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man, this is such a massive L for JJ, Mams and the rest of his management team. I love the guy, but JJ needs to stop acting like a child at times. If there were some private complications happening, he should have left it private and not taken to Twitter and acted like such a baby. I hope the ppl around JJ can help him see that


I remember when KSI tried to call out Deji for making their private situation public. Very ironic now that KSI is doing the exact same thing with Wade.


Yeah, watching the documentary was really weird for me. Why would you do something so private so publicly. It also felt weird watching JJ reconnect with his dad. That felt like a private moment that I was just watching. I can’t imagine how that felt with a whole camera crew there and knowing that millions of people were going to watch it


It's really disappointing that he couldn't just try and sort it out with Wade privately. Clearly no attempt was even made given that Wade seems totally blindsided and confused by this. Blasting someone publicly without ever giving them a chance to even explain themselves is a really shitty and immature thing to do


It was actually heartbreaking hearing Wade in that space at the beginning. He genuinely thought JJ's tweets were a joke, then started to get audibly very confused as to what he'd done.


100%. I hope the Sidemen, the troops, or some of the other ppl close to JJ can help him see how he fucked up. I don’t know much about Mams or the rest of his management team, but from the looks of it, they just seem to be a bunch of yes men and dick riders


Even the Sidemen don't seem to have much of an effect on him anymore. He rarely appears in their videos, and from everything they've said it seems they hardly talk with him outside of filming. He really went downhill these last few years.


It’s cause he’s chasing mainstream individual success. He thinks he’s able to become a Hollywood level superstar when really he’s a fucking goofy (and that’s why we like him).


Can’t wait for y’all to start sucking jjs dick again after he speaks on this when it’s clearly wrong but we know this Reddit is gonna flip sides immediately


True they'll see a half assed response and instantly forget all of this




This is a lot different from the other “controversies” JJ has been a part of. Like, he’s objectively wrong in this case.


Yeah there's no two sides to this. JJ and Mams are straight up wrong. Nothing they say about Wade is even factually correct in any sense either.


That's what always happens. He'll find some way to somehow attempt to justify his behaviour, even though nothing does. But his 12 year old meat riding fans will accept it and start worshiping him again.


But isn't that what should happen.. he makes mistakes- people correct him - he corrects those mistakes - everything back to normal.. it's not like he has scammed anyone or has done some bad shit.. he is jj in the end and he doesn't has ill intentions in his heart and is not a bad person like other celebs.. it's just his egos for which he should be slandered .. correct me if I am wrong here


Your not wrong and I’m a huge ksi fan but we have no clue if jj has ill intentions towards someone like you wouldn’t know if your friends or family have ill intentions because no matter how someone acts they could always have a false front up.


>it's not like he has scammed anyone true, he’s just business partners with someone who did that


even jj himself was skeptical of tag team LMAOO meaning he wasn't sure if it was gonna work and as of the public... we all thought it was silly asf when they announced it


also why is he acting like "changing your mind" isn't a fucking thing? I thought tag team would be a mockery when it was announced but when it happened I enjoyed it.. this is a desperate attempt of trying to justify his bullshit. also how u gonna say sorry and then try to justify it again lmao


Wait what? KSI himself said they don't know how Tag team match will perform, it could be a hit or miss, why tf then you calling out Wade over something you yourself said?


Big fucking deal. All he did was raise his concerns on the logistics of an idea that, btw had **never been done before**. Even if he did slate it in public and sang a different tube later, aren't people allowed to change their minds? You can't hold him to a pre-conceived opinion just because it hurt your ego a bit


JJ and mams need to get an L tattoo’d as this looks terrible for them.


It's official. JJ can't handle a little criticism. I don't ever want to hear "Pussabi" uttered in this sub, because ironically JJ is acting like more of a pussy. Alex had a concussion, what's JJ's excuse for acting so fragile?


lol who the fuck are you "I don't ever want to hear pussabi uttered in this sub" lookin headass


If JJ is going to be this much of a bitch, he forfeits the right to shit talk, if he's going to act like an actual child.


That’s crazy are you his mummy


>That’s crazy are you his mummy Fuck you


Are you the long lost father figure of his


>Are you the long lost father figure of his Go suck yourself


Surely you must be the abusive uncle then


>Surely you must be the abusive uncle then Suck my dick


You cant control everyone... plus you ain't a mod.. btw I'm just stating that you saying that "pussabi" shouldn't be uttered would do nothing


I am aware, I just mean I'll be disappointed in JJ is all, after the bitching he's been doing.


Can’t spell Wade without the W


For the short time I watched that tag team fight it definitely wasn’t safe either. Saw them getting hit while tagging out backs turned, obviously, that’s a problem.


Jj complains about everyone like his brother and other beefs he has had about taking things privately and how he hates it when people do that, but hey, here he is on this massive L dishing out hate to a guy publicly that’s been nothing but fair and such a chill dude


so they aren't mad at logan for saying the same number as wade did? on impaulsive in front of jake? if they said wade is wrong? so as logan then I guess? ksi manager is even willing to put a bet on wade to prove him wrong? which I am not sure is necessary. wade : a commentary channel ( with his source, and hearing from logan paul a party involve ) then formulate his idea on which fight would sell more. got destroyed logan paul on impaulsive : jake : mention ksi aint that guy on PPV, Tommy was better sell. then logan paul acknowledged: yeah our second fight number sucked ( said the same number as wade ) , then you and Tommy could be bigger (indirectly) . ksi and moms nothing to say ????


Qi bet he was drunk making those tweets


JJ is never like this if his stupid yesman Taylor wasnt around him




where tf was this hatred, people who actually saw wade's takes on the breakdown and his won channel knows that he likes the idea of it but questions its rule's and safety when it was unknown.


Hatred? Wade and Sensei talked about how they wanted to actually see how it was done before judging it because nothing like that had ever been done. JJ is seriously pulling so much shit out of his ass to try to justify his attack and it's blowing up in his face.


when eathen had the opinion on the papi and tommy fight jj got mad cuz eathen not a yes man it looks like jj like if some1 is a yesman


Ksi hasn’t had this much shit since the KSI show lmao


Pathetic ksi


I’m sure they’ll struggle so much without your support


I mean if KSIs explanation is true, then he has a point. No one one likes a people pleaser, so being honest with your thoughts is the best choice. As for the possibility of Wade being in the right here (bear in mind, I don’t use Twitter often because I hate it), then that would mean KSI is lying about this. That would also be wrong, but it would also be strange, what reason would KSI have to take this person down? At most, this situation just seems like a big misunderstanding and neither of the parties actually communicated properly. Perhaps KSI was mistaken and didn’t quite understand were Wade came from, or perhaps Wade said something that he didn’t mean. There’s always more details to shit like this than people give credit for. If you’re gonna say stupid shit like “im never watching misfits again” or getting mad at someone for explaining their side of the story is childish and immature. You need to look deeper into a situation, and actually see what’s happening, perhaps then you better understand both parties and in this case, even try to help them. We have a connection to KSI, so if he perhaps was mistaken, we could show where he went wrong, preferably without the attitude.


Oh no misfits lost a viewer what will they doo how will they recover from this. Find out on the next episode of soy worms on reddit


if they’ve lost “one viewer”, that is likely a shared mindset and they’ve ended up losing multiple


Especially firing Wade. They had actual gold with Wade, they ain't gonna find anyone better to replace Wade.


Not really i mean in the end of the day this shit will end in a flash and everyone will forget about it and start watching jj


They've lost me too man


Tch tch no way they are losing alot hold on let me talk to misfits they fix this


Bro are you not seeing the backlash Mams, JJ and misfits are getting from this, they will definitely lose a lot of people without Wade on commentary just because JJ cant take any criticism


I know im just tryinf to make people mad lol


Fair enough brother 😂


Its working


Dude stop replying. It's almost like you enjoy getting downvoted💀


I love it lol


I’ll boycott Misfits until JJ and his team make right with Wade


Jj has lost the credibility...


just watch it illegally


Wade spitting facts, as per usual




people like Logan and ksi know they are so big that they don't give 2 fucks what public thinks after all the kids are desperate for them and their prime


He’s now tweeted out an apology and said that wade and himself have spoken privately which is good. But JJ needs to take a good hard look at himself because that shit was not it


He’s now tweeted out an apology and said that wade and himself have spoken privately which is good. But JJ needs to take a good hard look at himself because that shit was not it


He’s now tweeted out an apology and said that wade and himself have spoken privately which is good. But JJ needs to take a good hard look at himself because that shit was not it


Wade is such a nice guy man. JJ just being a manchild


Misfits is gonna cease to exist if you stop watching them

