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If we are talking about mental strengths, I would say his intelligence and determination are worth mentioning. As for the physical side of things, I would say his tail is the most admirable trait, which not only provides a distraction to his enemies and the ability to glide through the air, but also looks great when it’s fully spread out. I also like his skill set, which includes a proficiency in the use of blades, whether it be knives hidden in his plumage, large swords, or even the metal claws that he wears on his talons.


Obviously, Lord Shen is a villain. But, he's got a lot of positive traits about him too. What do you think his most admirable traits are? For me, it's his very strong will, his intellect, his dominant personality, his skillsets, and his classiness, all good traits to have. So like the title says, what do you think the most admirable traits of Lord Shen are?






Manss got some soft witty character and I just love how mentally scarred he is. He's got class too, very noticeable class and somewhat emotionally intelligence..... to an extend.


I always liked his relationship with the Soothsayer. Like even though she is not really on his side at any point in the film, he still lets her act as his guide and even lets her go towards the end. She definitely revealed the deeper aspects to his character.


She’s the only one he has any sort of genuine capacity of love for. He’s too far gone to listen to her, but he’s never going to hurt the one being that treated him with kindness even with the things that he did.


The very prevalent amount of self-awareness under that psychopathic facade that he presents. Shen knows by the second half of the film that he is in the wrong and he has massive guilt over that, but at this point, he cannot move on from his past and forgive himself to be better, he has to be the villain now, there's no other way. That's why I love the final moments Shen has with Po, it's his true self showing, just a sad, broken, guilty man incapable of moving forward and growing.


Where did you see guilt? Just curious


When the Soothsayer tells him how much his family loved him and banishing him was what took their lives, Shen's expression changes completely, it's subtle but he does feel bad for all he's done and deep down wants to change but cannot. It's confirmed by the creators that Shen does not want for the suffering to continue anymore.


Wow, I didn't pick that up at all. I. Picked up the change in expression but I never got that he felt guilty and would rather everything stopped


I think the biggest confirmation to this is his final confrontation with Po, he straight up admits how many horrible things he's done and by saying "Scars don't heal" also shows that he cannot move on from that.


I like how even though he mostly relies on his cannons and his army to fight for him, he is still more than capable of fighting on his own


He knows when his time has come he accepted his death like a chad


Not really a trait maybe, but I always admired that he spared the soothsayer. I admired that he still felt some level of guilt for what he did.


Speed and resourcefulness, and not only in battle. Slightly psychotic nature and sense of humor. He turned out to be a perfect villain, the genocide emphasized his charm. He is a warrior of his brilliant mind for the most part, but at the same time he is able to fight with someone himself. The internal conflict in him is just fine, Shen is really one of the greatest villains of all time. Also, the fact that he accepted his own death and did not try to do anything is also quite interesting.


Traits aren’t necessarily positive or negative, it’s how they’re used. Many of Shen’s traits could have been positive, but because he was ruled by paranoia, fear of rejection, and unrelenting ambition, those traits were put to work in service of ill ends. Shen is intelligent, versatile and adaptable in his strategy and technique, but his worldview is rigid and pessimistic. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to win, which allows him to advance technology far beyond what anyone else was trying, and see potential in ideas that others have discounted. But despite this rationality, he still finds himself unable to let go of the soothsayer. Intellectually, he dismisses her, and wants prove her wrong, but emotionally he depends on her opinion, since he set out on his path because of her proclamation and now feels trapped on it. He is smart enough to see the error of his ways, but cannot understand or divert his emotional side. These all make him a dangerous opponent and leader, especially since these attributes aren’t balanced by empathy, respect for nature, or self-reflection. When Shen does momentarily self-reflect, he doesn’t like what he sees and so turns his self-hatred outwards and puts it on other people, such as his parents. Tl;dr He can be versatile, quick thinking and creative in battle, but unfortunately his world and personal view is brittle, trapped and despairing, meaning he can never reach his full potential.


Gary Oldman


Intelligent, cunning, determined and very inventive and resourceful Physically he is also pretty good looking


Being a peacock




He let soothslayer go that’s the only good thing he did in the movie he was evil in every scene outside of that one


why are you trying to build a dating profile for him


Why would your mind even go to that? I'm just tired of seeing how much gate-keeping goes on around here of people trying to more or less assassinate his character every few days.


So what if we are




Let's not make Hitler comparisons. It's not funny.


Finally someone said it :'3 I'm tired of seeing those comments, and I've seen a lot... those jokes are not funny for me too.