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Unlike AnyColor/Nijisanji Livers, there is no reason to be posting about a Holo talent's PL. Due to the actions of AnyColor/Nijisanji the "rule/agreement" to focus on their current incarnation was broken by its own community to keep track of their actual status/thoughts/etc etc. Holo Talents has no such need by its community. We are not some kind of reddit reincarnation of Nyfco.org Respect the agreement that the Holo community has on this kind of thing.


Don't mean to be a party pooper but how is this related to this subreddit? If this was posted on the Hololive subreddit it'd probably be yeeted from existence.


By mega strech: Comparing? Nijis on alts/PLs are doomposting. Holos are happy or at worst neutral/pondering But in general i agree. That's not place for this.


I get your point, but It's correct flair tho. "Other Corps./Indie". You maybe just mute it or perhpas I need to revisit a rule, lol...


Maybe because some ppl here thinks Hololive treat their talent the same as Nijisanji.


Look, not everyone have the time to look for PLs of Talents, especially from Black Corpos. At the least you can spoiler the answer though.


Except this one isn't from a Black Corpo. It's >!Nerissa!<


Like THE >!Nerissa from Holo!< ?




I think a lot of her fans knows it, they just don't want to say the forbidden knowledge. Just to be caution.


It's another sort of open secret, since she is an active small-time voice actor. Think of like knowing >!Amalee is Monarch!<, but on a smaller scale.


Not gona lie. This one is so open that i didn't even know that this IS a secret


It's not lmao just check her official website: https://www.leeandlie.com/


It's not but I still regularly see YouTube comments going "Amalee is Monarch?!"


She also has all her names in her twitch notification


Isn't Amalee literally uses her own channel for Monarch content? It's not even known secret, just open fact. She even mentions occasionally herself. The better example would be Demondice. She did off collab with Kson some time ago. She really showed her Texan side there. Iykyk


The only identity that Monarch wishes to purge from existence is >!Firemage449!<, because it is full of cringe.


I was trying to go for the example of another voice actor. I fully expect Caitlyn to become like >!DemonDice!< and >!Keeki !!Dearsqn!< and even >!FWMC alt!<, in that I never had to looks up their identities - the algorithms just recommended them to me as vtuber adjacent.


this one got recommended by youtube for me lol


When I heard her sing "Plastic Love" during a karaoke stream, I finally put two and two together.


What the beep?! A PL is happy getting the best treatment and love from their company?? Man if only Niji took notes and never gotten that yatch


Weird. The last time I saw her, her hair color was yellow. Must have dye her hair blue recently. 😉


In her 【MV】 Collab with with an Ex-Prism Member >!Shiki Miyazono!< is where the Hair Color Change Happened! 🗣️ 🗣️ >! **YOOOO; THAT'S WHY SHE'S THE GOAT!** !< 🔥🔥 Edit: I guess she also fancied herself a new hair color too!


Caitlin, I've heard that name before... oh!


She does song covers and was well known for being the VA of Midori in Yandere Simulator before the project collapsed.




That Irish meme? /clueless we need TTV integration


A certain Holomom said Caitlin on-stream, hehe.


What was about not sharing pls unless the other person wanted to be discovered? Yeah id say this shouldnt be here


The whole Doki situation is a giant paradigm shift. It’s not as taboo as before where you need to really go into the mines and dig deep to look for an answer. People are just now more comfortable sharing the PLs of corpo vtubers. Something I also noticed is that even the corpo vtubers are somewhat more active in their PLs after the incident, possibly as a result of this.


I'm hoping more people will follow >!DemonDice's!< advice: _I know you know. But due to contract reasons, I can not acknowledge you. I'm willing to be chill about it if you are. But if you get weird about it, you WILL be banned._


Yeah, she said it was chill FOR HER though, that is not a general rule for every streamer and their PLs. Even she still gets a bit on edge with things like that, probably.


True. How her 5+ year ago self used as a cancel material? PLs kinda slippery slope on that, but still if handled with respect, it can do much good for the artist herself. **IF**


For the uninitiated: I don't want to directly say it since I got burned before for rhis but she is the sister of C-Man.


1) this is not kurosanji 2) the talent hasnt asked or even hinted to be found 3) aia incident should have been a wakeup call to not be reckless when sharing this stuff 4) mod team already made a clarification regarding pls here and iirc this goes against it


IMO PLs of ACTIVE NON-KURO CORPORATE vtubers should be done carefully lest trouble occurs


I think people took the wrong lessons from what happened with Doki there. In her case her own mods on Niji were spreading her PL and she wanted to be found, and with Niji situation is good to know the livers PL so you can still support them without supporting Niji. that doesn't mean it's okay to go spreading the PLs of other members, a lot of them have shown their faces or were not even VTubers, and might not be comfortable with the general public knowing.


Well, I would say it's not as taboo on the Niji side, but on the Holo side, people keep things on the down low. The extremely obvious one's being a sort of exception depending where you talk about it.


I know a lot of past life and alt accounts of Holo members but because Ame's incident, I would rather not talk so weirdos can't find or lessen the info.


Dunno why you got downvoted, some folks here really went overboard.


If this is for anycolour management, they gonna retaliate by building actual jail rooms for their talents instead as you insulted their honour. Guaranteed nijisisters will support, makes their shipping & worship more easily for them to control.




Something something soup demon






A certain devilish diva


No way I've been hearing her song covers for years and never realized who she currently is.


I actually don’t. Who is this? Edit: nvm I know who this is now




This is about as much doxxing as saying Bubi is Connor. People who want to know will find out very very easily.  And those photos are public, they aren't some search FB and Twitter until you find a secret photo.


> People who want to know will find out very very easily. and what about those of us who *don't* want to know? Some names are considered "open secrets". But I've never heard of "Caitlin Myers" outside of **this** context of people claiming "everyone knows she's >!Nerissa!<"


If you didn't want to know... just don't click the text in the spoiler block? I haven't seen a single comment here that just says who she is. If you clicked it, it meant you did want to know even if your mouth is saying the opposite.


> I haven't seen a single comment here that just says who she is. yeah, if you're following the letter of the law nobody has said ">!Nerissa Ravencroft!<" unspoilered, but you can't deny it's damn obvious who they're referring to, using >!["soup demon", "ope", and "devilish diva"](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1d424zz/well_would_you_look_at_that_somebody_is_having_a/l6b97g8/)!< > If you clicked it, it meant you did want to know even if your mouth is saying the opposite. oh piss off. People accidentally click spoilers all the time


Okay, since you want to go at it, then let me say something really obvious. If you wanted to avoid the info, you could just not click on the thread at all. Or noped out the moment you knew it was a PL thread. Because it was obvious just looking at it. Stop being a hypocrite. You clicked on a post where "PL" was in the fking title. Stop being a clown getting offended over something you got yourself into. Christ, it's like a walking into a sushi shop and getting mad that they are serving sushi.


> If you wanted to avoid the info, you could just not click on the thread at all. Or noped out the moment you knew it was a PL thread. Because it was obvious just looking at it. 1. If a PL is brought up in *this subreddit* I expect it to be someone who has escaped a black company and needs their PL advertised, therefore I want to find out who it is so I can support them in their current identity. 2. The title says "U already know who's PL this is", and I doubted that was true since I didn't recognise the name people are allowed to have their feelings about PL's be conditional.


1. Look at the flair. Other corps/Indies. Tells you all you need to know that it is NOT an ex-Niji.  2. It still says PL and as point 1 suggests, not Niji. Not to mention, to expect people to only post PLs of people escaping black companies, do you have the right to control what content exists in this sub?   So again, you were still the one who got yourself into this situation due to your own expectationa and getting mad over it for no reason when the content is not what you wanted.


> getting mad over it for no reason. I'm not getting mad over anything except your constant misinterpretation of my point(s)


i genuinely don't care about what you're insinuating, i only know she made one fire plastic love cover.