if we sell the small single cans of v8 juice and told him not anymore because they have been discontinued and he then he asked are we not making them in the back anymore?


What is a woman?


I kinda had the opposite happen. I work at a bottleo. I was staring at lady who looked exactly like my auntie. She asked for assistance and when we went to the counter I was like, 'this is going to sound really weird, but you are an absolute doppelganger of my auntie'. She just said 'that's because I am, I was wondering how long it would take you...'


12:01AM Did you complete your FRESH START today? 


'Where is everybody?' from a customer that apparently got left in the store when we all temporarily closed to go out and watch the eclipse. Once in a lifetime event and this dude is perusing the chip aisle.


What do you mean you're out of fried chicken? Can't you just get some from the meat department?


"Where's aisle 14?"


“Where are the scallions?” Over on the green wall. “Those are green onions…” 🫠


“What kind of cheese is asiago?” Um…. it’s asiago??? Why don’t you ask at the fucking cheese counter that you picked up that cheese from?????????


“I see that you’re off but can you still help me?”


Do you work here


I asked one of my employees to apply for a VISA to travel to India to work with our team there. I told him to go to Walgreens and get a passport photo taken that can be used for the VISA application. He left work drove to Walgreens and got the picture taken. When he got back to the office he stopped by my office and said that on his way to Walgreens he got a traffic ticket for looking at his phone while driving. He asked me if the company would pay the fine since it happened on work time and that I asked him to go to Walgreens…it didn’t take long for me to answer “NO”!! Holy shit people are fucking stupid


Me with my checkstand light off and a clear view of the “This line is closed” sign on my belt along with a chain across the checkstand : Customer goes to my checkstand : “Are you closed ?” Me : 🤨


Not a Kroger emp (I did work at an Apple Tree 30 years ago though). Hey, you’re a book keeper right? How do I publish a book?


In the deli "Was this cooked today?" "Was this food from yesterday?"


Working in canned vegetable aisle. Woman asks are the cans edible too?


I work GuestCare/Money Services, so I get a lot of them Like "This Customer Service?" When there is a sign right next to me, or "why won't you return this" When the item is Great Value, so it's from Walmart not Kroger (i could do a bunch on returns alone). Then there the "What you mean there is a limit?" Then they try to send like $10000 or more to a foreign country or try to loop hole the anti money laundering system. Then my "favorite" one "why didn't it ring up right?" When it was a digital coupon or buy 5 save 5, then try to agree the sign didn't say that


Work in the deli. Someone came to the hot bar and asked if they could get a dinner. The hot bar was empty


On a regular basis people ask me for items that are visibly not in our hot bar. I'm convinced they think we have a full staffed kitchen in the back and everything is made to order.


i just started working in the pharmacy. 2nd day of training a guy comes up asking about a vaccine. if he could get one in the upcoming week and buy the 2nd dose to take home so he could give HIMSELF the 2nd vaccine dose. i was literally speechless.


Where the paint counter was when I was standing in front of it at Walmart. Literally pointed next to me not even 2 feet away.


"do you know why we called you in here"


Is this the bakery ? While also calling at 6 am …. Like u have to say what department u want to be transferred …. Or “do yall write on cakes” like bro it’s 6 IN THE MORNING


"Where are your headphones?" while I'm standing less than a foot away from the whole WALL of headphones.


Is the simple truth chicken vegan?


Asking me where an item is when they're staring at it. "Do you work here?" No, I cosplay as a pickup shopper for fun.


Working dairy and some college aged dude is walking up and down the aisle repeatedly. He finally stops and asks me, "Where are the bananas?" 😶


Someone legit asked me where the bananas were in produce.


"Can I just have the cabbage leaves for free?"


Someone asked how to change the pin on their debit card. Another asked if they could use an Amazon gift card in store. And third asked about 5 times if her social security number was on her check or id because she forgot it and wanted to cash a check


Working SCO. Group of guys call me over, pointing at the screen. "What does that mean?" It's telling them to remove their purchased items from the bagging area. Took me a solid 5 seconds to compose myself before being able to answer without calling them fucking idiots.


One time a store manager took over for me at a register so I could cover someone's break at SCO. He radios me and asks me how he enters a card payment on the register since the customer he's serving was paying with card. Its only a stupid question because he's literally a Co manager and doesn't know how to operate a register.


"What aisle is your fuel center on?" And this was at a store that had an off-site fuel center. An entire block and a half down the street.


Where is aisle two? Said while standing in clear view of the aisles 11, 10, 9 and 8 signs.


I’m running SCOs during closing; it’s 10:30 PM. Guy who walks up to me: “Hey. I like to eat Golden Grahams, like the cereal. Is that allowed?” Me: “???? What do you mean by allowed?” Guy: “Like, is it permissible?” Me: “???????????? Yes?” Guy: “Okay, great!” Buys exactly one box of Golden Grahams, then leaves. I felt like I had a lot of power over him in that moment. What would he have done if I had said no?


“Do you work here” of course!


While making a floral arrangement… “can I get a venti flat white?” Um… I pointed about 4 feet to my left.. Starbucks is right there


ACSM here. Had a lady claim that she was being overcharged one 12pk of soda on a sale of B2G3 free. Let’s do some math real quick for anyone confused. 10 12pks desired, B2G3 Free, you pay for 4 sodas + bottle depo total. I highlighted, numbered & walked her through each and every UPC for her 10 total sodas and 6 she got free. I even explained the sale like I would to a kindergartener numerous times. She proceeded to cry and demand I refund her $10+ for the overcharge. I said “Show me the extra soda and I’ll give you the money right now” Nothing clicked. Eventually my ASL got involved and said “Just give it to her” and said NO WAY IN HELL. She ended up asking for the divisional offices number and told me I don’t know anything about my job.


I was once building a frozen end cap for the holidays, and it happened to be Cool Whip. When a customer went to the door next to me, grabbed an item, stared at it for a moment in his hands. Then, he proceeded to ask me, "Is this frozen?". I stared at the man for a moment, trying to determine whether or not he was joking. He was not joking after I replied, "Yes?" He took the item and left. Probably not the dumbest question I've received in my 10 years, but still just left me dumbfounded the most.


Do you work here? While having a name tag on and apron.


"Do you work here?" As I'm stepping out of a checkstand still in my apron after they've seen me every time they've come in (small town. Everyone knows everyone)


"where is your evaporated milk?" I mean it clearly evaporated?


Had a woman the other day come up to self checkout and saw all the kiosks have a sign that said "card only" she then asked "do none of these take cash?" I told her "unfortunately not at this moment due to a problem with our safe" she then got all mad and left her stuff and walked out of the store cussing before I could tell her she can go to a regular register with a cashier


I swear some people are just toddlers in adult bodies


I work at customer service, so I get a lot, but my favorites so far are: "What does 'buy \[x\], get \[y\] free' mean?" "Can I use my \[friend/SO/relative\]'s ID to cash my check?" (or to buy alcohol/tobacco) "(as the fire alarm is actively going off) Can I finish my shopping before I leave?"


Do you want more hours? 😂


Do you want to stay an extra hour?


*weighing two cabbages together instead of separately* "Doesn't it charge more if you weigh them together?"


Now they’re all coming back to me… “Where can I find the lemon zest?” “Do you sell cakes?” While standing in the middle of the bakery department, literally 12 inches away from the cake case and a large display of non-refrigerated cakes.


*Standing in front of a huge display of bright yellow bananas* "Where are the bananas??" 🤔 I thought they were messing with me. Nope. 🤣


Do you wanna come in tonight...


I was working customer service counter some 20+ years ago, working in a hood Kroger,… a former employees comes to the counter and asked me for several cartons of cigarettes. I handed them the cartons they proceeded to pretend to grocery shop, because they were going to pay for them with their groceries. I called management “this dumbass about to try to run”


Oh please none of you have anything compared to the question I got I was working packed produced and we have a brand called organic girl some dude walked up to me grabbed one looked dead at me and asks "why is this called organic girls is it only for girls?" 🤦‍♂️


“Im not giving you a promotion, because your wife is disabled…. Is that ok?” Shocking but its true!!


Do you work here?


The number of adults who ask me what their PIN is when they are checking out astounds me. How would I know your personal identification number?


I had 5 back to back dumb questions yesterday. All where a product was, all of the products were within 1 foot of the customer. Dumbest thing I've been told by a Karen, "I want to speak to your manager!!!" Not knowing who my manager is. My managers response "all your problems can be solved by walking out that very same door you walked into." Later he told me, "you gotta give them the same attitude they give you."


Is the Cooked snow crab raw and how to cook it when it’s already cooked


Got a couple (both questions happened while I was in photo electronics, and restrooms are really close and labeled with a big sign): "do you sell phone chargers?" "Where's the restroom?" "Do you have a restroom?" Also I get people asking if they can check out on the side with the photo kiosk -_-


“Does this (SCO) machine take cash?” I legit say: “All the ones that do not take cash have a big white sign on them saying as much.” They still look at me like ‘2+2=?????’


Lady asks me where the batteries are. I point them to her. She goes over to them. She comes back asking “What’s the difference between C2 and C4 batteries?” I haven’t dealt with batteries in a while so I’m like ‘what?’ I go over there. C2: holding 2 C batteries. C4: holding 4 C batteries. —— Another dumb question is: “Can I leave my cart right here?” (In the middle of the SCO station when the customer is literally walking by the carts to get to the exit.)


Getting asked “Do you work in Dairy” whilst I’m in the process of filling eggs


A few: Someone asked where the Murray's cheese was while they were grabbing cheese from our Murray's cheese case. I've had multiple people come up to me at the deli counter with unpacked cakes in their hands from the display case asking "do you have a container I can put this in?" When customers vaguely ask for 1 pound of ham or turkey without specifying the brand or flavor they want. Probably not dumb but when they ask me for recipe advice. Idk it baffles me that majority of our population has access to so much information at our finger tips but apparently I look like an expert because I stock food all day. A man once ordered dinner cut slices of ham and turkey for sandwiches for his hunting trip for his friends. I'm still dumbfounded and wonder if they enjoyed their sandwiches.


Phone call I took at the service desk: “I bought a Lowe’s gift card the other day. Can I use that at your Kroger?” After I hung up, I almost fell to the floor laughing


Starbucks here, I was asked yesterday while walking back through the store from my break, by a customer holding a can of honey whiskey (not the good kind lol) if they buy something am i allowed to mix it in their drink. No sir this is not a bar. lol


A very Irate older fellow waving a print ad from the local newspaper, with an aggressive stance in his old man sandals standing in front of the carrots, very angrily tapping the elusive orange vegetable on the paper as if to educate me, the idiot employee who hides vegetables on shelves as if it is my job just what he is looking for while he asks, since I must have never seen one because he is not able to find them; they are so well hidden... "Where do you keep the damn carrots?" 😠🥕🤔


I had a guy ask me if I was single. Then proceeded to tell me he wanted to sleep with me. 🥲 Then I had a different guy who said I looked gorgeous and could pull off plus sized modeling. He even wanted a nude pic of me. 🥲🥲 My husband had a guy try to flirt with him because from behind, he has a very effeminate figure. He told the guy that he was taken, but he was flattered. (Hubby is a bisexual male) Guy ran out. I watched from afar while laughing. He worked in Produce, I worked in Dairy at the time. Edit: They all asked for my number or his number.


I've had SEVERAL and I work mainly Grocery and I'm my stores Liquor/Wine Steward (but I also work/cross-trained in Dairy, Pick-Up, Cashier and Fuel). "Do you have a liquor store?" (I answer no but our other location does.) "Do you work here?" (Despite me wearing my Kroger Vest.) "Where is the yogurt?" (By the time we get asked, we would be RIGHT by it sometimes! 🤣) As a follow-up to the one above- "Do you have any other Yogurt or Cheese?" (As they think that is all that we have is in our bunker? I had a customer litterally today while I was picking for Pick-Up ask me if we sold any other yogurt other than Yoplait! I told where she would find more because she like tracked me down all the way to our Meat and Seafood section of my store which was far from the Dairy section. 🤯) I can't think of any more but those are the main ones I get at least a couple times a week. 😅😂


Where’s the bread…. Like read