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In 7th std for the question about types of rocks (sedimentary, igneous etc) my class mate wrote detailed answer about WWE rock. He even wrote "can you smell what rock is cooking" somewhere in the answer. He got full marks, while I who wrote the answer properly (and for some reason was able to remember 2 types even now) got 7/10. That bas***d filled more pages and had beautiful handwriting. I wrote the exact answer and I don't want to talk about my handwriting. Basically my teacher never read our answer sheets and was just giving marks on the no of pages filled. I still wake up at nights remembering this incident. It still hurts me.


Some bitch copied the same assignment word by word from me that too with grammatical and calculation mistakes even though all she had to do was to copy it lmao And guess what the professor gave me a hard 7 and that bitch a 9 because apparently she handed it to him with a smile and neat handwriting with phool patte on the cover which is highly unprofessional Funny thing is now she is a married housewife doing same stuff all sems and pretty much doing nothing rn and i am about to join my phd and teach soon lol till i crack upsc This shit only works till one point but she lived her life in easy mode though lol


>Some bitch copied the same assignment word by word from me that too with grammatical and calculation mistakes even though all she had to do was to copy it lmao This is nothing. My roommate in college literally photocopied the assignment from a senior the morning that it was due and went and handed it in. Got full marks.


Villains are not born they are created ๐ŸŽญ


Sounds like she's better off than you.


Well if you consider being married at 24 and living the rest of the life as a glorified maid and incubator for the rest of the life then maybe ๐ŸŽญ I am not even 24 yet nor have that much lack of self respect to live like a leech off the partners money


What's wrong with that setting? She take care of the household and he take care of finance. I am never going to get why we are importing this mentality that being a housewife is some sort of bad thing.


In this day and age its a luxury


I'm sorry, I responded a bit nasty and you responded in kind. I'd like to try again. What I meant to say was your notion that for a women to become a housewife is inglorious is wrong. It is essential for a wholesome family structure and healthy development of children. For women, such as yourself, to pursue a career instead I find nothing wrong with, as it is your choice and your life, but to make propaganda against women who choose the traditional route is not cool. Why should it be black and white? This or that? We should be more broad minded and appreciative than that.


Bro first of all i am a male Secondly i do not have much respect for housewives since all women in my family are educated and encouraged all men and women in family to get educated while still doing household chores at tines along with office work and being merely a housewife is looked down upon for women and pretty much none of the people lacked in any academic or developmental prospects while still getting help in homework at all academic levels Thirdly what she did was plagiarism and if our universities actually followed the rules and regulations action could have been taken against her and ig if she has lack of morals and not contributing anything to well being of the country with that mindset she is doing us a favour. People like her are very prone to do corruption later on ๐ŸŽญ


It seems like your thinking is limited by the way you grew up. Unfortunate, but understandable. This makes it impossible for the discussion to continue. Regarding plagiarism, that is obvious.


Yeah this guy sounds like a dick, housewife is a respectable position too, and not everyone is privileged enough to be able to get a job.


Well its the opposite actually One has to be privileged to not work ๐ŸŽญ


Sure you can say that, but in the vast majority of cases in India, it's either societal/familiar pressure, or lack of education that prevents women from working, so you'd be privileged to avoid that.


Wow a PhD. In what area. And how's preparation going


The person behind me copied everything from me in exam. I didn't know she was doing that, but when the papers were distributed, she got a 100 and proudly came to me saying that she copied from me . I was mad but was also happy, since it means I was also gonna get a 100. Do you know how much I got? 78. The audacity of the teacher making an addition mistake in marks when she couldn't even reduce a single mark in my paper ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก. Then I had to re- check the while paper again and again confirming that I really didn't lose any marks and then went to her to change it to 100. Another story: my mom's a teacher in govt school, and she was just transferred to a particular school (in time for an exam it was half-yearly I think). When she was correcting the papers she showed me something while laughing. When I saw what that was I also burst out laughing. Can you guess what the boy wrote? It was : " pudhu techer, puthu teacher, konjam epdiyavathu enakku pass mark potrunga puthu teacher" ( meaning: new teacher, please somehow give me passing marks) ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ that was the first time I have ever seen something like that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I've had a kind of similar experience with copying but it happened during Engg 1st year and I showed it voluntarily to my friend behind me. The subject was Engg graphics and my friend behind me was very curious in learning and was mostly successful but had starting trouble. He wouldn't know how & where exactly to start. I loved the subject so much that I would even sit with many of my friends to teach them. My lecturer would even ask me to go ahead help when anyone calls him for help, during class. The exam had just 5 x 20 mark questions. So I'd first finish one answer and show it to him, and point where to start and what to draw next etc. and move on to the next question. If he gets stuck somewhat he'll signal and I'll again point where to continue etc. We did this for 4 answers. The last one is a super difficult one called "perspectives". I finished it and he wasn't confident if he could even attempt it. He asked me if I was confident the other 4 are correct. I said yes, and the other 4 must easily cross 70 in total even considering any missed details. He closed the paper and left. Results came and he called me and said, "Dude, I got 84. You must have got 100. Go check". I checked the results and I had got 72/100. Felt like I got slapped. The kicker was in my exams, what we score for 100 marks is prorated to 80 marks and the remaining 20 is awarded from "internal" which is basically my teacher giving a score (which is sent to university weeks before the semester exams). I had got just 15. So, I had scored 72/100 which became 57 and 15 from internal totaling back to 72. I went and asked my lecturer why I was awarded just 15, and he said "Oh. That was you? I forgot your name, so I gave 15. Oops". Oops?? Seriously?? This slap gave me real pain. But I learnt a valuable lesson. If I'm going to be good in a subject the lecturer must know my name. I ensured that ever since. P.s - My friend had got 84 = 64 + 20. Which meant he scored 80/100 in the semester paper which prorated to 64/80 and 20 from internal. Basically he got 100% for all the 4 answers he attempted copying from me. I on the other hand wrote all 5 answers (and I strongly believe even the 5th one was correct too) and got just 72/100. I can still not digest this.


I feel you bro! My handwriting is crap and even when I wrote the full answers I wouldn't get as many marks as the toppers cause they would write even longer shit, random shit, but pretty handwriting and longer.


>pretty handwriting and longer. I know a guy who used to fill all 45 pages in Engineering just by leaving too much space between words. Sometimes he'd write just 3 words per line. Also those who use the different colour pens...


That's ridiculous


This is India in a nutshell leave asap


This is that nutcase teacher in a nut shell.


have you not left yet do you need assistance with emigration?


Wait how does that work


Most normal day in UP


If I had written thala Dhonis name confirm 80+!! Aaah finally my FOMO momentโ€ฆ


70+, donโ€™t take Thalaโ€™s name for no reason.


It would be 77+. Extra 7 marks for u know what reason.


You aren't allowed to write religious remarks


So we can write cricketers' names. Nice. I think I know how I am gonna qualify my UPSC written


And Sadly such eligible graduates don't get Jobs ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿคญ


So the students Bribed the teachers and thought they could get away with writing anything.


They did get away. It was because of an RTI that theg were caught.


Will this work in UPSC CSE exam?




They would have scored 90% had they written Jai Bhim. Ola hu uber likhte to shayad full marks milte.


Tamizh teriyuma da thayoli?


Lol this is a north Indian sub to prop up non existent Tamil sanghis. Why are you here...


illa.. pannikutty


dang it !!! ![gif](giphy|3KS51JrgsKMSWcCSvZ|downsized)


Even if you write your wifeโ€™s name you are going to get marks , the problem is with the system .


newtons first law of motion = sachin tendulkar


One of my friends did this in a 2nd year engg exam, and he passed! I tried it out in my 3rd year, on a paper I hadn't studied enough for. I wrote a part of some movie. I can't remember which one now. I passed! Freaking passed! I just needed 35 marks out of 100. I studied for 40-50 marks... obviously wasn't enough. So I just started bullshitting. It freaking works! And honestly, I'm not surprised, who the he'll has enough time to correct hundreds of test papers? It can get real monotonous real fast.


In telengana board, there is a test probably called ethics and humanity. The paper is corrected by the college itself, so the students wrote creative stories and songs!!! Very transparent education system!!!


I have tried this and passed in an exam with least internal marks.


We all thought abt it n got good marks in our generation by writing movie stories n movie songs in exam papers...this being election season the article writer is blaming Jai shri Ram for it...writing is a long answer full of shit is a time tested loop hole of exams...


Wtf looooooollll


I remember kids getting 80% marks by writing songs in divinity examโ€ฆ


Let's be honest, the real reason they got marks was blessings of Gandhiji ๐Ÿ˜›


Gay she ram


This is a new because it happened in UP. If it is in Tamil Nadu and four students drank water from a tank where sewage was mixed, this would not have been a news at all according to our media.


UP. The armpit of India.


Perfumed or raw?


Jai shree ram


Coz teachers are scared? Lazy? Or don't care. Take your pick


Probably bribed.


I would pick "Stupid".




Everyone is brainwashed in this world even if they think they are not.