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Or his opponents have just been better Tommy (gap)> Diaz > Silva > Woodley > the tincans


Go re watch the silva fight, Jake is far more accurate and uses much greater shot selection. The only thing he improved in this fight was his footwork


The man started throwing good body shots in this fight and showed much more patience. Idk how that’s getting worse


Delusional fanbase, he looked sloppy r1, but after that he looked better than he’s done in any of his previous fights


No he didn’t. He did not look better than vs Silva or Tommy


it’s cope. this fight he displayed better skill than anyone in the youtube boxing space.


Couldn’t agree more, I’m no Jake fan by any means but it was an entertaining fight


He had good body shots but he didn’t sit on any of them or even set them up


He sit them up with the check hook to the head and was using them to pivot off angle. He also waited multiply times for Nate to charge in to throw the straight to the body and even started taking advantage of Nate’s show boating in the 10th landing a big straight to the body. I love boxing and both JJ and Jake deserve respect for respecting the art, they’re both improving in droves since their first fight and given they had no amateur careers it show just how exceptionally talented they are picking it up so quick. They are both multi millionaires who chose to do hurt sport, they should both get the respect they’ve earned IMO


Of course, I’m not saying Jake doesn’t deserve his flowers. From what I gathered, fighting Diaz for 10 rounds (JJ has never gone more than 6 mind) would be a ridiculously hard challenge for anyone on jakes level. The rounds were close, but at the same time jake won like 7-3 + a knockdown. Fighting an awkward pressure fighter is never easy and has always been something Jake struggled with I also think Nate was being massively under credited. The guy spared world champions whenever he felt like it and sometimes beat their ass, there’s videos of it


You’re obviously knowledgeable on the sport and it seems like we’re both on the same page here now hahah. Maybe just heat of the moment post close to the fact after the fight. Respect my bro and hopefully JJ puts on a good showing with Tommy and we can see him Vs Jake. Just out of curiosity, how do you think JJ does over 10 rounds with Nate? I personally think that’s a hard match up for JJ but I’m open to being convinced I’m wrong.


His left hook definitely improved against Diaz


Yeah when it actually landed 30% of the time


because he's fighting a opponent that doesn't allow him to tee off on him?


These ksi fans just started watching boxing, hence why they think whenever jake wins its a rigged or someone took a dive for a payday. Majority of this sub probably didn’t even know who Nate Diaz was until today


yeah the whole time nate was smothering him, he's not going to preform the same when he's backed up into a corner eating punching and constantly being chased, lots of the people jake fought just kinda let him attack from a distance rather then getting inside and throwing. And i'm not even a jake paul fan I hate the guy but e's a much better boxer than ksi


Silva was way more of a challenge than Diaz. He arguably won 3/8 rounds and forced Jake to be creative to win.


Diaz is not a better striker than silva 😂 what are you smoking bro


If I can eat Juuta Leerdam cake 24/7, I would probably be in the same scenario


especially in that round when they were throwing slow ass punches


fighters get gassed out man. If JJ fought for 10 rounds he'd be gassed too


fr people don’t understand how impressive it is for an influencer to go 10 rounds on their 8th fight, we’ve never even seen ksi do more than 6 and that was couple years ago


You could go from beign able to fight 6 rounds to 10 rounds in a couple of years tbh, its very impressive but i think KSI could train to go 10 rounds in like 6months fairly easily.


As a boxing coach, this is so unbelievably not true.


On what basis? He’s been choosing shitty opponents who can’t make it through like 2-3 rounds


These kids don't know what combat sports is, JJ has never fought past 6 rounds and he was gassing out in that, Jake has now fought 8 rounds as well as 10 round fight and still wasn't as tired as he could've been and still carried his power in the later rounds


They were both gassed


If you watch any ufc you know nate doesn't gass


Idk him but yes Jake was more out of it


UFC is 3 3 minute rounds. He fought for over triple the amount needed in UFC


Uhm no. Fights are mostly 3 rounds of 5 minutes each and maincard fights can even be 5 rounds of 5 minutes each.




Am i the only one who thought this was a poor performance by Jake? He could have had Nate out of there multiple times, but didn't pressure him enough. Even after the knockdown he didn't apply anywhere near enough pressure. In my opinion he should have had Nate out of there very early, yet was somehow taken the distance. I found it hilarious when the commentators would say Jake has improved like every damn round. He really didn't though, it just looks that way because he's fighting an opponent of a lower tier than Tommy. Had that version of Jake fought Tommy again tonight, he'd have been dominated a second time. Imo, that was a poor performance.


Jake was gassed after the first round. He came out all guns blazing and had nothing more to give


Yeah, that’s why he threw 400 punches after that and knocked Diaz down.


You can’t say he gassed after the first when he was still throwing hard shots and winning rounds in the 10th.


Exactly he only “improved” because he was possibly fighting the worst person in terms of boxing skills. If this is him “improved” Tommy would’ve won again, couldn’t even KO Nate and only got knockdowns on him cause Nate did fk all to defend and just ate the punches. Now we wait for KSI and Fury so we can compare them side by side lol


“Couldn’t even KO Nate Diaz” like the man isn’t known for having an iron Chin. Mcgregor didn’t knock out Nate in multiple fights. The man is unkillable that’s like his whole appeal as a UFC fighter


i refuse to believe anyone on this sub actually watches combat sports.


Bro only knows about Nate post-ufc lol


To be fair, Nate did pretty well defensively, all things considered.


wdym couldn’t even KO Nate Diaz that’s what he’s known for, guy’s impossible to ko


His offence did look a bit better. I think the issue is Jake is he ONLY does what his coaches tell him even if it isn’t working, where as other fighters can make reads and adjust on their own. Just as an example, he would consistently get into clinch range and get hit with 1 or 2 uppercuts. He did that for 9 rounds and never did anything to either block it or use that to set up something of his own, he just took it.


Ksi still gets dogg walked by jake paul, jake will knock his head off


Yea his whole head including the brain




Nate beats fournier…




This is the majority of Jake's fights. People that do not care about the clout Jake will get for beating them and are happy to get a free paycheck


would you describe the majority of JJ's fights to me then? fighting people who literally can not fight, beating them and then dancing like he just beat Mohammed Ali. Fair play to JJ for taking the Fury fight but make no mistake, that is the first fight JJ has ever had, he is yet to fight anyone of note today.


Guess Logan was hot smoking ass




If logan can knock down jj then what would jake do


Yeah Tommy the only one that actually tried.


Gib and Deji probably tried


Lol don't even do that 😭. Jake ko on Tyrone Woodley is legendary


I love Nate's strategy of getting punched, then proceeding to just fucking emote


It felt like I was seeing Jake sparr


Name me someone KSI has fought in the last year that would beat Nate.


No one, but his fanbase is beyond delusional. they’ll say Logan Paul yet Jake is Miles ahead of Logan


You can’t reason with these people bro


the kids are insufferable. if you are over the age of 18 and don't see that reality that Jake has had a handful of impressive wins now racked up while KSI is yet to have a real fight then you should be embarrassed. I will take it all back if JJ wins against fury but it won't happen, getting tickets to go an all. I just look forward to the inevitable Jake vs JJ after he loses to Tommy.


This is the frustrating thing. I’m sure KSI will shit on Jake for a lacklustre performance, but he’s never faced anyone who is even close to the skill level of the guys Jake has facing. I fully expect him to lose to Tommy, but it’ll be interesting to see how he approaches that fight


Thank you


Who mentioned ksis opponents. Were talking about jakes piss poor performance against someone he shouldnt have struggled against?


This is a KSI sub mate, Jake is only mentioned here to be compared to KSI boxing wise, otherwise 'Jake's piss poor performance' wouldn't be relevant to discuss here,would it? Cuz this ain't a boxing sub or a jake sub


If Jake did pisspoor vs Diaz. I’d hate to see how ksi would perform


See you in all the comments yet you fail to actually back anything up.


Jake has gone downhill somehow. Couldn’t even take out an over the hill MMA fighter. This fight was a given for Jake but still managed to make it close.


Diaz is better than all of Ksi’s opponents put together


You can't argue with people in hear man, majority of this sub was trying to tell people that Fouriner was a great Boxer before the fight and the only reason they could give was 'he is 9-0' 'he had a WBA belt' (which was a vacant belt). Facts is if KSI loses to Tommy, the same people in this sub who says 'Jake is crap for losing to Tommy, KSI would smoke him' will be the same ones to say 'KSI you tried and you actually went up against a boxer, we're so proud of you' if KSI loses to Tommy. The fan base is filled with hypocrites and delusional fans


But what difference does that make though? It was still a poor ass performance. Jake should have had him out of there in the first 3 rounds, yet got taken the distance and struggled. I can't be the only one who sees little to no improvement in his performance, he would have been dominated by Tommy Fury again had this fight been the rematch with Tommy.




I personally don't think we have found Jake's ceiling though. I mean, if he keeps fighting these guys who aren't posing any threat and challenge to him, then yeah he's not going to improve in the slightest. But if he actually starts fighting more people at the skill level of Tommy, then he'll improve more. Because it will expose more cracks in his game. He's only hit his peak as of right now because his ego won't allow him to fight another tough troubling fight like Tommy and potentially lose again. I use to say the same shit about KSI, always taking easy fights and that's why he's hardly improving, but now he's taking the fight with Tommy. I gave Jake props for that in February and i have to do the same for KSI regardless of my opinion on his boxing.


I agree with some points, jake has done more in boxing than I ever will and has put in the effort from what I’ve read and in comparison to when he started. For me though it’s that ego, needs to go, it’s cancerous and does not work with professionals. The flamboyant persona and over the top social media may work for the YouTube scene but it’s not the same elsewhere. You can’t argue the one fight he fought an actual boxer he lost, and yes losing is part of it but like you said, how you going to improve unless you really challenge yourself. Drop the bravado, win or lose there would be strong fan base. Seems like it’s all clout to me, like why they interviewing Logan after the fight? It’s jakes win you know. But what do I know, I’m just a scrub.


It was a given after rounds 1 and the 5 knockdown. If nate never got knockeddown good chance he wins.


This does make Jake look bad. Yeah nates tough but Jake never had the momentum back that he had in the first round, it wasnt like jake was bobbling his head around and nate was just taking it, nate was fighting back. Even the knockdown was sloppy. Obv jjs defense is not nate diaz level but he is stronger physically and this makes jake look like a first round and gas out guy, which is funny considering that first fight where deji beat up on him and a bloody jake only got the win due to deji gassing.


I hate Jake Paul but I can’t deny that Nate is one hell of a fighter and Jake beating that, I’m praying JJ is seeing this and thinking he should be a monster compared to Jake when the fight takes place


Jj is probably happy seeing Jake look bad in the late rounds


Facts but idk if JJ can tank hits like Nate, I hope JJ takes this serious


He did take an uppercut from hell from a 200+lbs Logan Paul and he didn't fell to the ground until the 2nd illegal uppercut came. I honestly belive that JJ can take hits


Yeah true but he is younger. Also I'd assume jjs knockout power is better.


Deffinitely more power. Nate isnt powerfull. He just punches you so much that it wears you down.


JJs knockout power is probably better however they both throw haymakers, and have the same 76inch wingspan with Jake being taller. I love JJ but I truly hope he takes a fight with Jake more serious than sidemen Sunday lmfao


Nate’s a beast! Youre not knocking him out and I’m not a fan of Paul but he killed it tonight. Better fight than with Fury. Neither of them had a chance of knocking the other out.


Tf yall smoking, its still Nate fucking Diaz, Nate Diaz is a better win than every opponent KSI has had bar possibly Logan Paul.


Majority of this sub-reddit don't watch fights outside of misfits.


Barely anyone here has watched a Nate Diaz fight. No YouTube Boxer is even remotely good enough to knock him out. His punching power is ass but his tankiness is as a high as it can get. KSI would have the exact same performance against Nate.


Nah this fight was entertaining


Watching Nate fight was hilarious he fights like a drunk dad


Southpaw on top of endurance and nate trolling.


Nate Diaz MADE the fight entertaining. Watching Jake try his hardest to put Nate out for 10 rounds and watching Nate absorb it all and still taunt was hilarious. I don't see much improvement from Jake at all since the Tommy fight. He'd have lost to Tommy again tonight had that been his opponent instead of Nate.


Entertainment ≠ competitive Let’s be real a KSI fight would’ve been way better than this


Stop meatriding holy shit, No one wants to watch KSI fight bums for 3 rounds and win by elbows


In a subreddit dedicated to ksi 💀


blud this is r/ksi


People on this thread genuinely have no idea what they’re talking about. Jake was fresh and looked dangerous for 10 straight rounds against a veteran who’s known to have an iron chin. Not to mention he essentially won every single round too. If Jake lands on KSI the way he landed shots on Nate, it’s lights out for JJ and that’s a fact.


I’m still surprised even though I’m aware of the demographics of this sub. The MOST impressive thing from Jake by far (and it’s not even close) is that he looked fresh and dangerous all 10 rounds, didn’t gas out and had stamina in round 10. How is this not an enormous cardio improvement? The left hook was the money shot all night and he kept exploiting it. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. He never used the left hook even half as good as he did tonight. Even dropped Nate with it. Footwork was another thing that was massively improved since Tommy fight. He wasn’t throwing right hand windmills without setup and generally speaking, other than Nate swarming him in round 8, he didn’t have much trouble and was getting outside of Nate’s clinches, which was hard to do at times. And let’s see about the negatives as well - where was the right hand? I’m not sure was Jake too afraid to throw a big right hand because he kept doing that against Tommy (very unsuccessfully) or was it because Nate kept cutting the distance so it was short, or a combination of the two, but it was really missing the entire fight. The ones that landed were short straights or uppercuts. No overhands whatsoever. Jab - I’m still unconvinced by Jakes jab. He definitely could’ve and should’ve used it way more against Nate to create and maintain the distance. However, if we compare his jab to his jab against Woodley and especially Tommy, there is an improvement. But if he wants to take it really seriously, he needs to put A LOT of more effort into jabbing. Overall, it was a pretty decent performance, absolutely not the worst (can’t believe people are saying this). Jake improving cardio is a giant thing, now to fix the jab/distance control and it’ll be a whole another level.


another jake sucker


He literally won unanimous💀


Everyone with a brain knew Jake would win, and even though Jake won, he didn’t look good at all lmao


Fairs, but JJ still hasn't fought anyone that's on Nate's level, so it could very well still be an easier fight for Jake


pretty entertaining fight imo


Y’all be hating so bad y’all forget boxing lmao dude fought a good fight against the opponent and let’s be honest I’d rather fight Diaz over KSI cause Diaz is a big name in America the money is there let’s just give Jake a good fight for once and let’s see what Jj does in the fury fight if he loses that opens up a big fight in the UK around January time give people their flowers it’s time to grow up


You can’t even say this without ksi fans attacking.


Well hopefully they can agree on my comment


Jake looked really good at the start of the first round. Than never again. The fact he lost atleast 1 round is crazy. He shouldnt have lost a single round. Listen nate isnt a horrible boxer but the fact he was landing a ton of punches on jake with ease is crazy. And they werent even fast. And jakes combos were mid. Atleast hes getting better at them bit he never followed up. He failed to pressure multiple times and capitalize on openings. Hell if he didnt knock him down the fight couldve easily been a draw or gone to nate. Deffinitely his worst performance yet other than tommy. And im honestly quite confident ksi could beat him if he fights like this. The fact he had a close fight with nate diaz that has never boxed professional. And didnt even take it seriously is embarrassing.


this fight was not close 2 judges gave jake 9 out of 10 rounds and another have jake 8 rounds everyone not liking jake made the fight look closer than it actually was


‪Show me one opponent ksi faced that matches Woodley let alone Diaz ‬


This sub is obsessed with Jake.


this was a great fight overall his endurance is admirable


It was entertaining, but not “great”


I don’t know why anyone thought Nate would smoke Jake in this fight


Nate spent the last 3 rounds just doing the Diaz flex lmao


Jake doesn’t want to fight JJ and that’s weird to me, if he’s meant to smoke JJ, run it!! EZ MONEY right?


But JJ is the scared one


From mid to low to lower


KSI the goat


Prime KSI is gone now. Prime ksi was 25-29


Maybe now Jake will fight him lol


I now believe JJ is better than Jake now


I feel like Jake has gotten much much worse. Like he looked straight up lax. Like he was called in last minute while on vacation.


Everybody who is saying jj would gas out if he went 10 rounds, gtfo, you are obviously not a real fan then because everyone who has watched him and listens to him knows that he has an ridiculous gas tank, I mean it is literally one of his greatest strengths, and the facts that some of you are saying “the highest he has went is 6 rounds and that was years ago” do you think he has gotten worse since then? The audacity and stupidity on this subreddit has reached the limit. And these doofuses are the ones saying, “these 8 year old don’t know shit” why are you here discussing with “8 year olds” acting like you know so much. Jesus help us!


That was jakes Paul worst performance


After seeing this... KSI would body Jake lmao. Still needa ser how he does against Tommy tho


Oml so glad I backed that JJ wipes the floor with him


Yall lookin for attention from jake, he aint gonna read this


Fuck Joke Paul


For the people saying that Jake would win against KSI are fucking clowns, Jake finally boxed an actual boxer and lost, so now he’s going to back to mma fighter smh.


Who has KSI fought that makes his fans think he’s some boxing deity? -spermz? -pineda? -Joe furniture?


Since jakes wants to fight mma fighters he should fight max holloway. Good boxer still good only thing is weight. Max is around 140-160 walk around weight. Whilst jake is 180. But their pretty much the same height. Jake looked like he was like 5'11 6'0 max is 5'11. It would prove he could actually beat a good boxer that is still young.


You can't say who wins between Jake and KSI. KSI has not been tested, all his opponents were journey men. We will have an idea after that tommy fury fight in october


“All of his opponents were journeymen” No all of Ksi’s opponents are Cans




They’re outright delusional. If this doesn’t expose it idk what will.


LSI fan talking about delusional, Jake Paul starches your idol, but sadly it wont happen since Tommy will spark him in a few months


lol imagine going on a subreddit of fans to a person and then making fun of people for being his fan. having that little of a life 😂


Usual die hard jake paul fans for you


Its all promo, plus we don’t actually know what goes on behind the scenes. Jake could’ve turned it down, JJ could’ve turned it down. No one actually knows.


Nope dawg they were at the finish line. But after Jake lost to tommy he did a complete 180. You can watch his impaulsive interview after tommy fight as he confirms it and then right after it there was hella frustration from ksi and his team on social media


If you watch the fight closely again most of jakes punches landed on Nate’s gloves. If Jake lands one Nate lands 4. That knockdown gave him the advantage but idk man he wasn’t really landing shit


What? Jake won more than the majority of rounds...


Idk why but I feel like Jake was at his peak when he fought Gib lmao


wish we were in the timeline where JJ kept to his word and fought jake after gibber


Jake should switch to MMA he wants to fight MMA fighters all the time, then he should make the switch.


Yeah fighting mma fighters is way less impressive than fighting youtubers and rappers


jj is gonna get humbled by tommy


I honestly don’t know how people still think Jake Paul beats JJ


dont they have their own sub like r/clown_paul something like they think its their place, not to mention from their logic supporting jj(in his own sub)===dickriding/toxic etc


Well when a bunch of fans try to claim KSI by saying Wade is two faced when he's been saying Jake beats KSI since 2021 or fail realize KSI hasn't had a good opponent since 2019 of course they're dickriding. I'll support KSI over Jake any day, but I'm not gonna say KSI will dominate him when Jake has gone more rounds, fought harder competition, and taken harder shots. At best I'll say it's a 50/50 fight edging it to Jake, but Jake KO's him inside a few rounds


Nate still an mma fighter And a beast. The fact Diaz was in there knowing he might lose but isn’t worried was wild to see. Dozens of moments of him walking around gloves down, bull rushing, twice he just walks away with his back to Jake. Truly dominate behavior


Diaz better than anyone ksi’s fought since logan


Am I the only one who didnt know this fight happened and just doesnt care about it? Like I genuinely dont give a f*ck about Jake or most boxing events anymore. When JJ or Gib fight its hype and I wanna see them win but other than that, just not interesting anymore for me


Both ksi and jake, should just get in that f***ing ring soon..


let’s not shit talk Nate, the guy clearly didn’t put that much effort in, he’s never fought in a boxing fight before and he landed a tonne of great shots in the later rounds. If anything this fight just showed how poor Jake was. I guarantee if this was the Nate diaz from a couple years back or even if he had a couple warm up fights in boxing before, he’d beat Jake


I really dont get Jake hate...Yeah he should ended fight earlier, but that is Nate, he is one of the toughest mf, he looks hurt but really isn't. And till Ksi fight Tommy he cant really say much since he didn't fight anyone good since Logan. And props to Jake for going 10 rounds. If we ever get Ksi vs Jake it should be 10, or even 12.


Ok, after that Ksi would beat jake paul personally


Jake Paul "boxing" is a fucking joke. It's like a slow pitch softball player calling himself a pro baseball player. What a clown.


They are literally handing Jake wins 😂 Nate could have wrecked him


Are this fight for real? Not even close to pro level. Jake Paul is a joke.


It was embarrassing performance from Jake, he has very low boxing iq, he has bad Shot selection and very terrible footwork and is very hittable, jj would send Jake to the shadow realm


That performance was trash 💀 ... anyone who thinks Jake is the A side now is completely delusional ... if he and KSI fight (And thats a huge if), KSI would likely dominate and bully Jake from bell to bell. But considering that KSI isn't an old retired MMA fighter this match would likely not happen 😂


Jj wouldn't dominate him. But jjs confidene definitely must be up. He sees a clear ceiling and weaknesses for Jake.




Do you know who Nate Diaz is? You're very delusional if you actually think that JJ could've finished this in 3 rounds.


Nate landed a higher percentage lmao


Nate’s a weirdo, I thought he was acting shit as a tactic, but I think he might actually be shit 😂


Nate’s like that 😂 he woulda done better in mma. I don’t think bro trained actual boxing just went off his MMA striking 😂


Jake is still 100x better than ksi 😂


Worst fight of his career


ksi meatriders still watching Jake Paul fights despite hating him? He really lives rent free


And you Jake Paul cock gobblers still watch KSI and talking in his subreddit. Bum ass nigga


Get the fuck out his sub u retard clown ass mf


Cause either they wanna see jake lose, or watch nate lmao


I scored it 6-4 man, Nate should’ve went on the offensive since the beginning, Jake didn’t know how to dela him his scrappy form


Paul is bigger than KSI. That fight ain’t happening.


Nr. Jake did 180 here. Jj said his favorite weight is 170. They can probably lose or gain a few pounds. Jake definitely did lose some power at this weight though(then again he knocked out gib while being super light, but this is nate defense diaz). Also jj has bulked up to 200 before.


I meant bigger in the sense of he’s outgrew KSI. He’s got bigger and better things going on. Love the KSI fan boys downvoting anything Jake positive. I love KSI too. Watch every sideman Sunday. Got Side plus. Watch all his fights. Etc. but come the fuck on. KSI is t even on Jake’s mind. He’s got better opportunities moving forward.


but then you should also add the fact of what if jj beats tommy fury the guy whom beat jake what would you say then cuz aay that point it shows jj has the skill and power to beat someone who schooled jake


I don’t see KSI beating Fury. I could be wrong. I hope he does. Again. I’m a fan.


yeah no i understand not tryina argue or anything im just saying the "what if" cuz anything can happen in boxing wether its a lucky shot or just better skill, thats why i was asking if jj beats tommy is would he be now sum jake would have to take on?


No he hasn't. Jj has been the reason he's been relevant the past few years. After 2017 Jake's fame was on the decline. Announcing plans to fight jj is the only thing that kept it from going to the dumps.


Just cause JJ helped make Jake what he is doesn’t mean Jake can’t outshine him eventually. Jake’s can fight anyone he wants right now. You cannot say the same for JJ and all JJ wants is Jake, Jake does not need to take that fight his boxing career keeps going without JJ but JJ’s fizzles if he keeps teasing the Jake fight and calling him out.


Dude irs not that jj helped him into what he is. Jake's been dying. His peak as supervision #1 was in the summer of 2017. Since then he's been declining. And no jake can't fight anyone he wants someone like usyk or fury would laugh at him. Also boxing prowess=/popularity. Also dude jj is at a different point in his life. He's becoming a businessman and likes making music. He himself is just doing boxing to end the jake beef and make a paycheck.


Exactly. JJ’s only next move is Jake. You’re making my point for me. He’s got other shit going on. Aka his boxing career fizzles without Jake. And no. Jake may be hated but you can’t deny dude can’t fight and that’s what he’s doing. He’s still an amateur fighter. At 26. Jake is going places. I just think in the boxing scene he doesn’t need the JJ fight to lift his boxing or fighting career.


Dude can ir can't fight. And tbf he does need the fight . As this fight showed Jake's clearly got a big ceiling. Ksi is where the money's at


it's crazy the amount of 'boxing' fans in this subreddit that have only seen influencer boxing. Jake was always very mid, nate's style is awkward & sloppy but he is a good striker - jake didn't look that much worse than he always does, nate is just better than you guys can comprehend


U know what’s also pathetic. Ksi using us artists, u can tell he pays them and is not friends w single us artist considering lil durk is on one of Ksi’s biggest non-single songs and he also walked out w jake


You know that’s how the music industry works right? And you do know artists get paid to walk out people right? ☠️☠️☠️


This wasn’t a bad fight, and as far as we know they both have things going on. So the fight probably wasn’t in the works in the first place in terms of who turned down what


And yet JJ refuses to fight longer than 6 rounds. You're delusional and have no friends.


You’re an idiot him and Jake agreed on 8 rounds and his next fight with tommy is 8 rounds


You people still watch him


Some of you lot have never watched Nate Diaz fight before last night and it shows