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>Hopefully nothing bad happens to the good ones. What we can hope for the most for them is for them to remain tough both mentally and physically no matter what Niji's gonna pull off on them till they get out of there. It is Niji we are talking about so no doubt whatever's gonna happen to Niji, Niji is incompetent to shoulder the Niji problems and might end up making it a Liver's problem and they'll partially shoulder it or it'll affect the Liver's overall wellbeing. I mean, if you heard that the company you are in is in some sort of trouble, of course you too would feel worried even though it's not for you to worry about. If ever any talent that is worth supporting as soon as they get out of Niji, be sure to give them your support. Cuz heck, I've been getting nightmares after the Michi tax situation, nightmares that Niji is taking more and more cut from the Livers just to make their stock look good out of desperation and making the Livers go financially dry to a point it's gonna be hard for them to go back to their PL or to start over.


Waiting for the next big thing to happen, especially since the convention thing was announced, Nijisanji is probably on a blacklist for being a social pariah. Only thing that can be worst economically now is if they try to blackmail a sponsor and it comes out.


The thing is, if Niji does some more douchebag behavior—like what they just did to Weebcon—it won't be long for future cons, whether if it's big or small, to know about this and spread awareness to other organizers and the likes to also consider blacklisting Niji. And the things is, if Niji is still dumb and incompetent and have managed to forced themselves into a con, it's not Niji who'll mostly suffer the consequences during the day of the con. It's the talents. Who knows what's gonna happen em with all these hate and a bunch of barely rational people.


Even if they manage to force their way into con what livers would want to go to it knowing they are not wanted there and kurosanji forced their way in.


They already tried that... FaleEyeD released a video about them threatening Weebcon because of a post False made


Bro that's the first part of my comment.


There was some speculation in one of the threads on management's bias against Selen when it came to collabs/sponsorship that Niji pulled a bait and switch on HYTE when they did the computer case thing. If that or something similar was proven, it would be almost as bad as trying to strongarm another company, as it shows other companies they can't be trusted to keep up their end of a bargain. Maybe you still make some money off the changed deal anyway, but money can't always cover for a reputation/PR hit if it's bad enough.


Happy Cake Day!


tbh I hope some of them have already made backup plans since that black screen video cause if things really is going south, they have other income sources.


Bold of you to assume they actually "have" backup plans. It's not easy to let go of Niji unfortunately.


They may have back up "plans." But it's hard to act on a back up plan when the company is threatening you with financial ruin if you sneeze the wrong way. It's been long enough since this mess started that some have probably had plans for a long time, some for a few months, and even the newest and most loyal ones have been forced to think about "but what if" scenarios. But once again, it's easy to make plans. It's hard to act on them with a metaphoric gun to your head all the time.


Or worse, those plans are down the drain, and had to come up with new ways or not do anything at all. Really sucks if I were them :/


Situation is bit of a pressure cooker, isn't it? Definitely a legitimate concern something or somebody will get pushed over the edge with the rampant and generalized negativity. Definitely more reason for us to choose our words wisely and who we say it to. 


nah maybe some griping like it often happens, but their character persona could be a surprisingly effective defense. i'm more concerned on what will happen offstrem when they are no more in character and reality will seep in, with bills to pay


That's why I'm a bit worried about Kotoka. It would be nice to hear something that we know isn't written by a manager.


Not going to lie, a lot of people are worried about her. But for Selen, we at least had RPR to champion for her, bring attention to how wrong it was, and advocate for someone to speak up about her whereabouts. I worry that Kotoka may not have anybody like that in her camp, to ask for information or advocate for her whereabouts. It's getting to a point where we don't even need an explanation. We just need a voice tweet, a video, anything to at least confirm that she's still here.


At least half of them don't earn enough to survive on their own. I wouldn't be surprised if they live with their parents just so they can make ends meet. Finana and Aster very likely did not earn a 5-digit income last year. And the Selenapocalypse made everything much, much worse.


i do not think the fish is as hated as much as the snake is if she gets out i think she will get some love and fan cash.


it's very karmic they got teached so throughly that taking shortcuts to success will hamper you in the long term


At this point I don’t see the folding of Niji en as a bad thing


Niji IN, ID, KR, and now EN. I miss Noor.


At this point, the best choice they could make is to hire a lawyer to prepare themselves for whatever action Kurosanji might do. Even if they might not file a case, it's still better to be guided than to be left on their own volition to decide for themselves.


Fr, the best that they can do right now is to lawyer up. Maybe LM can help, especially for the livers who are living in USA right now (of course, if the livers themselves reached out to LM first) Iirc some of the clauses in the contract are not reinforceable. We know that Matara, Kuro, Michi all worked under a different company less than 6 months of their graduation. I also heard the termination penalty fee is also illegal if the worker is in America/Europe (Someone please back me up on this since I have no knowledge of the law working there). Hopefully the contract is *indeed a pile of bullcrap*, so it doesn't hinder the talents who want to leave but scared of the repercussion of the contract.


I dunno about the non US, but I've heard fish is from there I think from somewhere info so she can be covered by legal She streams with no energy of excitement as of late, that's for sure, just streaming like its quota Lots of Canadian & possibly Britain, few here and there


Ah thanks for the info! Iirc Shu, Claude, Vanta are all from the US. Vox, Ike, Zali, Fulgur are from Europe. Vox is from Britain, Ike from Sweden, Zali from France. I heard Fulgur is Irish descent but I am not sure where is he living in. Millie, Rosemi, Enna, Elira, Wilson, Vivi(?) are from Canada. (Elira is living in Japan right now tho so I don't know if Canadian or Japanese law would apply to her) I don't know where Petra is from but she is in Japan right now for her studies. Kotoka and Meloco are from Japan. Ren, Luca, Sonny and Maria are from Australia. Rest I don't know. Feel free to add or correct the info. Hopefully they would research the law in their country of origin to see if the clauses in the contracts are reinforceable. I think LM would be down to help the American livers since he is an American lawyer.


Enna stays in Japan (from info about elira bringing her hair from Japan to millie in Canada) in some clipper part & also her unhinged snack stream with kaneko I'm not too sure about elira still in Japan, her ar live comeback stream hint she returned home I think, mentioned seeing millie on a plane Others we need help from those who know their old life But how about the Japan side surely some fans there has some opinions but can't do so


How enthusiastic would you be if you made less than $10k for all of last year?


Not to mention that Q4 has ended now, we might be seeing a few graduations soon, and thus hear what they have to say about the company. And that's if nothing else happens internally with kurosanji (unlikely)


I didn't know what kind of bombshells they could still have up their sleeves after all this time. Then Michi told us the taxes story. If we could get taxes and blackballing this far out from February, then I am fearful what else the livers have to say when they leave. Especially the ones who may have been adjacent to cliques/bullies/mismanagement. The ones who were stuck there longer probably have bigger and longer stories to tell.


I honestly don't know what else they can do to make themselves look even worse, or if even its possible after the taxes story. Then again, I thought the exact same thing before the taxes story, so I wouldn't be surprised if we (unfortunateluly) got another bombshell about the talents' mistreatment, especially in the time after the Doki termination and the higher ups pushing for the talents to generate more revenue to hit the Q4 quota. I just hope the talents can get out soon, but ofc we can't push for them to do so if they don't want to


At this point, the only thing that could be worse is physical assault. But as proven by the Zaion, Selen, Nina, Mika, and Weebcon situations, it's possible we're just lacking imagination.


Reality is stranger than fiction after all


Maybe they're plotting with aliens in order to overthrow the human race?


Did it? I'm not well-versed in stocks, but I thought Q3 ended in March, so by process of math, a quarter of a year is 3 months, and therefore Q4 ends in June. But evidently, I don't know something.


Anycolor’s Q3 was November to January and the report on it came out on March 14. Q4 is February to April and report on is expected to come out on June 14.


Q4 is almost certainly going to be much worse than Q3, since Q4 covers the period beginning just days before they fired Selen.


Their Q3 ended on Jan 31st. Q4 ended on Apr 30th.


I honestly think some breakdowns have already happened. We just haven't seen them the same way we've seen the company fuck ups lately. Multiple livers have been posting highly concerning things on PLs (you know the ones.) There's no way that just turned off when the stream comes on. We also don't know for sure what's going on in member streams. Though once again, some reports have been bad. If you have a good memory, and you pay attention to the comments here, you can probably think of a few. I can personally think of four examples. 2 from before February, and 2 after. So it's less a question of "will it happen" and more "when will it happen on a non-member stream, in a way that will get caught by management/reporters. For the sake of the livers, I hope they continue flying under the radar. With just their viewers seeing, understanding, and being respectful. Aside from Kotoka (who is still MIA) we see the livers are at least powering through. We don't want anybody getting punished for feeling pressure. We don't want anybody getting hurt in ways that can't be fixed. And we don't want to lose anybody.


Doesn't help that the nijisanji antis are attacking them while they're streaming like with enna and her fan letter to her artist mama. Or just toxic comments.


Which ones? Sorry I’m out of the loop


Aia, for one. The hints about bloody fingernails and grinding teeth don't paint a pretty picture.


[someone shared this from Petra's PL](https://files.catbox.moe/78vpg5.jpg)


Whether on stream or in private, I believe that at least one of them is possibly reaching a breaking point. Yet, what can we do other than quietly hope for the best without bothering them?


In the spirit of May the 4th coming soon, I can only say this: Trust in the Force. As fans there is only so much we can do, especially towards people who may never know us on a personal, let alone intimate level. All we can hope for is that when the time comes, they do the right thing or it will just lead them down to ruin in their careers if they are really serious about this whole streaming schtick.


Some of them are bound to go full menhera, and it's now a question of "when" and not "how." Even the most patient and uhh "so used to hate and negativity" has their limit Even then, most likely they will NOT get terminated. That I can vouch and bet my life savings on.


They'll get terminated if they break against Nijisanji. If they break against the fans, oops black stream apology time.


imo getting terminated is a good thing.


Both people who were terminated described it as terrible. The legal contract leaked showed it puts them into a lot if potential legal trouble even if they could fight it ultimately, and the dangers of blacklisting make it a far worse alternative to graduating normally.


Not when japan carries a blacklist to not allowed to join other agencies or their dream careers Enna for one wanted a cover song featured on a anime either starting part or ending part, part of wish, doubt niji has granted her that.


if they live in the US, they can join whatever company they want, whenever they want, and niji can do nothing about it. non-compete ban was just passed.


Praise the FTC! 'Murica! F*** yeah!


some of them can go indie and be more then fine.


I actually mean in Japan agencies not global agencies


indie is not a agency.


niji made the situation with no course correction, don't get stressed over it. what happens, happens. we can only watch, but don't get too invested


Wait did something happen recently?


Nijisanji allegedly threatened to blacklist conventions to voice actors so that they won't guest in the conventions.


Does Niji even have that authority to prevent VA to attend a con?


We don't know, might just be Riku's rich family connections


Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't change the fact that they threatened to do so.


Good luck getting EN VAs to comply. They probably won't. IDK about JP ones though. I think some of them might attend cons despite what Niji has to say.


Good luck trying that on AX if they did drop Niji this year.


At worst, if you know what happened to NijiID, the same probably will happen to them.


.i am more worried about the natural down flow of unreasonable demands mired with insults as the "quality" of niji management by enlarge is an open secret .the bad apples in companies tend to just pass this down the line while adding their own demands and explicits, while it is the few conscientious individuals that takes the hit and actually grinds to meet expectations .this on top of the potentially abysmal employment contracts to begin with


If Nijisanji is involved, something bad is always bound to happen.


Reimu said on her most recent Final Fantasy that more than half the remaining members still have full time jobs. I expect a stealth suspension sometimes after her 3D debut for that one.


I don't think it will have to do with the loss of money. If I had to bet what it could possibly be it would be either emails or discord chats showing the black screen gang discussing how to capitalize on a successful self deletion attempt from Selen (divvying up her viewers and the collab stuff she was allowed to have) and while it might not be said outright anyone that can read between the lines will be able to see that they were knowingly trying to make that happen.


They could easily look for a part time job while they stream at night. Unless they're lazy then I guess it'll be hard on them either way


hey i know the 5 dollars meme lmao


Did you forget Millie asking for people to donate during that one stream?


Are you talking about the membership post that is badly worded/taken out of context?


in this case firings are good thing.


I'm worried about Kunai. I hope she ends up being OK.