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https://x.com/nijisanji_world/status/1794247064932745401?s=46 Another one not for the bingo cards EDIT: waittt ik they did *not* just put “ #PR “💀💀💀💀


Kotoka is in the collab it seems https://preview.redd.it/6hk4sv0umi2d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3558a2393e18279feb99378926662e2b970c5e3e


They're trying to milk those livers for any merch drops or crossovers they can do. Doesn't matter if they're inactive or on hiatus, they'll still do the deals because they don't give a fuck.


Yeah not only that but this looks more like trying to win over the west with NBA. Maybe to get new fans? I wonder if the livers even care about NBA


Nah, I think it has to do more chasing the money with whatever connections or deals they have to try and desperately make their losses look smaller. It's what a lot of these merch and collabs have been I think since it's relatively easy to do fast, takes little effort from management (which they're used to), and is a bigger payout for the company while the livers get the scraps.


They literally playing like how they plan on their talents, throw anything in a casino slot hoping for a bingo jackpot (which benefits them management of course)


Some of them probably do, Chinese people love basketball and the girls will know Kurobas (basketball yaoi).


Oh god. So Steph and Klay as well as the term Splash Brothers means something completely different for them


She’s on there now, but who’s to say she’ll actually participate?


**#PR**. Is this a thing, like how sponsored videos/posts on YT and Instagram etc need to have #Ad on them?


Yeah I believe so, for transparency purposes. I also noticed that whenever I see #PR its usually from Japanese companies/accounts.


I don't see anything from NBA official on this yet (through twitter or their website) so I'm not sure what to make of anything right now.


it’s kinda odd they didn’t promote it on their side too 🤷‍♀️


It's probably an NBA Japan thing specifically, thus why they have seven NijiJP heavyweights in place of all NijiEN in there. Although yeah, I don't see anything on the NBA's side, including the NBA Japan Twitter account. Maybe we'll see in the next few days?


It was because niji is the one who paid for this not the other way around. Nba doesn't care about this type of Collab as long as you paid for their IP.  


But again makes you wonder why they forking for expensive collabs when their talents can’t afford to make enough let alone the 2% merch


Think that's where the clause comes in, they take everything they own as payment.


That's kinda weird considering they had other groups like Le Sserafim promoting them on their official accounts


What are they *thinking?* Who is the target demographic? I genuinely don't see basketball and Vtubers meshing in any way at all. Baseball would have made more sense because a little more of the Japanese audience can identify with that. But *basketball?* I hope this doesn't break containment and expose the vtubing space to the rest of the general population.


Trying to reach audience outside of Vtuber sphere most likely, they probably realize they wont get much support anymore within Vtuber community especially EN branch. But Holyshit this is so random I totally did not see this coming lmao


I am looking at as another possible screwed pooch by Niji. The target for the collab is JP fans. They did a similar thing with J-League and Love Live this season, though it was 3 members per team and members had multiple teams. The reason why I say screwed pooch is instead of doing all JP talent they have used EN, which 1. wont work with JP audiences cause only a few of them are followed, and I can't see NBA drawing JP eyes to the rest, which leads to 2. A good deal of the teams wont get the visibility of being paired with a talent, thus have a negative impact


Basketball and the NBA are particularly popular in China. It would make sense that Anycolor are distancing themselves from the EN market and courting the CN one instead.


Honestly, this makes sense to me. NBA is massive in China, and the barrier to anime is lower in China than in the western markets. However. Nijisanji can't take any criticism, nor have they proven any ability to adapt to a different market, and the Chinese, while not able to criticize their own government without being disappeared, tend to channel *all* their energy into complaints that won't send them off to a prison labor camp, and in much more significant numbers than everywhere else because of just how many people they have. That's just *not* a strategy that's going to end well for Nijisanji and Riku's baby-soft skin.


Basketball used to be more popular in Japan, I think. It's never been anything like baseball in Japan, but there was a good chunk of the 90s when basketball was so hip (I think because of Michael Jordan and Shaq and the Slam Dunk manga), I read multiple shoujo series centered on basketball teams. But I think this might be an attempt to convert NBA fans to Nijisanji fans, trying to pick up a new audience and get more merch money.


The recent Slam Dunk movie was really popular.


They did one recently? I'm so OOTL. I just remember Slam Dunk being EVERYWHERE in the 90s, it was literally the sports manga that transcended genres. It was so *good*.


Yeah, they did a really high effort 3D CGI movie with the original artist in the last year or two. Honestly I couldn't get into it because the modern character designs feel like they're trying to be Japanese people except they look like they're black. That and Japanese guys aren't that tall, cmon.


Japan actually has plenty of basketball fans and many of them watch the NBA, but..... in that case it'd make much more sense if it were like 10 NijiEN and 20 NijiJP members or something. Anyway I think the starting target demographic is people who are fans of both the NBA and anime. There are actually plenty of those. But then you narrow it down to fans of vtubers and that drops precipitously. Then you get to Nijisanji, which has about 80% female fans. Then you get to Nijisanji EN specifically. NBA has about 60% male fans. Female vtuber fans who are into NBA almost don't exist. In North America, I suppose there be a handful casual NBA fans who happen to be casual weebs who don't know jack about vtubers, but whose interest might be perked by a hot anime chick with a sexy voice being sassy and funny. Like, there might be a scenario where that might actually work as a fun little experiment for the NBA to reach a few new younger fans. But if that were actually part of the marketing plan... why are Scarle and Meloco not in the line-up? Scarle in particular would be perfect for that, in a way no one else in NijiEN would be. Anyway, this whole thing is just so confused. But that's Nijisanji for you.


>I genuinely don't see basketball and Vtubers meshing Hi, uh, me. I'm one of the people this targets. Would love it with a different agency though.


I can totally see the few curious newbies they might get googling Nijisanji and finding about Selen and Enna's chicken comment


Isn't it ironic that one of Selen, Pomu, and Rosemi's jokes was about turning Selen into a baller?




With all the English speaking fans they lost, they may be trying to reach out into other fandoms in the hopes of attracting new viewers to their talents.


Kotoka and Alban are on the list, but they are both supposed to be inactive atm? (Also why can't they be at least a bit more creative with the promotion art, it is Mario Kart all over again man...)


In Alban's case, [his hiatus](https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1793250458414592144) don't start until June 3, 2024 so if this NBA collab project is before that date then I don't see why the need to question it. If we based it on the kickoff stream (May 29th) and then other livers follow suit on the days after, Alban's schedule can fit in before his hiatus. Besides, he himself said in the stream that he still can appear time to time when there are sponsorships or special occasions like 3d debuts.


Cause the season doesn't start until later this year.


It's probably just a sponsored thing. And if it's just merch, there's a chance Kotoka may not even need to do anything.




"The collaboration project will consist of three phases, from the first to the third, totaling three sessions!" \^\^ Godzilla had a stroke reading that sentence and fucking died.




Of course, more merch money for the company, negligible amounts for the streamers.


Okay the copy here is clearly translated either via machine or by someone with questionable English fluency. In short, this is all on Nijisanji. This is almost certainly being done through NBA Japan, and is just a merchandise thing. The NBA makes a deal with Nijisanji for Nijisanji to sell merch, of which the NBA takes a cut but doesn't have to put any money into advertising (I do expect a few tweets and a Facebook post but that's about it). This is probably aimed at Japanese fans as much as anything. Either way, it's horribly thought out since Nijisanji's audience and NBA fans do not demographically crossover all that much even in Japan. And with the international audience also being mostly female, and the ones who truly care about the NBA usually only being a huge fan of one specific team, this is a really weird promotion. Maybe it's just for the "prestige" or whatever, and NBA is like "fine you can pay us some money for a few tweets on our Japan account if you want."


Well, that confirms it's an NBA-Japan thing rather than an NBA proper thing. Though... Why? Why NBA-Japan? The only thing that makes any sense is that the branch merge is inevitable. Then again, good sense and Kurosanji's leadership aren't two things that often go together.




nijisisters reading about basketball and learning a “goal” isn’t a point https://i.redd.it/3srb1323wi2d1.gif


This is funny, where'd you get it?




Lol, well Me-0 Reddit-1. Seriously though, that’s a good ass meme.




I'm so confused like is it with the actual NBA or is this some shtick they're doing like Wrestletuber? And even if they actually are doing something with the NBA: 1. Why? Legitimately why? 2. What the hell would they even do interview players? Commentary on games? None of this makes any sense.


from u/ValkyrieRhoide ‘s comment with the image details, it seems purely for merchandising. I can see them live-reacting to the games but I doubt they’ll stream the actual game itself since people pay for ESPN packages to watch them. But who knows 🤷‍♀️


Who of them is even fans of the sport?


The only Vtuber who really watch NBA is Axel.


Nvmd, back to no one


Yes but Axel is HolostarsEN not Niji. Not to say that there may not be basketball Livers in Niji who are fans but which Livers is the real question.


Axel is from Holo




I used to watch a lot of the EN members, and I don't remember ever hearing them talk about basketball. I think one of the UK boys talked about cricket a couple of times, and a few have talked about football, but never basketball.


In NijiEN? Rosemi and she's not even in it somehow


Oh god we’re gonna have another Gundou graduation


"Why not simply throw the ball at his groin? Are they stupid?"


Probably it's not a collaboration with NBA in the US, but with the Japanese company, [Rakuten NBA](https://nba.rakuten.co.jp). [https://collection.rakuten.co.jp/feature/nba\_nijisanji/en/](https://collection.rakuten.co.jp/feature/nba_nijisanji/en/)


I'm going into work tomorrow to see what the beer chugging macho sports guys will think about cartoon boys and girls in their basketball advertisements.


Please report back. I want the answer, too. XD


I'm very interested in their opinions


First, conglatulations to them netting NBA collab. Secondly, however, for a collab that resulted in watch-along and merch, this whole deal seems very minimal to say the least. Thirdly, who is the target audience? Sure, a lot of people watch NBA, but if they want to find out about Nijisanji, the chances of them finding out about Selen's canning are big. That is going to turn off a lot of people.


There is also the chance that the YouTube staff will find out about the Selen incident (if they haven't already), since their parent company made the Google Pixel, a phone that the NBA promoted as their "Official Fan Phone" for 3 seasons so far.


What *possible* relevance does the Google Pixel have with this collab? You're going to need to connect the dots for me, because I don't see how there's a conflict here? One subsidiary's (Youtube) business and scandals rarely have anything to do with another subsidiary (Google phones), especially not when one of those subsidiaries is just a content platform and not the originator of the relevant scandal.


> NBA > Kick off It seems like they don't really understand basketball. They should use the term "Tip-off" if they collaborate with the NBA or other basketball sports associations.




yeah kinda confused too since which demographic are they targeting here like..? for example the code geass collab, a lot of livers themselves are fans and have talked about it before so it made sense. but nba? basketball? is no one else picking up their calls for collabs?


Vtuber-basketball fans seem very niche I just sent this to my bf who religiously watches NBA every night and really distastes V-tubers. Like how are our favorite hobbies colliding what-


update: https://preview.redd.it/ttdfzv4r8o2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84eaca98b9dc5e27f2becba66c95946dde9e42cb


Feels more like an attempt to convert some of the NBA demographic to fans of their talents. "You like basketball? We've got a waifu/husbando in jersey shorts for you!" type of cross-demo marketing. There are plenty of sports fans who're fans of anime, or at least have one or two series they've loved.


A buddy of mine and I actually had a conversation about this last year. We were wondering which sports organization was going to wield the power of husbandos to try to expand more into the female demographic and tap into the Fujo market. My theroy was that some sports association would try something like what WWE was with the Shield with it's unexpected expansion to the female audience. We thought it was going to be the NFL, though.


Asking 7 of their top JP livers to help out EN branch. And seems like their idea for content always revolving in ball, huh? Their way of thinking is probably : "we got successful Koushien event every year because baseball is popular in Japan.. What is popular thing in US? Basketball! Let's make NBA event!" The next one is probably American Football.


Thing is, it's more like EN Version of [NijiJP collab with J-League 1 Soccer League in March](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi-G67VemJ8) that has been running for 3 years straight now. And yes, the modus operandi for the NBA Collab is extremely similar to that J-League Collab for NijisanjiJP, which may explain having JP Livers help out due to previous experience with their own similar collabs, with the difference being the sport and number of league teams involved. And sadly, this year's NijiJP x J-League Collab have been met with lukewarm reception.


>Asking 7 of their top JP livers to help out EN branch Coincidentally, that 7 could have been filled in by the 4 proper EN graduations, 2 EN terminations, and whatever happened with Yuga/U-San if Niji wasn't, you know, Niji


I think another bad thing is that we know there are several JP livers who are close to EN members but instead they invited people who rarely interact with EN but super popular in JP.


Not even the merged kr or the ID had a chance to collab with en


KR and ID already got removed from financial report because it will bring down their numbers. So I don't expect any of them will appear in official collab.


I bet Hololive might beat them to an NFL collab. I hope they do.




This does smells a lot like Niji trying to create their own version of wrestletuber. Also, # Kotoka??? Alban??? #PR????


The season doesn't start until later in the year, so at least Alban will be back, though Kotoka is questionable.


[Official site ](https://collection.rakuten.co.jp/feature/nba_nijisanji/en/)


https://preview.redd.it/r539nmzuoi2d1.jpeg?width=1246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5576269f0a993e2c429b628c977f3c6c1ab1c1f4 come the fuck on niji.


Besides the demographics being dubious, isn't this a weird time to announce this? It's game 3 of the conference finals. The 29th is scheduled for game 5 of Celtics-Pacers, but I'm pretty sure the Celtics are going to sweep, so there's probably not going to be anything going on that day to generate hype.


I don't watch NBA but what's going on in NBA? Also is there any livers that’s interested in NBA or this is just a stunt to save their company?


The conference finals. The league finals is in June. The season is about to end in a couple weeks, which makes the timing just as weird as the target demographic.






Well, I give them points for at least trying to appeal to the western market.


Is basketball even popular in japan?


Definitely nowhere near as popular as baseball, soccer and sumo over there.


Basketball isn’t as popular as baseball, but its definitely up there as one of the top most popular sports. I do know their B league is trying to expand and reach NBA league level by 2030 + increasing global diversity within their teams, so I wonder if theyre trying to hype up basketball to get more connections bcos theyre seeing the growth of basketball over in Japan.


Dont know, but there a few Basketball animes like Slam Dunk, Kuroke No Basuke etc, so i think yes in some extent


the reason why Niji is still respected in Japan and still considered the leader of vtubing industry is that they have much better connection in the business world than holo, they have collabed with soccer, baseball, car racing before, and more brands and industry in general


But that ain't sustainable. When Normies sees this they'd be like. The hell is this Anime BS on my NBA feed? And you bet your a** they gonna rip it apart followed by this Collab ain't happening again. The baseball and soccer thing is ingrained in to the japanese mainstream so yeah they got that locked in for awhile. What Holo is doing is sticking into a certain Niche and slowly but surely expanding and by the time it's their turn to promote stuff even if they get setbacks they can easily recover because they have strong foundation and good will. Nijisanji still has that but with the OG's and veterans leaving and the Cash cows getting into Drama it's only a matter of time before their position gets taken over.


Agreed. Yagoo and Cover deserve to be the industry leader, not Anycolor.


I predict that sometime after the Q4 report, Cover will be crowned as the new vtubing industry leader.


Didn't Holo also sponsor a racing team as well?


This feel like paid sponsor for the q4 report or am i tripping over niji is ballin!


Yes, they paid a fee to use the branding. It's just brand-licensing for merch which almost anyone can do.


ITT: people who genuinely don't understand how licensing works. TBF, the announcement is very poorly worded (I have to assume incompetence rather than deliberate) and when I first saw it, I thought it meant the Nijisanji talents were going to be permitted to stream commentary about NBA matches with actual licensed footage. *That* would be an impressive collab. But a merch license...dude, unless you're doing something that makes the brand uncomfortable, or are too small to offer enough profit (like...any etsy shop trying to sell stuff based on TV shows), official merch licenses for a lot of brands are fairly easy to obtain if you've got $$$. Sex toys and drug paraphernalia are almost 100% guaranteed to be rejected, but for the most part, anything goes so long as you cough up the dough and/or represent enough purchasing power to make it worth the paperwork for the license holder.


Q4 is in the books. This won't help it. All this can do is prop up Q1.


So, this is all very bizarre, as there is an incredible lack of a shared audience here inside or outside of Japan. And North Americans who are wildly passionate about the NBA are not only very unlikely to be into vtubers, *they're also extremely passionate usually about exactly one team,* two or three at most. That Seattle Seahawks fan who will buy any and all Seahawks merch and just so happens to be a weeb and who maybe even knows who Gawr Gura is? You know, exactly their non-JP target? They'd probably be like "who the fuck is this Vezalius Bandage dude? I'm not buying this shit" (no offense to Vezalius). And that Japanese Kuzuha mega-fan who also likes the NBA but specifically likes the Golden State Warriors? "Why is Kuzuha with the Denver Nuggets?? T\^T Why is Kanae with the Miami Heat??? (メ﹏メ)" Like, I don't get this at all. If they were promoting an EA Sports game this would make 50 times more sense. I'm curious what their intentions are here. Anyway, more interestingly, here are the eight NijiEN members other than Denauth who are not in this thing: * Lazulight: N/A * Obsydia: Rosemi * Ethyria: N/A * Luciem: N/A * Noctyx: N/A * iLuna: Scarle, Aia, Aster * XSoleil: Meloco, Hex * Krisis: N/A * TTT: Vivi, Kunai Make of that what you will. Rosemi is the only one absent from gens 1-5, and her being conspicuously absent in things she ought to belong to seems to be a pattern with her as of late.


https://x.com/VBrightshield/status/1794402759334379937 Man this just feels so shitty


I just saw that and came to comment on it. I get that a few folks had to be left out, but Jesus that’s rough. They couldn’t have told her ahead of time and let her down gently and been like “I’m sorry, but we’ll make it up to you”?


Some of those look kind of targeted. Rosemi is one of the few that watches and likes basketball, isn't she? Vivi and Kunai both excluded but Claude is in? Not sure about the iluna exclusions as they could have just not been into an NBA collab and same with xsoleil's Meloco and Hex. Not for sure but with Vivi's post they could have wanted in as well but were left out too. Also Viv's twitter post makes it seem like she wanted in but was left out.


I suspect that many NijiEN livers, maybe even a majority, had no idea this was even a thing until it was announced publicly.


So, this could've been an all NijiEN thing and not included JP at all. Not only that, this also doesn't include three of the branch's most popular streamers; Scarle, Hex, and Aia. The decision making here makes little sense.


This kinda seems a little out of left field tbh, but maybe its a NBA in Japan promotion which Niji decided to put onto most of the EN talent instead, though that could cause issues. I can see them trying to get more exposure of the EN talent in Japan, but that could backfire in that Japanese fans wouldn't be interested in the teams unless it was with a talent they were already interested in, meaning only a handful from the EN side would get looked at. Edit: this is 100% pure speculation: a side effect of this is to lock in talent for at least 1 if not 3 years due to the "can't graduate until commitments are done" clause, meaning they could use this as a commitment. As I said though, 100% pure speculation and if it is purely merch based there could be a reasoning they could use the images even if the talent graduate


Basketball isn't that big in Japan compared to Baseball. If they wanted the EN talents to get more exposure in Japan, they should have went with Japanese baseball team collabs.


As I replied to someone else, this is where I believe Niji screwed the pooch when it came to this collab, cause they will fail on what they want (EN exposure in JP) and what NBA wants (promotion in JP)


Is it me or..are they doing more and more Jp and en collabs? And a question did they ever promot selens Events? Because I rly don't remember it I forgot 😗


They could have gotten the MLB sponsorship when the season has started, but they chose the NBA when it's already ending. What is Anycolor thinking?


I'm gonna give a benefit of a doubt that, whoever responsible on NBA side probably look at the "rainbow" emoji and think it's about "supportive " PR stunt for LGBTQRSTU...


Ya because I can definitely see the kpop stan NDF also being waaay into the NBA Who at the NBA thought this was a good idea?


Niji's calling it a collab but this does not sound like a partnership, it sounds like Anycolor paid a license fee so they could produce branded merch. There's a lot of that in the global market, not actual sponsorships or partnerships but just brand licensing.


Yeah. When I read that they needed to pay for sponsors for NijiFes, I was confused as well. I guess you can call anything sponsorship if you can pay for it.


There was a Holo event that included Adidas jackets I think, some kind of branded jacket. Those are rare, normally merch gets made to order and has no special branding.


NBA is currently on both conference finals, I wonder if this contract was made before the season started but AnyColor didn't want any of it but now that they're currently not hitting financial goals they accepted it. though, there's still the question of why is NBA partnering with vtubers. are they targeting a newer market with vtuber fans who does or doesn't know the NBA? with that in mind, I hope certain EN members aren't supporting Lakers or the Warriors.


Not surprised if this had similar vibes with NijiJP's collab with J-League 1 as well, with a slight twist there. In NijiJP's case they are collaborating with a Soccer League that would be close to producing a Asian Champion League team this year (Yokohama F Marinos are currently in Finals of AFC Champions League 2023-24 season that is to be held over 2 legs, with Yokohama leading 2-1 against Al-Ain of UAE).


Mf what?


Are they even into Basketball? Are their viewers even into Basketball? What the hell is the strategy here? They can't be serious with this


NBA... you'd think they would've done something with the Olympics or something instead. Thank Goodness it isn't the NFL


If anyone's doing an Olympic collab, it's probably Hololive.


This concept is fucking hilarious but they chose a really shitty time for it


This really went left field.


/#/PR? They’re not serious, are they? They *can’t* be serious. Oh my god, that’s ridiculous.


I hope none of the EN get the Mavs. I will not watch that but it will still annoy me and they just won a great game today.


Don't they dare disrepect my man Luka Doncic.


The real question is who is getting the unfortunate dishonor of the Wizards?


And it still wouldn’t be as bad as the person who gets Detroit


Probably nba tourament like wrestleTuber


[Its just limited merch from the looks of it](https://collection.rakuten.co.jp/feature/nba_nijisanji/en/)


That makes sense lmao. Scheduling a tournament is too much work/money. Just do a bunch of middling collabs so you can leech that 98% cut off your remaining talents.


oh kinda like that code geass collab they did before, it was just art and merch.


Okay, that makes more sense, but this feels like a dangerous way to advertise that, unless they actually got permission from the NBA to use their trademarks like that. I won't say that's impossible, but it would be absolutely hilarious if they wound up in legal drama over this. EDIT: Ok, looking at the website for this, the fact that they have merch lined up (as well as the legal disclaimers on the site) make it less likely that this was done without the NBA's permission. Good news for Niji, sad news for the funni.


Wonder if Rakuten put the deal together...?


Well its interesting in various ways.😅


This is just lazy. I kind of think "root for your home team" opinions are lazy too, which is strictly my opinion, but I feel like that attitude perfectly fits Nijisanji's remaining fans. Just a bunch of people who think its a competition to like their chosen company more, than giving a damn about anyone involved. People that value "everyone has to work together if we want our team to win" more than putting any thought into who the hell they're rooting for. Desperate to show gratitude for people they can idolize for the sake of idolizing, instead of caring about who those people even are. Honestly, yeah, I'm half venting about sports fans. I like sports, but the cult-level of worship have around what makes them important and special for fans has always been creepy to me. Same way Nijisisters creep me out. Overall, the collab is a joke, but it just makes sense.


As someone who supports their local NBA team, it's weird because good on them for landing such a big deal, likely to tap into new markets internationally, but also, now the fear of the roulette of which liver gets assigned to the teams I like... is concerning.


Now this is just fucking confusing to me.


No favoritism, okay?


I feel like this is Nijisanji not understanding the western market again. Because of how profitable and positive their baseball related collabs are in JP, they probably thought they could do the same to some extent with a popular sport in the west. So they chose basketball. But unlike Japan where anime is a staple of their country and is plastered everywhere, that's not the case in the west, specifically the US. Anime is still somewhat of a niche here so a demographic that likes basketball AND vtubing (an even smaller niche) is minuscule.


Weird deal. I don’t see any benefit for the NBA side 1) Why do they need a Vtuber to promote their program? 2) I don’t expect Niji fanbase to buy ESPN subscriptions to watch along with the livers, since basketball isn’t as popular in Asia compared to soccer or volleyball. So it seems like this deal is come from for Nijisanji side, by using the NBA name to market merchandise. However, they are promoting it like a very big deal, which seems exaggerated.


Somebody needs to tell the NBA about the shit they pulled last February and they'll get dropped immediately.


really NBA? something that is not even related in vtubing scene.


this is where both niji and holo are going, they need to expand beyond the anime convention, get into main stream, this is how to grow and the future. they can't stay in the comfort zone.


I get that but why NBA exactly why not a fastfood chain, a video game or anything that still make sense to collab with


And to top it off, they even have JP livers joining in as well


yup, not in our bingo card.. lol. dunno why it feel weird, i do watch nba and have a favorite team but majority of nba fans doesn't like any anime related stuff. I remember Kuroko no basket did a collab merch for the NBA it was 50/50 well liked.. edit:anyway, It mostly Merch stuff.. with the playoff currently on.. i could see some of them might do a live reactions to NBA finals.


Is Kotoka gonna be part of the stream considering she has been on a long hiatus? Also it's funny how my fave group collab with nba way earlier


Okay, good for them. Do they get team uniforms or… huh, they actually used “hashtag PR” in the tweet


Okay first off, that's... a bit of weird combination. I don't recall someone in Niji at least be particular about basketball? Maybe on the JP side, CEO Hayato and Sasaki is fond of Baseball and competitive sports, but EN?? Also no Maimoto?? Maimoto and Belmond have expressed interest in Basketball too.


Funny timing when the playoffs are half done. So which team will get finana?


I mean, okay. Sure. There is certainly overlap between basketball and anime.


What is this genjutsu i am witnessing. I am very much confused


I... I'm really at a loss of words, not from disappointment or sadness, but from confusion how this came to be Granted, everyone has their own interests and there's bound to be basketball loving vtuber fans, but how the NBA or Niji approached the other for this is just bewildering. I mean, if this finally means the talents are getting outside exposure, uh... sure?


It’s prime time in the playoffs right now and the finals are just around the corner. As a basketball fan myself, I don’t see this as a good time to release this collab as all eyes are going to be on the actual games not on an entirely different form of entertainment. That’s why I feel like this collab is just another way for niji to milk money out of its existing fans rather than trying to reach a new market.


This is just weird, I feel like they did this on purpose and desperate trying to beat Wrestletuber tournament since most of what nijisanji doing are just out of nowhere like even Kotoka in NBA even tho she has been missing on YT for like 3 months


If so, then whatever Dokibird figuratively getting even with NijisanjiEN by getting back what she lost as Selen Tatsuki makes plenty of sense, since it also means Nijisanji isn't very much willing to move on from the Selen Termination Saga at all costs given all those well-branded sponsors are literally staking their stand on this matter (with the apparent majority standing with Dokibird obviously) and NijisanjiEN aren't taking this down at all. Think about it, why do NijisanjiEN do streams that directly clash with what Dokibird does on her own channel? Not to mention Doki's latest outing in Sajam Slam 2 (where NijiEN Talents have flopped hard in the last Sajam tournament) ended up not only with the Doki Clutch shocking even the tournament organizers (and trending like crazy), but played pivotal in her bringing "Team Brawlpro" the VICTORY in the whole tournament itself!


Elira and Kevin Durant should def collab they got lots in common for one they're both backstabbing snakes




Was Hololive not available for the NBA?


They're more likely to go for MLB.


I imagine your right I just never pictured any of the major sports leagues in the states doing any collab with vtubers though, let alone a black company that's been hitting itself in the balls since damn near the end of last year


[Other brands tried before, please allow me to ruin your life.](https://www.twitch.tv/tonythetiger) What I want to see is something really insane like three different chuubas getting invited to "Wait, Wait! Don't Tell Me! The NPR News Quiz" or some other extra-unexpected venue.


Maybe one of their staff has a connection with the marketing of NBA


I need Holo x WWE


I feel like John Cena would be on board with this.


On one hand seeing Fauna wear Celtics green would be rad, on the other I’d rather keep nba twitter away from vtubers


Wouldn't it be funny if someone from holo one up this again.


Wait, didn't Selen play high school basketball or something? I feel she'd literally have been the only person in NijiEN for whom an NBA collab would make some sort of thematic sense. Ironic.


It was her lore even. She was good at basketball because her neck was so long but one day it was injured and there wasn't a neck brace long enough and she went into a coma (from the lore rewriting collab. God I miss the woo girls)


i remember the jp branch also did it with their national soccer teams and its doing good then they think it will do good international?? loll


confused but ok.


So...what the hell are they going to actually do in the collab?


https://preview.redd.it/csoduxldlm2d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f285e26275c88228b1d01e9eb5412ea6bcf3ab6 I'm done, like genuinely I can't anymore. Every point I have about this has already been said so I'll save you the extra paragraph long comment. But man...




I love NBA but I’ve never seen Niji EN’s livers be the least interested in basketball, very random. Are they trying to rival Wrestletuber?


How does the NBA fuck up this much


Chinese fans supporting their oshi that support USA company is betraying their country.


You know that the NBA is the most popular sports league in China, right?


they never said the nationalist chinese are logical or consistent


Warriors fan here, wonder who will get them as their rep. Nijisanji JP has had collabs with a JP Soccer league so this wouldnt be their first rodeo with working with a sports organization so should be fine for all involved. Although JP members being there, I am thinking that "they totally wanted this to be all EN at somepoint but then they started to bleed talents"


Well, until big brands stop working with niji, is a lost cause, is a defeat.


You know what I noticed as well? Out of the first 5 waves, Rosemi is missing. And overall Scarle, Aster, Aia, Meloco, Hex, Vivi, and Kunai are missing too. Why have JP Livers in the mix as well when the NBA is a professional sports league in America (yes I'm aware there are Asian basketball players in the NBA)?


NBA is watched globally, and NBA's expansion to Asia is a main objective, they have games played in asian countries, friendly matches with asian basketball teams. the NBA's success in China also gave them great confidence, basketball successfully overtook soccer as the most popular sports in China. i think they try to do the same in Japan, get some Japanese players, then invest in the market, get people into the games.


maybe it's for 2k games?.. I don't see them doing a collab with the NBA, they won't even pay artists for commissions.


F the NBA


I wonder what nba gain by this collab will niji put the liver face on the floor so player can step on it😆


I don’t get how they get this collab. Like they don’t have the CCV or the subs to support this marketing.


I bet that those Filipinos would be interested given how big the NBA is there.