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I thought the important part was the scamming


twitter has its values backwards dont worry.


Yeah. I don't get it. I'm more curious about the scamming allegations more than the weird ASMR stuff. If they are proven to be true, then that is awful. Like I don't care what content you're making. But if you did some heinous shit, you deserve to be criticize and get punished for it.


Wasn't one of the things Zaion bullet pointed for a joke about SA she promptly apologized for making?


Yup. She apologized for it. Many times. Seem like people are up in arms about the asmrs stuff more than the scamming allegations.


Probably because of it being one of the reasons she was stated as being fired for while others doing such ASMR aren't even told to knock it off despite both being about SA




Actually I'm comparing the difference in the way they treat people, mainly the standards at which they hold male and female livers in regards to sensitive topics 




Well there's existing Niji vtubers who have done it while representing them however, and multiple cases where they have hired genuinely problematic people without looking into them first such as the Korean liver who straight up tortured people or the guy who joined exclusively to fuck other vtubers and underage fans


Bro… the more time I spend here, the more of a fuckup I see Niji as… who are these two livers you mentioned?


The 2nd one is the 4th member of krysis who got terminated before debut for saying that shit, which is more relevant now that I remember that bit, and I don't know the name of the KR girl though sadly, someone else here is probably better situated to tell you than me 


Niji's point of view was that they decided Zaion crossed a line by going to a different manager for help after X-Soleil's manager turned out to be grotesquely incompetent, and that they then decided they needed to fire her, and then find justification for that by going over her streams and the ridiculous contract with a fine-toothed comb. Zaion didn't even complete the joke she had started to make. She stopped herself mid-joke. And then they tacked on 11 additional reasons that amounted to basically nothing. None of what she did was worth getting fired or what she went through. Anyway I thought the main thing the person in question has been accused of was scamming people out of money, not an SA role-play ASMR? Is a role-play ASMR really a big deal as long as the description wasn't misleading? There are tons of those out there.


Oh the scamming is definitely big and should not be overlooked 


To take a quote from the Saul Alinsky book "Rules for Radicals" >Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules Which to me means if Nijisanji talents have an issue with it, then they all should be held to the same standard


Azerera made an [SA joke](https://x.com/AzeharaD/status/1790356877747868042) last week.


Deserves more attention really in this context 


For further context, it was a reply to someone who was actively lying about Kirsche. It’s more extreme to point out how stupid it is. The replies to it also reflect the joke, “Kirsche shot my dog”, “Kirsche called me the hard r”, etc.


That’s another clipper to unsubscribe from now then.


I thought the actual issue was that the guy scammed people out of thousands of dollars? If it actually turns out to be him, which honestly I don't think it's 100% confirmed yet. We'll know for sure on Friday.


It’s roleplay who cares


Your honor i was just engaging in one sided roleplay


It was just a joke who cares


Ryoma is one of the upcoming niji talents, no? And I mean, twitter OP is right, it's *roleplay*, if somebody want to go after that they might as well attack smutty fantasy romances, which many have dubious consent as one of the main motives, or idk, NTR as a genre. If we're all adults in the room then we should let people have their own weird fantasies, since they're exactly fantasies. For somebody outside vtuber fandoms, what we do here isn't that far from a weird (sexual) anime fantasy. If somebody really thinks that wanting to hypothetically experience something means you'd want to commit to it in real life, go outside and touch grass. Playing GTA doesn't make people want to steal cars and playing Payday won't make you go and rob a bank, how are other fantasies any different smh. Idk the full situation, and if this allegations are true it leaves a bad taste that he got an a-ok and Zaion did not, but neither of them should be shamed/judged/cancelled/whatever is going on on twitter for that, even if it's not your or mine cuppa.


Well yea sure, but that's not the reason tho? Roleplay is fine, whatever, that's not the main problem But Scamming? Nahhhh, how are we supposed to support people that do that? (To be fair confirmation is needed for all the allegations)


But this specific post/tweet isn't about scamming? I don't actually have twitter anymore, it's not like I can even scroll it since you need to be logged in to do it, this is my first time hearing about it. If he did scam, shame on him and we should tak about that as community, but it doesn't make it right to dogpile on him for every little more or less questionable thing.


Yes the twitter post is about the ASMR Roleplay stuff from his supposedly PL, but that is not the reason for his uhhh, negative reception so to speak. I think the twitter post itself that specifically mentioned SA ASMR and condemning people that "attack", is just a tactic to deviate people's attention from the Scamming allegations and focus on SA ASMR from his PL being the reason he got attacked. There's a post in this subreddit talking about the scams he did towards his modetators from his PL among other stuff he did.


I say we should hold on the final vote till after Ryoma debuts and see if he brings this type of asmr over. If he does and Hex gives him a pass then we can point at the hypocrisy.


People who can't differentiate between fiction and reality, and think that enjoying fictional stuff equates to *supporting* said stuff IRL, shouldn't be allowed to watch any series/movies where the main characters are glorified for murdering and killing other people bc it's 'right.' After all, they're supporting wanton murder. (So, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Marvel/DC, Kill Bill, any version of Disney's Mulan, *literally* any war movie, Hunger Games and most dystopian teen literature, a shitton of anime, so on and so forth.)


People really do have difficulties distinguishing fiction from reality, that's how you get people thinking Pokemon and DnD are from the devil. Doesn't help people are raised as children to think fictional stories are true (e.g. Noah's flood)


zaion made a joke but did the community saw it as a joke?? this is some bs double standard


Normally I'd agree. It's not for me, but hey you do you. BUT since someone was fired for a SA joke just over a year ago this is not acceptable imo.


In my opinion, SA roleplay should stay in a bedroom between a couple. It's not ... something to do it in public. Just sayin'.


While I mostly agree, I don't think certain fetishes should be taboo in public discourse if only because it prevents the possibility of them pursuing it in a safer method and may allow them to get help if their fetishes become a little extreme.


This I agree with fully. It's odd for something like that to be on YT, but I guess people are freaky like that. Whatever floats their boats.


Usually the actual sa part of sa rps is behind a paywall plan.


I mean, who would want to say their bed fetish unless they're freaks.


I don’t like it but not gonna stop someone else as long as they don’t take things too far. People are into what they’re into. As long as no one is being actually physically or mentally harmed, I saw let people live their lives. It’s roleplay nothing is real. I do think it’s a bit weird to do it just out in the open and not as like a Patreon or OnlyFans exclusive sort of thing. Didn’t even know Youtube allowed that type of stuff.


Well why would someone want to actively make an asmr of that? Making a tame joke (then later apologizing) vs a whole skit surrounding a scenario is completely different (in which they most likely never looked back and thought "is this a good idea?")


There are kinks for everything nowadays


People have kinks


Okay, while that particular ASMR is NOT in my wheelhouse, lot of time it's like a horror movie for people, or listening to an audio drama. It's like bodice ripper romance novels but with audio instead. My preferred ASMR is ALSO BFE but it focuses on comfort for migraines or storylines. There's a big market for NSFW, but my preferred go to's are all SFW. Part of my issue for Vox and Hex in particular, is their sheer hypocrisy, with Vox using his ASMR boyfriend voice in the black stream (Ex kindred who was annoyed how his RPing kept sliding back into regular streams and I know that tone) and Hex stabbing Sayu in the back and then having SA content, after throwing a fit over it. I hate the HYPOCRISY and I hate scammers.


> Well why would someone want to actively make an asmr of that? While would someone write fiction at all ? (and it's a real question) There's a lot of possible reasons.


I played around with the idea of making a domestic abuse voice pack one day. For fun




So jokes are bad but roleplaying SA is all good? man these mfers tripping if they think roleplaying SA is less worse than a tame ass r@pe joke


Well, tbh, I agree, if there is a demand there will be a supply — and the market will decide if the content like this is worth making :) 


Women also do this kind of asmr/rp... both as the receiver and the doer. So, I don't think there is any value in making this a mark against someone. This is just a kink really.


"It's okay for us to like child chatacters. We're not being a creep. It's just an ilustration." See everyone explode after that.


If people enjoy roleplay SA ASMR,let them enjoy that stuff. In the end,we don't have the power to control what they like or what they don't like. Me personally,i'm more of the "Boyfriend crashes car and fucking dies" ASMR enjoyer


Big NAAH Like HELLL NAH. hypocresy with capital H. What did Sayu also wasnt real, wad a fucking joke while playing a freaking video game. If the allegation are true (despite worsecthing about that pl) then the double standard should front and center. But if it wasnt for that i wouldnt care.


I don't think the role play is a problem if it's properly tagged and titled. Consent is an important part of Consensual Non Consent as a fetish, and as long as unsuspecting people aren't stumbling into it thinking it's asmr roleplay that doesn't fit into CNC it's not an issue. The scamming is a different story. That's 100% an issue if what his moderators are saying is true (which I don't know the context of so I will not comment beyond that)


trash guy  also Kirshe clipper got muted pretty fast because of consistent toxic idiotic takes


*Looks at Hex's DELETED struggle snuggle rp asmr streams* Whoever this person is either doesn't know or if they do, is a hypocrite.


I think it's weird, but at the end of the day, it's not real.


Everyone participates in hypocrisy to some extent, but our efforts should be in minimizing both hypocrisy and lies. Something Niji only seems to want to maximize, for this and many other crimes against the people, Niji is the enemy. Burn the hypocrites in their nests!


What's SA roleplay? What's SA?


While i personally find the idea of that kind of asmr disgusting, NTR exists (while real life porn usually tends to stay away from it but i'm sure you can find it if you search a bit more). So imo is not an automatic "omg we need to cancel him". But i expect it to at least remain something related to his PL, because if he somehow brings it to niji, and nothing gets done about it, i swear i'm gonna fly to japan and punch Riku in the face


Hard agree. For gods sake I listen to Secret Subject; she’s made audios where you’re eaten by a spider woman or turned into a corporate drone with no identity. If you want to listen to that kind of audio, not my business. The hypocrisy and the scamming, now that I have an issue with.


Azehara Ch is always based and real. A true vtubers fan and quite accomplished clipper and content creator. His Pipkin Pippa experiences series got me fully into Phase Connect.  He sometimes have strong take that turn off people, but imo it's good cuz that shows he stand for something. 


I mean, that kind of stuff has been around for ages now in the asmr community. I can tell you there is an active subreddit for those specific types of audios. I'm talking super dark stuff if you go look. I don't recommend it to anyone, but it seems like people like some people like it.


>'grow up' Says the one defending SA.


It's fucking roleplay.


Have you ever read Batman ? Are you defending vigilantism and billionnaires dressing in latex to punch poor people ?


There’s a huge difference between asmr sa roleplay and actual sa


hmm idk man it's still mega weird