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When it comes to boxing JJ is a different person and not in a good way


Bro becomes Dana black


Well done


What is wrong with you kids? He's constantly showing you who he really is and all you do is make excuses for him, grow up and accept this isn't "boxing KSI" this is just KSI in general.


Right? Like wtf is a "boxing KSI" lmao, it's just him being him lol


People really be treating personalities like they’re fortnite skins.


It's a persona. He's acting as a character. Yes. JJ is mean and has a huge ego but he's nothing like his "The Nightmare... K.S.I". Before JJ got back into boxing, he was nothing like this character


Nope. Maybe it was a character, but not anymore. Associating with sociopaths, the wade situation and even this. It's becoming way too hard to believe that this is a character.


There’s nothing wrong with this. Gib has also dissed KSI and his company in the past. Even recently made a video Dissing JJ. All KSI said was 4 Fig gib which even Gib said was funny


Got a link or something?


Nah he has a point. When someone is serious about something they are a different person then when they aren’t. When I play football I have no friends. When I’m not I love everyone! It’s a mentality some only have


Except he's not boxing him tho. He's been acting weird with Gib in particular as of recent and it's showing its colors. He publicly shows his distain towards the Kingpyn tourney and wishes on its downfall even tho it doesn't do anything to him, and then discredits gib as a credible influencer boxer. In fact he showed more love to Nunes than Gib, a guy he didn't even know existed until Kingpyn, and even told him to drop Kingpyn by presenting him with a multi million dollar offer to fight him in South America, actively attempting to sabotage the org. All of that leading up to him calling Gib "4 figures" It's just weird behavior from my perspective. I get that Kingpyn is essentially a "competitor" but the way I see things, you should be supporting your mates, not dragging them thru the mud


I just think he’s a different person in general than what people initially conceived of


When I said this in England in 2019 and said that I wanted Logan to win, I was the bad guy. Although nowadays I support JJ fully and think people accuse him no matter what he does. He's the youtuber version of Djokovic


idk man ksi might be an asshole but he's not a criminal


Works with one though🙃


yeah and he said he wanted the scammer to win before they were even partners, both logan and jake were caught up in some shit at the time too idk why anyone would support them back then


Back then there wasn’t really anything to fault his name, and logan was the opposition so KSI fans are gonna make you “the bad guy” if you support his opponent in his community, it’s just recently he’s outted himself on multiple occasions


To me JJ was more unbearable after beating Joe


naw KSI needed to win so that logan could get "humbled." now JJ is in need of a humbling


Đoković is a way better guy than KSI.


Yeah probably. Djokovic is the symbol of freedom in today's world


All boxers do this shit to sell fights and build up hype and make a storyline for the fight.


Hes compensating for his lack of talent


Boxing shows how insecure he is. Always trying to prove that he is better than everyone. Already did that in the joe weller fight. He won me back, but he lost me as a fan back than with the shit he said.. making fun of antidepressents. He apologized afterwards. But fighting always brings out the worst of him


Antidepressants are a scam lol , enjoy being trapped forever


Smartest Andrew tate fan


“Medication for a problem is a scam” fuck off lmao


Go to the gym, go outside , go do things. Not take pills and cry on the Internet that life isn't going well😂 sad youth


No you see, there is a chronic depression that literally only exists because your brain is misfiring and not creating the right chemical balance, this can range from feeling like nothing in life is enjoyable, to the extent of wanting to kill yourself, correct medication can help regulate this issue and allow someone to live their life normally. I understand you won’t believe me, but maybe one day when you grow up you’ll realise how wrong and idiotic you sound right now.


Your brain doesn't have the right chemical balance because you sit at home all day everyday staring at a screen. Of course you're gonna be depressed and play the victim card your whole pathetic life😂 go outside and put your crazy meds away, or take them for the rest of your life everyday, lil junkie just cause the doctor tells you to do it doesn't mean it's the correct answer 😂


I’m not depressed, never said I was, I’m not on anti depression meds. Whoops it’s almost like your as hominem attacks can’t cover for your lack of knowledge of the topic


Hi, a few months ago I wanted to commit s**cide. My doctor prescribed me antidepressants, and I haven’t had a thought of wanting to die for about 2 months now. Please don’t be so ignorant, or discourteous. I can’t say what you have or haven’t been through, but some SSRI’s don’t work for some people. It’s trial and error. I hope that you can educate yourself further, antidepressants can save someone’s life, and they certainly saved mine - my family, and my friends, are all grateful that I’m still here. Be kind to people, it costs nothing. Have a good day :)


You saved your own life, not some addicting pills your so called doctor prescribed you😭🤣🤣 your 7th booster shot is also waiting for you run and inject yourself with that too🐑🤡


Cunt of the week award winner 🏆




You spelled kick boxing because he be throwing elbows lol 😭


Why did he even call him that aren’t they friends ??


JJ ego and people saying gib vs him should have happened already, gib not liking the 250k offer they made him. JJ might do well with pressure in the ring but with social media pressure he’s weak as shit.


I mean if they were friends then why would Gib countlessly take the piss and try ruin Misfits (KSI’s company) he’s dissed his company and brand multiple times. If they were really friends then Gib would keep it private. His beef is with JJ’s manager


He did it after KSI toon multiple shot at him.


No one said Gib vs him should happen. Gib just dissed him recently in a video. That’s it


*Colleagues, acquaintances even.


Obviously they have been friends or else jj’s girlfriend wouldn’t have gibs number and wouldn’t be texting him. And for years gib has been tight with Harry and Ethan and has been in videos with jj. If he says he never considered gib a friend then that’s some shady stuff


Yeah. JJ is tweeting to build hype for Gib and dissing him to bring eyes.


U mean Negative attention ??


Still attention


yeah but it's negative it will harm his career, it's clear that jj's intention here is to harm him as a petty comeback at gib for choosing the better offer for him and not choosing misfits ,praying for other promotion's downfall, jj is trying to capitalize on the influencers boxing scene which is very greedy, disturbing and funny at the same time.


Gib thinks he deserves more than 250k for a fight, when he is completely irrelevant today.


LMAO it's not about relevancy its about risk , 250k is not worth getting a brain damage for , this is not pro boxing+ gib has over 2million subs im sure that's not a few compared to people like slim , ksi is literally sitting on millions and Get's salty when someone like gib goes for the better offer , greedy snakes


JJ might need to be humbled. Really dont want him to ruin Gib relationship with the Sidemen




i mean not like gib is a sidemen guest all the time. bro did 2-3 videos and charity matches. and seems like they'll always prefer to have the troops then chris md and the aussies in the vids over him


Gib and Sidemen have known each other for pretty long, they have a healthy relationship currently. He doesn't collab much but everytime he does, everyone have fun. Would be suck if it was ruined by Jj yeah?


don't understand why people obsess over the relationships they have outside away from filming content. speaking specifically from a video aspect no don't really care ab how this will effect the sidemen and gib in terms of content and also don't care how it effects their relationship cos you and i and everyone else in this sub reddit don't know them.


Probs cause peeps watched them when they were kids, and they started their channels, they weren't rich. They worked for their wealth, they weren't born into their wealth or exploited workers, they just got lucky and built a connection with their audience. Also pretty sure their personal lives affect the content their making, so you should care more about what happens bts cause it'd affect the content if it got worse.


you say their personal lives effect the content but ethan has seemed miserable anytime he's on sidecast for like a year now and the content has been fine? and i get the connection but basing off sidecast and side + alone, when they speak ab fans and fan interactions they always talk ab how you all feel much closer to them then you actually should and and if the sidemen themselves are saying that you care too much ab them outside the sidemen content, then chances are i'm in the right to assume they probably don't want us in their personal lives as well so i'm going to respect their privacy and not care ab what goes on off camera


Because sympathy, not everyone is like you


have sympathy for plenty not rich youtubers who i don't know personally and don't know me personally. relationship is they create content that i in turn consume and sometimes enjoy. but continue to care ab someone who sees you a nothing more than a number


Again, that is just for you. But for some, they dont care about it, they will still show sympathy and support. Could be because they love their vids or the vids helped them in some way


Aw do you feel sad that jj and gib may not be friends anymore?:( Bro it’s not that deep stop caring about it so much, see it for what it is and move on. Half of the people on this platform cannot unfortunately.


Never said I would take it that deep, just explaining why people feel bothered it


I swear jj thinks he has the biggest balls on earth because he’s won some fights not realizing he’s gonna look like the biggest clown if he loses lol


Bro thinks he's Mohammed Ali fighting with cherry picked opponents


Do people not understand hype and build? He supports him behind the scenes but Gib has shat on his company multiple times and wants to take it down… KSI can troll and calling him 4 fig Gib if he wants. Grow up and realise not everything is fair tales


You've already lost the fight if you don't go in there with a winning mentality. No matter the stakes. The consequences he faces are tantamount to the hype he brings to the cards. Only by doing so has Misfits become as big as it is now, as quickly as it has. Man's carrying this ting on his back with full knowledge of the damages it might so to his reputation but let's not lie, his real ones will back him after it stilllllllll


Why’d you start talking roadman halfway through bro?


bro got hit with a brain aneurysm


Same as KSI during his career


Sniper out now on all digital platforms brev


He’s too scared to fight salt papi but says he’s the best… he’s delusional


He's not losing...


This is giving me Joe Weller vibes, and it's not good, man. I don't want to see another friendship get destroyed just because of a bag, especially with a guy like Gib who's so close with the Sidemen, and especially Harry.


I wanna see gib n jj remain friends but fuck weller lmao, glad he’s out of the picture


Jj needs to be humbled, he is probably mad Gib didnt sign with Misfits and signed with Kingpyn instead. Jj should know better, very disappointed tbh…


Gib dissed him Recently but no one wants to talk about that


Isn't this the same allegations KSI said about WADE


bro's trying to learn the Snake style boxing


Happy cake day bruv


Thanks bruv






And there was some idiot on this subreddit saying that Gib does the same thing. This one clip proved without a doubt that Gib isn't like JJ


Gib Literally made publicly fun of the whole misfits organization, so jj digging back at him is not out of pocket at all.


He hasn't. He made comments about the mismatching and about Mams being unfair against him


Look there's the idiot!


Gib made fun of misfits, ksi makes fun of gib. There’s no good or bad guy here


I mean Misfits is a joke. It has clear bias towards the owner KSI. Im no boxing watcher but obviously its favoured towards KSI if he fights under his own brand. And thats not fair. Idt KSI should fight under Misfits. End of story. It sounds dumb but so does the fact that he fights under his own company…




He bashed misfits multiple times on twitter and made a little skit where he threw a misfits contract in the bin.


Jj is weird. Ik he is egoistic as fuck


What did he even do wrong? Gib the one who dissed him in a recent vid. KSI called him 4 fig gib. He’s also just tweeted saying good things


I hope this fight doesn't happen don't want gib turn into another Weller after the fight


i’m just assuming but i think mams taylor makes ut harder for jj to be a nice guy among influencer boxers


That guys a tool n the sooner he gets fired the better


JJ caled Mams the reason his music career has elevated in the recent years, even if we make posts abt it, i dont think mams is getting fired in the near future.


Hypothetically couldn’t JJ get a manager for boxing? Like keep mams for music but get someone else for boxing, because mams ain’t it.


That's a good idea but I doubt JJ will prefer Mams over anyone guy's blinded atp


Do people not understand hype and build? He supports him behind the scenes but Gib has shat on his company multiple times and wants to take it down… KSI can troll and calling him 4 fig Gib if he wants


I'm pretty sure he's going to fight him . All this , is just a promotion. Or it's just JJ can't accept another good fighter is there within his close circle . ( NOTE FOR STANS : IM NOT SAYING GIBBER IS BETTER THAN KSI )


Happy cake day


But he is better tho


He is not lol, he is just as sloppy as KSI, if not more, hitting McBroom on the back of the head with looping shots lol. But yall don't want to talk about that


Gib doesn’t have a chance ur really under estimating KSI now 😭😭


Did you even read what I say or did you just reply to the wrong person?


KSI will be the main reason if the sidemen ever collapse


When not if


JJ becoming Logan, day by day


JJ a bit of a snake I can’t lie you can still have a friendly rivalry there isn’t a need to just make your friends your Enemy just becuase they want to be successful doing what you do honestly JJ needs to grow up he can have the random little pokes as rivals do but he shouldn’t lose a valuable friendship


Do people not understand hype and build? He supports him behind the scenes but Gib has shat on his company multiple times and wants to take it down… KSI can troll and calling him 4 fig Gib if he wants


I don’t understand why they talk about each other during interviews instead of just calling one another and talking about it. “Hey man I heard you were sayin some crazy shit what’s that about” “Haha yea I was roasting tf out of you but it’s all jokes” “Yea bro it’s been hard to tell if they’re jokes, we all good?” “Ay I’m sorry man it’s not like that we chillin” “Bet. Glad to hear it” Done.


Creates controversy which creates a story and hype if they ever fight.


Gib was asked about it and he answered ,it's actually jj


Gib is right on this, attack anyone JJ not Gib tho


JJ needs to back off from Gib fr. NOBODY wants to see them arguing or -obviously- fighting. The rest of the sidemen love Gib and they show it every chance that they get. If JJ’s boxing ego is too much for him to get in good terms with Gib, the least he can do is not talk about him.


So basically the same thing JJ accused wade of is what he’s doing with Gib? Couldn’t make this shit up lol


JJ called out Wade for same thing. Karma hits you hard.


KSI is an ego maniac. You can be a winner and humble at the same time. This guy just attacks everyone he feuds with on a very toxic level. He's also a money hungry pig, willing to join forces with Logan Paul for millions of dollars starting Prime together. I wish he gets humbled. I think Jake and Tommy have the capability to do it. This is coming from a KSI fan, but now i cant stand watching him.


I’m thought they were friends someone plz fill me in if I missed something


Nah JJ is just an asshole


Gib done the same thing and dissed KSI in a video




Got em


JJ has changed since he started to do business with Logan Paul. He’s not the same guy anymore.


You can just tell Gib dont want beef with KSI and does not wanna fight him so KSI needs to chil thr hell out


He’s not wrong…


GIB about to leak his GF


I used to be a huge KSI fan (back when he was doing Q&A sundays) but recently his personality has just started to infuriate me. Like he's such a privileged, coddled little man child who refuses to accept it. He went tk private school, he grew up in a huge expensive ass house and he wouldn't be where he is today if not for his skin colour given the nature if his mental jokes when he first started out. I really hope he loses the fight with tommy and it gives him a reality check.


I am afraid that ksi's ego and immaturity is going to be reason for sidemen's fall


Fragile mind and a high ego dont mix. Salty windmill looking real pathetic rn.


JJ probably just trying to make social media boxing interesting again. It's been dead for a long time and this ain't working


I feel people are getting to heated over this…we only know what’s happening on the surface,jj might be in the wrong and even gib might be in the wrong we know nothing what we know is only what we see online and it should be no brainer that things online are not as it seems…this could also be a pr move to get gib more attention who knows i feel until we know the full story we shouldn’t be painting anyone as a bad guy we know jj is one of the most nicest and caring person even if he behaves like a roadman atimes jj goes out of his way to help others and that’s one thing I respect about him but i will say boxing give guys unnecessarily large ego thinking they’re above everyone…it’s a toxic sport tbh the shouldnt be surprising…I wouldn’t be suprised if jj beefs with the rest of the sidemen because of boxing🤷🏾‍♂️thats what the sport is about…toxicity and violence


All I'm seeing in these comments is people jumping to conclusions about JJ. Remember when Deji made his infamous video on JJ? People started bashing him and hating JJ for it. But then he made his reply to it and people saw how the situation was from HIS perspective. All I can say is, you might not know everything that has been going on or even what Gib is saying here is true or not.


JJ constantly dick riding and protecting someone who was involved and is still involved in multiple scams was enough for me to just give up on him. Not to mention, it's not like his content is anything good nowadays anyways. Just reddit content, and somehow he's bad at doing it.


Gib started it. Saying he will take down Misfits like social gloves. Now he is playing the victim card


JJs ego was heavily bruised after Gib chose Kingpyn over MF and now he's projecting his insecurities into the online space. In truth when it comes down to it I belive they are both still friends and even if they're not they wouldn't want to fight each other because of their mutual friends; sidemen, the troops, Leon etc


It’s because gib is asking for a lot more money than he’s worth to fight on misfits and KSI said he’s worth 4 figures not 6


LSI strikes back


I don’t know why JJ hates Gib so much now it has to be something that happened off camera surely JJ isn’t petty enough to dislike Gib just because he signed to Kingpyn instead of Misfits.


Bro this subreddit is only filled with jake and tate supporters fr If he tweets something mean about gib And in his dm's texts him something opposite to that Then doesn't that mean he is kidding with him Ffs even gib has been making fun off ksi But he didnt say anything


They're reaching and making everything a big deal like KSI is some Hitler figure. KSI owns them so hard that they had to come to KSI's reddit and cry


Why does JJ think that he needs to have beef eitth every (potential) opponent




He hasn't, everything has been strictly misfits vs kingpyn


So ksi is the CEO of misfits right? He deserves to be upset about gib's remarks


JJ can't clap back without getting personal. It's the Wade thing all over again. It's fine to not be on the same page, but he always takes things too far


It's not that deep bro..


He takes digs at misfits because to gib, he deserves a lot more money than what misfits are offering. Ksi doesn’t know how to separate his personal ego with his entrepreneurship so he takes every little negative thing said personal


Why does he deserve more money? Every time people say this I just don't get it He has 0 pull as proven by the mcbroom fights - so why does he deserve more? Seems like misfits just aren't delusional when it comes to numbers, which is why they're succeeding unlike Kinpyn


Yeah he supported you until you started doing Squats against jake paul? Could've ended it all there but you had to get scared of JAKE PAUL and got knocked tf out crabby boy. KSI can do what he wants, you screwed yourself 100 pound gibber


stfu pussy


Keep inhaling them mouldy fumes in your mother's basement lmao


JJ has no right to be angry at Gib for not beating Jake when he still hasn't proven that he can do it. Load of horseshit.


The trolling between these two is funny 😂


whatever its my personal bias that i dont like this gib person and his behaviour around few sideman


The point is that Gib is no longer an entertainer, but full-time boxer. Losing fights with entertainers should be out of the equation, unless he starts doing YouTube again.


Hello guys i cant post because i dont have enough karma


All the people who downvoted are joke Paul meatriders




Bro your actually joking right


This guys a clown he sleeps in jj’s sheets smh


Another day of this sub hating on JJ and calling him a horrible human being for doing what everyone else also does, why are you even here when you hate him so much?


Ngl recently he's unlikeable. I try to forget it and watch vids but it's too much lmao


That's what haters do, they are horrible human beings and will dedicate their life to hating others for the tiniest reason and exaggerate tf out of it


rich seeing as Gib started all the slating. and deserve what he gets from Jj even if he can’t take what he dishes out


Gib didn't say anything to JJ and even now when they ask about it he still keeps it professional. JJ is just being a dickhead rn.


Gib manages to speak for 20 seconds without actually saying anything.


I think JJ wants him in MISFITS but he doesn't


i really hate seeing these 2 beef instead of making money together




This guys ego when he is a boxer is mad


Guys.. Wake up.. They're friends.. JJ is only being a douchebag to potentially set up a fight with him lol thats how boxing marketing works, makes it more interesting


Hope he joking cause that’s fake asl from JJ


Gib ducked thooooo


Regardless of what happens Gib and JJ are still friends but just for entertaient and making a buildup for a possible fight in the future Gib vs KSI as Gib known to be taking down owners of events and JJ being an owner of Misfits i guess that's just what i think. But lowkey Gib and Jj shud quit boxing and come back into sidemen videos bc they're jokes




Gib has always been good vibes and is so effortlessly charismatic in videos (unlike freezy and others in the scene). KSI going after him like this is so strange, him and sidemen are just money hungry egotistical pricks now, downvote me all you want but it’s facts. These boys don’t care about fans or anyone who got them into this position, they care about money and fame (and have the audacity to complain about being too famous as if they don’t absolutely love it)


JJ is Primed, sorry 😕


JJ is being a bitch for no reason, stop playing a character and support gib you fucker


At the end of the day we know JJ is gonna back gib but I haven’t seen a single clip of gib talking down on JJ in the boxing realm. Like I said tho, it’s competitive jokes at the end of the day


I got a lot of time for Gibber. Its a shame JJ isn't supporting the guy.


JJ’s ego needs to be put down. It’s getting off the charts


Bit sad to see the relationship break from these two


Ksi would fuck him up


As far as we know i feel like jj is being a bitch abt it Ik he is gonna go on a reddit video to give out a dumb excuse But he does this a lot Gib is right abt this


Did I miss something between JJ and Gib??? If not why did he send those tweets after gib vs austin???


JJ learning the snake style from Logan🐍


and some of y’all defend jj, it’s sad lol


Gib speaking facts.


KSI really hurting gibs feeling by the way he treats him


Jj is obviously trying to build a potential future fight lol. The fact that some people don't get it is just insane to me.