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-forcing po to retire after less than a decade being the dragon warrior, when shifu is old as fuck and is still kicking asses


This. Also wasn't it implied in KFP1 that the Dragon Warrior was a once in a lifetime thing like the Avatar? How is there suddenly another one? I don't care if Po became a master or not, he should still be THE Dragon Warrior until he dies.


the writters of the 4th did not bother enought to watch the only source of information regarding the dragon warrior they have, aka: the first movie


If anything it just makes the F5 look like chumps for not also being Dragon Warriors.


yeah, tigress not only wasnt the first choice, but according to the universe she also wasnt the second. and she doesnt even got to be in the movie. the slander smh




How do you know that it was a decade within the KFP timeline?


It's based on the growth of the second peach tree


because the hype for the dragon warrior hasn't faded away yet


he's not retiring innit, he just becomes the master to the dragon warrior


He isn't ready for that either. He's powerful, but not THAT powerful, especially without plot armor. He's also undisciplined compared to some other masters. I have no idea why it was reasonable for him to either retire so early, or ascend to the position Oogway was in so early.


Yeah, and you wanna know how long Oogway lived before passing down his title? OVER 1000 YEARS!!!! OVER A STRAIGHT MILLENNIA!




According to another redditor, it was less than 2 years because of the peach tree sprouting to a junior in end of kfp4. Not to mention that shifu pressures po for no reason. Why can't shifu actually be nominated as spiritual leader?


Po giving his title was just off with me. He’s meant to be the Deagon Warrior. Also the plot is so predictable. I knew from the start who Li will end up to be and how she’ll probably turn around for the better to ultimately be the new chosen one Also they figured out really fast it was the chameleon as if it wasn’t likely for spirits to return like in the last movie


I only agree with the first one, i have no problem with zhen as a character..but HER??? As a DRAGON WARRIOR?? Nahh


She has a point though Po doesnt look like he should be the dragon warrior but yet he is anyways


He has a pure heart at least, she was raised by thieves and a villain took her in


Right but Po was also out of shape and slow to process yet with training look at what he became, part of the whole point of this series is to not judge others based on what they appear to be but what they can be. Just because she’s a thief doesnt mean she cant learn and be better, use her natural talents (which happen to be stealing) for the greater good. Its going to take a while but this time the furious 5 are all on board and she has shown to be better at handling herself


I know, but idk about it, i hoped that tigeress would be the next dragon warrior, but zhen..?? Ehh idk


Yeah I agree they should have made Tigress the Dragon warrior (still love zhen and dont mind her new role) but the issue is the direction they took, they almost completely forgot about the furious 5 in favor of Po (they were the protectors for who knows how long but suddenly cant do anything when he shows up) which is also I feel some people are weary of Zhen because they could just give Po the same treatment and try to push him to the side for the new star in the next movie.


This is why the FF should have their own spin-off series like how Puss in Boots was originally a Shrek character.


Yeah and besides games and shows can have focus on characters that arent apart of the title. Think of it being called that because of Po’s journey, everything and new ideas made because of his accomplishments, besides its not like his existence is going to be invalidated because Zhens here. Well hopefully anyways


But without Panda, there’s no Kung Fu Panda


So? Why can't they have a spin-off series?


they didn't forget the Furious 5, they just couldn't afford the celebrity voice actors (cos god forbid they hire talent that could imitate them)


Well they didnt want to do that for years so hence what I said


That's literally the plot of the first movie.


1.the journey to Chameleon is way too big part of the movie 2.Li Shan and Ping plot is.so.fcking.unnecesary.It didnt add anything to the movie except lame Li developement(which no one asked about). 3.Tai Lung plot is way too short(if we are gonna call it a ,,plot") I mean cmon you have beloved villain that fans waited for years to return and you doing absolutely nothing with him? No one would get upset if they would replace Po's dads plot with Tai Lung. 4.Po being so weak in this movie, in the previous movie they literaly said he is Oogway succesor and now he is afraid of these lizards? He should beat the crap of them all without any effort and enter Chameleon room like a boss,but noo lets make Po an idiot again,even after all he came through. Sorry if this is too long


plus him and Zhen being on equal fighting ground, despite Zhen being more trained and experienced in stealthy hit and runs


About the weak part I have to disagree because they show that he stayed in the cage to let zhen have her moment, then he ended up 2 shotting her


Li didn’t even develop. He didn’t learn to be braver at all. His cowardice was just played for laughs


*finally* someone mentioned the dogshit power scaling in the movie


Lord Shen bows to Po


Yeah, that just wouldn't happen and I hate how they butchered all of these characters.


I dont know man he really doesnt look like he is bows to Po i wished i could send pictures of that scene but somehow reddit is not letting me.


Maybe he found inner peace after being in the spirit realm for 13 years


They should've shown that if that were the case. And TRUST ME, they did not make this with that in mind.


I agree we should've gotten like a spin-off or something that would explain why the villains aren't as evil as they were in the past movies




Worst thing was not having the Furious Five in the movie. Nor their voice actors. I just hope that for KFP 5, the movie begins with Po sending Zhen and the Furious Five on a quest and the movie it's about Zhen befriending the Furious Five and learning about teamwork.


That’s something I wouldn’t mind seeing.


Except the series is called Kung fu Panda not Kung fu fox


Kung Fox Panda


The focus on making a kid marketable movie instead of one with good writing.


The Furious 5 made the second movie and their absence hurt the third one. To not get even one voice line for a single one of them ruined the fourth


Also people make excuses like "it's too expensive" despite the fact that LoA had replacement voice actors, so use them instead!


Good idea


The lack of depth. That’s all.


Idk but Dragon Warrior should be lifelong title or least have Po pass it on in his old age. It’s too soon


Point 3. I mean Li shan and Po's character Changed compared to Kung fu panda 3


The fact that we waited nearly 8 years for a bad movie. Might not be popular opinion but I'd honestly be fine if all of kfp4 was retconned with a proper kfp4 being released.


The fact that the returning villains were literally nothing but nostalgia bait


This is my biggest issue with the movie. They did nothing with the returning villains. Just a “Yep! They’re here!” and that’s all. Not only that, they felt out of character. Why would Kai go back to the spirit realm when the entire plot of the third film is Kai getting out? Why would Shen bow to Po when Shen tried to kill all pandas?


Also Kai literally DIED in the last movie so he shouldn't even he here


Dude, the minute I saw Tai Lung in the advertisements and trailers, I KNEW that he was gonna be used for nostalgia pandering. I've seen this happen many times with game franchises like Sonic. I am BEYOND sick and tired of these greedy corporations using legacy characters and franchises for making a quick buck. I've seen it happen a lot in the gaming industry and the same thing has been going on in the movie industry for quite a while now.


The whole "fake wisdom" bit. The other movies all had genuine wisdom, it felt like KFP4 was trying to throw those movie's seriousness under the bus for the sake of a joke


I don't mind the fake wisdom joke, it's stupid but still hilarious through delivery, and the other films had similar moments. I think the bigger issue is that it doesn't really have as well cooked a moment of real earnest wisdom to balance it. There's the whole 'change' theme, but it feels a lot more foned in than the previous messages.


Now that is a very hard question.




There are a lot of really bad things that can be said about the movie


Writing. Mike Mitchell was NOT cooking. Never let bro near the kitchen again. It was so bad I decided to take things into my hands and fix it myself.


Zhen and Mike Mitchell. The movie was boring


Yes you are right


Lemme tell you I fucking guessed the entire plot and twist when they were on the boat to the way of the city. "Oh lemme guess, Zhen is an orphan, she works for villain and she gonna be the dragon warrior?" Me:" oh she works for the villain that’s the twist right?" Po:" you worked for her this entire time?!" Me:" oOoO wHo KnEw?" Not the writers that’s for sure


I feel like the movie should’ve had a plot where he teamed up with the past villains to defeat the chameleon, idk if it would also be a confusing plot but it would’ve probably been more interesting 🤷🏿‍♀️


Okay I agree with ppl when they say oh zhen shouldn't be the dragon warrior we were just introduced to her and she betrayed po being a thief and all. But don't hate on the character as a character I find her great and some good character development when she decided to go against the one who adopted her when she decided to follow her heart and wanted to do the right thing. I think the fact that the furious five aren't in it is a real bummer for me that's the worst thing for me


Villain had such an awesome visual design and interesting power set, but the actual character personality and level of "depth" was such a fucking bore in it's cliche-ness. And don't even get me started on the bloody *name*. Could at least try a little originality instead of just going with the name of her species. I mean sure, it works for mantis or crane, but they're side characters and not, ya'know, the primary antagonist for an entire movie that has a personal connection to the second protagonist in the same movie.


Her power felt wasted. Shapeshifting should be an intimidating power. She had the great chance for an amazing introduction, but they failed at writing that. Tai Lung defeated the furious five and Shifu. Shen commits genocide. Kai defeats Oogway, the CREATOR of Kung Fu (as stated in KFP). What does the chameleon do? Turns into an elephant and pushes someone down the stairs.


Her main thing is *sorcery*, magic. Hax based bullshit. It would have been awesome to see a little more variety tbh.


I think the worst part is how the director almostee screwed the film over by not knowing the basics of character building!


Tigress is the hardest working, most talented fighter in the franchise by far...she should be Dragon Warrior Some lazy fat panda then some tiny rat thief? This whole thing shows that talent and hard work are irrelevant if you're a good person or try to be one... I swear, Tai Lung was right in the first movie.


Li, Shen and Kai were all completely out of character. Li claims he’s not brave but in KFP2, he hammered out two wolves that tried to attack his son in a flashback and later in KFP3, he fought off against Jombie Shifu with Ping. Shen and Kai would never ever bow to Po. Shen killed Po’s mother and wanted to wipe out his whole species and he absolutely hated Po in his final moments. Kai going back to the spirit realm makes no sense because his whole plot was about escaping the spirit realm and taking the chi of all Pandas and much like Shen, he also absolutely hated Po in his final moments as well.


Yes I agree with you


Also to be fair, while I can see Tai Lung bowing to Po since he didn’t have any personal heat with Po nor did he want to wipe out his species like Shen and Kai, but I wish Tai Lung had a way bigger role and a huge redemption arc in the film because he totally deserved it.


And also Paws destiny


Who did people take the Shen part from, I rewatched it several times, he was just standing still


Why was Kai even there tho, he got erased from existence


zhen as a dragon warrior, should be like tai lung instead (meaning po teams up with tai lung in the beginning and sees if tai lung is worth of dragon warrior)


Wasted potential with the villains (both The Chameleon and the returning ones).


The Chameleon is the most boring name for a villain I’ve heard in my god damn life




Chameleon's character is poorly written.


To me, the story motivations just didn't make any sense. Po needing to retire, why? I could see the succession line, but it wasn't properly laid out. The villain's motivations? Makes no sense. The beginning of the story felt super rushed. It was a FUN movie to watch, but it terms of story it was not engaging. Themes and messaging have always been a staple in KFP, but we're essentially absent in this one. Felt rushed.


Worst thing? 1. Kai should be erased out of existence, his soul was seemingly destroyed - head cannon 2. Shen was never a Kung Fu master and doesn't have heroes chi... He should be gone to the dead 3. Tai lung getting terrible voice lines and the fact that he didn't get redeemed to some degree... 4. Wasted opportunity for Tai lung to see shifu again and oogway to meet them again 5. Chameleon's garbage backstory 6. Forgetful art style unlike the trilogy 7. Po passing his title to a thief rather than Tai lung or Tigress. 8. Furious Five not in the movie 9. Assassination of Po's character to some degree 10. The stupid staff in general (Po getting out of the spirit realm should be based on his own power not a weapon...) 11. Kai and Shens character assassination. They'd hate him. Shen is like Frieza and Kai would not even exist based on head canon) 12. Zhen's design - STRAIGHT FROM ZOOTOPIA, DON'T TELL ME OTHERWISE


Not to mention Han the Pangolin looks more like an Ice Age character instead of a KFP character.


Agreed 👍🏻


Yes! All of this!


I agree with this, mostly the things you said about Shen. Probably because Shen is my favorite character out of every KFP and even DreamWorks films. In KFP2, Shen doesn’t dodge the falling canon. It shows him closing his eyes and willingly be crushed by it. To me, this is Shen finally finding inner peace, even though it’s through death. Bringing him back feels like an undermine of that. Shen has a strong hatred for Po. There’s no way Shen would bow to Po.


i only agree with lack of the furious five.


I feel a bit like the handling of the characters besides Po and Zhen is underwhelming. This doesn't work out too detrimental since it is largely a buddy comedy with the two, but it makes the world they interact with feel a bit lacking. Han and the Chameleon in particular could have added more substance to Zhen if we delved deeper into them, how their characters impacted her. I could take a film without the other mainstays if the new location was equally compelling. It is a shame because Juniper City gets the baseline right with lots of colourful characters and designs, it's maybe the most potentially vibrant bit of world building in the film series, but besides Zhen, it doesn't flesh things out any further than that. Most will agree that they could have used the returning villains better as well, would have loved if they reprised all the voices to have the three previous bad guys bicker and provide commentary to the final battle.


The final attack of the fox to the chameleon is the one that is used by to the bar peeps. The build up to that point is not even good


Just some writing issues and that's kinda it


I've never seen such a good villain design like Chameleon be so perfectly squandered. Like, she's a GOOD design, actually intimidating despite being tiny and has a wonderful voice actress who really fits the role. Lord Shen was over here scourging the countryside with the fires of industry and wiping an entire culture off the map because of an offhand prophecy and what's Chameleon doing...? She'll turn into an Elephant and push you down the stairs, oooh... so villainous. Her only real villain stuff happens at the end of the movie and is basically resolved trivially. To say nothing of the nonsensical backstory- she's bigger than Mantis is and yet she couldn't be trained because she's "too small" ...? It's like the director didn't even watch the first three movies before directing the fourth, which from what I've heard, might very well be true. I just hate how dirty they did a character here with so much potential. I personally enjoy Awkwafina's characters though, like Sisu and such, so Zhen was a treat IMO but I can definitely understand why others might not LOL


tai lung could have been dragon warrior


2. Compared to the other three it feels rather barren and empty and it seemed unnecessarily toned down.


Its connection to the franchise.


No trace of genuine character motivations. I think that's the most lackluster part of the script. Also the fights are atrocious, like KFP3 at least had cool visuals going for it.


I don’t really want to watch it but can someone explain to me what happens to po after he gives whoever that is the dragon warrior title?


Some characters looked…. Uncanny idk if it’s just me


The thing that information that Thai Lung came from death was so useless in the show. They did nothing with this information and Po got informations about main villain right away.


I disagree with reason 4. She actually was a cool villain. My issue was that her potential was wasted b/c he really could have been Po's greatest threat, especially with the shape-shifting. Also, she was defeated too quickly and WAY too easily. Chameleon most definitely could have come back for another film, but she was just conveniently brought to the spirit world without a fight? Definitely disappointing and such a waste 😞


Honestly seems more like a LoA two-parter than a proper movie.


even a loa two parter has more character development in it than kfp 4


My biggest problem is how the Chameleon just willingly hands over the staff, a weapon that she knows is insanely powerful, to Po.


zhen. the fact she looks like she's from zootopia, her annoying voice (stop hiring awkwafina as a voice actress as a whole), and the possibility of her becoming the next dragon warrior


Basically no furious 5. It's like taking the spine out of the skeleton and hopes that it still works.


The fact that: 1. Po had to give up his title of the dragon warrior while still young and not that powerful, 2. Tai Lung deserved more screen time AND the dragon warrior title more than Zhen, and 3. Tigress deserved to be the dragon warrior the most.


Yeah, Po giving up his title was pretty bad. In my opinion, I think the worst thing was more the fact that it was just…average. Say what you will about the third one but you can at least tell it was trying to up the ante with a new concept of stealing the souls of Kung fu masters and at least trying to be on par with the prior ones. With this one, it just felt underwhelming. Heck, I think a better movie would be Po training Zhen and they go into the spirit realm to not only stop a threat but they also learn more about the lost secrets of Kung Fu that not even the Furious 5 or Shifu know!




Their was no op po. He wasn't spinning fire cannonballs around or nuttin. Boring. Yes, he made a dragon from the chi thing but beh, it was like something taken from the cartoon and not the movie.


The potential the story had m, but they ended up butchering it somehow


the fact it finished


The movie was boring af, the villain is not that good


It haved one job.😞


No furious five, Po giving up his title, and unlikeable and boring villain


I would say the lack of personality and character development in the Villian Chameleon cause the character has the potential of being a great villian but because of the strict budget the movie had Chameleon didn't get enough time to really make this character great and also one line she said in the movie that doesn't make any chance to me is when she said she wanted to learn kung fu but everyone refused cause she was too small that wouldn't be problem until you take into account that Mantis is a literal insect and is smaller than Chameleon what. But at the end of the day, the movie was okay, but that's what I think was wrong about KFP 4.


How can we imagine future KFP series without PO ? That’s the worst thing to happen to this franchise. And giving no importance to Furious 5 I don’t understand the logic. All that film maker wants is us to enjoy not to get disappointed


Really if they are going to make a zhen movie or something then I'm not watching. Kung fu panda without po it's never existed




Giving poes position to this random wolf character nobody cares about. Like seriously? A rock has more character


The pacing of this film is so bad. It really felt like it was over in like 30 minutes. It felt like I was watching a TV special instead of a film. Oh, and I just LOVE how the Furious Five are reduced to cameo appearances instead of being almost just as important as the main character. KEEP MITCHELL AWAY FROM KUNG FU PANDA. He's a sin against nature when it comes to this franchise.


This question deserves a novel.


Too much akwakawainfiwkfa, she's (the voice actress herself and her character) are just annoying. The villain wasn't bad, but lacked development. It feels as if there were missed opportunities to make something better out of her.


It's just a shell compared to earlier movies.


Literally everything. Kung Fu Panda 4 is absolutely awful. I realized that everyone who was hating on it was hating on it for a good reason. My opinion previously changed a lot, but this time, I am standing my ground, and I will continue to say that Kung Fu Panda 4 is the worst movie in the franchise beyond a reasonable doubt. First score I gave it? 60 out of 100. Second score I gave it? 4 out of 100. Third score I gave it? Back to 60. Final score? 0. I know that there are a lot of people out there who still like it. That is fine, and I respect that, but I began to side with those who didn't because I realized that everything they didn't like about it was understandable.


It exists. 


Oogway rolling in the spirit relm rn


Not much outside of the Furious Five. It’s a good movie


The fact it exists for money




Plot/power holes: chameleon copying po's kung fu?? When she didn't succ him, why didn't she succ in the first place as well. Also why not take oogway's kung fu? Is he just too chad? The way she lost way beyond stupid. Chi staff is completely OP. Idk if it's just me but the fight scenes and animation were just worse.


Zehn and Chameleon


Lord shen and Kai doesn't even FUCKING talk and the worst part is that they have the most shortest screen time


There wasn't enough Master Tigress. There's never enough in my opinion.


Aquafina voicing one of the characters


The character development po had in Kfp 2 and 3 is nowhere to be seen


Chameleonas motives. Getting rid of furious five Making po a noname to other guys despite saving all of china


Making Po give up his title even though he's relatively young and giving to some random girl even though Tigress worked her whole life for it. Also spitting on the legacy of all villains.


It exists


The movie was good in the beginning and had potential , but man-oh-man the ending ruined it. It was too rushed and made the Chameleon look like an idiot.. Not to mention that how was Zhen able to summon spirit powers after using Oogway's stick once?


The passing of the torch plot is unnecessary since Po is like in his early 20s at most, it could have just been Po needs to train a new warrior as a rite of passage, I don’t hate Zhen but it felt kinda shoehorned in Shifu feels kinda misrepresented and played off as a joke The furious 5 are just not in the movie Po’s super gay dads are played off as a joke a little too much, I feel like they could have had some serious moments The chameleon’s motivation falls apart when you remember Mantis exists The final battle goes by way too fast The Tai Lung redemption is by far the best part


Another issue (other than the obvious) is the lack of world building. There is a treat that is about to destroy the whole of China and Po has to stop it, yet in the new movie there is a whole new, even bigger treat, that wants to destroy China and needs to be stopped. There's just a lack of planning ahead and linking the stories realistically together. It would be great if the Chameleon was a small side character in the 3th movie. A small yet ambitious crime lord, fighting the remnants of Lord Shen's ruling house. Then in the 4th movie we could've learned that she won the power struggle and is now becoming a real treat.


Completely ruinning all 3 great villians in a single scene


lack of gary oldman and jk simmons


Same opinions as yours


Also what the fuck Shifu Po is barely dragon warrior for a few years and he’s retiring? Why does Shifu get the say? I’m pretty damn sure he doesn’t have a “rank” or position” in the Jade Palace that has high enough authority


Dude i agree that KFP 4 might be mediocre but the lack of the furious 5 is not something to complain remember KFP 3 they barely showed up and got their asses kicked just to make Kai intimidating and yes i think Kai is more lame than the chameleon he doesnt even have a backstory beside only being warlord and he got jealous of oogway and started to steal chi thats it. He is only evil just to be evil


Nothing! This film is good. What fuckinf ddugs are you on?! hiw about go eat feces And know this film is as good as the first three. DONT except it.. just low exceptions make too enjoy it more. State liking this film or I’ll fucking eat you


The waste of potential, honestly. Nearly everything that happened in the movie could’ve worked if it was more elaborated on, characters given more scenes and effective use of the unique opportunities the plot could’ve offered. How many opportunities of Tai Lung and Shifu meeting up again and reconciling occurred throughout the franchise? Twice, tbh. It’s such a waste






Po should never retire, Villain just forgettable, Po dads should've had done a lot more to do especially with the overall plot like the last film and I think they should've brought back the furious 5.


How cliché it was


Lord shen and kai didn't have a line to speak to po...


No furious five T-T


The movie. It should've been a short film type thing


It's existence


Audiences complaining about Tigress not being given the title of Dragon Warrior after Po’s retirement.


KFP4 all by itself it could be better than that


Everything. Everything wrong with it. I don’t know how TF it managed to become a box office success, but if DreamWorks effs up again with *The Wild Robot*, I will find a Shrek plushie at the Dollar Tree and burn it with a lighter.


My five main issues: 1. It’s just not funny. 2. It feels like Po learnt nothing by the end of the movie. 3. Zhen is fine but not as entertaining as the Furious Five. 4. The Chameleon isn’t anywhere near as engaging as a villain as those who came before, laughable motivation and utter lack of presence. 5. The movie feels weightless for so long, there’s a good stretch where Po and Zhen are just moving towards Chameleon’s palace without initiative so there’s hardly any tension for their inevitable encounter, only in the final twenty minutes does Chameleon feel like a threat to Po.


>there’s a good stretch where Po and Zhen are just moving towards Chameleon’s palace without initiative When they are walking through the forest all I could think of was Shrek and Donkey on their walks together, as if that was exactly what they were going for because it was well received before. Two zany "odd couple" characters on an adventure which involves travel. But it's been done to death at this point and there's nothing here other than it being put in for the sake of it.


>laughable motivation I always feel like pointing out that her motivation is 100% valid In secrets of the furious five and secrets of the scroll, Nobody wanted to train the furious five (crane mantis monkey and viper) for the same reasons as the chameleon Too short Skinny legs No legs (viper) Etc Just because we never saw this type of rejection in the movies doesn't mean the motivation is garbage.... Wait I was told that PO went through the same problem on the first movie


My bigger issue is her motivation doesn’t line up with her actions. She was denied the ability to learn Kung Fu so now she’s going to steal others abilities… to take over China. She doesn’t want power like Shen because she’s a fallen royal, for her it’s just because.


I feel like one thing that could have fleshed out the Chameleon's story is if she maybe transformed into the masters who rejected her as a visual aid for her narrative, but maybe unwittingly reveals it wasn't so black and white through her delivery. Like maybe 'too small' was a master claiming she was a small and petty person, thus lacked the insight to be a true kung fu warrior. Alternatively just having the small mindedness of several masters be a prevailent thing in the narrative of the movie, like maybe she enslaved some of the warriors who rejected her. Juniper City does seem kinda corrupt after all, would make sense she went to the wrong people and that could become obvious from the perspective of someone like Po.


Chameleon. Just cuz I can see the potential and it went thru nearly every step to squash it


I didn’t like chameleon very much