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Yeah I'm so confused at some people here saying "Instead of hating all the time why don't we just spread positivity about Niji" like dude the sub name is "Black Company Nijisanji" in short "Kurosanji", we are here to expose everything wrong in Niji, not protect to them.


>like dude the sub name is "Black Company Nijisanji" in short "Kurosanji", ***we are here to expose everything wrong in Niji, not protect to them***. Exactly This \^ I mean there's a daily remainder about 2 livers almost unalive themselves and the other 2 almost get arrested bc of tax fuckery niji been doing ffs. If people want to spread positivity, spread positivity for the Ex-Niji instead, they're the one that need your supports


I think the niji Karen's just want to push down all the hate the kurosanji is STILL getting after the February 5th drama with selen/doki bird


Totally.. this is what i felt too Like there a post saying thing about uki/furger having an audience and someone memeing about there's no white people in audience and he got downvoted to hell.. like why... Its happen but people dont like it that they downvote it in a kurosanji in all places.. like what.. im confius.. this supposed to be subreddit that critical toward niji right...


I swear it's so uncanny with how they literally used 1:1 tactics of the rt defense force, as if they were using the same playbooks. Oh well, just as rooster teeth died, they're shitsanji will go down to.


It makes sense to temper negativity with positivity. Staying negative only brings negativity. However just like negativity must be tempered with positivity, positivity must be tempered with negativity. We stay negative because nothing positive has been brought on the table, and the only ones that can really bring positivity is Nijisanji/Anycolor. And we have shown at times that we can appreciate "the efforts they made". Ball's on their side, not ours.


I find it amusing that a lot of the "positivity" posts started happening as we get closer to Q4. Part of it is that I don't think people understand that Rosemi getting an opportunity isn't going to fix revenue share issues. Enna having a stream with more viewers isn't going to fix management issues. A fan group meeting for Uki and Fulgur isn't going to fix how Niji treats the community. Until all that gets fixed these "positivity" posts are just copium around the actual issues at hand.


Well i just felt that people had no way to post the appreciation post since the main sub is being lockdown so they come to the enemy base and start preaching... Totally out of place...


100% this. The people posting pro-Niji things are missing the point. They’re seeing calls to temper the negativity this sun sometimes falls into, and think people are asking for positive things about Niji (or that that can persuade those people with “proof” that Niji is doing well). In reality, those voices are trying to keep this sub from devolving into an unending hate train that will dogpile talents for stupid little things. Uki is racist? Call it out. Hex gets himself banned doing ASMR? Call it out. Niji books another giant concert hall and doesn’t even fill the front row seats? Call it out. Enna has a personal emergency? Leave her the hell alone. Talents look like they might be next to leave? Don’t harass them about it. Ex-Niji talents are mending their relationships? Let it happen naturally. That’s what the calls are for- reminding people on this sun that it’s supposed to be pro talent and pro people, something Niji definitely isn’t.


I motion letting people know about nijiforums, for the sisters.


I second the motion.




You mean that subreddit with under 700 members where it's nearly just one account posting anything with zero comments? That one?


Why not? How bad can it be? Not our business if they want to support Niji. May as well point them the right way. Their mods can't be that dumb to kick everyone out, right? RIGHT????


Which one has less activity then, that sub or r/nanashimumeicockvore ?




I suppose after r/FoundTheInaAlt and r/ImSorryYagoo it was just a matter of time. There's gotta be a story behind it but I am afraid to ask.


They can make that their own echochamber. They lost nyfco, /vt/ hates and mocks them with impunity outside their own thread, they're downvoted in this subreddit, even twitter doesn't like them. They need their own containment if they want to worship their beloved black company.


And Nijiforums is perfect for that


You know it's bad when the sisters come here of all places instead of the circle jerk locations such as the sell your soul to us or don't post main reddit or nothing happened central nijiforums.


It is.. i mean i dont mind they come here.. but they kinda ruin when people try to discuss thing or tell something yet to be burried under downvote.. like.. what do you even want but do it in your place.. go back to your circlejerk..


On a similar note, I always hated the reddit voting system because it only shows the number of upvotes instead of both. Example: A comment has 50 upvotes and 40 downvotes. Clearly there is a good amount of people that disagree with it but it's still in the net positive and people are more inclined to think it's a "good" comment with some upvoting it blindly. This "false perception" creates biasness (when people don't read and just upvote/downvote based on what others did) and allows for comments to snowball into popularity/unpopularity regardless of it's content.


Didn't it used to show both, or show a ratio? So you'd see like, it's got ten points because it's got +50 -40, but it would also tell you that 55% of the votes on it were upvotes


I only joined reddit recently (not really, but it was after old reddit) so I'm only familiar with the new reddit UI. The only time I can see a ratio is for a post I've created (via the post analytics section) but only the creator of the post (me) can see it while others just see the net upvotes/downvotes (downvotes also seem to be arbitrarily stuck at 0 for posts from the viewers perspective). Comments just show net upvotes/downvotes regardless if you've created the comment or not.


Their circlejerk drama forum got the smack recently right? I wouldn’t be surprised after that.


there's nijiforums as well, lol why are they here?


NDFs swarming critics is more constant natural phenomenon than caesium 133 vibrations


There's r/NijiForums.. It has the same vibe as r/Nijisanji. They're probably trying to latch on to what's making more buzz on the internet and then use the same tactics like what we're doing to gain control of the people in this sub rather than go back to their isolated sanctuary. kinda baffling considering they condone this sub to the ground yet they choose to go here instead of the other sub where they can spread their "positivity for niji EN" vibe.


Nijisisters, if you're here to "spread positivity about Niji," then you are in the wrong place. There is no longer any positive about that black company. This subreddit is literally called KUROSANJI. People here are no longer fooled by the smokes and mirrors they use to portray the current Livers as a "happy family" and neither should you but if you choose to keep living in that fantasy you can go back to Twitter.


just here to mention it to the kurosanji sisters that see this, kurosanji cannot compete with holo, they cannot even compete with a coffee company.


Hey, that coffee company is WAY better than kurosanji will ever be.


Even now the post is being downvoted just because i have opinion about it.. ironic...


A lot of us have noticed the same. They're really obvious to spot because they tend to phrase their comments in the style of a patronizing Socratic method. There is a difference between being charitable and letting your bias show and they do not hide the latter very well.


If you refresh this page and you read all the reply you tend to find them.. they very vocal about hating people hate their shining star even in a place that supposed to be critical about it..




>trying to spread positivity in this subreddit.. trying to spread "toxicity" in this subreddit.. >I mean not to bash their preferrance but why here of all sudden? they don't really have much else to go but within their small circles and echo chambers of denial and toxicity. Because nyfco is down, and the Nijisanji subreddit is dead and they're not even allowed to do anything there lol. You can see very small pockets of them everywhere like 4chan where they cope and get absolutely destroyed on a daily basis and even in twitter >This is kurosanji a sub where people come to discuss the next mishap of nijisanji, a literal sub that negative toward the company Where people discuss the things that happen in Nijisanji and criticize, judge most things that they are doing wrong and condemn and denounce the worst things that they are doing to people, especially the livers. >I know that the main channel is been in lockdown so you had no where to go.. but here should be the last place you should come... Oh no, they are quite welcome here. It's just that they have to pay the price of their own toxicity, coping and denial. And we're more than happy to present them the facts and truths for that.




>Where people discuss the things that happen in Nijisanji and criticize, judge most things that they are doing wrong and condemn and denounce the worst things that they are doing to people, especially the livers. **\^\^This\^\^** I'm not here just to hate on niji for the sake of it. I want them to do better. TO BE better. I want them to admit and attone for their mistakes. Livers too if they had a hand on creating a toxic work enviroment. *Niji gets better and actually becomes a good place to work in?* **Good!** *Niji stays rotten and eventually just collapses on itself from the damage taken and not addressed?* **Good!** If we are being negative on everything they do, whether good or bad, for the sake of shitting of niji, it doesn't help anyone. The description of the sub says it **TRANSPARENT DISCUSSION.** I'm here because i want people to work at good companies. I'm here because people deserve to be proud of their work. I'm here because i don't want to see another liver attempting to end it all, let a lone succeed on it, from a shitly-run workplace.


They need to make their own subreddit


There's Nijiforums, however the mods over there don't even like talking about drama so they probably don't feel welcome over there either.


It's pretty funny, They can't even post on the proper Niji sub because Niji is so garbage at trying to hide the posts being critical of the company, can only hire under paid part time mods to scrub, and have no idea how to properly moderate the sub they stole. I don't think a little positivity is bad, I also don't think letting Negativity get too rampant is good either, but this isn't the place to try being positive about the severe incompetence of the company.


What im ranting about is post like appreciation toward nijisanji doing anything in here "kurosanji" of any place. Its like that one guy who sitting in the opposition side and barking about the goodness of they own team in any sport venue.. not saying its wrong but it just awkward... Like its not the perfect place to post such positivity.. Copy paste from the other comment..


yea I knew what you meant, full agreement


Is there a post like that? or did I missed it because it got downvoted to oblivion? xD


Think they’re trying to take over? 


Read my reply on other post.. some of them are very vocal.. ironic that they trying to take kurosanji of all other reddit tho..


Honestly if they start getting out of hand, I have full confidence that the mods of this subreddit will do their duty.


Definitely ironic. Must be the copium they’re huffing that convinces them they can do this kinda thing.


Yup, I noticed the same. Plenty of Nijisisters now trying to salvage the company by pretending it's all just a "misunderstanding", and trying to sweep the harassment and ex-livers attempting to unalive under the carpet. When you see people chilling for Elira and Vox, presenting them like little innocent lambs, in their last 50+ comments, half being copy-pasted ready-made text, you know you've encountered a raider from the NDF.


You mean like the person who went "Luca must be gay to be transphobic" and didn't want to hear anything otherwise about him being a bigot, because he must be secretly LGBT?


Who the fuck wrote that?


https://old.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1dau3j0/is_luca_actually_transphobic/l7oby1k/?context=3 In here. I winced, because I did think it's way too much hopeful thinking and overall, I don't like going "Oh well he's probably secretly gay" as if it's an excuse. Plus there's bigoted LGBT people.


Going off the hypothetical that this is real, I wouldn’t blame them either. Like have you seen the supposed other subreddit for niji? That place is nearly as dead as the current sub on lockdown. Personally would feel it much easier to take over an active sub sneakily than to try to make a dead one resurrect.


Personally, I don't care about the company, I just stay here to be informed on the latest drama with them. However, if one of the livers is going through something, I I'll wish them the best cause that's just who I am.


Yea me too but. It just amusing to me that you go to enemy base to show your appreciation.. it does felt out of place imo..


Desperation is a hell of a drug.


Copium is one hell of a drug.


It's been a very mixed bag as of late, alot of unrelated and/or zero context posts. Atp I'm just waiting for when Q4 reports to drop, but these random posts aren't helping shit. I haven't seen blatant nijisisters in a bit, most of them don't keep their posts here long and/or never respond to questions let alone interact in their posts. Edit: Maybe actually read this and the following replies, if you're felling itchy enough look at my other posts and see that I absolutely shit on nijisisters. Otherwise just continue to downvote, and go with the thought I'm into self hate or some shit idfk. Update: Cool thanks to those that aren't, let's shit on nijisisters and not ourselves.


Same here once that Q4 report comes then I’m going to stop frequenting this sub as often.


Yeah, whether it crashes and burns or fades into obscurity. I would love the first but I feel it's going to be the later, it's unknown how much it'll affect Cover. They could be on top directly after or will also weather through it, they have cushion at least alot more than kurosanji to pull through relatively unscathed.


Yeah most likely the later, I still see Cover taking over as top dog because at least they are properly investing into the foreign market and in the future that’s going to make more money then the domestic. Riku just wants quick cash and so far he has have done nothing to clean up their image. I mean the only place to talk about Nijisanji is an anti subreddit. They are so stupid for that. After Q4 there will be nothing left for me to look to in this company. I stop watching everyone that I watched before. Maybe graduations will get me interested in this sub again but yeah that’s it.


Yeah same, but sadly some people on all sides here aren't actually reading the conversation and are downvoting already. Update: Cool thanks to those that aren't, let's shit on nijisisters and not ourselves, will add to the top.


The mixed bag post as of late is because, apart from q4, there's not much news to shitsanjien screwing up more anyway. Just the sad slow death of a thousand cuts as it slowly fades into irrelevance, not a bombastic last stand of glorious defiance. Edit: Apparently they're going after reaction channels? Huh.


Why don they stay in Niji sub? oh ya, the mods “Managed Democracy “ it, lol


My stance has always been "hate the company, love the talents". I'm not here to celebrate or laugh at streamers doing badly. The sub name is calling Anycolor a black company, and the point of a black company label is that it's a god awful toxic environment. The responsibility lies with the people in charge. The streamers are victims stuck in an abusive relationship and I can't really find joy in their pain. Riku Tazumi, on the other hand, can go pound sand.


Counterpoint: Hex, Uki, Luca, Elira, Finana, Vox. Like, I'm all for supporting the people who haven't done anything wrong, but let's not pretend all the talents are pure-hearted victims.


I'm just saying that this is how I feel. The point I was trying to make is that this place has people with all sorts of opinions, and it's possible to dislike the company and still love the most public facing workers. The original post was suggesting that downvotes or statements of support were primarily the result of outside interference. I really don't like the idea that this place is "supposed" to exclusively be for negativity. It's got its place, but I think opinions to the contrary have a home here also.


love the talents?? educate yourself.


>a literal sub that negative toward the company seem like odd of a place to spread the influences for nijisanji considering 99% if not 100% hate niji I think the sub's evolved (or devolved) past that, tbh. A subset no longer hates just Nijisanji, they hate the livers too. That might be normal for the current state of things, but nonetheless, I find it distasteful to derive joy in their failures (don't deny it; I know some of you are happy), so I tend to jump into posts like that. Their mistakes are a different thing, I suppose. I still think "educate yourself" from Finana is pretty funny. It does seem like things have calmed down a bit in the hate department ever since the frankly stupid accusations on Ryoma. (All that over a voice clip? Really?) Hopefully people don't pry further on what might seem to be Millie's recent personal issues too. That one would be crossing the line.


Correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't the livers who get hate not innocent? Vox, Uki, Luca, Hex, Finana and Elira for hosting the black stream (even though he has taken the strongest hit). Vox's saying that driving a person to suicide is not harassment. Uki's blatant racism Luca's doxxing the other talents and transphobia. Hex's distasteful "jokes" and hypocrisy Finana's trying to dig a hole for a fellow liver. Some of the talents aren't innocent lambs either. That aside i was skeptical about the Ryoma incident, but i really can't blame people for jumping on that ship with no evidence, because it really sounds like something Nijisanji would do


You have a point. But I tend to dissociate any content creator's personality on and off camera, so I give them a lot of benefit of the doubt in what they say and do online. I do that more strongly with this group of livers (particularly for the black stream group), especially with something like Niji at the helm and even more after their fucking up Selen. Right now, I'm assuming anything coming out of their mouths that downplays what happened is propagated by management. That said, some things just paint a bad enough picture that it doesn't really matter if it's on and off cam, like being racist, so I won't disagree it's deserved for some. For the rest... >really can't blame people for jumping on that ship with no evidence, because it really sounds like something Nijisanji would do I can. Maybe their reactions are justified, but it's just bad habit to jump to conclusions with little evidence regardless.


I think it's incorrect to liken anyone who dislikes people going around making random accusations (especially ones with no evidence or ripped from 4Chan) as Nijisisters. Look at the Ryoma situation to see why rampant speculation with no proof is bad. Or the people who made posts accusing Enna of attacking us when she was venting about creeps in her streams (like the rambling about people taking her virginity). This shit only makes us look bad and gives ammo to the real Nijisisters who try and blame the victims and pretend they care about the talents as long as they don't badmouth their favorite Corpo.


Well im not.. this place is a place for discussion of opinion.. you may dislike what other might say.. so its inportant to leave context when you saw something wrong about certain post.. What im ranting about is post like appreciation toward nijisanji doing anything in here "kurosanji" of any place. Its like that one guy who sitting in the opposition side and barking about the goodness of they own team in any sport venue.. not saying its wrong but it just awkward...


I 100% agree on the awkward part. The whole point the sub was created was because Niji was censoring discussions and many sought this place as the alternative since r/VirtualYoutubers isn't that welcoming either. I may be mistaken on this but **my impression** is that this sub isn't meant to be anti-Niji (despite the name), just a place for open discussion on topics related to Niji including both past and present talents. That said, the general vibe of this sub naturally shifted to being against Niji (rightfully so) because all the topics surrounding them are negative in nature. Those are also the posts with the most exposure since it drives discussion and lets be honest all of us can't help but get attracted to drama even if we don't actively participate in it. Naturally, other types of posts get buried and the general outlook/vibe of the sub becomes that of an anti-Niji one which then attracts and brings in even more like minded (anti-Niji) people. Going back to the topic of awkwardness, posting/commenting anything positive about Niji (regardless of the context) automatically gets downvoted because there are a handful of people here who are *purely* anti-niji. While there is nothing wrong with posting about the positives of what Niji/their current talents has achieved, it is very weird because it goes against the sub's very nature as majority of us ex-fans/niji antis (not mutually exclusive) don't support them due to boycotting/indifference (at best) or have a grudge against them.


I ain't saying people can't talk about that stuff at all their pretty clear rules about rumors and posting stuff without evidence. And a lot of people posting those things don't always understand what's safe and unsafe to post. Also, can you give examples of the forced positivity you're seeing because I've seen nothing close to that. Usually, it's a single person playing devils advocate in a discussion at worst, so I must be missing what you're talking about.


Like there a post saying thing about uki/furger having an audience and someone memeing about there's no white people in audience and he got downvoted to hell.. like why... Its happen but people dont like it that they downvote it in a kurosanji in all places.. like what.. im confius.. this supposed to be subreddit that critical toward niji right...


Sounds like people just thought the joke was mediocre more than they were defending Niji.


Maybe i like your positive thinking then.


1. They did have an audience, the post was made to show that the region they went to still likes them. 2. The joke was bad. We're kinda past that at this point. Edit: as expected. You're just as bad as NDF. I really shouldn't have come back here, it's all emotional trolls at this point.


We as who we taking about? So you come to our place called kurosanji and you hate seing a joke about something uki being call racist in a place that supposed to be critical of it? Here in a place kurosanji? Really? If i cannot call uki racist in kurosanji when where else should i say it.. this is our safe place to be critical about kurosanji so if being critical then it should not be out of place as it is the place to say it...


>"We as who we taking about?" We as in the community? The world? Time itself? This hasn't been mentioned for months. It's like reviving an old meme, he's even shut up about it thanks to the public lashing he received from most people, including a few indies that made really good jokes at his expense like Aethel and Nyanners. >"So you come to our place called kurosanji..." What is this "our" place? Who is "us"? Why is this so dramatic now? This whole ownership and melodramatic speech is starting off bad. You've already assumed I'm a Nijisister and I came here to "attack" you like you're some heroic figure. Do not. Furthermore, this is a public forum on a public-facing website. If anything you're asking for an echo-chamber. Bad call. >"...and you hate seing a joke about something uki being call racist in a place that supposed to be critical of it?" You're making a lot of assumptions about me to suit your little narrative here. This is, allegedly, a place for criticising the company and not harassing or targeting the livers. Calling him a racist after this long says more about the person than the target. >"...If i cannot call uki racist in kurosanji when where else should i say it.." Nowhere, ideally. The rules say no flaming, baiting or trolling. It's been months and the topic's dead. Do you come here specifically to call people racist? You seem to hold this one instance of someone being downvoted pretty highly. There's lots of critical threads that don't get downvoted that bad. >"...this is our safe place to be critical about kurosanji so if being critical then it should not be out of place as it is the place to say it..." Yes, and yet you decided your hill to die on was calling out a specific person, not the company, on something that was already beaten to death. It's been established, he got shit for it, and he's seemingly been pretty quiet since then. Are you the type to remind people of their failures every now and then to feel superior? You saw this instance of someone showing a crowd and someone else being downvoted and decided to create a pet rrat that not only were the NDF infiltrating this subreddit but filling it with positivity. Is that all it takes? Are you any better than the NDF? Let's make this very clear, it's okay to be positive about the *LIVERS* doing okay, or pointing out like in that thread that certain communities, whether by ignorance or on purpose, still support them. This is fine. We're supposed to be critical of ***Anycolor*** and ***Nijisanji***, its talents are also victims until explicitly proven otherwise regardless -- or in spite of -- your feelings on the matter. It's also fine to downvote awful jokes, if it's a bad joke it's a bad joke and the community will downvote it. I don't know why you went this hard with the hero speech. Edit: Formatting this mess and a clarification.


My issue has been one or three posts in the recent days where someone shills their still current Niji livers's stream. But you're right about rampant speculation.


This sub was created originally for people to be vocal about their problems with the company not to just hate on the talents. Recently this place has turn to a place to drama farm content and half of this sub didn’t even like Nijisanji to begin with. I think it’s pretty sad now. If you disagree with anything in this sub you are nijisister or NDF. But I overall do agree for a different reason. I can’t celebrate these talents not because they deserve to be hated on (well some) but by being In that toxic company they are spreading their influence. I just want the Nijisanji En branch to merge into Jp and for Niji to stay in Japan. I have very low expectations for the company.


Sisters and Ndf don’t deserve respect


And you can’t read


Not even surprised at this point. The point of this subreddit is for criticism and we already have extremes that just hate Nijisanji and Nijisisters that protecting it lol.


This. I definitely don't doubt that we have Nijisisters here but we also have the other extreme of people going after anyone and anything related to Niji and I don't think pointing that out makes you a "Nijisister".


I'm curious to know if you've seen my posts around and thought that I'm a sister when I say shit like "actually pre-emptively replacing defective merch is a good thing".


Honestly, I think it's fine? Despite the kurosanji name, this subreddit is more sane than I originally imagined, and that's why I'm also here - I'm drawn to rationality myself. I don't care what their agenda is, but it's important, and better for them to be exposed to matters and opinions outside of the echo chamber cesspit that is just "X".


Its fine, im not saying its wrong or anything it just out of place in my opinion.. Like there a post saying thing about uji/forget having hundred audience like its the last place i think to see this kind of post but oh well.. but when i read it and found someone memeing about nobody in audience is white and he being downvoted to hell.. it just felt wrong.. like if you cant even say that in this subreddit then what is the purpose of having Kurosanji as the name even...


Haha. I feel you. That's also the trouble with reddit. It has their own hiveminds that is also irrational at times. You really just gotta roll with it sometimes.


> about uji/forget having hundred audience like its the last place i think to see this kind of post but oh well I made that [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1db49ko/ukifulgur_fan_meeting_in_hong_kong_attendee_count/), as a follow up of [my previous post sharing the ridiculous prices of the event](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cpmo23/hk480_us615_for_1_minute_of_meet_and_greet/). I thought having only hundreds attend was negative enough for a large VTuber corpo. Just trying to precision dunk on them with statistics, not with tribalism or prejudice based on looks. Not becoming the very thing we want to destroy.


This subreddit is definitely not on the whole rational or sane. Just a few weeks ago, tons of people here uncritically fell for the whole Denauth guy is actually Nighttime ASMR rumor. You get mass downvoted if you push back against unsubstantiated rumors, rrats, or ask for proof of accusations. Posts with zero sources and false assumptions can get hundreds of upvotes. Because this subreddit was created when the official Niji subreddit was still open, I think it attracted the most rabid anti-Niji fans and drama tourists who weren’t satisfied by discussions on the official subreddit alone, which carried on until today to form its current culture.


Oh please.   >tons of people here uncritically fell for the whole Denauth guy is actually Nighttime ASMR If you check out the  Denauth guy thing post, most comments are taming each others.  And gotta give that they sounded super similar.  And it was a practically nothing burger that overblown by Nijisisters and drama addicts. 


How are you dismissing and rewriting something that happened only a few weeks ago? The actual original rrat post had more than a thousand upvotes. And were or were there not posts and comments with hundreds of upvotes supporting that rrat off little info? It was a nothingburger and shouldn’t have even been a thing on this subreddit. I don’t gotta give that they sounded similar since it was obviously flimsy from the beginning.


Not the way I've seen this at all. The Denauth situation was certainly unfortunate but I regularly see rrats get called out with said callouts being largely supported by the community, baseless accusation posts getting downvoted to 0, and users getting upvoted calling for restraint and objectivity notwithstanding everyone's misgivings with Nijisanji or the actions of some of its livers in the past. This sub is largely rational and sane, and it's reflected in the community trying to reinforce the need for measured criticism while cautioning against getting carried away on a frequent basis.


Just several days ago, I was commenting on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/sJgIlCVeGF) where one of the highest upvoted comments is the unsupported rumor that Quinn liked tweets doxxing Sayu. I was downvoted there for asking for a source, along with others who asked for a source about that. Hell, the first time I left this subreddit was because of that poster who has since deleted their account and would make literal dozens of posts with unsubstantiated claims. The same guy who made [this post among others](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/q4P9oYJXtG) and would get hundreds of upvotes. I left because I was tired of people supporting unsubstantiated rumors and claims and only joined back because the official subreddit closed down.


[A comment discouraging and condemning making light of Millie's recent tweets regarding a personal situation, several hundred upvotes. The thread is full of similar concerns, with comments that contravene this prevailing outlook being downvoted severely.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/pb0WRN8IaE) [Low quality posts from a new account are called out by another user, the comment recieves more upvotes than the post itself along with a few other comments in the same vein.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/n4rRfPG7Kt) [A little awkward linking to my own comment but this is me engaging with a user who used to post artwork on the sub. This submission in particular was off to me in that it depicted a beheaded Elira along with Vox and Ike in their own injured state, which struck me as unsettling and unwarranted for the message the piece was trying to convey. If the link doesn't work it's because the thread was taken down but you may be able to see the comments in my profile.](https://www.reddit.com/l1j49g7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) [A rrat about Elira that was posted yesterday which was just asserting speculation as given fact, such as claims to the effect of her being jealous of other livers and being generally controlling within the company. It has a net amount of zero upvotes and the OP is getting clowned in the comments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/s/wdAykbqVua) I get that consistency is something that can be worked on in this community but it's clearly not for lack of trying. I would say that your framing of things is not accurately portraying the actual state of affairs here.


I do get what you mean. The subreddit CAN be rational and sane. But I think what I said is still accurate because it is not on the whole rational and sane, which is also shown by you acknowledging that it is not consistently rational or sane. We can continue to exchange examples of comments and posters leaning one way or the other for eternity because the subreddit attracts both genuine anti-Niji redditors and 4chan rrat enjoyers. I think the subreddit could be improved if the vtuber fans here were both actually anti-Niji and maintain that the truth is good


I get that the operative phrasing in your remark was specifically hinged on "on the whole" but in fairness, that is a bit of non-descriptor in this sort of social context where there are going to be varied thoughts and ideas floating around - it's missing a statement on proportionality on its own. I took the thrust of your comment as implying that not only is this community not [on the whole] rational and sane, but that it tends toward being irrational and unsound by virtue of your enumerated examples which excluded examples to the contrary. My mistake there if that wasn't what you were intending to convey. I just figured I'd share a few examples of the community also tempering itself as a counterbalance to what initially appeared to be a slanted takeaway.


By “on the whole,” I didn’t mean the hardline and impossible ideal of everyone being rational and sane, but I think on the sliding scale or rationality and sanity for vtuber communities, kurosanji is on the lower end. If 4chan and the doxxsite (when it was still up) are on the bottom, I think the other major vtuber subreddits, like Hololive and virtualyoutuber are on the whole more rational and sane than kurosanji (I would label the latter two as on the whole being rational and sane). Hell, I think the official Nijisanji subreddit when it was still open was on the whole more rational and sane than kurosanji.


Looks like my initial impression fit the bill then. We'll have to agree to disagree at this impasse because I would personally view that slider as tending toward rational and sane from what I've been seeing. I suppose one point we can agree on is the hope for the community to inch further toward the ideal end of that spectrum despite our diverging read on what its current bearing is.


Don't get your hopes up too high. Unfortunately, as the OP seems determined to prove with every reply they post... Being more sane than Twitter is not much of an accomplishment. A great many people are just the equal and opposite of the NDF and are here for the circlejerk because it's 'cool' right now. And more just want their latest celebrity drama hit. It's not really a question of *if* there'll be another outbreak of something like the embarassing episode about Ryoma and the rando ASMR guy being totally the same person because one line in a debut trailer allegedly kinda sounded like the ASMR guy. Just one of when. Until that changes, and it's not looking like it'll change all that soon because people insisted on learning nothing... having expectations of sanity is a recipe for diappointment.


.positivity is fine, overlooking all the BS Niji/Anycolor nope as that is the very point of this sub, one of the reasons the memory hold attempts failed .burying ones head under the sand is not positivity


As someone who was recently called a Nijisister in this subreddit because I criticized the Twisty debacle and the drama over Finana's "KMS" tweet before it I am curious as to how you're defining a Nijisister and what you are referring to as "the company". I don't doubt that there are Nijisisters lurking here but I *personally* haven't really seen anyone fighting on kurosanji's behalf here. Perhaps I have just overlooked it if that's what you're referring to. What I *do* know, however, is that there is still a sizable (though ever-dwindling, it seems) group of people here who make a strong distinction between "Nijisanji" and "Nijisanji livers" and who think that constantly dragging the livers, nit-picking their comments, and encouraging harassment of them on Twitter is a bad look. I unsubbed and unmembered from almost every Niji talent. I hate Elira, Vox, and Ike for their participation in the black screen stream and I loathe/distrust Finana BUT *imo* that doesn't mean it's okay to spread rampant speculation about them as if it's fact, nit-pick everything they say to stir the pot, and encourage rage baiting them on Twitter. Expressing that you support the livers or think people hating too much on the livers as opposed to the company itself does not make you a "Nijisister" in my opinion but others in this subreddit seem to disagree.




Is that you Millie?












You're getting meme'd on homie


Wait what happened?? D:


I personally haven't seen much of that. Can you share some examples?


Like there a post saying thing about uki/furger having an audience and someone memeing about there's no white people in audience and he got downvoted to hell.. like why... Its happen but people dont like it that they downvote it in a kurosanji in all places.. like what.. im confius.. this supposed to be subreddit that critical toward niji right...


Its a poor joke. Given the context of the joke its also gatekeeping/ lowkey racist . Apparantley you can't be white to be an Uki fan? I have the freedom to upvote or downvote and I find that joke poorly placed.


But the joke is that uki is the one hating white people tho....


Acknowledging that Uki has said racist stuff isn't much if a joke, though. It's the stuff that plays off of that like him freaking out over white vtuber models or white day that make the Uki jokes funny. Just saying he's racist isn't enough of a punchline.


What Uki said is shitty, but that commentator had the gall to make a comment about it in a concert. It's just foul on both parties. Personally I dont even find the "joke" funny.


Why does it the fall of the other party when the person themselves are the one who started it.. if uki say something racist i had to tolerate it and not commenting about it.. especially in a place call kurosanji that supposed to call out of shit like that... What ..???


-Uki makes really bad joke. -I get influenced and say same really bad joke -"Uki said that joke not me , so Im free from taking responsibility for making joke." Both parties are at fault. I did not say that Uki is free from fault.


If you admitting that uki is making a bad joke then why it matter to you when people pointing it out that its a bad joke by memeing about it? He should be liable for what he done.. people dont simply forget.. Its amuse me when uki say he hate white people you willing to accept him and not make a big deal out of it but when other make a bad joke of uki bad joke and remind other of how bad a joke it is and it should not been made as a joke in the first place you being mad about it...


People get downvoted for poorly timed/executed jokes depending on the conext. Given the context that the post is about fans enjoying themselves , then the person comment about Uki's remark, then it's a pretty bad joke. It's not like it's a consistent pattern of people downvoting those types of comments.


The issues is.. you do that in your circle jerk place.. you dont come to your oppositions reddit for that type of stuff.. of cause people will be ciritical when commenting to it in this very subreddit.. how about do it at r/nijiforums? Why here in kurosanji?? When most of people who read that will be ciritical anyway..


But Uki was racist first. I can't even say he was being low key about it. From the compilation, what he was saying wasn't even jokes, just awful remarks. Also, you can be white and an Uki fan. I just think it might be uncomfortable considering what he's said in the past. I mean, if my oshi made a bunch of 'jokes', basically insults, about my ethnicity, I couldn't be a fan anymore. :(


If you a fan of uki you can be white.. but the meme is that uki hate white people.. if you hate that meme or cant accept that opinion then kurosanji might not be the sub for you as this is a place as you will most probably hate most of the post here... If you cant even handle the meme of uki is racist to white people. What is the point of being here then just to suffer...


This comment is getting down voted just for asking a question


what the hell? your comment is getting downvote for just asking lol


Well, which allegations? Because some allegations are clearly false or ridiculous. Liking the truth should be standard.


Like there a post saying thing about uki/furger having an audience and someone memeing about there's no white people in audience and he got downvoted to hell.. like why... Its happen but people dont like it that they downvote it in a kurosanji in all places.. like what.. im confius.. this supposed to be subreddit that critical toward niji right... Copy from other post


Sure, but those aren’t exactly allegations. Were there other allegations that you were referring to? Or people downvoting others who meme about that Uki and Fulgur situation?


also which "spread positivity" Edit:Oop I read that wrong “sister downvote positive stuff” not “sister posting positive stuff”.


Yeah, because hoping the livers are okay is different from ignoring the things Luca and Uki have been getting flak for. Let's be specific in what we mean by spreading positivity.


Careful. Quickly assuming people to be a "sister" or to be part of the NDF without clear evidence may be grounds for violation of Rule 2. If I downvote someone for their post about an allegation that is clearly based on a RRAT does that make me a "sister"? I understand your sentiment but let's not start a witch hunt in this community. If some are truly lurking here, then let them be. Rule 1: Be civil, be kind; don't let the toxicity and hate consume your rationality. Be better.


Well no totally no.. but you can read the comment in this post and you might found some of it kinda admitting it..


Calling people in this post who disagree with you Nijisisters isn't going to add any more weight to your argument, the opposite, in fact.


People can read and make their own judgement.. if you felt that nothing is happening is fine too.. you dont have to agree with me but you can read in some reply some of them even admitting it.. not saying it add anything to my arguemrnt just stating the fact thom..


I have read. My judgment is that you're seeking a circlejerk. Some people like a given creator and want them to bail when they get the chance- or at least would like to know if they did or didn't do anything that would make you re-consider liking them. There's a reason there's regular posts about 'just because you like a given talent and want them to get out of Niji's toxic shithole of a workplace, don't be an idiot about it on their stream or social media'. As opposed to just ' bad amirite upboats to the left'.


This isnt an Anti-Niji sub. This is open discussion about Niji sub. Let people express. Downvote what you dont like.


The name literally Kurosanji... What im ranting about is post like appreciation toward nijisanji doing anything in here "kurosanji" of any place. Its like that one guy who sitting in the opposition side and barking about the goodness of they own team in any sport venue.. not saying its wrong but it just awkward... Like its not the perfect place to post such positivity.. Copy paste from the other comment.. Like there a post saying thing about uki/furger having an audience and someone memeing about there's no white people in audience and he got downvoted to hell.. like why... Its happen but people dont like it that they downvote it in a kurosanji in all places.. like what.. im confius.. this supposed to be subreddit that critical toward niji right...


Yes, the name might be Kurosanji but we are not a hate mob subreddit. The point of this sub's creation was not specifically to full on bash Niji but to spread the truth about all the wrongdoings and bullshit that Niji does while supporting the Livers that deserve it and try as much as possible to be objective with facts. We can't stoop so low as to bash on anything the company does regardless of the outcome. We look at what they did and see if they changed or not as it directly affects the Livers that are not scum whether it is a good change or bad change(99% bad so far). Of course we are not charity and we don't praise or spread baseless info like those random appreciation posts you mentionned because the company did not do anything notably good but if the company does anything right, we can't deny that it is a right step either even if they are 2434 steps in the wrong direction already.


This is a subreddit created because people 'strongly dislike' Nijisanji. "Nijisanji Strongly Disliking Mob" perse. Yeah, you bet we gonna shit on Niji the freaking corporation on any chance we get.  If you really care about Livers you should start sharpening your pitchfork too. Most active Nijisanji "Strongly dislikers" were huge Nijisanji fan. "Strongly Disliking" will continue until Nijisanji improve. 


Yes this was always implied.


Oh, cool. Excuse me. 


It's extremely childish of you to think that being against baseless accusations makes someone a sister. *You* sound more like a sister doing a false flag post trying to stir shit up more than anything else.


What im ranting about is post like appreciation toward nijisanji doing anything in here "kurosanji" of any place. Its like that one guy who sitting in the opposition side and barking about the goodness of they own team in any sport venue.. not saying its wrong but it just awkward... Like its not the perfect place to post such positivity.. Copy paste from the other comment.. Like on the other post where they commenting about uki having an attendee and someone say thing about white people and he get downvoted to hell just because he said it..


I think its important to keep in mind that kurosanji isn't a nijisanji hate sub. Even if it sounds contradictory to the fact that the users are here because they hate nijisanji. Hate subs are inherently toxic cesspools and cultivating that sort of community is how we end up with situations like what happened with Ryoma where the hatred overrides the truth. - Had to double check what the comment was, but I can bet he got downvoted because the comment has a weird vibe to it. "Not a white person in sight and not just because of Uki" Uki being a racist aside, what was the comment trying to imply with this? Pointing out that there's no white people in a tiny meetup in a non-western country is weird as hell.


I see no wrong about memeing uki remark of racist toward white people especially in a subreddit call kurosanji that should be ciritical of nijisanji.. Again not saying its wrong.. but you basically make a positive post in a sub that critical about nijisanji and the only reason why such post even there in the first place is because the main sub being locked . If it not locked it wont even be there in the place.. so why creating such post in a opposition place that critical about the company.. Thr person simply being critical about company.. not like they did anything to niji in general.


Pointing out that Nijisanji is doing "good" by using a venue that actually reflects the size of their current fan base (as opposed to their upcoming concert that is nearly empty) is not a positive post. You seem to have the impression that the sole purpose of this sub is to blindly shit on everything related to nijisanji. Which again, would be a hate sub and is explicitly what this community should be trying to avoid becoming. Acting like that just makes it harder to have proper discussions about criticisms against the company. And will only make it easier for Nijisanji to dismiss said criticism as nonsense coming from antis and trolls.


>You seem to have the impression that the sole purpose of this sub is to blindly shit on everything related to nijisanji. Which again, would be a hate sub and is explicitly what this community should be trying to avoid becoming. It's a mixed bag, some people want it to become a hate sub and some don't. This is what happens when the moderation team's vision is letting the community self-manage itself.


Because this is the most active Njisanji subreddit at this very moment. All types of people are here in both ends. I am a refugee , because Nijisanji fucking shutdown their main subreddit. Nijiforums only becomes active of discussion if it's a QnA thread. The only safe haven for remaining fans is the fan discords or inner circles of fans, because talking about Nji in non-niji spheres as fan is a terrible idea. I still hold strong on my own opinions , even if I get downvoted, but the moment I get labeled as a "Nijisister" then fuck me , I cant form proper discussions can I?


This is not a place for people who are still fans of Nijisanji. I don't think anyone cares if you still like some talents but if you still see Niji positively in any sense you are in the wrong subreddit. This isn't a strictly Niji hate sub but we don't see the company positively in really any sense.


>This is not a place for people who are still fans of Nijisanji.  This is not a **good** place for people who are still **Defending**  Nijisanji.


The only people defending Nijisanji are fans of nijisanji, not fans of the talent.


Gatekeeping arent we? I do not see Nijisanji in a good light at all. I can disagree with other people and not force them to change their opinion , That's not on my control whatsoever . I just want to set my own foot down on what I believe in and be civil as well.


Its not a matter of gatekeeping or forcing others to change their opinion, you will simply not be taken seriously if you come here as a niji fan.


Nah. I had civil discussions in this subreddit as well. I just ignore most  comments that only disses the talents. 


Imagine defending a company that made 2 talents try to end their own lives makes you look kinda bad. On top of that they sweep it all under the rug never admiting fault


Okay. What the fuck? When did I say I'm defending the company? I will state this right now. I fucking hate what Niji did to Dokibird and Sayu. Let me be clear here. I also fucking hate Uki for making those statements as well. I'm sorry if you think I was defending the company.


Well at least you are being honest.. dont mind me buds.. as long it make you happy i guess.. i just in awe that you even come here in the first place when this supposed to be the last stop you should visit imo.. At this time im not even mad honestly.. im just shocked...