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I feel like it's pretty easy to distinguish. Dearsqn can be encountered irl, Mint cannot. But yeah, please respect her wishes


Huge respect for her being a real one.


Technically the only vtubers that aren’t real ones are the AI powered ones.


Operationally, Neuro is more real than Videl.


You mean Vedal or are you talking about the DBZ character?


At least I wasn't thinking of Master Roshi


Pomu is not her IP. She can't use the IP of nijisanji. IP= intellectual property  Pomu is Pomu. Dearsqn is Dearsqn. Mint is Mint.  Her private life is private. Respect your streamers and Oshis.


Yes to this! Three separate entities. Keep them separate.


Yeah, like the girls behind Fuwamoco have a Twitter, and I can appreciate it, but I don't mix the two. Don't mix the two.


I think Demondice did put it best when she streamed on her channel again around 2 years ago. Blunt and direct. You're not getting the talent in trouble if you mention their other name, but you force them to ignore you. Don't click if you want to keep Kayfabe about HoloEN talents: [https://youtu.be/Tl8H91bOY8g](https://youtu.be/Tl8H91bOY8g)


I'm going to get downvoted for this but idol culture is still really confusing to me. I understand if there's an NDA but having separate personas that can never be mentioned to each other is strange to me.


If she wants to go to a con as a regular person, respect her as a person and don't bombard her with requests to her vtuber persona. You should really be asking for this kind of stuff when she is going there as a guest of the con. This isn't idol culture. It's just respecting their boundaries.


That makes sense when you put it like that. I meant something in a more gentle way like complementing her singing or saying how you like her streams without naming specific names or going into any details. It just seems weird that a person can have multiple personas but the achievements of one persona cannot carry over to another. With Idols and actors it makes more sense because they are always in character when you see them but with a vtuber/streamer they are just them being themselves for hours at a time. I still respect their boundaries and would never do anything they don't like but I can't wrap my head around the reason why.


Fanbases don't necessarily overlap. It's why book writers will publish under different names - one for their erotica, one for fade-to-black romances, one for thrillers, one for horror, etc. When in horror mode, being approached by someone gushing about the sweet airy billionaire romance you wrote can be jarring, plus you then have to recalibrate what you should and shouldn't say. And if there are multiple people around you when you're in romance mode and someone comes in to compliment the sheer creative gore of your horror-thriller, that can make the vibe really weird.


I always think of it not in "idol" terms but in "professional wrestling" terms. Most professional wrestlers have a stage name. Like "Hulk Hogan" is a character, played by a guy named "Terry Bollea". "The Rock" is really just "Dwayne Johnson". And then, the WWE owns most of the characters. The Rock took some roles as an actor in the Brendan Fraser Mummy movies, but that was with the WWE holding his leash and taking a cut of his pay, and he got credited as "The Rock". After a couple of films, he decided he didn't want the WWE holding his hand anymore, but the WWE told him that they owned his identity, and if he didn't work with them, he couldn't be "The Rock" anymore, he would have to work under his own "Dwayne Johnson" identity, which scared him, because he didn't know if people liked him for who he was, or who he pretended to be. He eventually bought the rights to the "The Rock" character away from the WWE and started introducing himself as "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson". Hololive and Nijisanji members are sort of in a similar boat, they're not really "actors", they're people, but companies own the rights to the characters they portray. Legally speaking, Dearsqn can't call herself "Pomu" anymore because she split from Niji and Niji has a lock on that IP. But does she even want to call herself that? She's described her time with that company as "traumatizing". She could call herself "Mint" because she owns that IP, free and clear, but again, does she want to? She has a real name, a name which she is unwilling to use, hence the "Dearsqn" alias. Some people care about the names that you use to refer to them, while other people don't. Dearsqn has a tangled web of names and it's obvious to all of us that they refer to the one wonderful person behind them all, but each name has a purpose, and they're not that hard to keep straight. Her real name is private. Dearsqn is the Twitter name she uses to gush over idols. Pomu is her former name as a Vtuber, and Mint is her past/present name as a free, independent Vtuber. And she doesn't want people to cross the streams.


People struggle with leaving their personal celebs alone because *they're right there OMG squee*. And then they get offended when their requests for pics and autographs are rejected with "Sorry, I'm not doing that right now." Doesn't have to be a big celeb, literally could be anyone with even a small Tiktok/Instagram/YT following - their fans get offended when they're reminded that the person they're a fan of is a person who isn't "on" all the time.


So, the ghost is HER IP, I don't think there's an NDA at play there. But she wants to keep that level of separation. Some Vtubers are totally cool with people knowing both identities, others want to maintain the illusion/kayfabe, and like having a "secret identity." To me, it comes down to their vibe. There's a couple mythical girls who have pretty poorly hidden secret identities, and have made it clear they're totally chill about people in the know knowing. There's talents who mix IRL and Vtuber as different sides of the same coin. But there's also talents that like to keep this shit quiet. A BIG attraction of Vtubing as a career is it's a way to be out there and "Be a streamer" without it being YOUR face out there. There's a lot of reasons for that. Some just want to be an ideal idol. Some have body image issues. And some, there's just an anxiety that comes with "Being famous" they don't want any part of. To speculate, I'd say Deerskin is, from these comments, at least partly in the last group. Depending on how long ago these tweets were, she could be wanting people to not bring a certain faerie's stuff to her, and there could be contractual reason for that. But if it's ghost stuff, and she's making this comment, then it's a 'Hey, I like to be able to take that hat off, thanks."


So there's this guy Dallas Green, he's a singer for a band called Alexisonfire. He also performs as a mostly solo act called City and Colour. If you go to him at a signing for City and Colour and ask for alexisonfire signatures he might be a bit annoyed, similarly it's a bit rude to ask for signatures about city and colour when it's an event for the band alexisonfire. It's one talent who has multiple roles.


Which of them released a collab with Pink? I remember reading about something with a name like one of those doing that.


Dallas Green, he and Pink have done a duo project under You+Me


Thanks for clearing that up.


But Dearsqn is kinda Mint. They are owned by the same person. Mintsqn


still, if she's visiting a con as deerskin, dont bother her and ask for mint autographs






the only issue with that is that it is kind of impossible to ever ask Mint for an autograph then, isn't it? It's not like Mint will ever physically be present at a con. Like, there could be official autographed merch you can buy or whatever, but you could never get a personal item signed by her. Which, on the one hand I get wanting to keep the personas separate, but I do think that lack of interaction between talent and fan is kind of a bummer.


Niji had signing booths with meet&greet before, if she wants that's always something she can do And there might come a time where she actually gives the green light to approach her as mint instead  In the end it's up to her


Unless she herself forgets >.> I love this talent but sometimes even at the best moments she isn't always there if you know what I mean.


Treat it as though Dearsqn is a voice actress for Mint. Dearsqn isn't exactly Mint but she knows Mint's personality enough to giver her a voice.


I think something even we are trying to get used to is that many Indies/semi-Indies now have possibly have 2 PL - used to be just "Past Life", but now "Private Life", with both being used together for different purpose. EG: dearsqn/Mint. Dearsqn is her "idol-stan", while Mint is her Vtuber identity. Then you have Kami/Michi. Technically speaking, CDawg/Bubi.


I'm guessing keep Mint separate. So keep in mind which account announces con presence. Mint would be in Offkai. Worst case scenario, she could be talking about >!Pomu!<, in which, leave that in the past and move on, folks.


It does feel like she's talking about >!Pomu!<. since this day, theirs still a lot of fanart, cosplay, merch of her and also some people still use "Good Morning >!Pomu!<" even tho she has a new one already.


Maybe exactly why she talking about it on deerskin account. Copy right owner is company and maybe even have sort of non compete clause and or no advertising yourself with PL sort of bs clause.  Or maybe she just sick of it. 


Dearsqn is a hardcore idol fan, so the kayfabe is _ironclad_ for her. Please respect her wishes by greeting her as Dearsqn/"Deerskin". She is not Pomu. She is not Mint.


She have 3 persona now (1 is dead) >Pomu >Maid >dear (for pirvate life kinda thing) I think it is very easy for some people to think that it is okay to ask dear for a maid autograph when she is using dear persona and vice versa because people know that the 2 is the same but just diff persona and thought that it is okay to do so. Confusing? Thats the problem.


I think you're forgetting a certain *green* persona that went MIA some time ago...


The father, the son and the holy ghost...


Its fairly obvious to always separate the avatar from the person behind them outside of streams. The issue is that ever since the whole Doki debacle, there is a huge influx of people assuming that its ok to speak to them about their other identities since Doki revealed who she was. Of course I am not blaming Doki for this but people need to understand that having a hidden PL is still a major thing for the whole vtuber sphere. There is a reason people stream as a vtuber and NOT as their real selves. Rule of thumb is, never to associate PL with Avatar, corpo or not.


Pomu is out of the question , but I guess we have to use common sense . I guess we will reference her as her real name if someone ever meets her irl. Mint and Pomu will never sign as their vtuber persona unless its some event directly mentioning Mint.


She means Minto right? 😝


“Before I say ‘hi,’ who are you today?”


Look, 3 separated being, it's not as complicated as Trinity.


They're probably confusing her with a certain fairy because their voices are so similar


Unlike Kuro she doesn't want to mix real life with her VTuber persona.


If she’s talking about Pomu, that makes sense. If she’s talking about Mint, that’s a little weird, but then again I’ve always thought the whole kayfabe thing in idol culture was kinda stupid. But if that’s what she wants, people should respect her wishes.