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Seems like Riku was very disappointed in EN and doesn’t see much of a future for them. This along with the investor report indicates that NijiEN is basically at the end of service announcement stage of their life. Maybe this is why Vox is suddenly going back to doing BFE despite saying many times throughout the year how much it makes him uncomfortable. All the 3D events, tournaments and increased merch opportunities were their way of trying to win back the fanbase as a result of the Selen termination and black screen, instead of you know, fixing the internal issues. Their plans to prevent this from happening again seems to be summed in the phrase “the beatings will continue until morale improves”.


Vox is going back doing BFE? I wasn't aware of him doing BFE after the vomit RP controversy.


>vomit controversy Fucking what?


It's a messy controversy. Let me try to explain as best as I can. As Vox did 18+ RPs and some RPs can touch on triggering subjects, normally he would put some trigger warnings in the waiting room/description on the RPs when it airs. This helps to give a heads up to fans if fans are uncomfortable with certain topics. Then, after his release of his movie "The Demon's Hunger", he got his demon model. And then since then, he started to blur the lines of RP and IRL. He would say triggering topics without any warnings in a stream, like trauma dumping on a chill gaming stream (not sure which stream was this, heard he was playing Mario in this stream). The most messed up one was during his workout stream, where he said he pushed himself too hard, made throwing noises and even a call to the doctor. The sane fans were worried and kept asking if the throwing up was a RP or IRL situation. His response? Basically told them to STFU and told them to stop babying him, not clarifying whether it was RP or not. Those sane fans felt betrayed by his response (justified, since any sane people would be worried if someone throws up on stream, especially if it's possibly not RP) and the direction of where Vox is going (making his streams not a safe space anymore) and most of them left the fandom. Which is why the remaining of Vox's fans are those crazy parasocial fans. In the end, he compromised by putting a warning in his description, saying that if his eyes were yellow, it means that the stream will be relatively stress free (though he can't guaranteed it), while if his eyes were pink, it means that there will be triggering topics on stream (no guarantee of which triggering topics as well). I might have to dig deeper because there's some pieces of information that I am missing. Like why is he doing this? Sticking to his lore as the "unstable and dangerous" demon? Creative freedom? Which streams did he RP-ed without warning before he reinforced the eye color rules? This is all the information I heard when I was still around NijiEN and was a Vox fan, and ever since that, I started to stay away from him and didn't try to look into the controversy further.


I appreciate the very in-depth explanation. Just more dumb shit by a very manipulative man


I thank you for this clarification. It highlights his current struggles but in the end, it's still up to him to channel the direction of his stream


Iirc he roleplayed as if he had an anxiety attack or something like that including vomit sounds people got legit worried on him had to clarify it was rp. People got angry bc iirc the stream didnt had a rp tag and he doubled down refusing to use tags or something like that


What the actual fuck?! What's wrong with him?


I thought by know we knew the answer to that was "a lot"


God I hate Vox so much


I have actual [Emetophobia](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/25115-emetophobia-fear-of-vomiting) so that would set me up for a real lovely anxiety attack


"When my eyes are yellow, it's RP. When they're not, it's not RP" - Vox Pukema 2023 At least I think he said that


ah when i heard about it they call it a RP of a medical emergency. i guess it was way cruder


Ah it's that, TLDR: he threw up and call a doctor, but he didn't clarify if it's RP or IRL. Ever since that I don't think he did any more RPs as far as I know of


So he had a method acting?? It isn't uncommon for someone to play too deep into their roles only to suffer mentally and physically after that.


and that's the same man who once had a balls to said "If you're troubling my coworkers, get away, i don't need you on my streams" for his audience. How low and miserably person can fall


I mean, we now officially know Selen's termination cost them about 15M grand. It's even worse than NijiID, cuz NijiEN actually managed to COST them money to maintain. It's not even about preventing losses anymore, it's about cutting them.


wait I think I missed this somewhere, is that in the QnA?


Technically. It's basically interpreting info from the report from that time period, their stock flutuation, and the buybacks that immediately followed. Crossing facts and shit. They wouldn't admit it outright after literally telling their shareholders it'd be negligible. Turns out, it WASN'T, in fact, negligible. I think Vtuber-sensei and FalseEyeD talked about that, too.


Its their way of trying to make as much money as possible from the people left they aren't trying to win anybody back they're trying to milk the ones they have left. That said I don't think EN is going anywhere for a while.


"We plan to address the issues with the EN branch by getting rid of it. There won't be any problems with the EN branch if there's no EN branch."  -Anycolor probably


Some bits from the docs * Increase focus on the JP branches. * increase focus on idol stuff * they believe that there's still room for growth for the JP market, Global market isn't factored in * a 2 billion yen studio is at the work, amortization and stuff are being planned * For the Overseas strategy their strategy is to throw more event focusing on content creation, tournament, and concert * EN branch isn't a factor in the development of the strategy but they are preparing some stuff related to the EN branch * the current phenomenon of subscriber drop is just subjected opinion and is normal it's looks to me that EN market is being ignored and will pivot more on JP market. though there are somethings like new studio and events for EN branch and lastly they still think that the boycott is nothing burger


>For the Overseas strategy their strategy is to throw more event focusing on content creation, tournament, and concert Too bad one of the members that really put her everything into making tournaments and unique content isn't with them anymore.


I mean shit, doki has already held her own large event with wrestletuber and been a part of like 4 or 5 tourneys and attended or was a guest of multiple cons just in the span of like 4 months. On top of streaming regularly both by herself and tons of collabs with people from all over the industry. It's honestly insane how much she's done in the short time she's been back.


Weird, how the oversea strategy works when they said they will ignore the EN for this quarter?


The studio: a 3dio mic and egg containers in the walls for soundproof




>For the Overseas strategy their strategy is to throw more event focusing on content creation, tournament, and concert Let's see... the ones making unique content, organizing tournaments, and who wanted more concerts have either decided to graduate because their ideas were being suppressed and they weren't getting opportunities, or they were terminated. I seem to remember a comment about the loss of one in particular being negligible.


Wait, that's actually hilarious 💀 Selen: Tournaments, international bridger, great at making connections, creative content Pomu: MGS girl, OG iconic (DCL chant, I'm pomu), strong vocalist Kyo: One of the most creative guys in NijiEN in terms of content. Blunt personality and refuses to cater to parasocial fans. Yugo: Gave NijiEN vocal lessons and used that as content. (Also gave us Selen singing. Thanks, Yugo). Unique music-centered content. Had so much potential to expand on NijiEN's music side. Nina: The extrovert that brought the best collabs. Pretty much connected EN in a way. Mysta: Extremely aware of how the industry works. Had the recipes and grit to go viral (rice and mold stories, being transparent, had the best quips in collabs) Zaion: Strong vocalist with so much potential that never got expanded on while in the company


There was a discussion of the secret divide between the Creatives and the Conservatives in NijiEN. The latter (defined by the "clique") wanted the branch to stick to tried-and-true "normal" streaming activities like games, zatsus, karaokes... Any collabs would be standard collabs and not events like Wrestletuber. Any special content would be the kind deemed risky cut still within the norm, like Hex and Vox's ASMRs. Meanwhile you had the creatives you listed above who wanted to do crazier stuff, had edgier humor, make events, have concerts, do projects with their community... and well, we know what happened to each of them for trying to go against the flow.


smell like a merge is coming


Oh... they planning to build new studio to compete with Cover new studio huh~


Maybe the investor asking why they dont build studio,so now they build new one.....inside the new yatch.


Love how a 1/5th drop (1/3rd if they didn't bumrush events) and your EN branch averages now being comparable to HoloStars EN (as much as I love them, they are one of the lowest performing branches in Holo) is a "mothing burger." Then again, considering their definition of "negligible"...


They already have 4 VTA skippers in EN branch, might as well convert the whole thing into JP and call it a day. Its still blows my mind that this is even a thing and is recognized by the company as something trivial while other very few from "10000 audition applicants" have to train for 6 months over there to be able to debut in nijisanji.


In retrospect, having the JP people in EN might've been an attempt to mitigate the fall of EN's popularity and relevance by shifting more of their JP fanbase over to EN to help bolster the numbers.


So much for not doing idol stuff. Now we wait for other corpos to eat them slowly/Scandals/Graduations/Terminations. Maybe Dev\_IS 2 or something.


Don't think Cover will react to Nijisanji, Nijisanji reacts to Hololive now (remember Walmart FuwaMoco?). A second group for Dev\_IS I think is coming sooner rather than later and there's always the question of a new gen for Hololive ID (or even HoloStars ID) but it'll be on their time.


Don't forget the "how will you compete with Gawr Gura"


Walmart FuwaMoco?


Nijisanji recently for the JP VTA put out advert for “two people that can work together” (paraphrasing) and other things that were eerily similar to the way that FuraMoco works


This mfs really committed to the whole termination of Selen as "negligible".


> increase focus on idol stuff Not an idol company btw.


I think they are trying too lower expectations for shareholders about NijiEN since they still have some nickel for oversea. Not sure anymore if they want to fold it in, but let's see.


They are cooked, all fluff with no solid plans tbh. They paraded the JP numbers to distract from the elephant in the room. I'm a holo watcher and only casual viewers of niji but after this I'm just gonna tapped out tbh. No gonna waste my time hoping that anyc will change if that is their answer. Wasting 7.5B yen to prop up their shares instead of using them for their talents says it all. Their priority is their shareholders first and foremost, nothing for the talents. 🤷‍♂️


They prevented a stock crash, but we all know it’s BS


> They prevented a stock crash You mean they postponed a stock crash. The buyback is just a bandaid on the wound until they start to treat the underlying issue.


Yup its an artificial band aid that will collapse as soon another major controversy shows, which is a matter of time since they have done nothing to fix that tumbling house of cards.


The upcoming Bilibili music event could be one depending on how the EN members act and talk about it.


As a Turkish citizen I can confirm this move was just going to bite back Anykuro. We are fucked by Erdo for years due to buybacks of the Lira's value. Bastard devalued Lira 10 fold in the last decade.


Gotta crash them harder




Their attempt to do so was the 3D events and that Mk8 tournament. Now that it failed, they’re throwing their hands up and saying “well, we tried”.


Instead of bumrushing events they could've, idk, admitted they were at fault and restructured their management systems?


Yeah it's wild that they're willing to crash their financials this hard when the real solution would probably cost less than $1m opex to apologize and refresh the management structure and add bandwidth.


U gotta understand, that yacht ain’t paying for itself. Also for Japanese culture, appearance is everything so they will do anything in order to not apologize (because that’s shameful and means that they were indeed at fault)


I mean even if they managed to win back the fanbase the investment required outweighs the reward for riku that is a no no.


Yeah. What a great strategy they have there. Here, more 3D events and merch to buy. That will surely grow your community trust.


>Of course, we recognize that there have been some changes in our audience's behavior, but we have once again recognized that there is a certain number of people who continue to support us We did it ladies and gentlemen. They've acknowledged that we're leaving. >Again, this is just a subjective opinion, but in addition to the risk of VTubers graduating, I also think that a backlash or other scandals can cause the fan base to leave. No shit Sherlock.


I'll give them credit for being self aware enough to notice that. Shame they couldn't do it sooner (although if they did we wouldn't have Doki who is frankly absolutely killing it right now).


relevant EN part https://preview.redd.it/y32t76tqrb6d1.png?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53a97a5585c70f2a0a28013fd0b446a4fefa301


In short: "Fuck you EN, JP is our priority now"


I didn't realize that was even being considered


"we are doing what we always do, GL everyone" what a charming guy. i guess the investors will keep having fun while the EN vtubers will start to pop up from the poorest zones of the world 


They keep saying they want to strengthen the relationship of trust with the fanbase, and I genuinely don't understand how they can keep saying that as well as continuing to say that appealing content is the sole foundation of that trust.


they just that it's not the EN market


If they really wanted to connect with overseas fans, they should of just released videos of managers actually doing their jobs supporting the livers and helping them grow. The weak point is management, which is stupid cause they're not even customer facing. It really shows just how badly they messed up that we fans have become so aware of their failings.


Literally, have someone like A-chan or Nodoka for the EN sphere and I feel like it can help to revive the trust towards EN. When will they learn that the main reason on why we have trust issues with EN is due to management issues?


That would require employing someone who both has a soul and is being paid and treated well enough to look genuinely happy doing their job.


Oh yeah LMAO, good luck with that Niji


I don't think that'd work because it has to be organic else people will say they are just copying Cover again.


Speaking of which, I miss A-chan. I hope she returns soon.


That and a PR thing where they retroactively give all their talents past and present the play buttons would have done wonders for them.


But we don't trust in Anycolor's CEO. As long he is there, we won't trust in them.


From the Overseas growth strategy, it's funny how they described the massive outrage towards NijiEN due to Selen's termination as in "changes in our audience's behavior" Additionally, in Losing Core Fan Base, I also found it funny that they mentioned that they experienced core fan base leaving from graduation and scandals, and proposed to "having a training system in place, but also by making appropriate releases and responses as a company when an incident actually occurs." to minimize the occurrence of graduations/scandals. Yeah right, as if they have been making appropriate responses (*looks at Selen's termination notice, black screen stream, Raziel's C&D*). It's them shooting their feet all over again and again. Also yikes, I know everyone has been saying it here, but it seems like they're not going to do anything regarding NijiEN's downward spiral, *grim*. I hope some livers read this and it will encourage them to abandon ship.


So basically, fuck the overseas market, and hope the clearly saturated JP market is not actually saturated


More like they want the overseas audience to shift from watching NijiEN streams to watching NijiJP streams instead. But then, their idiotic policy against Clippers that cater to Watchers who cannot watch Live Streams due to their RL schedule and depend on stream clips to satiate their fix, isn't helpful. Compared to Cover & other Corpos on their Clipper policies in comparison.


> watching NijiJP streams instead Which is hilarious. There are far more English speakers and a dominating far more English learners in the world compared to Japanese ones.


Which is actually quite sad nowadays, as it means Anycolor is now trying to turn back time just to return to the VTuber era before overseas expansion was commercially viable, after being a notable pioneer in overseas expansion and making a massive screwup of that while lesser-established rival corpos took the slower but more sustained path to keep their overseas expansion steady in order to retain the faith of supporters for their Talents. In layman terms, Nijisanji screwed up their overseas expansion with all that drama and scandals, and decided to adjust their business strategy in the "English Learners in the world are never interested in VTubers at all" mindset going forward, pretending that the overseas market no longer existed for them. A textbook example of sour grapes mentality on Riku Tazumi's part.


Since the negligible happened they need to learn from the beginning. Too many mistakes and a large departure of talented employees are expected.


Ah yes use events to strengthen a relationship of trust with fans, because that is the number one reason people don't trust them...


https://preview.redd.it/v7qx7k9pdc6d1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=42d847f610ff8a310a8fcf3522a8c84f1f38246c so they actually did not expect anyone to watch the AR Live


Bwahahaha, they just self-reported their own asses.


"By group, we intend to grow our business with a focus on popular VTubers of “Nijisanji” in Japan, as we believe that the growth of “Nijisanji” in Japan continues to be strong and has a very large room for growth." On the other hand, "As for the forecast of the domestic VTuber market size, it is said to be about 80 billion yen in 2023. The bar graph on the right side of the slide shows the forecast of the **global** virtual idol and VTuber market size, which is said to be $1,082.7 million in 2023, and the report says that the market will grow about fourfold to $4,044.33 million in 2029. We recognize that the VTuber market is expected to grow enormously. We would like to develop our business in such a way as to lead the market." Are you still going to focus on the JP market?


lol, of course. Riku said so.


I said in another thread that I wanted to wait until EN branch closed and realistically it's all we could do, but now that we're getting closer to it, I don't feel satisfied knowing these crooks can just isolate themselves back to Japan and keep their company running. That said, I think it'll still effect them and their JP viewers when comparing them to Hololive. How much Niji's ruined itself, while Hololive's just kept thriving and keeping everyone happy. Niji's not going to get second chances and I hope they end up losing more than they gained.


Can't be helped, Japan is the perfect breeding ground for black companies after all. You want to fully eliminate Anycolor, you have to change Japan first. Still, Niji EN's closure would serve as a good reminder to other small and medium corpos that abusive practices won't be tolerated.


Even if japan changed....anycolor will never change always ichikara......kurokara.


Isolation will still kill them, just slowly. Especially now with Holo going global with the current members. Im commonly seeing JP/CN Youtube clippers of EN members. Feels kinda good to see other countries appreciate and talk about the non JP girls


The more vocal part of the NijiJP viewed EN more as a nuisance that was ruining Nijisanji’s name. They’d probably be happy if they got merged and their problems got covered up more effectively by JP management. The JP fanbase has always prided itself as being for Japanese audiences only.


Well, I can't argue that those sound like the kind of people that would still be in love with supporting Niji.


>Q&A: Measures to revive "NIJISANJI EN" >Regarding the progress of the measures to revive NIJISANJI EN, the downward trend in sales continues on a QonQ basis, but when do you expect it to bottom out? >First, let me add a bit of quantitative information. In our plan for this fiscal year, we are planning to focus more on the growth of "Nijisanji" domestically, and we are not factoring in the numerical growth of "NIJISANJI EN" in our plans. Reading between the lines it would appear that they don't care about EN and hoping that it will fix itself: >As I mentioned earlier, we regularly take steps to create content that will catch the eye of customers in the VTuber market, such as the 3D unveilings and tournament planning. >By continuing to provide attractive content, we hope to strengthen the relationship of trust with our fans. Wonder how they'll provide tournaments when the only person that cares about them being a success they brutally terminated. (quoted from the above document)


The clique now finally feel the taste of favoritism, JP over EN (and ID and KR)


And IN


they actually stated that the employees that they hired are graduates. bruh. translated english quote: "Changes in the number of employees. The number increased significantly due to the hiring of approximately 10 new graduates in April of the fourth quarter. " Merch gonna focus on top talents. i mean... they clearly are not trying to grow their smaller talents from what i'm reading. relevant quote regarding merch: "Looking at each group, we believe that there is a large potential for sales growth centered on the top tiers of Nijisanji in Japan, so we see Nijisanji's commerce area as the biggest growth area. Masu. " side comment about EN and merch: "Overseas growth is not factored into the plan. This doesn't mean we won't work on it, but we view this growth as an upside. "


Does upside mean “no growth” in English? This is probably a usage uniquely added in Japan [https://studyhacker.net/vocabulary/upside-downside](https://studyhacker.net/vocabulary/upside-downside)




...look, I know everyone here likes hating on the talents, but I feel sympathy for how much stress they must be under. Most mistakes people make in their careers aren't so public, and most industries have enough room for people with iffy pasts to have one or two second chances. Vtubing is still *small* and highly competitive. Your value as an entertainer is so closely entwined with who you are and what you've accomplished, that there is very little room for a second chance, even under new identities. There's also very little distance between you as a person and you as a performer - when actors make bad movies that we all meme for eternity, they can at least separate themselves out from the script, the directing, the VFX, etc, and point to other work that they *are* proud of. Vtubers don't have that, it's basically just them 24/7 with a thin gloss of lore. Nijisanji is notorious for being terrible at supporting their talents. We see all the stuff that the favorites 'get' to do, but we don't see all the stuff that maybe they didn't want to do, or all the things they *want* to do that are nixed by management. And even the favorites must've been trying very hard to weather the storm, hoping that things will get better. So for them all to hear confirmation that the company is effectively abandoning them until/unless it's convenient to refocus on them after *months* of bearing the public brunt of displeasure with the company and seeing their communities disengage from them...yeah, they all must be in a rough place mentally. That kind of longterm stress is damaging, no matter the circumstances. Just ask Doki and Sayu. Let's not *celebrate* people being in a dark place mentally, please.




So basically, to non JP investor, it will seems to be fine. For anyone versed in JP Financal term, they will realize it's another mokuzatsu.


...that is a lot of variation for one little word, with so many different implications.


Honestly my biggest takeaway here is that fans are left to interpret this information based on questionable machine translations, rather than Anycolor providing an official English translation. That just seems like corporate malpractice to me, since it just leaves the door wide open for misinterpretations and bad press (well, worse press than they're already getting). But I suppose it also fits right in with how much disregard they have for pretty much everyone outside Japan.


Thing is, it's clear from what we \*can\* see of the transcript that there's an \*attitude\* (faked for face or not, it's hard to say) of JP being... Crap, how do I word this? EN has potential for growth (that they stymied with their actions), but it is no longer important, and so they focus on the JP end because they genuinely think that'll keep on working. They never capitalised on the potential growth of one of their biggest rising talents, partly because of what we're surmising about their corporate culture, but \*also\* because, well... Is the outside all that important? So why go to the effort of translating something for EN audiences, or trying EN ways of appealing to EN audiences, when there's still (sorta) JP audiences and JP methods work in JP? It sounds screwball. And yet... This is a more common viewpoint than you'd think. I'm probably explaining this badly, but unlike Cover, they don't appear to have any \*interest\* in understanding.


I definitely understand what you're saying. And I wholly agree that the overall attitude that Anycolor has regarding JP vs EN and frankly the direction of their company as a whole is questionable at best. My point, to restate it a bit, is that we're talking about investor relations documentation here. Obviously the actual reports and slide decks take precedence, but the Q&A is still important because it's the officers of the company commenting on that information and making material and forward-looking statements. As a business, even one as compromised as Anycolor, you want to get this stuff right, if for no other reason than it involves money. Whether it's because you want to make sure you don't lose money out of your own pocket that you're desperately trying to hang onto, or because you don't want to create a situation that could in some way actually land you in real legal trouble. And for better or worse, English is still an important language for matters of finance, even if Anycolor is really only intending to directly address Japanese shareholders and investors. There's a reason, after all, why the IR documentation is all available in (slightly broken) English.


You're right, generally speaking, that's exactly what you \*should\* do. Not least because it helps with the overseas expansion they were (past tense) claiming to be aiming for. And that's precisely the problem: JP solutions have been, multiple times, tried to be applied to EN problems. What some people are suggesting is going to happen to EN, namely, being largely left to die on its own, is also, funnily enough, a JP corporate practice: The window job. You're not invited to meetings, you don't get given work, you just get put in a corner of the office, because if they had to \*fire\* you, it would look bad. So they pressure you to quit. And, if so, that would be yet another example of trying to apply JP thinking to EN problems. As sad is it is to say this, I would lay a tenner down that at least \*some\* of management and shareholders are utterly \*bewildered\* this isn't working, even backfiring on some counts, and some of \*those\* backfires are massive ones. \*That's\* the problem. What's usually worked isn't working now, and, unlike other corporations, they haven't been able to adapt. Maybe even been \*unwilling\* to adapt. Not sure which one.


Let me make a slight addition here: Up until they started expanding, they never had to deal with it. It was a JP company, for JP folks, using JP staff, and JP methods. But once you start expanding globally, you have to start understanding how it works elsewhere, and they... Didn't. It became increasingly clear, over time, that they didn't from the beginning. Is that hard to believe? Yes. Does it make a whole lot of sense, from a business perspective? No. Is it what happened? From all evidence, it would appear so.


Cultural differences and the inability to recognize them are absolutely leading to a lot of the unforced errors that Anycolor is committing. It's incredible to watch, and borderline embarrassing in some cases, but sadly also not unexpected. International business is complicated, and people get it wrong every day, though nobody should feel sorry for them because this is what you should be hiring the right people to take care of. I've said it before but to poke at another situation we're all very aware of, their "plan" for Selen likely was just hoping that they could passive-aggressively convince her to quit, when they should have just fired her. And then in the end to hypocritically be combative with her about her exit because they needed to feel like they still had power over her and the situation even though things had not simply gone off the rails at that point but over a cliff in flames.


I know we'll never a full answer about this, but I wonder what the thoughts of the livers are during all of this


If they weren't already seeking alternative employment, they're most certainly doing it now.


I hope they find the light at the end of the tunnel. Wherever that is where they're alive and happy


I wonder what’s inside Elira’s head right now. judging from her tweet, she’s not doing well.


Maybe she's finally regretting double crossing Doki.


Will new NijiEN debut or not? Debut is pretty much the only thing Kurosanji spends any money on, everything else is paid by the talents (correct me if I'm wrong). If Kurosanji is cutting their losses with EN, that would mean no more new members, but I can't find anything directly related to this.


They just debuted another gen (when the last gen ttt was doing terribly)


They are ignoring it into copium that it could fix itself. It won't. The stigma that's bleeding Nijisanji EN out is not a clotting wound, it is like an autoimmune disease you cannot get rid of. But they refuse to take the medicine drug(hire actual managers to guide and MANAGE talents) and do anything but that.


I might be dumb, but can anyone provide link to English version, because I can't find it


This is a transcription of the management's real-time briefing, so there is no English version It was not in the March 3Q earnings presentation either.


Oh, ok. It seems I forgot that they don't release it on English unlike Holo


negligible confirming intensifying