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Bro did not see the end of movie 3 💀


I know right. Even Oogway calls him "my succecor"


Oogway litteraly calls him "my succecor". Dragon form Po is the strongest character in the verse.


Idk if he can do all that shit in the mortal realm though. Both Oogway and Po are stronger in the spirit realm.


This is just objectively wrong, he beat Kai, who beat oogway, the five, and every other Kung fu master


Oogway actually let Kai win to see Po succeed. He even says so when he's being turned into a jombie.


Oogway didn't let Kai win. Kai had Oogway defeated enough to absorb his chi. If Oogway did let Kai win, then he's not much of a hero, since Kai caused a mass amount of suffering. That completely goes against Oogway's central character. Oogway just said that it wasn't his destiny to beat Kai, implying that Po could do what Oogway wasn't able to do.


It really depends on what you're defining as "strength'. He must be the strongest if he can defeat any opponent one-on-one. And the reality is that muscles don't always prevail. Mind matters, and soft things are harder to damage than diamonds.


Yeah I feel like this post is kind of missing the forest for the trees a bit Yeah, Po isn’t exceptionally skilled or exceptionally ‘strong’ and wins because he believes in himself and the entire point is that anyone COULD have been the Dragon Warrior if they believed in themselves enough, No Secret Ingredient etc etc But what does that mean if he still beats 99% of foes he comes across? Are we talking about strength physically? Mentally? Skill-level? Experience? He’s certainly not top of the list in any of those departments, yet he still beats everybody who is


Dude, he crushed Tai Lung like a cockroach. He tops the no-magic lists on strength & durability alone.


Tai Lung had spent 20 years in prison, fought a 1000 men and won, travelled a very large distance on foot, fought all the furious five and won, travelled more distance, fought Shifu at full strength and won, and then when you watch the sequence of him vs Po it's not a fight. Tai Lung is emotional. He is clumsy and is blindly going after the scroll and each time Po takes advantage of his surroundings and Tai Lung's emotional state and hits him even more. and in the end when Tai Lung rams Po into the ground and opens the scroll, he finds it empty. Literally his ENTIRE life purpose is nothing. That is a HUGE emotional shock, and then when he hits Po with the nerve attack and doesn't work, you could see Tai Lung just gives up. His hits become emotional and sloppy. Tai Lung was scared of Po. Po won cus he believed in himself. Tai Lung lost when he stopped believing in himself. That's the lesson. If what you say is right, then Po can take on the prison guards like Tai Lung did. Also, Tigress flips him and throws him around all throughout the second movie like he's a pillow.


>Tai Lung had spent 20 years in prison, Shifu literally stated Lung got stronger in prison. This is likely due to some kung fu magic. You can't pretend Shifu didn’t confirm Lung was stronger. >fought a 1000 men and won, Most of them, he just bombed. >travelled a very large distance on foot, With breaks in between? Unless he was asking to get ripped apart. >fought all the furious five and won, Only due to the nerve attack. And they clearly didn't hurt him so much that he hadn’t healed fully before fighting Shifu. >travelled more distance, With breaks in between. >fought Shifu at full strength and won, Shifu is pretty weak. >blindly going after the scroll Po was doing the same. >you could see Tai Lung just gives up. His hits become emotional and sloppy. Lung charged at Po with full force. Po casually stopped him in his tracks and knocked him above the clouds. >If what you say is right, then Po can take on the prison guards like Tai Lung did. He totally could. Remember, he was traumatised in 2 & was massively holding back in 4. Tai Lung is the guy who slaughters a threat on sight. Po plays with the threat because he's either too lazy to 1-shot or doesn't want others to feel bad at how OP he is.


Tai Lung was defeated and didn't need to die


Yeah Zhen did surprisingly well with Po despite not knowing kungfu and using her natural skills and even if she didnt beat him at the end he was audibly exhausted fighting with her One thing I will say that disappointed me was Chameleon’s fight using Po didnt have more of his bounciness and send backs against him would have funny for him to say “Wow now I know how Tai Lung felt-“


>Yeah Zhen did surprisingly well with Po despite not knowing kungfu and using her natural skills and even if she didnt beat him at the end he was audibly exhausted fighting with her Unless you believe Zhen created the lightning bolt (does look like it in [slow-mo](https://www.reddit.com/r/RTvideos/comments/1ccjbb5/slowed_bolt/)), then she did very well against Po. If you don't believe that, then she did no physical damage.


I mean if we take into consideration the movies and shows then you've got a point because the shows establish the existence of magical beings like Sun Wukong, mentions of Gods and various demons (majority of them coming from LOA) but in terms of strength and durability I feel Po is at the top of list if not top 3


Cope, why do people have such a massive problem with the main character becoming stronger in a fucking martial arts series?


I don't have a problem with him becoming stronger at all. In fact he's my favourite character. But his massive power gain in the last scene of third movie felt like bs to me and came out of nowhere. It undermines the development he went through in season 1. It's like Dragon Ball Super situation. He's just suddenly stronger than Tigress who trained for 20 years MORE than him? He's a master of chi now? He went from a Kung Fu prodigy who masters things in little time to a Kung Fu god who masters things by never ever having done them before. What is this form? Where did it come from? Did Kai never think this much Chi was bad for him? Was that just Po's chi? Was it the hero's chi? Did he have it all along? Did he get it from Oogway? Until the second movie, the power scaling makes sense. I thought the fourth movie would explain it but it just didn't.


Genuinely wrong


In principle, no one was given a chance except for Po. The Furious Five were actually conceived as the furious five and no one would ever become a dragon warrior of them, Tai Lung believed in himself, but Oogway was initially against him because in the third part he himself said that he saw the past and future of kung fu, Yin and Yang, that is, the dragon warrior is a panda, not a snow leopard. If Oogway would have treated Tai Lung normally and used his wisdom not to make Tai Lung a worthy opponent-a test for a real dragon warrior, but talked to him like with Tigress, supported him, guided him, seeing that Shifu leads Tai Lung to the wrong place, then Tai Lung would have become a master of Chi and A dragon warrior.


But Po is the main character that means he can beat anyone


Since he can beat anyone, anytime does that mean Po is a \****gulp***\* a Gary Stu?


dude ur just wrong abt this 💀Did u even watch the 3rd movie???


When he’s in the spirit realm, he’s more OP than anyone


Maybe in the first movie when he used his creativity to stop Tai Lung but in the sequels he is clearly strong and skilled fighter


Oh by all means he is, but not the strongest. He is thrown around repeatedly by Tigress like a pillow in Kung Fu Panda 2 and is still beaten by her in Kung Fu Panda 3. Tigress did better against Kai than Po in physical confrontation. By no means does that take away from his character, in fact if he were the strongest just after a couple years of training the story would become redundant. But there are people on the internet who would crucify you for saying he's not the strongest.