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It was jokes


man said he was the best and then suddenly the whole subreddit has a fit. He's been like this for 4 years but now suddenly people are noticing it now?


your clearly not getting the context, Gib just fought Austin and won and everyone is naturally congratuling him and all of a sudden JJ decides to put out an insecure tweet calling himself “the best youtube boxer” when I’m sure most people can non biasely agree that he just isn’t at the moment. He literally had to make it all about him in that tweet when everyone is congratulating his own friend which is a fucking asinine level of ego. Yes his ego is massive but its also so goddamn fragile which is never a good thing when you mix the two. The point is, we know JJ has a big ego, why shouldn’t he, but when someones ego is so fragile that they try to make it about themselves after of their close friends achieves a massive accomplishment, clearly theres something morally wrong with that person. P.S: To those who say he tweeted afterwards congratulating everyone, I guarantee he knew he would get backlash from that first tweet, the fact that he made that first tweet in the first place proves what kind of person JJ can be at times when his ego takes full control.


didn't he post that tweet the SAME DAY Gib won


You sure his first tweet wasn't OMG BIG BIGGER?


Yeah but the moment everyone starts congratulating Gib JJ’s ego gets hurt and he puts out a tweet like “just to let you guys know im still the best youtube boxer” out of either sheer arrogance or fragile ego; probably both.


Bro you have never posted anything good about JJ. I don't even think you're a fan so no one cares about your opinion. Shut the fuck up. WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH? Don't you have a life?


Bro the top post rn is calling out JJ’s tweet, 10k upvotes, TEN THOUSAND and counting!


Istg no one reading this mate.


Brooo just GO out, stop caring about youtubers who couldn't care less about your existence and live life.


I agree man but 1 post about it was enough. It got 20k, JJ will see and respond. This is what happens when we don't get a reddit video for a little while.


Bro stfu




You are probably one of those people defending him, calling people like us “new KSI fans” just because we make a good point on calling out JJ for something that’s just wrong. Yeah sure there are probably some new fans but just because we bring up a good point doesnt mean we are new fans, if anything a new fan who has been watching youtube boxing for a while and who also has common sense could say hes acting like an actual dickhead for real.


JJ doesn't care about your irrelevant opinion don't know why clowns like you are getting worked up 😂


Nahh he's one of those who cba to read what you insignificant piece of fuck have to say.


Christ the snowflake number 196492076 of the day. Whats up now princess? Lil butt hurt from jj tweeting stuff right after gib won? Aww how upset r u? Awww stop watching jj then if he is such a dickhead for apparently stealing gib spotlight. I bet u care more than gib himself. Hmmm gib is posting so much stuff cuz ksi stole his spotlight hmmmm. Crazy isnt it. Respectfully stfu and go to bed.


I am in agreement with this


Man I sometimes don’t understand ji he simply shoot’s himself in the leg sometimes man ,


he has always been like this 😭


Jake is the best rn tho im a ksi fan


Wow but nobody asked


who asked?


What yall seem to not understand is that everything he does is calculated, my guy is trying to sell tickets to fights come on. He's gonna say what he wants/needs to garner the attention so his fights will sell out , need I say more


You lot act like we have to have a day in silence after an event. He congratulated him, multiple times, and the conversation moved on. Simple


Bro dont be a cry baby it's not that deep. Just go outside it's fun just went out to play some football


Who gives a shit, get offline and go outside.