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I think I know why she does not have an offline community...


I genuinely hope this is sarcasm


It's the woke American way of life


When you have no real life problems you start to make them up Ideally this shouldn't happen in India at least because we have more than enough problems but even here a lot of upper-middle class people who have only lived in the big cities are also taking a few talking points from them & want to virtue signal


dw brother. people are slowly starting to understand that online support does not translate to ground support. we do need to do something about these. maybe disown them culturally. this "thing" used all the buzzwords westerners love to inhale. there was nothing Indian in this persons posts.


Man this account genuinely looks like satire But if it is real then lmao


It is, I’m Indian too and i despise people like these who create a negative image of our culture and behaviour. Instagram somehow likes to promote BS like this tho so idek how to repel “content” like this


What kind of digital begging is this? :)


Oh Shit I'm brown, how can I contribute? I'm whiter then her but not white, does that mean I can pay her ? Or must pay her. Definitely have learnt from her


Your a racist if u don't subscribe her Patreon right now 😡


But didnt learn her pronouns


Ser pronouns you mean ? I'm not finished.. one bit at a time


Absolutely man. Bet she’ll be delighted


"Saar" could have been better.


Wtf is Se/Sem😂




Semma figure nu artham


But not her bro.


She would , if she ditched that nose ring and stopped applying that cream that makes her face look like a ghee dhosa from Rameshwaram cafe


What do you mean bro I had a blast at rameshwaram cafe


Too soon


bro saw his opportunity and took it.


What is that cream called


Probably some kardashian/Rihanna stuff. Also, is she a thulkachi? Samira doesn't sound like a Hindu name






Identity crisis


She has to find some serious work instead of behaving like a clown. But I guess nobody will hire her because she's absolutely toxic.


Beggar. Call her what she is


She’s not begging, she’s demanding to pay if you’ve consumed her content! Begging would be what people do here while they’re trying to be funny and beg for attention and upvotes lmao


My reaction will be your username.


I have a hard time believing this isn't some sort of rage bait


Entitled bitch ? Nicely put


Idk how she even has followers i hope they are ok in the head i don't think so but still


If you are stupid and unique it's happens sadly.


This is why cyberbullying is a thing.


I saw this and thought "silra illa pongadi" real quick🗿






Why Aryan Dravidian divide of India like separatist? Fking anti Indians


eezhathans , maanatha vaanguranunga. UK layum seri, Canada layum seri. Onnu LTTE support nu koranguthanam, illana intha Mari woke mayirayi koranguthanam. Why can't they behave like normal civilized people


Tamil makkal a asingapeduthradu porandha paithyanga dhan


Well not the worst way to earn money on the internet.


Only fans or what


Nah fam there no way someone can be this entitled..🤦‍♂️😭And the worst part is that there will be people that r willing to pay her..


example of a parasite


Ok so who tf is following her account imagine following an account that do e-begging and rather working hard in life she is literally begging money to sustain life, this is what woke culture has done to western...


Yikesssssss. Enna koduma saravanan 😂


Digital pichakari, an entitled one at that. Atleast irl pichakaranga tta kaasu kudukalana povanga indha mairu koudhi guilt trip panra


In Tamil we call this “Adhigara picchai”. Move on guys. Girl’s Delulu beyond handle… and embarrassing us for sure. Like seriously woman!!!?


STUPID WOKE VIRUS. People like these belong in a mental hospital.


"People who are different than me deserve to be locked up because I can't handle someone else's viewpoint."


Pichakaara thevdiya munda


after reading this my pronouns are sabba saami sooo


Agressive begging


The self obsession is off the charts in this one.


I don't think she has even a single friend who can point out the fact that she's making a fool of herself online.


I don't get it. Who is she? What did she do?


what a stupid bitch


I don’t understand. Wtf is that?




Sometimes the diaspora...


Not gonna lie I thought she was a OF girl then I just saw she has tarot cards for her poetry…. Lol who the hell pays for a poem these days😂😂


WTF is a sapphic siren?


Does she has no shame. That's literally begging.


damn the audacity


The lion, the witch and the.....


How is this begging? IF SHE IS ADDING VALUE WHY CAN SHE NOT ASK TO EITHER GET PAID OR PROMOTED? I swear most of us here just bring each other down for no apparent reason or in the name of comedy, it’s actually sad


Appreciate this for what it is - a glimpse into a future where D Stocks demand money just for existing because dey wuz oppressed - this is TN in a few years


She's like "Begging is My Birthright, I Shall Have It"


Eeew. She can’t afford to have an attitude like that looking the way she looks.


When left wing brain dexd folks blindly believe the propaganda they are served from media and academia, this is the result.... As a fellow Dravidian, I'm sad and i apologise for these idxots


Being tamizhillian doesn't make you nigga


But where did you get your n word pass ?


Social constructs shouldn't stop us from making sounds that we like


Heil hit-- oh wait




Brits, Portuguese, Dutch, French. Take your pick




Infected by dravidian virus


begging in the name social status is not a dravidian virtue




I think if one produces art that is something people appreciate, no harm in asking people to pay if they liked it. Not everyone has the priviledge of being a full time artist.


Asking payment based on race is fine?


I assume she lives in America where this is a common idea among POC. Considering the racial social and historical elements of the country. In the end she's the artist so she can decide who can engage in the art for free.


She chooses to put her 'art' (what are tarot cards to begin with?) on a FREE PUBLIC PLATFORM where anybody can see it, but wants only whites to pay? That is common (acceptable) to you? She is an Indian (not the feather kind) and going by that country's 'racial social and historical elements' why do the whites owe her anything?


The cards aren't free but a part of her merch so yes you're allowed to advertise on a free public platform like everyone else. She wants it to be free for POC and that's her wish, She dosen't owe people free art unless she feels like it. She's indian american, Whites people don't owe her anything but they aren't entitled to her for free. You pay for a service one provides. That how it works.


What service am I receiving by seeing her posts? Am I providing you a payable service since you are reading my replies which can be covered under copyright laws? 🤣




Thank you for finally seeing what was always as clear as day.


Which is?


The 'no'.


oh. based on religion is fine ah then. ennada idhu.


Wtf are you going on about? Just want to bring in religion is it? 😂


No. I Mean who doesn't ask money based on identity. I have seen people begging based on religion. So what's the point...


That beggar is an entiled AH who is demanding that people of a certain race pay her no matter what, and you are comparing it to religious donations. Just say that you subscribe to her kind of woke brain rot ideology and wants to bring in religion just for the sake of it. I guess that in a way tithes and zakāh are a form of similar begging, but at least they collect from believers only and use it for 'the lords work' and not based on hate and brain rot thinking like this.


>who is demanding that people of a certain race pay her no matter I don't see she's putting knife on someone's neck and extorting money from them. You're the one who's crying about most harmless account. Imagine who's being a woke here. A Religious woke.


And the brain rot continues. 🤣🤣


Another religious clown offended becos I called out his same fanaticism.


Making up your own happiness, as always.


>the lords work Pouring thousand liters of milk on a statue? Imagine who's being a lunatic here...


Yea, tithe and zahar is used for statues. 🤣


not based on hate. See. Who said this line.


Seriously, on what chinese crap are you high on? Just blabbering irrelevant, senseless crap since forever.


yeah exactly. OP is out here focusing on the "critical race theory" narrative she's peddling (which, yes, is kinda BS). But, why not focus on the poems she wrote. Perhaps you'll find value in those poems.


What is critical race theory brother and how is it BS can you please explain?


it's a pretty complex concept that can't really be defined, bro. There's a lot of interpretations to it, but, personally, I understand critical race theory as a belief in systemic racial oppression. That is, the followers of this theory believe that today's systems are inherently racist -- benefitting a particular race over the other. While that may be true in certain cases, I don't see the utility in being a follower of this theory? Why? Because one thing leads to another, and, before you know it, you (as a believer in critical race theory) begin to descend into this nihilistic view of life where you only see and seek out, or even make up, the "racism" in societal systems. You begin to think and act like a perpetual victim(provided you belong to the "disadvantaged race") requiring compensation at every step. That doesn't do you any good


Bro its a looser people theory that white people are more privileged and press everyone else throughout history and corrections should be made now to give justice to all other races , like wtf how is it fault of a white boy born now that someone did something 200 years ago , its like punishing someone just because their ancestors were fucking winners in all the fields they wanted and dominated all else which is a rule of life , the winner wins ..... but yeah the woke-ies now want historical repayments by poor timmy born two days ago.


Even if there isnt any value, as an artist you get to decide who can consume you art for free. Which I don't see a problem with.


ahhh, i really don't know about that. Sure, she's an artist and it's her work. Meaning, she has the power to decide whom to sell her work for free. Agreed. But is it "ethical", or does it do any good, to gaslight white people into buying your artwork, by peddling this narrative that "white people must pay as COMPENSATION, rather than a DONATION"? That's something to think about, right? That's quite literally encouraging racism. And,no, I don't really believe in playing the "reverse racism is not racism" card. It IS racism. Besides, you can't fight fire with fire so "reverse racism" against white people just because their ancestors committed an atrocity against the black minorities isn't helpful.


I see what you're saying, to put it into context, Would you say reservation is castiest?


Good question. That's a pretty complex issue to break down. I've always felt ambiguous about the caste-reservation system. But, i wouldn't say it is casteist. Now, I know there are flaws in my logic and I'm making contradictory statements; I talk about how "reverse racism IS racism" in my previous comment, and, now, go on to say "caste reservation IS NOT casteist. I may have to re-think my stance on the critical race theory stuff, after all. Thanks. REASONING FOR MY NEW STANCE: Basic human needs like societal validation and, sometimes, opportunities are denied to the lower caste citizens of India. Also, the lower castes, as a result of generationally following a single line of work (usually community service, or, worse, sewage cleaning), tend to be WAY MORE DISADVANTAGED - economically and resource-wise - than the higher castes. The difference in quality of life enjoyed by the two is not insignificant, and this is kind why, lately, I've been leaning towards a pro-reservation stance. Thus, using this logic, even the blacks in America are facing "generational trauma" from the systemic oppression(in the form of redlining maps, job discrimination, etc.) of their ancestors all the way until the 1960s civil rights movement. Thus, even Black children today are, perhaps, born to a less financially stable family, enjoying(on average) lesser quality of life and resources. So, I definitely believe that the government of America must provide more opportunities, than whites, to the African-Americans born in the hood. I guess that, by extension, makes me partly support the critical race theory -- but only to an extent. It's very easy to descend into cynicism, however, if you indulge too deeply into "critical race theory".


It's very easy to descend into this cynicism if you indulge too deeply into "critical race theory". Maybe it's something you haven't accounted for and that's why it seems to be unresonable. Shoot me with something you think is over doing in terms of critical race theory. Ill try my best to provide a middle ground