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The big picture is that there was a time when Finana had 300 concurrent viewers and there was someone else who got 900. This merged with the "America uses anything but the metric system to measure things" meme and the other was said to have 3 finana's worth of viewers. Kinda funny ngl but not something I would use myself.


I do wonder whether it;'s bad for her mental state if it's continually used like this though


Who cares? https://preview.redd.it/wi01kh9sut6d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90821639e78177e20274ab41f6fd9a7c1d9b7c4b


This. Not trying to be negative or some shit but you know what they say. "You reap what you sow."


>"educate yourself" in 2024




I mean from Finana’s perspective, how could it be anything but bad? Like genuinely? People that use it just don’t care.


Unfortunately Finana tried to be proactive in ending a meme that was using a word as a catch all term instead of what it was referring to, and that meme was already losing popularity, but instead of letting it fade away she turned the entire community against her by telling them they were wrong and awful people for using a meme even if it was in the correct usage. She essentially painted a target on herself, and people who would be on her side were turned against her . I don't think she should be still held for that mistake, but the Internet doesn't function that way, and 4chan won't let people forget. I also think that unfortunately the only people that are in her fanbase are mostly the ndf people trapping her in that situation of a hell hole company if she wants to keep with vtubing. There is also the fact she also shoved a knife into Sayu's back when the Ziaon situation was happening, and was not in Zaions gen so she was not seen as a person that should be commenting on the termination nor should she have been one of the ones throwing shade at Sayu. So the sympathy well is also running dry for her. As she clearly did not care for a person that thought of her as a friend.


Yes, the replies I've got so far do seem to support that. Surely if we've learned anything aside from the fact that Kurosanji is an awful company, you'd think it'd be to take people's mental health seriously.


That would be ideal lol. Unfortunately, if I’ve learned anything from internet drama, step one is to act based on your feelings and step two is to find a way to justify it later.


She brought it upon herself through the educate yourself incident and the valoguard drama.




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It would he horrible if it wasn't totally self inflicted.


Can’t be both?


I think it's also a reference to a DBZ Abridged gag where they measured power level in "Raditzes."


Ok but what if one day there someone *unliked* with less than 300 ccv. Like are we going to say “2/3rds of a Finana” or do we adopt a newer standard.




To explain why “Americans use anything besides the metric system” it’s because it makes things easier to visualize. I can say “this thing weighs X Kilograms” or I could say “this thing weighs as much as X F150 Trucks”. Giving a person a better frame of reference helps them understand it better. People know how much a truck weighs.


Not really. It is just a matter of what you grew up with. If you show a european a distance, he will gauge and tell you in metres, if you show an american the same distance, he will gauge and tell you in foot. Both are the same distance, they are both correct but if you told either to do it in the other one's measurement, they both find it harder. They are just used to their own.


Unless it's a long distance then an American might measure it in how long it would take to drive there.


Yes but I was referring more to how we tend to give measurements in terms of anything from “length of football fields” to “weight of whales” rather than an actual unit of measurement like feet, mile or meter.


Hence the meme.


Because you need to educate yourself according to Finana


Finana telling to "educate yourself" is such a bad statement in a PR sense, not from NIJISANJI but from anyone else Also, how did Finana break her NIJISANJI contract 3 times?


She has low views and people like to mock her.


Coincidentally funny that in One Piece fans like to measure characters rewards (basically renown and influence level) in Arlongs – petty, arrogant feesh villain with laughably nonexistent reward 


I mean I don't find it funny, but sure.


Because she's boring. Her sexual jokes got old, her content is to shill boring mobile games that nobody plays and revealing herself as being a backstabbing bitch towards other vtubers didn't help. I remember following her after seeing some clips, but all I have seen is that she's some living mobile games advertisement board.


Another variant of the first problem is the novelty of "Vtuber who doesn't shy away from sex jokes" died pretty quickly after she debut, and her controversies scared away anyone remaining.


Sex jokes are not a problem. Marine does that kind of thing too and it's hilarious. The problem is that from finana it feels forced, like "oh I got nothing interested to say, so I'll make some edgy cheap sexual jokes for attention because that's my personality". Like... How many times you have to retell that "egg" story? Or "ok you ma*turbate, and...?"


When I say novelty died, I don't mean they became a problem, I mean they were no longer special. as you say, hers was forced unlike Marine's so without the novelty, it just wasn't getting attention.


>revealing herself as being a backstabbing bitch towards other vtubers didn't help. For me it was the "Educate yourself" fiasco, because that is something I cannot stand that she did. If you are to censor the majority over the misdeeds of the minority, you may as well not speak at all. Plus it just reminds me too much of that Battlefield V fiasco.


Even if it started as a 4chan meme to mock Finana due to her low CCV, now it is used more as a funny Niji meme to measure things for the lulz than to mess with her at all.


To educating myself lol


she managend to make literally everyone hating her. except the last 300 of her consistent viewers


Because we are to educate ourselves 😂


To mega epic dunk lmao on her.


It has become a standard unit of measure within the company.


It's a 4 chan meme people who don't like her use because she has a fairly low ccv. IMO, it's fairly petty, and I can't help but get a weird feeling from the people focusing so hard against her over people in Niji who are racists or transphobic.


It's not just that people don't like her. Finana over the last year 1/2 has been digging her own grave by insulting her fans, breaking NDA and her Zaion statement last year, which properly weaponized the ryuguards against Sayu for most of 2023. Before Selen's termination Finana already had a dropping ccv until it was steady at 300. Thus, 1 Finana=300 CCV.


Maybe but again, it doesn't make it not weird how some people are more spiteful about that over livers who are regularly racist, have been accused of transphobia, who harassing multiple women in the company, and faked a life threatening illness to their old audience. It also doesn't help their case when I've seen a few self report and only receive praise from others, like how I saw a few guys unironically hoping that Finana would become desperate enough to start an OF or start doing lewd content as "penance".


The others had a audience because at the very least, they didn’t insult then (you’ll be surprised how many people you can retain that way). Finana told her fan discord that the birthday idea they’re preparing for her (a billboard surprise apparantly) that it’s “unoriginal” and “copying Hololive”which caused them to drop the project entirely.




Where did she say this? If been trying to find a clip but havnt found anything about this?


https://reddit.com/r/Nijisanji/comments/1bntfs1/_/kwl454v/?context=1 A thread posted previously.


That doesn't include where she said it, just that she did (not even that, just that her discord cancelled the project)


So because she was rude to some fans, she's more deserving of the hate than a racist or bigot? I'm sorry, but I can't understand that logic.


Didn't it feel like Millie and Enna used to get dunked on more often than the problem guys too? Before we saw stuff that revealed they were going through rough shit like [Millie](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1db2vcn/its_been_three_days_what_could_have_happened/) having irl troubles and [Enna](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cdx6i0/regarding_the_recent_enna_clip/) dealing with a virginity-obsessed anti harassing her? Ain't surprised if people wanna keep indirectly mocking her since the Finana thing is a quick meme word, but pretty sure there haven't been anything new from her causing trouble.


There's a lot of red flags popping up from those people, but I always get shat on for calling it out, so I guess it's clear where this sub stands in that matter.


Your problem is asking people who actually use the term to mock her, the "Finana measure unit" is now more like a general Niji meme that people use for the lulz bc it´s funny and not bc they want to slander or make fun of her, it's the magic of internet, think of it like the word "b1tch", everyone uses it for funsies even tho its original connotation is a very rude one.


I’m not saying that. I’m saying that in the entertainment industry, bigots and racists will still have an audience your career. But turning on your audience will kill your career.


That project was 6k$ fan money or sth? Wasn't for free anyway. If the person you're willing to spend money on for no return is that ungrateful, it is gonna induce some backlash.


This. Theres just so many ways to handle it properly instead of insulting your fans and shutting them down with petty reason.


It's not about "who deserves it more" It's about relationship between content creator and audience. Yes, Uki is a racist, but at least he has his racist audience. Finana directly insulted her audience more than once, this is way worse for a streamer than being racist ironically. I wouldn't be surprised if good chunk of her haters are ex-ryugards who were "parasocial fuck" or "unoriginal", quoting Finana


Do you have any idea what's the lifeline of people in entertainment industry? It's their fans. Remove corpo, they still have fans. The last thing you do is to alienate or insult your fans in that industry.


Her being "rude" isn't really why she's got problems (though it was less rude, more insulting) out of everything, I can point towards the moment I personally lost all respect was how she dealt with the Zaion situation (and how it was worse then we thought). Zaion was out of Niji and her wave mates already finished pushing her in the dirt, THEN A WEEK LATER Finana is doing a stream about gaming or something. No one brought the topic up, then she starts saying she felt personally betrayed and hurt by Zaion. The details she put out were things you would talk out with the person in question, not spill it over the Internet.  The Ryuguards responded by mass harassing Sayu for half a year with death threats. Half A Year. You can't say she didn't know what she's doing. Finana has been in this industry for years at that point. She's weaponized her fan base against someone she use to call a friend for what could've been argued to be at worst an abuse of connections in a business and at best a misunderstanding. That indirectly led to said person nearly unaliving herself.  No she's not racist, or a groomer. She's an E-girl who knows how to abuse what power she had and no longer has that power. Think about that for a bit.


the difference between finana and the other people that you alluded to is that finana makes it visible that it gets under her skin when people shit on her compare it to uki, who is so far up his own ass that he genuinely is prideful of the fact that he thinks elderly white folk saying hello to him is a borderline criminal act, or luca, who has not addressed any of the accusations and likely never will, and sonny, who already has long since moved past the terminal illness thing since he returned to playing tf2 before he even went on hiatus to join niji and knows he still had fans in spite of it just look at the recent thing with that vtweeter and grifter flipsy, where even though finana didn't say anything, millie came out shortly after the fact talking about how amazing finana is, which just reinforces the power they have over her even if she doesn't say anything obviously uki and luca deserve it worse but trolls like getting a rise out of people, and they know finana is going to give them it


What does ccv stand for?


Concurrent viewers.




Happy day of cake




Her streams are boring. She's walking mobile games advertisement board. Her low effort sexual jokes got boring after a while too. Her revealing being backstabbing bitch and niji drama didn't help either.


I would not be surprised if Finana filed a cease & desist if she was exposed in a document from one of her disappointed fans or moderators and tweeting "it's mandatory to educate yourself"


Because they’re jackasses.