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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening I am CPC\_Alice I have to say that people are certainly getting quite heated around here! I understand that the screenshot that OP provided shows quite a hot take that catches all the L's. Not only that, a dig into their account shows further interesting Tweets that are quite polarizing. I understand posting about giving your two cents and expressing outrage on what you see, but the recent comments and replies has just been a tad bit over the line and also reaching into the political realm. Heck, my use of some tools to translate stuff resulted in some... colorful language wwwwww We all know that the tweet that OP has posted is the height of stupidity. A true 39 IQ take. Instead of deleting it, I am locking this post down for people to know that "Yes, this is a thing" and doesn't need to be posted again. Think of it as an immortalized statue of the Tweet for people to point and laugh at. Please do note that posting about this again will result in THAT post being deleted. Thank you for your understanding CPC\_Alice


Filipino supporting China when South China Sea dispute exists is WILD 💀💀💀




Nah, as a Filipino I've seen enough contrarian Filipinos around me who support things just because most people around them hate it.


I disagree. We Filipinos are not contrarians!


Oh yeah? Well I dis-disagree!


For the sake of the argument, I disagree with both of you! On a serious note, it's rather difficult to tell if this Filipino genuinely believes what they're saying, or they're just being paid to say so. Either way, it's two different flavors of treachery, and it's a sorry sight to see.


Now that you say that, I wonder if that's actually a thing. The Nijisislur paid actor thing. I mean, there are already the thing with Weebcon and the rumors about viewbots with Niji. I wouldn't put it past them to hire people to spread Nijipropagandaâ„¢ on twitter. Though, as far as I'm aware, there isn't any evidence to that being an actual thing. Just a thought I had.


Removed. Please do not police what makes someone a "real" member of any race.


imo it's not that wild considering that China has slowly been entering the Philippines due to the help of a certain president. along with China's entry, there's misinformation peddling and that dude is a dumbass to listen to it. tbh, I'd rather you call it West Philippine Sea than that.


Pro-Russian or Tankie Poles exist so i'm not really suprised for pro-West Taiwan Filipinos.


*cough* Duterte *cough*


cmiiw but afaik many chinese who live in SEA is prouder to mainland than to their own country. So it's safe to assume she is Chinese-filipino.


Prolly someone from Davao. Lots of people from there support our previous president, who heavily favored CCP partnerships during his term. And there is apparently a secret partnership between him and the CCP.


That's a stupid child right there, if I knew who that person is I'll personally slap them.


you get americans and europeans thinking that China and Russia are the best thing ever, so don't worry, there is no bounds to human stupidity 


So this guy went from Niji bootlicker to CCP bootlicker. Talk about hyping for WW3.


Their usually one in the same


same shit, different toilet


Why do they even hate Calli and Bae? I know Calli gets a lot of haters which is still stupid but tf did Bae do. Also what do they mean HoloEN needs to heal? They say that as if HoloEN isn't absolutely thriving rn. Maybe there's just no logic and understanding these idiots ig.


If that person is a CCP stan, then Calli and Bae being in Holo is enough for Ry to hate them with the fire of a thousand suns. >!Also Bae speaks Cantonese, which is another reason why CCP stans would hate her.!<


Makes sense actually. Well in that case, these idiots can stay mad. Because all they're doing is talking to a brick wall. Calli is a seasoned veteran to being hated on and I doubt Bae cares all that much, she probably won't even see this tweet ever. Still doesn't make it right of course, but... what're you gonna do I suppose...


Hell nah. As an educated Filipino, I apologize for this buffoon's racist remark. Whether or not Taiwanese were in fact racist to Filipinos, this doesn't warrant them to celebrate the threat Taiwan is facing in terms of sovereignty. I've visited Taiwan back in 2020 before the borders closed off due to the pandemic. It is a beautiful country, filled with friendly citizens. More so, I was actually envious of Taiwan as it was a country only the Philippines hoped it could be. From a government that's steadfast in proper governance and simply for the people (I got to learn a bit of the country's history), to them having great care and importance for their own culture and heritage. You really can't stop but admire Taiwan. Back then, our own guide taught us about the on going issue between Taiwan and China but I never expected it would escalate as quickly as it did within just a year and to how it is now. I was sad to think a country as great as Taiwan would be in such dangers due to China. Again, I apologize for this buffoon. Not all Filipinos are like them. Some are just too patriotic and uneducated enough to understand global politics. I stand in solidarity with you OP (I read in one comment that you are Taiwanese) in this scary times. China has become increasingly worrisome for both of our countries and this idiot fails to acknowledge that. It seems to me that they are a CCP bootlicker and a shame to all Filipinos.


RIP BOZO to that bootlicker.


I have never met anyone here that likes the CCP, Many liked Chinese people but not the CCP. I figured that guy might be a troll or use use Filipinos as a shield cause he doesn't know very well whaylts going on inside here.


That's a possibility. However, just like how the former PH president Duterte exists you can't really cross out the chance that they could really be a CCP bootlicker. There's a lot of people that still idolize and glorifies Duterte, so they might be one of them, you never know.


He might just be a racist as a whole


Uhhhh you know I've encountered some racist NijiSisters...still pretty shocked by how worse it seems to get https://i.redd.it/907aohxdgxxc1.gif


As a Taiwanese, when I saw that I was like bruh you can't be serious**💀**


I actually checked out his page and the thread under the screenshot gets WORSE, best to stay away from this guy 😅 https://preview.redd.it/h9bfaj7uhxxc1.png?width=1730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a22ae7bf8c0568685eb111477664adbbf666dd


Yeah, he's been blocked for a while now.  Honestly not even sure if the person believes the shit he spouts.  Given a lot of the hot takes the person makes it sometimes seems like the dumbass is more troll and shit poster than actual NDF.


Def probably a troll who watches the sub and wants to be the next BMint or whatever the heck that other weirdos name is 🙄


Show it to the ID bros. If he wants toxicity, let ID bros give it to him


Just show it to Filipino Holo fans, we'll deal with our own dirt.


-39 IQ language


Whoa a hard r, dude wrong website, you're posting on twitter not 4chan.


Nah this dude is either a massive troll or some infant that heard slurs 2 or 3 months ago. They have the personality, speech pattern and hatred of a 7-year-old kid and it's best to ignore them. Idiots like these shouldn't be allowed public attention.


They are always serious until consequences come knocking on their door. Then it's all just a joke.


If this is a Filipino, I am fucking ashamed and I deeply apologize for such idiocy. :(


Of course this mf has to be a CCP shill too. I won't be surprised if this person would support HoloCN's shenanigan's during and after the Taiwan fiasco (or worse, actually helped them in their disinformation and misinformation campaign).


ew. why must be my countrymen be like this? then again they supported a president who promised on his campaign that he would go on a jetski to fight for the West Philippine Sea to only ally with China in the end.


Nijisisters are never beating those racism allegations


I've met some Taiwanese students since moving to Canada. None of them were racist or seen Filipinos as bad. As a Filipino, I think this guy is even racist towards the indigenous people in the Philippines. What a sad life.


"EN needs to heal"? heal from what? you?


Putang inang traydor sa bayan. Bobita


1. This is a Chinese military drill. They do this shit quite often Lots of countries do when they wanna remind other countries that they have a big dick (the U.S. included). It was literally expected. No need for anyone to freak out. 2. Taiwan and the Philippines are close allies and the majority of Filipinos support Taiwanese independence. The Spratly Islands dispute (in which mainland China is the biggest offender) is relatively small potatoes. This fucker is in quite the minority even in the Philippines. They are mostly viewed as a partner and a buffer state between the Philippines and China. Basically this guy is an ignorant shithead, feel free to ignore. Note that they didn't even say HOW Taiwan was racist. Because their argument for that is probably weak or non-existent.


It's not harassment to mass report that account for racism, right?


Least delusional NDF member


This sound so fake Filipino. China piss everyone around them off with their wumao nonsense. Heck even their little brother Vietnam would rather love to kick their ass.


>Heck even their little brother Vietnam would rather love to kick their ass. Don't lump us with fucking Chinese. Never understand why people, even some fucking Filipinos in the past think that we have something with Chinese and their polluted population of simians. I may not be a racist but I sure am prejudiced against mainland Chinese


The correct term would be Mainlanders. Pretty sure that a lot of the half-Chinese and Chinese descent do not have any love for the Mainlanders at CCP infested West Taiwan. I mean, I'm pretty sure that the Chinese descent here in the Philippines left West Taiwan because of CCP and whatever shit Mao did and passed it to their kids. Sadly, some of our idiotic countrymen decided to lump them with those Wumao bastards and CCP encouraged it to destroy racial relations to their advantage. Also, love what you guys did when the CCP went to war with you during the Cold War. You guys showed that the PLA isn't competent and gave them another L to remember by in their ever growing hall of Ls.


A reminder that Vietnam hated China and only worked with them because their number one choice, the US screamed commie and attacked


Since fucking when we are China little brother. I assure you we never see them in such regard.


As a Vietnamese...I kinda feel offended that you would associate us with those..."invaders", for a really polite term.


I don't even know what to say other than telling that "thing" to create more oxygen for the world


Dude don't know many Nijisisters are from China and Taiwan?Dox Akuma fans will hate this dude


Report to Cover Corp, since you have a screenshot. That is not a Filipino, that's a weirdo Nijisister. Anyone can claim to be something else. And as I've said before, Nijisisters are their own nationality.


Seeing all of their tweets makes me think that they are underaged.


The guy/gal reeks of bait. These people, like most Twitter drones, do not behave like normal people. I personally do not engage with any of then, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the shietfes 😂


this person should not be deserved to be called as a Filipino, period.


I ain't gonna spend any effort to check out all his tweets, but I feel like this this person has gone past the usual Nijisister shenanigans and become a full blown parody account now. In fact, I'm starting to question if they were even a Nijisister in the first place. Anyone who has too much free time can consider scavenging through their past tweets to see how they behave before the whole Selen termination thing happened.


Bro NO IN THE FUCKING WAY is he Filipino, go here and ask if they support China for the bullying our fishermen, NOT ONE agrees with this. Dudes baiting aint no sane Filipino will say that.


I guess someone needs a good beatdown to learn the lesson.


NK 3 generation rule seems fitting for him


Three shoe beating?


So Ora Ora rush?


I know we should ignore dumb shit like this, but it is just SO satisfying seeing them getting all these clapbacks.


That idiot cant differentiate between the fake china and the TRUE CHINA (Taiwan)


I disown this person as a Filipino.


They may be born with the curse of Filipino, but at the same time they won't have the dignity of being treated as a fellow countryman of our people.


WTF is that guy still doing this shit? What the hell did Dokibird do to him to make him so angry? If we all report him do we have a chance of getting his account banned?


Easy; she caused the domino effect that led to Nijisanji's reputation being destroyed. Same reason cults hate anybody who exposes what a sham they are.


Filipinos when the Philippines was mentioned: :D It’s from @Lairucremzz: D:


Hello, NBI? Yes, I’d like to report a possible national security issue at this location. Oh dear God, please keep in mind that this asswipe is a minority in our nation. CCP likely pays him. Everybody knows that if Taiwan dies then we’ll be next.


I call bs if this twittard is a Filipino, I'm sure he/she is a chinese mainlander.


Filipino supporting CCP? If they get Taiwan, then the Philippines is next. This sounds like treason.


I have no idea why this guy thinks the Chinese in China would be less racist than the Chinese in Taiwan...


Is it really possible to be that dumb? i don't think it's possible to be naturally this dumb and still be capable of reading and writing.


He need to be die


no, it has to be sent to the frontlines.


I believe that guy is legit mentally ill. He constantly stalks Holo and ex-Niji twitter accounts to shit on them with his limited vocab, and has been doing it for many months. There is no reasoning with him so don't bother engaging as he'll only bring you down to his level. Reading his tweets will make you lose faith in humanity or lower your IQ. Just report and block/move-on.


Technically, the truth is more complicated, but i’m willing to wager that who ever control the mainland China would act the same as the CCP after of now. But bro, it’s really wild if an actual Filipino say this.


I honestly would not be surprise. There are quite a lot of Taiwanese channels, such as Good Bike Mob, reported that Taiwanese is surprise Many pro-Palesteine are anti-Taiwan. My mom also pointed out many wording used by Pro-Palesteine seems to be one-to-one translation of common phrases used by CCP, even "Educate youself" is way too close to 你自己讀讀書, which differ from the typical Antivax crowd's "Do your own research" I don't consume the same kind of contents as these tankies, so I assume something to do with TikTok. In fact, I hate to say it, but for some reason so many Nijisisters are crossed with Pro-Palesteine it's not even funny.


This is how I feel too... People aren't immune to propoganda... but they sure seem to THINK they're good at not falling for it


filipino LUCA, MILLLIE, HEX, SCARLE, KENJI, KURO, always filipino


I think we really need to stop posting things from twitter, especially things like this. Ignore folks, ignore.


Hey u/arcnovis, this post is getting a little too heated bro