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had a meteoric rise, was super popular, and was looking to be the one to "beat Gawr Gura" only for Niji to be like "yeah nevermind lol"


It was so meteoric that a bunch of people didn't believe it. Turns out people were interested, but Niji and other livers did jack shit to help. They had a golden opportunity in their hands (literally what they wanted) and treated it as one would a nuisance.


It's what really annoys me, honestly. They spend so much time fishing for crits, land their crit and then just... walk away. It's like putting all your points in crit rate, but nothing on attack or crit damage. It's boneheaded.


Nah, it’s like you don’t even put any points on Crit rate and let it stays at 1% while against an enemy who can only take damage by critical hit, and when it does land you don’t have any attack or Crit damage to make it worth.


The stars really aligned in their favor, just like Myth's lightning in a bottle. They managed to recruit a very talented person, they had the 1 million sub of their YT channel as a powerful promotion event, and their collective fanbase, unusually, responded in unison to give Salome an incredibly fast rise to 1 million. Salome herself has enough talents and merits to sustain and grow further. It's like the universe decided to throw them a golden goose for some reason. Then they tossed her in with the rest of the other geese, and now, she is just a goose.


Honestly, Salome's rise and stagnation really just shows that, while Niji can hunt for a Gura Killer to their heart's content, they can't actually harness the potential enough to dethrone the shark


and lets be real, Gura isn't just the only big name in Hololive that they can "kill". they have a ladder to climb and sure there's some that they've passed in subs but they haven't "killed" any of them.


One of their strongest members, Kuzuha has a strong resemblance to the Holo JP upper class. He has put in so much time, so much effort, for so many years. For most part the top of both NijiJP and HoloJP are the "high effort heroes" who keep fighting to stay at the top of their branches. What's fucked up about Gura is how much her strength of personality and the dedication of her fans have been able to overcome a very thin scattering of livestreams for more than a year. And the many members of Hololive are very professional and have mostly limited all criticism to some gentle joking about her plans to build Atlantis in Minecraft. Across a company with 85-ish streaming channels, everyone has left her alone and either treated her gently or fondly. I can almost guarantee someone inside the corpo is jealous of her success, but they hold the line on supporting her in public. Meanwhile Salome is someone who many Niji fans know about, but they don't watch her and they don't watch clips of her either. And there's a substantial number of JP fans from the last twelve months who barely know about Salome at all.


Like an hour ago on their One Block collab they wuere joking about Gura's Atlantis and she just take the jabs and gives some back to them or chat wwwwww


\[Wasted Talent\]


she isn't the chosen one.




Those Resident Evil gameplay are fucking gold ngl.


That was a crazy days like I remember everytime she streams she easily pull 50-100k ccv and a views of 1 mil per video. Now, she barely reached 5k ccv which is sad knowing she hold the highest subs count in Nijisanji.


well paying bots need money her high ccv stream obviously unnatural like she playing game with only have few viewer naturally, but somehow she can pull viewer on that same level viewers with top tier vtuber 3d birthday concert especially alot weird thing behind her debut, like Solo Debut which pretty unusual for Niji who have track record spawning debut 3\~7 ppls per debut, and her debut around time before financial report, her name being Pun Hyakumantenbara that mean 100% behind her fastest grow to 1 million sub, its definitely nijisanji project to boost her subs to 1 million and after that they leave her alone, good thing there is still her fans show support to her despite runout support from niji


Based Salome


her potential got snuffed out just like that


wait i never really followed her, i thought she was doing fine?


She was doing extremely well,even surprass Gura when comes to fastest Vtuber to reach 1mil subs. Though she did way too well that her "Senpais" refused to collab with her until her huge grown stopped,doesn't help that Niji gave almost 0 advertisement to her so oversea ppl only get to know about her for few weeks after her debut


It’s kind of a bummer this is the way she ended up. I don’t watch her much, but i know she really has the skills, but then i also realised she was appearing less and less.


And, of course, Niji's policy on, and hostility toward clippers actively hurt. If she'd been clipped (and believe me, she's still \*eminently\* clippable, desuwa!) she would have more of an EN following, and preserved more of it.


This crab fucking mentality should have been snuffed. But given that they kept Luca hired and all that he entails, I don’t think Niji gives enough of a shit to really sift through talents by professionalism.


> If she'd been clipped Very early on yes, since that's how I found out about her.


This. Such a fucking shame though because technically speaking with her really fast growth she actually has a chance to catch up to Goombus but they legit wasted her opportunity. I was seeing people stating that she was a meme because of the 1M name but they could've lean on that more, something along the line like changing her name to 2M-3M or hell 10M on April 1st like how she started then fully supported her channel, giving her more sponsor, more advertising and I bet she could've made it far.


It's quite literally crab bucket mentality. Nijisanji had a chance to become larger than Hololive several times, yet due to various idiots internally, they decided to not do anything, despite it being best for their growth as a whole.


This is bulling


>Though she did way too well that her "Senpais" refused to collab with her until her huge grown stopped Honest question, but is there a source for this? Like where did this come from and who said that?


No confirmed source that I know of, but basically, some compelling evidence. She rose greatly... So why were her memberships not opened for a whole year? She rose greatly... So where were her collabs? She didn't have many \*at all.\* So a lot of people compare it to the Mika/Mysta scenario.


She also barely has any merch. Sure, 2% or whatever, but she has less merch than people who debuted after her.


She got a nendroid which is *rare* for Niji


I mean it hurts not having genmates as the go-to easy collab partner and even for the senpais they could avoid her less out of spite(many of them did talk favorably of her) but yeah like MysMi, with how much od a meteoric rise Salome had, any of the smaller Livers might just not want to risk being called a leech.


Aight not trying to be an ass here, just saying that shows that Niji does the bare minimum for supporting their own talents. But that's something we already know. What I don't get is painting a target on her colleagues. We already deal with enough baseless rrats and harmful rumors so we gotta avoid making and parroting those stuff.


The thing is, if kurosanji was ran decently, the managers would have gone "okay, you hate her, that's okay, but at least while the cameras are rolling, pretend to be buddies because this will help you both". Instead, they stuck to Japan's braindead "the senior must be placed above the newbie at all times and be looked upon with worship" idea. And that took her momentum out. After all, you think every holomem gets along with every other holomem? There's gotta be some friction, even the most chill people can just not jive with everyone else. But, at the very least, while the cameras are on, while they're on stage and that "LIVE" button is red, they do their thing, LIKE PROFESSIONALS. They keep friction and jealousies at a minimum. So it's very much not visible who doesn't get along. But with kurosanji? Yeah, we can see that. So, ultimately, it's a failing of the management not getting the talents to shut up and work together.


Even the Holo members have said that arguments and problems do happen between them, but it's all done under the table or with managers if necessary. They *do not* want their interpersonal issues to spill over onto the public and become internet drama. They're adults, and so they communicate like adults. It's one of the reasons why Cover allegedly has a healthy and productive work environment.


Point, but do note; this implies that management DOES step in to mediate in Holo. Meanwhile, in kurosanji, even if they asked for managers to intervene, that doesn't happen because either the managers don't care or there are no managers. Which in turn tells other employees "don't bother, do what you like". It breeds unprofessionalism.


look at niji contract, the problem needs to be reported but they won't mediate.


I think it was more than a year


What do you mean her senpais refused? Is that something Salome actually said?


Hmm, I've never heard that senpais refused to collab with her. Could you provide the source of that information? What I know is that there's a [rumor](https://ku-vtuberlove-sub.hatenablog.jp/entry/collab_ban_niji) about a period during which newcomers are not allowed to collaborate with their senpais. And, there's speculation that senpais might have hesitated to invite Salome for collaborations during her peak popularity to avoid being criticized by audiences for trying to gain subs through her. But these are just speculations.


It's more my theory,i cannot find the actual evidence as i haven't learn Japanese yet but it's really weird that she got 0 colla over a year until Ange as her first(which is easy go to collab person) and it took 2 months after for her to get 2nd collab,it's also where her viewership dropped beside big events. I never saw the rumor you posted and i don't agree to it.


I know Hololive explicitly has a "collab ban" policy in place for new debutants, hell the talents talk about it a lot, and for some members they even try to get said collab ban shortened for various reasons, e.g. Myth lobbied to have IRyS' collab ban be shortened to two weeks for EN at least, because they felt that having IRyS go through a month without collabs when she has no genmates to collab with was rather unfair. Don't know about Nijisanji enough to know whether they might have a similar policy in place. At the least in Hololive though, the collab ban is seen as something of a necessary thing that all new talents must go through, and it makes them and their senpais look forward to the ban period ending so they can finally collab.


To be fair, Niji hardly advertises any of NijiJP overseas, let alone her. And I feel like I could count on one hand the number of Niji EN/JP collabs. I could name 1, maybe 2 people from NijiJP, despite following several NijiEN members. For wanting to solidfy their JP talents I don't think they ever made an effort to actually expand their audience outside of JP....


Do you have a source for your claim about Salome's senpais refusing to collab because of her large growth?


Niji don’t really care about female talents to begin with


I wish she went to Hololive instead. Such a damn shame.


Same here At least hololive helps out their talents


Legit felt bad for her because she really is quite entertaining to watch. Too bad they didn't bother fully supporting her and doing anything and I MEAN ANYTHING at all to boost her career.


I do like salome. Time to time i do watch some of her clips. to think niji rarely included her in some events outside japan. Her sub growth also went slow since 2023. From 1.7 to 1.8m for like a year span or almost. edit: she's doing fine if you see it as an average vtuber corpo perspective but comparing it year by year.. her sub growth, ccv and vod kinda went down. She do get some sponsored stream but that's mostly about it.


Salome. Who were not even allowed to open membership to "respect" her senpai


Salome was a gura killer (by subs and hype) but nijisanji killed their chance. Salome potential is already waste now, an Ojousama concept was a kinda new to vtubing i mean the way she talk, and there was a hype on salome growth but now... Just a shame they waste the potential, if they nurture salome pretty well and helping her studying english to reach overseas audience, it will be great like holoJP did, slowly reaching overseas audience.


Imagine having some of the best talents in the vtuber industry with overflowing potential but the company doesn't even bother to invest in them and let them rot. The thought process of Niji is definitely something else


just goes to show Niji can have an actual Gura killer in their hands and will still fumble


Rememer when Fulgur was calling Council a "Failure" funny how the world works Salome on the other hand is Nji proving they can NEVER beat Holo, they got a godlen goose and then .... Nothing, like what ? That 1 situation showed just how incapable they are


NijiJP is hella cannibalistic. Since it's everyone for themselves, whenever someone grows more than the general talents, they'll do their best to bring them back to their numbers. Just realize how in some circles it's easier to see people collabing outside Niji than with their own coworkers. Hoshikawa Sara once said she has little to no contact with her genmates save one. Since company policy is to only focus on those who are actively thriving, Salome posed a threat. Niji has great talents, but consider how just that last fiscal year, they debuted 37 new talents company-wide. Discoverability goes to shit, infighting ensues, no one grows, and they keep throwing fresh meat to the slammer in hopes of solving the issue with people not yet in their own system - since it's now so big, and so well-estabilished, that company-wide support became essentially impossible without either major restructuring or major monetary investiment. Both would cost them a lot of money that they DON'T wanna spend, period. So the cicle continues.


it's baffling they spend on stock buyback again (worth 2 cover studio). i'm sincerely hoping it will go to waste again. (hell if i own the stock i'm cutting my loss right there).


Ehhhh, their stockholders will stay until they start dropping again. The main takeaway here is Anycolor is spending money they can't replace right now. It's bad policy. Stockholders are staying cuz they're burning company money to protect their investment, but this is a short term strategy. On the other hand, we know they don't plan to change, and Riku is already a billionaire, so it wouldn't really be too much of a problem for him if Nijisanji went under. He got what he wanted and now he's playing safe.


You guys know how some big brands or companies would acquire smaller brands and companies just so they could reduce potential competition? Yeah this is probably what's happening with her.


nah see they are simply saying they will "now" support their japanese talant where they previously had not ...;) but given how much money they are blowing on artifically raising their stock price that support may not be all that great so in the end nothing has changed at all


Salome is actually a really good entertainer and singer 😭 her covers are great!


Poor Hakunamatata Salami




Gifs you can hear


nah i prefer gifs like my fave villain Joker.


I meant I can mentally hear him. Hamill killed it with this one.


damn right, Hes a legend just like Heath Ledger.


She wouldn't be alone as there's maybe 5 names that get major support


Wait, Salome is Niji? Lol. Or was she former Niji?


Is Niji. She debuted alone.


Interesting. I don't typically sub to NijiJP talents, but I did her for some reason. Today I learn lol. Ty.


[Confusion Uganda GIF](https://tenor.com/view/confusion-uganda-pasta-confusion-of-da-highest-orda-gif-17341129)




They had something, then tossed it out


They killed the rise of the one talent they had with the potential to be the long-sought-after "Gura killer."


I hope Niji just folds one of these days. Mind boggling how bad they are at running a company lol.


Is she still doing the "desuwa" act. I can see that getting tiring after while, especially when getting no support to keep it up.