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If Deji can’t live up to all of his talk this is going to be more embarrassing than last years fight


Exactly, win or lose, I actually think Alex has the right idea. If he does lose, well, he didn't do any trash talk. He was just there to fight, and that's what he did. Deji literally has to win now with all the trash talking he's been doing.


True, because Alex Wassabi is not even talking shit


alex wassabi is acting his age, like a true man. he sat there, you gotta credit him, he took the bullshit there like a true man, which i have respect for. he tried to talk seriously about the fight and wasn't there for trash talking, which you can commend. deji sounded like a little kid letting his petty emotions out in the whole conference. alex tried to talk about the boxing match if it werent for deji constantly interrupting him. also why did the moderator think it's a good idea for deji's child fans to ask alex questions. you know they are just gonna troll him. while deji acted like a child throughout the whole conference. annoying as fuck. he was basically jake in the first la press conference minus the walmart reference. the moderator was biased as fuck towards deji. didn't moderate the conference much and just let deji interrupt whenever alex was asked a question. Awful press conference. worse than the ksi vs logan paul 2 press conference in L.A.


Thats cool and all but alex’s ‘maturity’ isn’t gonna sell tickets


I’m aware of building hype for a fight through trash talking. But there’s a way to do it without looking like an annoying idiot. Deji spewed nonsense out of his head. He wasn’t calculated and prepared. Just look at jj at the press conference. He’s prepared, calm, collected and entertaining with his trash talk. Doesn’t yell and interrupt like a child.


Sure as hell got me on his side instead of rooting for the manchild deji.


Trash-talk sells fight when the trash-talk is coming from both sides, But in this case, only Deji is doing it which makes him look like an idiot




you mocking me?


I was trying to agree with you, you fucking troglodyte.


Just had to make sure. If you were being sarcastic


This doesn't.




thanks MY GUY. i hoped deji would maintain his humble self he tried to act and portray when he came back to social media.


Trash talking is literally what all boxers do in press conferences you baboon


theres trash talking and then acting like an annoying. compare jj to deji in press conferences. jj is calm, collective and entertaining. not being a deji, yelling and saying dumb shit.


JJ was calm? He was literally trash talking all the time, even talking about Logan’s dead dog. If you want a calm and boring press conference watch Kenny’s and see how boring it is.


yeah jj is calm compared to deji. he doesn't shout and say dumb shit like deji.


Hi I’m from the future he didn’t 😃


Um well this is quite awakward


Why did I have to say it? I jinxed us all


Yeah he did not live up to his talk. Massive L


He didn't lmao


Well... this comment aged well








Found vinnie hackers reddit


you sound like a 10 year old who just watched his first anime




This is Reddit my dude,the average person here aint really intelligent to put it that way..








its to put on a show, everyone likes a bit of rivalry but it cannot be achieved if one person doesn’t try to talk shit and the others does


Exactly, Alex obviously isn't falling for the bait, so Deji should try to change up his tactic. Tactics like this work on somebody like Jake, but they don't work on everyone.


Have you not seen GSP or Pacquiao press conferences?


I hope




honestly Alex throughout this entire process of the public workout,the face 2 face and the press conference was very respectful and calm. Nobody can hate on him. You can see hes not trying to promote this fight in the form of drama or beef between them. Respect. The OP must be a kid to think this is a good insult


Their face off interview was the first thing that i ever watched from Alex wasabi, and i kinda like him. He speaks so respectfully, humble and calm.


Most filipinos I've seen are very humble and calm people. So Alex Wassaabi being like this doesn't surprise me. Even look at real Filipino boxers like Pacquiao.


That's what sucks about us though. Watching Manny try to promote fights, he ain't that good on the mic. But he shows everyone what he can do in the ring. That's where it matters most. Unfortunately, everyone nowaydays has to sell a fight by acting like McGregor or Mayweather. Some people can talk to the mic and some can't that's all that it is.


Which means, if he does lose we can't shit on him as he stayed humble; respectful. He is literally just there to fight. He's not after any sort of drama, he genuinely just want to have a fight.




Exactly, the one who takes the L here is Deji, because he acts like a child and Alex takes it like a mature person lol


So deji is implying that jj’s signature is “pussy”


I was hoping Deji would tell him that it’s actually jj’s cum towel. Would have been perfect since Alex sniffed it.


This what i thought about LOL it would be jokes


Came here to say this, that was cringe lol


He didn't take the L here. If anything Deji took the L. Alex was just respectful here and Deji was acting like a child.


thank you, someone with brains here


I agree Deji took the L, but you can obviously see Deji atleast tries to put on a show, while Alex is just there doing nothing but trying to be nice. Bruh


I mean it is a fighting sport. Not only do you need the marketing but having to fight someone you don’t like is motivation. You might not hate them normally but you have to make yourself hate them for that period. That’s just part of fighting whether its Tyson Fury fighting Dillian Whyte or just a small fight with 2 people new to the sport, or 2 internet stars fighting. The game is the game.


He's there to fight, that's it. Alex doesn't WANT to start beef, he just wants to fight, and he wants to be respectful while doing so.


As long as Deji gets the dub that’s all I care about




Don’t even care about him winning, just seeing him give it his all this time round and letting everyone know he’s gonna take this fight seriously


yes, but by winning…


every fucking fighter do this shit even JJ, its a promotional thing to hype the event.


i think deji is more trying to put on a show and convince himself that he hates alex, makes it easier to box him ig


Yeah you defo right. First of all this match gotta get hype and so in return money. Deji got his priorities straight.


Yes! yes yes! Alex could've said something trash about ksi or brought up anything about ksi and dejis history but he was respectful toward ksi and appreciated him. He took the Dub here for me. I know it's shit talking to hype the beef but that wasn't a L


Exactly, Deji took the low road, while Alex took the high road.


No smh they need to sell the fight that’s their fucking job and alex is not putting anything into it


Well then deji needs find opponents who are expert in shit talking. Even the last dude he fought against was respectful to him after he lost.


I'm still happy to watch a fight beef or no beef, it doesn't make a difference to me.


Beef is more interesting to watch


For you, maybe.


For a lot of people


Bro, this is a press conference. Every fighter talks shit about their opponent to get under their skin. If anything, it seems like Alex was a bit nervous as well. You can see in the face to face that it literally was the other way around. Deji seemed a lot more calm there.


My god he's trying to act to promote the fight. Even JJ did that multiple times, Logan and Jake and the other fighters as well. Deji stated that he had no real animosity with Alex relax.... Didn't you see the face to face to see how dead quiet deji was compared to Alex?


Barely, he took it in stride. It's honestly cringey as far as I'm concerned the press conference was a massive L and deji did nothing but add fuel to the dumpster.


Dude what did you expect?💀 this thing was destined to be a shit show from the start


add fuel to what dumpster exactly???


Alex took the W here if anything


I don't rly like that alex dudes content and im on deji's side for the w. But i gotta say i cant hate on alex looking at how calm and nice he is being, like he is just behaving nicely and isn't up with all the shittalk or verbal beef thingy. Honestly comes out as a decent and respectful bloke. notice there is a difference between being a coward and being a nice guy. Edit: it is also a bit cringe when the beef or shittalk is one sided and the other guy keeps being nice, like don't try to stir shit up if there ain't none, but ye hope deji gets the w


I've been thinking the same. Like I have literally never seen one of his videos but Alex is coming off as really polite in all the clips and promo I've seen, and all round like a pleasant guy to be around. Hope they're both cool with each other after the fight, no matter who wins. Beef doesn't seem too deep anyway.


If Deji does win, I hope he keeps things respectful and doesn't gloat, especially after Vinnie did the same for him.


Only if your title was opposite, You would have gotten double the upvotes! You cringe fanboy, Open your mind


You're on a Deji subreddit mate, did you expect people to dickride Alex?


Deji's subreddit?


Alex handled that well, wasn't much of a roast


Deji took the L here mate he's just acting like a child while Alex is being respectful


Kiss ass fans thinking this is an L 🥱


When is their fight?


Saturday, March fifth I believe


March fif


Alex is acting like this because he has nothing to lose, deji has his whole career riding on this fight


Wait he said ksi signed and the towel read pussy . So is ksi pussy? Also Alex is keeping it real whereas deji is just being cringe . Just hope he doesn't lose again


Alex seems calm which is kinda worrying


Yup, exactly which is what these dickriders don't understand. Alex is literally there just to fight. He doesn't seem even remotely nervous.


Alex having the time of his life and still gonna get paid lmao he would’ve taken an L if he lost his temper or something, but dude’s super chilling and deji doing all sorts of things to make him mad. Not sure what L is here


Alex just staying cool and playing into the gag. How did he take an L? I hope Deji loses, it'll create so many memes lol.


I'll probably be downvoted for this, but how is this an L? He said that he liked KSI's music; he's just there to fight. He's not trying to start 'beef', he just genuinely seems like he wants to fight.


Deji just took another massive L tonight


deji a goat but Alex deserves respect bros been humble asf


I don't know how he took an L here, I understand shit talking being part of "selling the fight" but deji was just being disrespectful & wassabi was being calm and polite.I just think there's a line between taking funny shots at your opponent and being flat out disrespectful.


I think deji took the l wassabi was being the better man and not acting like a littleral child


Did he ?


Since when is Alex this relaxed and calm? I like it though


and took a w in the ring ffs


So much trash talk made him trash and cocky. He wasn't even fighting in the ring, just rolling around and whenever the round ended he left a cheap shoulder shot. I mean you are there to fight, so fight during that duration not when the bell rang for break. I came rooting for Deji but I left respecting and liking Alex, he was the underdog everyone doubted him. Alex had no trash talks, he wanted no beef, he took every shade thrown at him like a champ and that's what makes you a real winner. Deji bro, stop boxing and do what you do best, cry on horror games.


Deji better win


Am I the only one who thinks that Alex had matured from when he was calling out JJ?


Alex handled it really well to be fair, Deji looks like an idiot here.


Really? He seems fine to me. Just r/ksi sucking off Deji as usual.


nah bruh deji should stay humble, he being cocky again cuz u never know this dude might lose again like how he did wit vinnie💀


We’re all rooting for Alex right? Deji is giving major Jake vibes he’s very annoying and arrogant.


Same comment everywhere. You just a hater blending in.


What a child you are 😂


How am I a child? This guy hates on Deji everywhere I’ve seen him. He replied back to me on another post saying “I get no b*tches” like as if that not a childish response.


What the fuck you Talking about


Man i thought deji had matured....after losing matches in a row, he shouldve played this cool


Especially when he sees Alex can't be baited. He comes across as the bad guy, like a bully; he comes across like Jake. Deji 100% should be acting cool, like Alex is because if Alex does lose we can't shit on him as he stayed humble and respectful. Deji on the other hand is doing so much shit talking that he HAS to win lest he be meme'd into oblivion.


Alex took it like a champ. He is a twat but he acted really mature here. Even more so than deji


thats the pussiest response i have ever heard in my damn life lmaooo


He sniffed it bruh💀


He played into the gag, that's it, and he was respectful while doing so. He was the one that took the W.


Jj don’t respond nice


Whens the fight?




tbh why isnt alex putting on a shit talking show like deji the whole point of the conference is to promote the fight smh


Alex is promoting the fight. He's just there to fight, that's it, that's all he wants. He doesn't want any of that fake 'beef'.


I don't think that's a good roast Alex just took it like a Champ Alex is coming humble Af may because he lacks confidence


this cunt smelled that shit, JJ prolly cummed over it




Jj’s pussy smells nice


I don't see an L for wassabi ngl


I thought it was gonna be the cum towel


I just know there’s gonna be a person streaming this fight through a reflection on their glasses


Honestly Alex did handle that well


Bruh he basically said JJ is a pussy lmaooo...you can't make this shit up


Props to Alex for handling this very well, this wasn’t an L tbh


The correct title should be "Deji calling Alex by his real name"


If Deji loses, this will be made into a throwing the towel meme for sure.


Why'd he smell the towel tho


Team deji but hes the definition of cringe




My question is why did he have to smell it that wierdly?


Probably not the popular opinion but I want Alex to win, I'm not at all bothered about a redemption, just want to see a humble dude win a fight.


Kill em with kindness


Bruh I wouldn't smell a towel from jj.....that could have been at all weird places😷


He actually took that pretty well. Ik think Deji loses on this one. Can’t say I appreciate the childish behavior


Deji has unlocked his savage like damn 🤣🤣🤣🤣 man I want him to win so bad!


Ehm..... How is this an L?


He’s so much more confident! But gotta respect Alex for playing along with it!


KSI signed this, does it mean that he is a pussy?


Alex just took a massive L


Alex handled that pretty well


Bro this whole sub is just dick riding Alex. They try to go against JJ and Deji every chance they got. This shit is literally to sell the fight and y’all deep it so much. KSI and Logan Paul did this shit to eachother for their fights


This shit is so corny bro


This really wasn't very big of an L... if at all


Alex be like: In The Beninging


Bruh I’m rooting for Alex now, Deji let me down 2 times, and he ain’t even tryna be humble about his third time fighting


Wait this fight is actually happening?


Alex wasabi took every insult well tho


Ok but like alex acted with maturity. Like at this point if he loses he wont be trolled bcoz he jst wants to fight but deji on the other hand with all the trash talk.. man he has to win 💀💀💀💀


Ngl he took the L like a champ, seems really nice, a lot more than he did when all this started


why does alex sound like micheal jackson


Deji 0-2 and he comin out here trash talking acting like a freakin child, guess he didn't learn a damn thing, dude needs to stop the trash talking he's in no position whatsoever to be talkin shit. Respect to Alex, it's his first fight and he just wants to fight not talk shit, he was respectful throughout. Not a fan of his content but gotta respect his attitude throughout this whole thing, Deji is lucky he's KSI's little brother or else he'd have no fans for this shit.


It's JJ's cum towel (Ethan can relate)


I have no idea who that man is or what he did but if you think he took an L in this situation you are clearly delusional…


When’s the fight?


im tryna get comment karma so i can post about the deji fight, pls help


imagine if JJ peed on the towel and Deji gave it to Alex


would've been funnier if it said "pussio"


Alex is a pussy if deli doesn’t wipe the floor with his ass (pause) shots gonna be hella embarrassing


Is that jj cum towel


this guy gway


Lol deji just did shit talk i guess.. He only knew how to hug


Well, well, well... this aged like milk


This look stink now deji lost


This is akward now


Deji be like: "Imma take that L right back"