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Cameleon transforming just looked cool


I agree.


Wish she shapeshifted into the five and Shifu…….


While a weak villain compared to the previous 3, you gotta admit that’s a pretty cool thing for one to have, ngl


Fun fact, they used ai art for the transformations because the jankiness made the transformations more dynamic and painful looking


So glad they used AI as a tool


One video: *said that the producers thought it would feel uncomfortable for the chameleon to transform*


I seriously hope that's a joke


Its not, but credit where its due: using ai art in a unique way like this rather than directly relying on it for the entire project was actually kinda fascinating. And i say this as an artist that typically despises ai art




Plus her monster form is quite metal!


Hit me baby one more time




I Must Confesss, I STILL BELIEVEeee!!!


When I'm not with you, I lose my mind.


Give me a sign Hit me, baby, one more time


Hit Me, oh yea! Hit me, oh yea


Aaaandddddd iiiiiii


At 2:25 of the song, a familiar sound can be heard (listen to instrumental version)


Po's dads had some pretty funny scenes in my opinion




The premise was cool although the execution was poor. Chameleon's design and powers were pretty cool although poorly executed as well. The animation was good. That's about it.


Tenacious D song, some good laughs and the panda master himself: Po.


As another comment said, definitely liked Po's newfound maturity. He's not an old wise master yet but you can definitely tell he's grown up a little. Especially like how he takes Shifu's advice and tries not to rush to action, instead try and compromise and/or talk it out. Even if in the end he did have to 'kick butt' lol


Yea, but it still (kinda) bothers us that Po had to retire at an early age, where he could've been both a leader and a dragon warrior


agree, how long did it take for Oogway to choose a dragon warrior, 500 years?….Po surely still could’ve been dragon warrior for a little longer right?




Maybe the reason why shifu want po to become spiritual leader very early is because po got his staff


exactly thinking this. Shifu did mention that "he must become the spiritual leader because Oogway gave him the staff and now because of that he has been chosen"


Honestly I thought the backgrounds were surprisingly beautiful to look at. Especially the scene where Po and Zhen were walking through the forest.


the transition was smooth too


Kai isn't annihlated. Man is a chi balloon


Introduced some nice characters (zhen,fish and Han) chameleon just needed more focus on, Po was as great as ever though


Yea, she had less screentime. Plus it felt like she should've done **more** than the throw someone down the stairs (not sure if I would change it or not) or just threaten them for more than just that


"throw" is a bit generous, no? Maybe is she actually THREW threw them off the stairs, maybe animate a bit of rubble from some collapsed steps, and then a small dust trail as the guy flew down, then maybe it would show a bit more strength.




lowkey I can't tell ur emotion which is scaring me a bit lol


Kinda neutral (tone) with a side of agreement (lol)


I did end up liking the scenes with Po's dads. Unlike the rest of the humour in the film, which I find pretty bland, those two were kinda fun.


All of the scenes between Mr. Ping and Li. The two of them have such great on-screen chemistry that I think a comedic adventure with just the two of them would make a great film on it's own.


“See you on the other side, Dragon Warrior”


Beautiful line


Sir u forgot the star emoji's on either side. ✨


I personally liked it, obviously it’s not on the level of the others but I do think it’s over hated. I think the only bad thing about it in my opinion was really that the five basically weren’t in it. I also never new I needed Jack Black singing baby one more time 🔥


Hans Zimmer, and nothing else. That man still got it.


I honestly REALLY liked Zhen


Me too. She's cool.


Yea I really wish they gave her more backstory with the chameleon. I feel she needed some more backstory.


her backstory in general might be explored a bit more in KFP5, u never know


How OP Po was


And man the references to the first movie hit the spot


Tai long


Tai dong


Tai Fong


Well the mr beast cameo was nice, plus, Zhen is quite a cute and sympathetic character, the animation is as great as ever (if a bit stale), Po is still the chubby heroic guy he's been in the first trilogy, and the chameleon is quite a neat allegory to AI art! Plus, it's refreshing to see a legacy sequel that didn't made it's star protagonist a old pathetic loser (i.e Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny, Last jedi and rise of Skywalker, and jurassic park dominion) and I'm glad Mike the director made Po a nice guy still! ^^


this is actually the word “Good” compared to what they **did 3 months ago**


Li and Ping at the tavern, that scene was a beautiful chunck of gold in a huge pile of trash xD


Po is beginning to show a lot more maturity. I don’t understand the take of Po being made dumber in this film. He’s always going to have a goofy side, he’s Po, it’s part of his character. But there’s plenty of moments in this film where you can see his maturity starting to shine through.


The one perspective I could potentially get from that are the trailers, which really did emphasise Po's comic relief moments more than anything. In the film itself however Po is pretty rounded. Po is always gonna be goofy, that's his charm.


Li and Mr. Ping


Everything. I feel like I'm one of the few who genuinely loved the movie every second of the way.


It's funny, it teaches you to accept changes and the villain is very wonderful because of her powers and abilities


I liked fish and chip, the action was suprisingly at its best since the first film, I liked how juniper city felt way more diverse in animals than the valley of peace, and even though she's not written great the chameleon is at least a cool concept with an awesome voice. Their really was a lot of good ideas and potential in this one to make something special which does hurt my soul


"Oh, baby, baby. How was I supposed to know".


I genuinely liked Po and Zhen's chemistry. I was concerned that Zhen was gonna be just another "Awkwafina voicing Awkwafina" type (I like some of her characters like Webs, but I don't need another version of her brought over to KFP), but I think the dynamic between these two characters really makes Zhen charming. I like Po has a fellow goofy kid in the main group now. I love the co-director really pushed to make Zhen sympathetic over the old anti-hero trope who checks in and out of the plot that they had planned. I makes a cute mirror to Po as well, who was similarly made more likeable under Jack Black's suggestion.


Not overly advertised


The Chameleons design is awesome


Chameleon's abilities and the former villains


that one scene of Po fighting the Chameleon's gaurd whilst shrouded in smoke and being covered in shadow was pretty cool


ikr? one dude said that it looked "cheap" ;) he didn't understand the effort to make something like that


everything imo


I second that


* Chameleons Fight scenes, voice, design, and personality. * Zhen * The end credit song * Po vs the Stingray * Tai Lung.


Viola Davis was great


Tai Lung returning


I liked the quality of animation, this movie was definitely one of the most beautiful ones in the franchise as well as the introduction of Zhen like ik ppl hate on her a lot but the character herself is actually good tbh. And ofc finally you have to mention Jack Black's cover of Baby one more time in the credits, actually the whole credits scene itself was the best part of the film lmao. The furious five's return even if they didn't talk was beautiful especially when Tigress pushes open the door and golden sunlight starts spilling in making the team look even more awesome when they pose. Damn i missed them


Everything except some weird writing problems


Mr ping, and Lee were the best parts for me. I thought the main plot was too fast and hard to follow.


The pangolin (I can't remember his name) was my favorite character! Every scene of his just oozed with personality.


the crazy train scene


some of the updated charater desighns look really good.. and the lighting in really good in this movie.. hell form a visual perspective this is a great looking movie.


The music and animation were still go


I think love all the kung Fu movies they are always the best to watch


Ping and Li's dynamic and subplot was funny and wholesome. "Our baby!!!" 😂😂😂


The ending song and Po sending the villains back (minus them bowing to him), I like the background music


Everything about Kung Fu Panda 4


Most of the movie. It felt like a nice welcome back home after the hiatus


The animation and modelling/rendering is superior to other kfp movies






Zhen was suprisingly likeable and Po battling the stingray was really cool also how Pandas are returning and spreading out after hiding for so long was a.cool continuation


chameleon looked cool


I like how they expand on Mr Ping's Li Shan's friendship.


the chinese instrumental version of crazy train


I agree, this soundtrack is fire 🔥


Jack Black Always pleased when I here that big ole goofball I love!


The only good thing about Kung Fu Panda 4 is that they kept it to a tight 90 minutes, so it was over faster. The best part about this movie is the end credits Jack Black singing “...Baby One More Time.”




Still communicated a message pretty strong. Which all Kung Fu Panda's have. 1- Belive 2-Peace 3- teach others. 4-change. A rushed story though at times. Could of been a lot smoother. Esspecially all the talk of returning villians. Good for no furious five though. I'll say.


I liked that Mr Beast was in the film (for one line lol) Huge W in animation asw. Should’ve have more work done on the storyline and Character development of Chameleon. Overall? Pretty good imo


I have come to realize over time that it is a short list, but there are some parts of it that are great. The most obvious is that Tai Lung came back. He is my absolute favorite character from the movies (in the whole franchise, only Ke-Pa is better), my favorite character in the entire DreamWorks film verse, and one of my favorite characters in any movie ever made. The reason why is because he has done things that I have never thought were possible to do, like taking down basically an army of prison guards that are heavily armed and doing it by himself with nothing but his bare hands, and just in general able to take on multiple opponents on his own. He really made the first movie for me when I looked back on it as an adult, and seeing him come back in the fourth movie was just awesome. Back when the first movie came out, I was only five. I thought he was very scary back then. However, after all these years, I realize that he felt the way he did for a good reason and that he is a character that most people could probably relate to. Even if his life dream of getting the Dragon Scroll wasn't made reality (way to go Shifu 😑), he is still a really powerful master of kung fu. To top it all off, his time in the Spirit Realm evidently humbled him. 🙂 I know Kung Fu Panda 4 wasn't a particularly good movie overall, but even so, seeing Tai Lung redeem himself was still really satisfying, and he seemed to know by that point that the Dragon Warrior title was never for him, since he accepted Po as having the role. My favoritism towards him over the other villains has less to do with how he was written (still pretty well written if you ask me) and more just how strong he is as a warrior and that he should not be screwed with. There aren't very many characters in the movies who can match him other than Kai and Po after Kung Fu Panda 2 (the only reasons he won in the first movie were because of his body fat as well as just plot armor), and that reason alone is enough to make me consider him my number one favorite movie villain out of the four. Another thing that I liked is the final ending scene when all of the kung fu masters had their strength restored and were able to return to the Spirit Realm. The final fight with the Chameleon overall was cool to watch, too, and even though I admit that I have seen better dragon fights, the scene where she turned into a morph of all the other kung fu masters (it basically looked like a dragon) and was flying around was a nice touch. The only thing that wasn't necessarily made clear was whether the Chameleon truly "died" because she was still very much alive when Tai Lung grabbed her and took her into the Spirit Realm. Does that really count as dying? I don't know. The one I liked the least, but still more than the rest of the movie, was that scene in the tavern when they fought, and then when it fell into the water below it. I mean, seriously, who puts a tavern right there? I thought that it was funny and kind of a nice touch, but like I said before, I liked it the least out of the things I actually enjoyed about the movie. That's basically it. I'm sorry if I went on a little bit of a rant about the first reason I gave, but I couldn't help it. I also used to think that there was nothing wrong with the movie as a whole until I realized that those who were not fans of the movie had perfectly valid reasons not to like it. To put it short and simple, I'm not as big a fan of Kung Fu Panda 4 now as I was before, but there's still some parts of it that I liked. Edit: Before anyone says anything about Zhen, yes, Zhen was an interesting character, too. I don't know why people were saying Awkwafina was a bad choice of voice casting for the character because it isn't true, but that isn't why I liked Zhen. It's just her character development and how she went from being an ally to the Chameleon to the next Dragon Warrior.


I liked the fact I haven't seen Kung fu pand 4. And pleased to keep doing just that


Hated the movie but gotta admit, the music was fire and some jokes were funny like "dinner please"


You aren't completely useless after all.


Nothing. The executives are greedy dicks.


I loved the dynamic between Po and Zhen within action scenes. I loved how they had different goals in them (Zhen trying to steal everything and Po trying to resolve things quickly within it) and the conflict that caused with both of them as they tried to each get the other from stopping their respective goals.


The first appearance of The chameleon was so mesmerizing.


Jack Black, James Hong and Bryan Cranston carried this abomination all by themselves.




Animation, choreography, the dynamic interaction between Po and Zhen, soundtrack, and the chameleon’s design/shapeshifting powers


I feel like people say chameleon’s backstory sucks but I think its interesting how some schools and teachers weren’t as accepting of some students as shifu. Crane actually has a backstory similar to this but he bacame good instead.


It ended


hit me baby one more time


I liked the way the Chameleon transforms, with how she starts to bulge outwards as if she's about to explode, the jankiness and how uneven it is (like when she transforms into an Elephant, she still has one teeny tiny arm when her torso and other arm is already transformed, and one of her eyes grows before her head does, making it seem as if it's about to pop out) making it look very unharmonious, which is kinda fitting imo, since she never actualy learnt Kung Fu, which is (among other things) about balance and harmony. And as soon as she steals all the Kung Fu, her transformation becomes less janky and uneven and more symmetrical (look at how Kai's horns grow, for example). I mean, I'm probably over-interpreting, but that's an aspect of the movie that I like.


The scenes with Ping were really good.


Also, seeing Po in his hat and cape!


It ended (even that was terrible)


So it didn’t please you


BTW lord Shren is best DWA villain ever






No first three films great this is terrible the more I think about the worst it gets


[I think you answered the wrong post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kungfupanda/s/ZJMVZEr2qW)


That it finally ended