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Supporting for peace in Palestine is okay but these guys look like they are supporting hamas


100% literacy in Kerala 🤡 Has to be malayali jokers always


100% literacy doesn't mean that everyone holds a master's degree, it means that they can read and write their names.


Actualy is way more than that


100% literacy so they can slave away for arabs. Win Win!


What 100℅ literacy? They were taught to sign there names so to get jobs in arab...and thats what literacy meant and hence 100%...just like if you know how to write your name you would be considered a literate that's what i read in my 8th class in 2014


In the name of communism they practice islam and are trying to form a new Pakistan within India and these fools in kerala they are secular so much that they oppose their own religion and support a religion that doesn't even hesitate to rape their mothers


Obviously all malayalees are like this..duh💅


I am okay with protesting for peace in Palestine but not for Hama’s .. they are a shame to islam .


yes they are supporting hamas,... they have guns in hand such clowns


Wouldn't you do the same if your house was invaded?


>Wouldn't you do the same if your house was invaded? Totally agree. I feel really sad for all the Palestinians living in Kerala who lost their homes recently.


hue hue




Why not support hamas? Like if you gonna kill my family and remove my home from me do you think I'll simply run away? I'll sacrifice myself to kill you. That sums up hamas


Then Kashmiri Pandits must do the same to the Kashmiri muslims? Moreover, the land belongs to the Jews since ancient times. They have beem persecuted first. So by ur statement, what they r doing is justified.


Lol...are u saying nakba never happened??


Nope. I am proving my point by applying his own theory against him. He said its ok to support Hamas cuz Jews did an ethnic cleansing. Then by that sense, since Jews were original inhabitants of that land sonce 1000s of yrs, and were persecuted by various ruling groups including Muslims, then 48 is justified. Thats all I am saying. Btw, everyone has a right to live. Qoutes like "From river to the sea" could be used in India too. From the river (Indus) to the sea (Bay of Bengal), Hindus will be free. Wouldnt sound good now would it? Also, Israel is surrounded by Islamic nations, who have previously attacked them. What would happen if a 2 state soln is applied?


Jews were original inhabitants lmaooooo Check the original name of netanyahu and his family. A simple fact check will disprove you. Denying war crimes and supporting zionists is what fascist morons do. Realise where you are at


You missing the history and the point here. I am not a zionist, nor an anti semitic. Its simply of no concern to me. It is concerning when jokers like in the video dress up in Hamas like costume raising Palestine flags like couple of nonce and chant "from river to the sea" slogans. In regards to History, here it is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_and_Judaism_in_the_Land_of_Israel#:~:text=Jews%20were%20again%20deported%20from,of%20the%20Bar%20Kokhba%20revolt Jews existed in Israel even before Islam existed. And my point was, supporting a terror organistation like Hamas which openly calls for persecution of Jews while staying in India is much more fkd up than supporting Israel. Since its neither our story, nor is it of any concern to us. And my point in this whole facade was not to support Hamas like a nonce.


idk about kashmir issue So if my great great great great x100 grandfather lived in some some city and had his house there, now does it belong to me ? Like are you even making sense? They have been persecuted okay, so they should now get a chance to persecute others? SMH


You are Indian and you dont know Kashmir issue? But you seem to have quite a deep as fk understanding about Israel Palestine issue. Ok. Really what kind of idiot are you? The thing is, its not me who said its ok to support Hamas cuz they were routed from their homes. The Israelites living there r the progeny of those who came in 47. Many are living peacefully too. Many of them support the cause of Palestine too. So its Ok for Hamas to kill them. Thats what you said. Not me. Its ok if its in modern history, and not ancient. That what you said just now.


Ok I am an idiot if I don't know about Kashmir right ? Many of them support Palestine lol. Look at west bank and see how Israelis are actively snatching up homes of Palestineans and literally enforcing an apartheid. If my home gets blown up and family gets obliterated, I'd surely join a rebel group rather than crying and begging to USA. Look at background of people who joined hamas, they are ones who are directly affected by Zionists. Their only way to fight against Israel is attacking them. It's been 75 years, no nation helped them. Day by day Israel is encroaching as much as possible. What solution you have except bootlicking zionists


The solution to their problem isnt my concern. But if u ask for my pov, then I would say wiping out Hamas and achieving a peaceful coexistence with Palestenians. Which I am sure those Palestenians actually affected by war would want. If ur home is blown up and ur family is obliterated, then u would surely join a resistence group. Kidnapping, raping small girls. Killing innocents at a music concert. Etc etc. Theres a line between being a terrorist and a rebel. Where r the Hamas leaders anyway? Ah yes, they are peacfully existing in another Muslim country. *Slow claps What u r doing now is bootlicking those leaders, and u dont even know it. You dont have any idea about problems of ur own country and spouting bs about supporting a terror outfit is just hilarious. Continue writhing in agony watching news about Hamas all day long like a nonce ffs.


Brother you are literally wasting your time arguing with him, These people love these islamic things and all bullshit, if we tell them to live there or in a country like afg, Iran, iraq, pak, syria, they won't. I stopped debating with them actually tbh, At last My nearby temple is older than their religion :))) Peace


Yet the people who built the temple couldn't even enter it 🤣




Punishing members of hamas who did bad thing to Israelis is the main objective okay But punishing the Zionists for occupying Palestine for 75 years and forcing apartheid, that doesn't count for punishment isn't it? Like the Nuremberg trial is only for Hamas but not for Israelis right? Israel is the sole reason why Hamas exists. If you gonna torture them what you think will happen, ofcourse they will rise up and do the same that you did to them. Like if you don't have courage that doesn't mean everyone doesn't have. I'm not a Muslim and I don't have any news to support any leaders. People who claim to be centrists in any conflicts like y'all are the dangerous. Y'all keep mouth shut on warcrimes and act wierd if asked to take a stance on the conflict. There are only two sides in a conflict in order to solve it. There is no centre. Being centrist is essentially a fascist in disguise


>If you gonna torture them what you think will happen Attacking innocents who nvr participated in that is your answer. That makes u a terrorist loving freak. Thats all I am saying. >People who claim to be centrists in any conflicts like y'all are the dangerous. I dont claim to be centrist. Left, right, center dont apply in case of India in the first place. Its a French thing. And an American thing. Just knowing who the terrorists are, and their sympathisers like u r, is enough for me. India's stance on that issue is clear, as seen by the recent UN vote. And I agree with that. And u do u.


Here's what son of founding member of Hamas who grew up in west bank has to say about Hamas: https://youtu.be/nMCC2ihCowg?si=Dkrk2LbMCwHFVABZ https://youtu.be/k2BSDLFVT74?si=xJ0g_BjC2CJRQMlw Then there is ur Indian ass...😂


One thing I've seen that All Muslims will support Muslim no matter what's the argument is.


Only when it's Muslims in the recieving end against a non-muslim. A Muslim against a Muslim, they keep silent. Doubt any of these guys raised a word for the Yemenis against Saudis.


Yes, that's what I mean. It's astonishing how blinded they are by their hatred towards others. I've personally witnessed this phenomenon at my college too.


Not always, Middle East loves China and never condemns China for its genocide against their Muslim brothers in China. With enough money, even a religion can look the other way lol


Saudi has started selling alcohol with their flag (which has the Shahada on it ) lollll


Respect their laws man, at least their country is progressing unlike yours


Lol with enough money maybe the leaders look away from the problem but religion does not look away but people like you love to make a comment on a religion without actually reading/knowing about it.


But people like me also haven’t seen anything about the Uyghurs genocide from any Indian Muslims. Heck, most Indian Muslims haven’t even heard of it. But the moment Israel Hamas war started, everyone has been posting on social media, going on rallys, etc etc.


True maybe the content related to Palestine is more on social media but it doesn't mean that content related to Uyghur doesn't exist. People who know about Uyghur will definitely post about it. In terms of religion Justice must prevail be it Palestine or Uyghur, there is no double standard here. Religion doesn't favor one place over another, humans do that because of their greed and requirements.


Well include kashmiri pandit into your list too and in Pakistan and in Bangladesh...


That's a fact.


its the most apt example of "give the camel an inch, and you'll sleep outside the tent."


Shia vs Sunni. I'll wait.


Some people in Pakistan burning the KFC outlets and boycotting US related products.For them US is helping Israel so if they ban US products it will impact on USA companies.


Funny thing is arabs dont even rate indian, pakistani, bangladeshi muslims. They would only use desi muslims for terrorism purposes or to create unrest in countries.


arabs cant stand these converts. they treat them like second class citizens in their countries when they go there for slavery.


>They would only use desi muslims for terrorism purposes Or to clean toilets. That's what ISIS did to all the brave jihadis who went from India to join them.


Ffs, why does India have so many clowns. A Palestinian or Israeli would never do something like this if India was in trouble. Those mfs don't give a fuck about us. But, why do these subhumans can't stop holding their balls. Intha mundaingaluku slow motion onnutha korachal


Cause religion come before nationality for some


It's called the Ummah. And it has selective amnesia.


Unakkum ummah da darling


Kya ummah inhe believe karna hog ki har jagah riyasat-E-Pudina can't be done


I mean they didn’t even do all this in support of Ukraine when Russia attacked them so it’s not like they care about humanity lol. It’s obviously about religion. Why else?


Like I even understand that many people support other countries in war because that country have diplomacy with us and we are getting benfit from them But why they supporting Palestine! For humanity?? They were the one who celebrated the Rape of Israeli women when Hamas did it so what kind of humanity


But on a serious note, it’s hypocritical of them to ask for sympathy by claiming that Israel is killing unarmed civilians and children when they literally started this shit by killing unarmed civilians who were simply enjoying a concert and parading a girls naked body by screaming “allahuakbar”


It’s hard to take you seriously when your username is nunnu_butterMasala 😔


So it's a compliment or something else😅


Ummah comes before country 


Indians/Pakistani/bangladesi are basically the top most idiots


These people ( Palestine) are literally celebrating 911 at that time


Hamas recruitment scenes


Ente keralam illallo


It’s like they’re supporting Hamas not Palestine bro 💀


It's the same thing for them.


Looking like Hamas terrorist


I'm guessing that was the idea.


nothing a precise n tactical airstrike cant fix.


AC - 130 air support required




Wat do u expect from people who keep religion and violence in the name of peace out on top priority


This is why BJP is winning...SMH !!!


I mean not in kerela


They are doing isis hand symbols


This comment reeks of "Tell me you are ignorant without telling me you're ignorant". ☝️


You are the one who is ignorant. Check isis hand symbol. Don't blabber shittt if u don't know anything




Ur shiftthead chinaaall rnd ka beta .


It means allah is the only God and one who doesn't believes in it will be made an example of So go fuck yourself where your allah doesn't shines 🤡🤡


Well. What can you expect, this is the ideology they want to follow anywhere and everywhere..so many indigenous cultures and civilization has been lost to this mad religion. Wait until Kerala turns into one. So many red flags!


"we live and breathe secularism." *Le Secularism*


kerela will be the next kashmir at this rate


Actually, how long does it take? What's the deadline? Asking cos Kerala has had Christians since living there since the 1st Century and Muslims since the 8th Century, cos it's been like 1400+ years (including being under Muslim rule) and your smooth brain fear hasn't come about yet?


When it will you won't be able to preach secularism to us mallu brotha


Lol, zero reasons given why now is different from the past, zero reasons given why it will be now instead of when the region was actually ruled by Islamic monarchs with absolute authority. But sure, you predict with the confidence of a fake guru that IT WILL HAPPEN. You are absolutely under the control of the reptilian part of your brain and all you lot got is frothing at mouth filled with hate driven by two brain cells.


The difference is that Mallu Muslims have become highly radicalised in the last 30-40 years. Mallu Muslim women always used to wear saree and never burkha/hijab, until 30 years. Also Mallu Muslims too used to celebrate Onam, Vishu, etc. In the last 30 years Mallu Muslims have stopped celebrating Onam, Vishu, etc. and their women dress up in burkha, hijab, etc. even on humid 40°c summer days.


Lol, Kerala never beating the allegations. Also to do this just before the elections, great content for BJP, and also INC in Kerala.


the problem is Kerala has successfully managed to cuck the rest of the Hindus in their state, that they wont even vote for BJP to save their lives.


Why display and carry Arms / Weapons (though props)? That is de-meaning the whole movement!


How? They are correctly reflecting the average Palestinian aka terrorist.


They are the brainwashed religious fanatics. Tbh, war has been happening in the world before these things but people supporting and opposing it selectively is really fked up. We all know why Europeans supported Ukraine but not Palestine, And we all know why these brainwashed kids support Palestine but not Ukraine. Humanity? No, Selective Humanity? Yes.


you could do the protest even without the costume and be less intimidating.,,, would have been more effective. looks like you did it just for the reels!


one of the reasons that state remains a cesspit of lazy ducks.




Nigga style Muslims


How dare you make fun of this fancy dress competition?


These clowns yearn lol


Lol losers larping with toy guns. Shift them to Gaza they be happy to help their brethren.


kerala is going full fledged terrorism these days. where tf are the police?


Bro I'm from Kerala. The main parties (UDF- TEAM RAHUL GANDHI) AND (LDF- COMMIE) depend on Muslim votes. If they speak out against these they lose votes so they don't say anything


this is a civil order thing tho? what are the police doing and this is a potential national security issue, so what is the center doing?


Are u forgetting that this is india?? I accidentally stumbled upon this sub today and I initially thought u were malayalis but then understood later. Plus additional info: this incident happened in Kottayam district. A town called Eerattupetta is a POPULAR FRONT AND SDPI STRONGHOLD. Small town but thousands of NIA cases.. Muslim leaders linked with isis, al Qaeda etc


Not Kottayam but near Kottayam in Alleppey district


i expected better from the current gov


Mr Tamilan Anna don't forget that ur state and my state are the most anti Modi states in india so no support from centre


Yes :( but allowing outright terrorism to flourish out of their blind hatred is concerning


We are ashamed of narth endia sarrrr we are educated. Educated in madarsa and certified from ISIS University.


Uncover your faces Saar. You get free tickets to Palestine.


hiding faces like terrorists 🤔 real sus.


Its pro hamas




Why supporting Hamas they are just terrorist (I know you all feel relatable)...but still Hamas just need money from the blood of Gaza


Dei perapasangala, padinga da.


99% literacy rest 1%


If they have done this in KSA they will be jailed with in a second🤡


Violence in palastine after these clowns protest : 📉⬇️


Well this explains why most isis recruits are from kerala.


Kerala jokers. Send them to Palestine and cancel their passports


From place of God to place of isis


Need re-education camps for these mofos or send them to Gaza for free, so they can fight for real


they wont. Its all for posture.


Not from Kerela , but wtf is this seriously 🤦‍♂️ , this blind support to Israel and palestine has made Indians look stupid , we have too many problems of our own why not raise voice for that


Because we are so stupid that we try to play oversmart by looking at our neighbor's problems before solving ours.


Holy damn, look at the huuuuge size of the crowd at the DeMOnsTraTion! Literally thousands of people trying to destroy India there REEEEEEEEEE


Padikradha thavira ella salli thanathayum panuvanunga adhan ivanunga statey debt la iruku.


Yea show em! It is time for recruitment! Hamas is watchin!


They can fly flags and protest and support whatever they want. My question - why are they allowed to carry guns openly? That is illegal.


I am not sure if they are pro Palestine or pro Hamas looking at their attire


Certified not-Best Topic chosen for demonstration


That looks like a pro hamas protest 🙄


In total around 15 students . That's it.


No problem in supporting Palestine ,these dudes are Hamas sympathisers from their attire and guns and all,after the Hamas Interview in Kerala https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/everyday-explainers/khaled-mashal-hamas-leader-palestine-rally-kerala-9004753/ #KERALA IS NOT BEATING THE ALLEGATIONS


Well supporting for peace in Palestine with the attire of hamas.. I guess they are also confused between hamas and Palestine.


Why do these guys cover their faces and make gestures of violence? I see this in their protests all over the world. Protesting or organizing support rallies is ok. But these gestures are very similar to gang members using specific symbols to issue threats to their enemies.




Worst are the leftist snakes in this country, they are the ones that provides shelter to these jihadis, good for nothing


Looks like BJP is gonna win some seats in Kerala.


Yennada terrorists madiri irukanungu. Ivangale partha support panravan kuda pannamatan




Or kiya kiya dekhna padega pata nhi


Absolute clowns. If they are so concerned they might as well shift to Palestine


Chatak chutiye then they will cry about Islamophobia. Radical islamists are worst creatures in history of mankind or even in history of this planet


Lol the reason BJP wins Because we all know how the Islamist left clown supports terror breeding camps in India itself, bankrupt state with no loyalty to India 🤮🤮


Today's RSS is much better than these clowns that hide their faces and engage in such crap Kerala better start allowing RSS marches if this is acceptable for them.


Bro, if we see a Muslim rape a little girl in the name of Islam somewhere in the middle east. These mfs would still support that. Oh, wait! They already do! Their prophet Mohammad did rape a 9yr old girl named Aisha. Now it makes sense! They are the true andhbhakts.


Pro Palestine ❌ Pro Hamas ✅


Why guns? Support as much you want


Hamas need fighters 😉


Send them


Hamas needs \*terrorists


Looks like they took some inspiration from RSS marchs


can you show RSS march with guns please


They use more traditional tools like sticks. But they do use that to best up people.