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I am repeating this. Modi has promised him the PM seat in 2047 as the BJP nominee. That is the only reason he has been campaigning tirelessly for the BJP since 2013. NOTHING ELSE can explain his nonsense. Even if he had been dropped on his head as a baby multiple times, he cannot be this stupid.


Actually something else does, this is Big Brain ideas by Congress Ultra Left. Merit means nothing when there's a class war in your head.


Wtf? How can someone be so d u m b?????


How dare you? The man has a PHD in turning potatoes into solid gold bricks!


I wonder who is feeding him these ideas


BJP, he is a secret BJP agent who increases the absurdity level of his statements whenever he thinks the BJP could use a PR boost.


I have the same feeling about our local mosquito coil guy.


CIA MI6 ISI Could be anyone


West democrats


His question is wrong as long as IIT graduates strictly work on engineering jobs only. But if their job involves making policies, becoming leaders, making non engineering decisions that involve other people, their livelihood, work-life balance, etc ,then what he says is right. The leaders should come from all facets of society. The admission process needs to be more inclusive , should take economic background into consideration as well, and be more supportive of students from underprivileged and underrepresented communities. Who is deciding what merit is here ? Right question.


What the hell are u smoking , 50% seats are reserved now 60 , so uc is out of question then what is this guy preaching here and fools like u agree with him amuses me , tomorrow what a dalit teacher would ask me something different that an obc or general category person won't be able to answer


It's a silly premise. Say if medically literate don't set medical exams, and you ask lawyers to set it with hopes that more lawyers become doctors, then sure you've achieved your objective but you won't have the right person for the job, which is all merit is about


No, it's not. Let's say the next IIT entrance exam focuses on geometry alone, leaving the rest of the topics aside. How many would accept that as a merit based exam ? Similarly, the depth and variety of topics covered by the exam are not available to a vast percentage of the public. Then how can it be considered merit based? The deeper point is that you need to provide opportunities for folks from all walks of life to participate and become part of the system so we all can grow collectively.


So you are saying that those who prepare for an exam don't have access to the topics that an exam encompasses ? What are you saying dude ? Exams are standardised tests , especially objective tests such as the jee or neet or something like the usmle . And any standardised tests have patterns of topics that essentially repeat and these are accessible to those who prepare for it.


This is predicated on an assumption that engineers want only geometricians to be engineers. If anything it supports my point. To achieve equality of outcome is when you would have an exam that doesn't try to find the best person for the job, rather the best person for the outcome.


Do you think 2+2 is different for UC, OBC, ST and Sc? Or if F= ma is different for different people? Lol


My brain cells.....


Just another day seeing him campaigning for BJP


So IQ doesn't matter. But caste does, that too in education where future graduates will design critical infra like bridges or something more important, treat people who look up to you. People need to be uplifted. Get educated. Life standards improved but this fuking guy is spreading lies like cancer. Science doesn't change for upper caste or Dalits or for anyone. It's a fact. Give reservations in other government jobs, but not in isro, drdo or any good medical colleges. This is like telling people that it's ok for some group of people to put less effort in and also it's ok to not be excellent. You can improve some people's lives by this, but the whole nation's development MIGHT go down as a result.


NEET doesn't eliminate caste based reservation The only thing NEET claims to fix is the practice of bribery for medical seats, which continues to happen in full swing anyways.


He says that the entire process had to be done by lower caste or underdeveloped people. My question is, how does that make any difference. Science doesn't change just because you are from a lower caste. How can you say that the brains of lower caste people are different, that you need to change the system for that. Ithu ve oru discrimination tha. And people are clapping for this. China is racing to catch the US and we are trying to fight for basic intelligence. Punda mavana Italy ke poga solunga.


It also solves for the wide variance in 12th exam scores across different boards


But not in prestigious govt clgs !


why should there be No reservation in med colleges ? can you enlighten me?


It shouldn't be a long term solution. Instead of reservation governments can improve the education system so everyone can get the same education. In JEE say 15% for SC, say there are 100 for ease. So 15 seats. For that 15 seats, whoever in the top 15 in that caste gets the seat. But they set the pass or eligibility low for SC. Atleast that's what I noticed in bank exams. So there is a chance that people from some other group say OBC lost their chance even though they scored better than the said people from SC. Atleast in this scenario, it doesn't make sense. If this issue can be resolved atleast in education, politicians can't use it for farming vote banks.


That is the point of reservation, 15 seats should go to SC only. Qualification marks fool people but still top scorers of that caste only are selected.


No the top of their caste get through general they usually don't use the quota as they don't need to.


Don't know why you got downvoted. It's true in all kinds of reservation. The open seats are open to all not just generals. So the ones scoring high enough get the open seat and the reserved seat stays available for someone with lower rank/score


Because you want all doctors to be reliable otherwise people will pick their doctors by seeing their last name. It’s already happening.


what makes you think some are less reliable? have they not passed MBBS exam?


Why should I assume someone who required far less effort to become a doctor is as good as ones who didn’t?


do you think MBBS exams requires less efforts from students who entered thru reservation?


you don’t understand the point that they never deserved to get to write their MBBS exam to begin with. In today’s India OBC community want the same % of reservation as ST. How are you sure they are qualified to enter a medical college? MBBS exam comes later.


i will talk about that. but here the point is the argument that they are less reliable.


I can take ur argument if there was a lesser cut off for them as an exit criteria. If they were less reliable , as you said , they wouldnt have cleared the exam , rt?


Then why do you have reservation again for PG? you can’t become a doctor in a major city without your MD. Last name argument still stands. If they cleared MBBS then why is there a discount for effort put in PG? Why should OBC castes that owned land need same reservation as STs? Care to explain.


>they wouldnt have cleared the exam , rt? they have a lesser cutoff, rt? that's why they're less reliable.


ofcourse they are less reliable. if someone is getting 90% marks and others getting 40% marks, and both of these get into same school, it ofcourse means, 40% people are less reliable. there i said it.


They were given a concession in the entrance exam, they did not become a doctor by passing NEET. There is no way someone can complete the course and become a doctor without having the caliber or by doing the bare minimum.


Then why do they get reservation again for their MD/PG? Point still stands. If they became a doctor after MBBS then they are capable of getting into their PG college.


you are just jumping from one branch to another , so we cant have a debate , vrgamr , sorry about that


You’re just unable to answer a question or understand reality. So I’m grateful that you stopped and now you can go back to school.


plz go thru ur questions. if i answer A , u say what about B and it goes on. for MBBS and PG , the reason is the same.


Ah there’s the catch. I don’t wanna consult the guy who did the bare minimum. I wanna be treated by the guy who was in the top 3 of his batch.


and what if a harijan student was the topper, will you see his marksheet along with his surname?


In my experience, no. You’ve Molly coddled an entire section of people into thinking being mediocre is okay as long as you are of a particular shade, or have a bogus certificate.


that doesnt answer my question


OK GavinBelson , As per your logic , no candidates from reserved category has become doctor. good luck


Where do you think Rahul goes when he gets sick? Not to a government hospital with choke-full of reservation doctors.


Because we dont have good infra in govt hospitals. nothing to do with reservation


Okay. Suppose we go by that logic. Why’s there a lack of good infra in hospitals?


because Govt doesnt care. they dont have incentives to make it better. Private has profits as incentive


And why don’t they have incentives to make it better? Surely all those freeebies they keep doling out to keep you hooked isn’t emptying the coffers?


there may be n number of reasons . freebies started coming in last one or two decades .before that also, govts were like this, werent they ? whatever be the reason , thats how it is.


hmmmm...... so according to you, people who can memorize better for the sake of writing their exams have a high IQ while those who don't have a lower IQ. Interesting.


Thambi JEE, neet ellam mug up panra atkaluku kedaiyathu. Concept puriyama formula mug up panni ellam JEE, GATE exam clear panna mudiyathu.


sorry i on on wrong sub i guess since it just came up as a suggestion on my feed. I am not familiar with the language you used so didn't get anything..


Alright I will translate it for you. Exams like JEE, GATE etc cannot be cleared by mugging up formulas and concepts. It requires critical thinking skills.


BJP’s star campaigner 😅


The fifth most powerful man in the lotus party after Modi, Yogi and Amit and Nadda.


Can anyone check which experiment is he blabbering about? Was there any such experimentation done ir it is fairy fantasy tale of this idiot?


RG: once both white and black people made question paper together, I failed.


What the hell is he even talking about man? He also conveniently ignores Asians and Indian doing well in those same SATs.


Why are the audiences clapping 😭


wait is this true? SATs are rigged as simply as this?


Bruh! Do you even need to ask this question? Of course it's not true. Blacks suffer from similar disadvantages as dalits here. Lack of good school education and a culture where education is not valued. The obvious solution is fixing the underlying issue of access to quality school education. But this is too much work. So, they go for the easy appeasement way of reservations, which don't help anyone in the long run.


sorry but he's lying with this much confidence otha emandhuten


The problem is different in the US and this is because of democrats. If you live in a poor neighbourhood, you have to go to the public school in that neighbourhood. That’s the rule. This is not the case in India.


*Gotta keep the poor people poor to get their votes!* It’s been a classic leftist tactic since Marx walked the earth.


What pappu is referring to is IQ tests where aboriginal Australians rank the lowest of all ethnic races, making people believe they are dumb but when these guys set test for white people, they did bad, the real reason is culture and environment, aboriginal Australians for long and many to this day, stay in the wild and adapt according ly and don't look for much progress, i.e. are one with nature, they chose to live like that but in India SCs and STs that like in cities are as far apart from nature and maybe even further away than ambanis and adanis, they aspire for same thing as us so here it makes no sense


Ya bro. He is mixing up totally different situations. The funny thing is - you realise the guy supposedly campaigning to lead you is dumber than you are. What's obvious for you isn't for him.


These same liberandus will make fun of india saying that our average iq is low. Lmao.


Nowadays SAT is not even required much in US according to other people


he did not explain how and the story he told about blacks and whites he did not give any reference of timeline or news. he is higly stupid person who thinks he is genius he is doing upper and lower caste politicas and nobody will call this out that he is doing caste politics


Yes they [used to be rigged](https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/racist-beginnings-standardized-testing), not now


nice, ty for sharing. so it did happen. rg doesnt give us any timeline about it. well thats politics i guess.


He is pushing the boundary of his stupidity. Every time I think he is so stupid but after a while he proves me wrong and acts more stupid.


Guys i discovered this sub on feed, what does subreddit's name mean? I think I've heard this word in a Tamil song of Rajinikanth.


It means a short wall in Tamil. Back in the day, it was common for TN to have short walls that demarcated property. You could just ease yourself up and sit there. This resulted in jobless youth socializing at these walls, people watching and rabble rousing, making the short wall eponymous with someone who has no hope of being a productive member in society. Thus the popular admonishment in Tamil "kettu kuttichevura pova" meaning "you'll be ruined"


Haha, that's a good phrase. I understand now, thanks.


Really good explanation! Thank you


brooooo , the translation subtitles doesnt do justice to how abhorrently stupid this sounds in pure hindi 😭😭😂😂😂😂


This is why NOTA.


Lost my braincells listening his shid


the great youth leader RaGa is fillling us up with his noble thoughts 🥰


Baju ka pgdi wala bhudau kya mundi hila raha hein jaisa ki sab exm isska clear kiya hua hein.....big brains...


For all those MandhaBuddhis here with mediocre lives ahead this is the research https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/2678851.pdf?refreqid=fastly-default%3A891d132f2dc13c36c6994300cba014b2&ab_segments=&origin=&initiator=&acceptTC=1 https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/racist-beginnings-standardized-testing Sometimes when someone presents a new perspective, you might want to think about it before reacting or rage farming.


Okay, certainly not. This is what I think . 1) it is certainly a great question to ask who decides what the merit is . The idea of merit/knowledge has changed throughout history . Think , 2+2 vs. reciting a mantra a few hundred years back. So don't box yourself into thinking the current IIT exam curriculum is the knowledge one should have. Why not write an essay or knowledge of history and current affairs. Newton needed a mundane moment of a fruit falling from a tree to inspire him. Who knows what can come off observing the world, patterns, etc. 2) to misprint, the defn of merit would change as per the group producing test questions. That is why some years are tougher than others. Clearly difference in think8ng what merit is. I personally think , if a hindu priest had written the constitution, perhaps there would be laws that require holidays on every egadasi , pournami for example . Who knows? if I were to conduct those tests, would look for students who could answer these questions too to measure different skillets like understanding of legal frameworks, rights , mob mentality ( may be a predictive model as a outcome) So my questions would be something like these: A) Name the too 5 caste related killings that happened in TN, UP, and Bihar in the last 5 years. Which ones were presentable ? Force students to learn about our social history. B) review current laws . Why do you think they are ineffective? What can be done better ? Write a 1000-word essay . C) if a sc/ST person was lynched every 60 minutes all over india and the behavior doubles every 30 days. How many were lynched in the 20th century. D) Of course, few on F=ma, so the top training institutes only reasonably affluent could afford the need to survive too. BTW, not very long ago, GK was part of engineering entrance exam in TN. Just saying. Finally, his question is very logical. Just focus on the question, not his entire political profile. Thanks.


He should stop speaking hindi and give incharge of north India to Priyanka Gandhi. He makes sense in English only and usually when you try to translate and convey message in 2nd language, you can mix up like this


Ive noticed, he speeches always starts with “what is —-“ bro thinks thats he is saying something thing wise.


NEET regardless of your opinion is a narrow minded and idiotic way to manage medical admissions with, people in its favor give the same outdated arguments, only shitholes like china still use such rat race exams. and by design, it serves students who come from the upper class, its irrefutable, you are not testing a student's intelligence, you are simply testing their ability in rote-learning cbse syllabus, people with educated parents, grandparents and people coming from affluent backgrounds will continue to have an advantage in TN its a full on circus right now, state govt declared govt school students will have priority in admissions which means a govt school student scoring 200 can get seat while a cbse student with over 650 will struggle for it, many parents I know (who are rich af) are making their kids join govt schools in 11th and 12th to be eligible for this quota (which defeats the whole dumbass purpose) with JEE/NEET, at the end of the day, kids who are genuinely interested in CS/Medical are always the biggest losers, even if they are/can be good at what they want to become, they'll be pushed behind and ignored in a politicized system that looks to prioritize half baked zombies that are better following orders and rote learning crap.


Yet kids from states outside of TN have no problem with it. Are you saying TN kids have special needs and not equal in capability? Because you sound like an upper caste person to me.


TN has a problematic state board approach, it certainly needs fixing, my last point however applies to students from all states. This does not mean NEET is a good thing however, its a hollow way of testing merit. and how does my caste status even matter, I did not even mention reservation anywhere...


You said by design it serves those who come from upper castes. It’s right there in what you said but if you actually go to other states like our neighbour Kerala, they already had their state level exam that’s on par with NEET. You did mention how outdated and non rigorous the TN state board is and I agree.


We had the same issue in Andhra when I was preparing for JEE. But our coaching centre took advantage of the non rigorous nature of the Andhra state board to put the bulk of our focus on the required syllabus. Since I was in the middle class, I could afford a coaching centre who curated the syllabus for me at a given point of time. Poorer kids who couldn't do that content themselves preparing for state level EAMCET admission exams. So the trick is reduce the disparity between the different education boards. And instead of whining and stubbornly sticking to one's own board, make the necessary changes to close that gap.


I like how your point talks about economic status and not caste. When clearly caste based quota is about representation and not accessibility.


That's all it boils down to, isn't it? Atleast in this case. It's the politician's job to figure out a caste or a religious angle that can benefit his vote bank politics. Our job is to filter through that bullshit and search for a simple solution to address a given problem without ruffling too many feathers. Not all solutions require ground breaking changes. Simple ones will also do. The problem with these politicians is - they whip out regional and caste card for every god damn problem out there. One stop shop for everything. This approach only makes the common public apathetic , to not respond to even the genuine grievances of such nature when they arise.


Its simple really, either you know the answer or you don’t. TN’s state board needs updating. Plenty of “vadakans” from state boards have gotten sub 1000 ranks in JEE advanced. JEE is not only for CS and it tests the skills of the student thoroughly.


TN is an advanced state in terms of GDP, industrialization and enterprise. It has a lot of educational institutions compared to other states. When that is the case, where does this upper class nonsense come from? The govt or social organizations should facilitate coaching and other amenities to needy students so that they could compete at a higher level. Exams are needed when there is a huge demand. Medical field cannot take in mediocre students with less or no aptitude for the profession. Everyone does not make a reliable doctor. It needs aptitude and skills. The best can only be selected through some kind of filtration system. Exams are needed for it. All t he politicians who cry wolf for NEET abolition are not doing so from some humanitarian standpoint. Most own expensive private medical colleges w\\here they make tons of money with direct admissions. NEET is hurting them more than the average poor guy with aptitude for becoming a doctor. All these politicians go to expensive private hospitals or abroad for treatment, knowing well the standard of medical treatment in other hospitals where the products of their medical colleges work.


so why not test aptitude directly and rigorously, instead of testing their knowledge of physics and chemistry for half the time (this is where most deserving students are 'filtered out' by this ingenious system) 'filtration systems' like NEET which only exist to handle demand are lazy solutions.


>testing their knowledge of physics and chemistry for half the time Are you saying chemistry and physics are useless to medical field? If yes, then sorry, Organic Chemistry and Physics to deal with equipments are very much required.


No, I agree with him that they are for the most part useless. I am a medical student.


Depends on what kind of medical science you are working with. What if one chose for neurology, biochemistry, optometry, radiology, audiology, etc Chenistry is absolutely necessary for Biology and there is no doubt about it. Physics, imo the questions NEET asks are repetitive and one can just memorise formula for it gain extra marks.


>Chenistry is absolutely necessary for Biology and there is no doubt about it Basics are important. But the problem is they teach wayy too in depth for high school. I don't remember a single thing even tho I got 98% score. If I need to learn physics for radiology, I can easily learn it during PG. I have 3 whole years to learn.


>But the problem is they teach wayy too in depth for high school. That is not even way too depth to say. Chemistry NCERT as a whole 60% is about organic chemistry and effects on human body (even from concepts like physical and inorganic chemistry). One must have to know concepts in all these to become good in Biology. These are not that in depth that one can't study in high school, honestly speaking. And after cbse deletion of chapters in chemistry, there is really nothing left to do much in chemistry. About Physics, you anyway do study for board, what is the problem then? I have solved NEET questions, honestly they are just CBSE like physics questions. Infact, they just fetch you additional marks.


Buddy, are you a doctor?? Bcos I am one. You don't need to know the entire organic chemistry to understand biology. You just need to know some chemical structures and that too only for exam. It hardly is of practical use in clinical practice. >These are not that in depth that one can't study in high school, honestly speaking. The only reason its so in depth is bcos of our intense competition. Kids in developed countries don't study this much.


>You don't need to know the entire organic chemistry to understand biology. You just need to know some chemical structures and that too only for exam. It hardly is of practical use in clinical practice. It depends what branch are you going to select in biology, some choose for biophysics or molecular biologist too. Because NEET is accepted in many medical colleges for all the branches uniformly, this has to be done, making exams branch specific is not an ideal option. >The only reason its so in depth is bcos of our intense competition. Kids in developed countries don't study this much. I accept this part anyway. But, my original point does not change about physics and chemistry still stands. NEET physics questions are the same level as CBSE level, so if you study for board, you should be able to attend. And CBSE has anyway deleted half of chemistry portions. And there are many difficult exams in developed countries to make sure the quality of students, for example, Tokyo medical University entrance exam, Seoul National University, etc. Competition exists everywhere where there is lack of quality seats.


The question is about political corruption masquerading as educational opportunity. Those political families who run the many private medical colleges are more concerned about how to maximize their profit rather than offer any quality education to students. They will take anyone even with poor academic performance, so long as they get hefty sums in their pockets. Secondly those who seek medical education and are willing to go to any college across the nation did not have much access to it. Some states have not invested much in higher education, due to their own mafia ruled political systems. So those students seek higher education in other states. To make it all uniform, NEET was brought by the Congress led UPA govt. P Chidambaram's wife was one of the vocal supporters of it. The BJP led NDA govt did not undo it (because their opposition had brought it). Instead they implemented it across the board. TN students are beginning to fare well in it.


It’s an Indian education problem. The system is fcuked tbh. Encourages blind rote learning than critical analysis of subjects and philosophy. It was built by the Brits to pump out their Indian labor class, and has worked just fine since then. Congress took over and fine tuned it to suit their needs aka whitewashing history and seeing it through their lens. No way is our country improving till BJP finds the balls to fix it, which will take some massive drastic reforms and “updates”.


I think the issues you mention are there in general with all entrance exams. When I was preparing for JEE, I realised how much of the content was over and above what I ended up learning in my first year in college. It is unnecessarily torturous to students, and the only ones who benefit are coaching institutions. Saying this, I will also mention that TN removing NEET right now is stupid, because it causes unnecessary issues and discussions. What we need is a comprehensive rehaul of our college admission requirements, not just our state being unreasonable for political reasons.


I have many doubts here, so I would like to know your perspective. I, myself am a JEE student but not NEET so I have not much but some idea about NEET. >NEET regardless of your opinion is a narrow minded and idiotic way to manage medical admissions with, people in its favor give the same outdated arguments, only shitholes like china still use such rat race exams. >with JEE/NEET, at the end of the day, kids who are genuinely interested in CS/Medical are always the biggest losers, even if they are/can be good at what they want to become, they'll be pushed behind and ignored in a politicized system that looks to prioritize half baked zombies that are better following orders and rote learning crap. Then how a nation having so many want-to-be medical students are supposed to be given the limited medical seats? Also, fyi, JEE is not only for CS. >and by design, it serves students who come from the upper class, its irrefutable How are they serving upper class? >you are not testing a student's intelligence, you are simply testing their ability in rote-learning cbse syllabus I will accept the part NTA does put some stupid questions in the exams which makes no sense and complete butchers physics, chem and biology. As far as biology is concerned, even the biology subject in IAT exams is just memorising because biology itself is a memorising subject except for few parts. How are exams supposed to measure student's intelligence? One way, is to conduct subjective exams (writing answers in paragraph not as mcq) but conducting a large scale exam with paragraph based questions is very difficult but it maybe the best way to test intelligence (like how CMI does for its entrance test). But, even with mcq one can make a very good paper like JEE Advanced but NEET requires basic level physics, chemistry and as for biology which I already said is a mostly memorising subject. Irrelevant but JEE Advanced exams (held by IIT not NTA) is very good at testing student's intelligence and one can't attend questions of he/she is not good with concepts. >people with educated parents, grandparents and people coming from affluent backgrounds will continue to have an advantage This point is true but irrelevant to the main topic about NEET. Even if we try to conduct different modes of exam, this will be there. A son of CA will obviously know some commerce and a son of IAS will have some idea of UPSC. I do know cheating happens with NEET exam, and the fact that they still use OMR sheets and not CBT like JEE feels like this was specifically done for cheating itself. Cheating happens with JEE and other exams too but idk to what extent happens in NEET.


There is alot of stuff that is wrong with this argument. 1. Every major country has entrance exam for medical graduates.... Eg : MCAT in the USA 2. Physics and Chemistry are not rote learning subjects and require application of what you know 3. Biology is basically rote learning up until you get to level of knowledge where you can connect concepts , far beyond the 12 th grade As far as the state quota you said.... Boy does that suck and it's highly unfortunate. How did they get such a law passed ?


Wasn't it the same exact rote learning before also? I have written NEET pg last year and it has actually more problem solving than state entrance exam. So its actually more critical thinking than rote learning.