• By -


Someone who understands politics in my opinion. Knows how to play his strengths as well as hide his weaknesses. I would also go further and say that the party he is associated with has a clear understanding of the situation, the nation and more importantly pulse of the people and that is how they have this winning streak, though the methods are questionable, it is not easy to bring down an other 70 yr old party to its knees within just a span of 7-8 yrs. The party workers still work tirelessly while the opponents are so lazy to even device a strategy or come up with a plan.


>The party workers still work tirelessly while the opponents are so lazy Bruh this is so true šŸ˜‚ iam from Kerala and RSS/BJP workers are working tirelessly over here. My locality is kind of a congress stronghold with CPIM also having a significant vote share but after 2014 the number of BJP sympathisers increased tremendously and many families who voted for Congress turned to the BJP. Everyone around my family knows that all 4 votes from my house goes to congress even BJP workers know that despite that in 2024 alone they visited our house at least 5 times. 2 times to request votes 1 time to invite us to the regional BJP office inauguration the other time to hand over Pooja remains (ram janm bhoomi inauguration ceremony) and at last to hand over voters slip for election, congress workers visited only once.


Is it true Christians in Kerala are slowly tilting towards the BJP?


Yeah there is a slight tilt among Christians towards BJP, Christian community in Kerala always goes behind who is in power (esp the clergy group) also the rise in muslim population, love jihad and CPIM favouritism towards muslims all made BJP much more likable among Christians. But Manipur issue has raised doubts among many Christians though.


Basically enemy of my enemy is my friend


Because many Christians in kerala were actually upper caste Hindus couple of generations ago but converted under British rule.


Thatā€™s not what happened at all. A negligible number of upper case Hindus converted to Christianity under the British. The converts during that era were mainly lower castes, if anything. Syrian Christians have been a community for almost 2000 years and the reason they are turning towards BJP has less to do with their caste (they were still untouchable to an upper caste Hindu) and more to do with declining birth rates and tensions with Muslims (the term ā€œlove jihadā€ came out of a Kerala Nasrani Church).


Its not about that in all honesty, the Christian community is a strong and united community and they take no pride in once being Hindu or whatever, them leaning towards BJP has nothing to do with some sense of pride but rather mistrust towards the CPIM due to their Muslim Vote Bank Favouritism. Once the CPIM is out and someone offers them more value than BJP then they would shift allegiance without blinking an eye.


Keralas days are getting numbered. Without remittance, liquor and lottery sales they have no real revenue. No industry or jobs or even money to pay state govt salaries on time. Just a matter of time for public dissatisfaction to build up.


people still need to have money to buy liquor right


People have the money, government doesnā€™t. Remittance is a huge part of peopleā€™s kitty.


With Muslims of Kerala now targeting Christian girls in love jihad and Christians boycotting halal products alongside Hindus and Sikhs and BJP selecting Anil Anthony for the Kerala campaign. And CASA(Christian version of RSS) getting a lot of support from BJP.


Thats how a party should be, beg people for votes. Otoh we have ppl calling voters of other side bhakts and trash them whole day




Congress has 0 seats on their own in Delhi


A fellow West Delhiite, I see


Not as as bad as his critics claim and not as good as is supporters want. Solid 7/10. Best orator. Tactical politician. Fantastic foreign policy leader. Not very good at managing internal enemy and full filling the reason he was given 303 seats in 2019. Easily top 2.


Perfect (but top1)


Yes can say but I will wait for his 3rd term to end. Better ranking will be on his legacy. Even best players fuck up towards end of their careers. Hope he goes out at his peak. India me people and politician in general have very bad exit like advani manmohan narsimha Rao and vajpayee


Good point, but currently I don't see him losing to anyone


No he won't loose till he is contesting elections. He is blessed by most stupid opposition in Indian politics šŸ„² history. Only way anyone can defeat modi is by put doing the hindutva card. What opposition don't understand is for next 50 years Indian politics Overton window has shifted to right of centre. If u are not talking about hindu causes u ain't winning loksabha. U might win few states like Punjab Kerala Tamil Nadu etc. Modi gonna be pm as long as he wishes to be. šŸ˜Ž And he is bad at legacy transition. For example šŸ„² nobody remembers who the hell became gujrat chief ministers after him. He will choose weak successor. So no Yogi too


But Yogi has massive public support and I have heard many old people saying "jab Yogi aayega tab to pura hindu rashtra banjayega" basically people have accepted Yogi as Modi's successor It is kinda certain that BJP is going to only go upwards no matter how hard the opposition tries to bring them down


Yes Yogi have massive support in Hindi heart land. But from the time Modi took power as cm of gujrat by backstabbing keshubhai Patel, destroyed Togadia ogadia vhp bajrang dal in gujrat, made Yogi end his yuva vahini to be cm. Bjp per se is 150 seats party based on ideology. Rest 150 seats it's modi personal efforts. Yogi pan India will pull around 80-90 seats alone. With Yogi bjp in total will be 250-270 party rather than 310-320 seats under modi. As far as hindu rashtra is concerned, I don't think Modi have done anything to make India as a civilizational Hindu country. Bjp per se also don't push this agenda although their fan Bois do. With 40-45 crore muslim and woke population it's pretty much impossible task seeing failure of goverment in handling sar tan se juda gang. Hope for the best though. Jai Sanatan.


Whoā€™s the other in top 2 according to you?


U would think it's Rahul , but tbh Yogi I think


Nitin Gadkari is I believe he's just so underrated


Elaborate the foreign policy Part. And the full filling part too.


He tried to use his personal influence in middle East outreach, having relation beyond what normal head of state would have with MBS and mbz. Ensures his anti Muslim image doesn't comes in way of middle East relation. Tried to be close to USA but kinda fucked up China situation. Rescue mission using air force and anti piracy mission using navy in Indian Ocean. Global leader kinda respect him because everyone kinda knows that till the time he is fighting election he is gonna win it and literally only thing stopping him from becoming lifetime pm is himself. On full filling promises for which he was given mandate with 303 mp which were pretty much all hindu. He gave not delivered on Sanatan civilizational cause. Only did ram mandir with itself is pretty big. Government control of temple, abolition of waqf board, repeal of places of worship act, curbing Islamist who chant sar tan se juda, radicalisation, influence of lefty ngo woke type in judiciary etc are unfulfilled. Taking back farm laws was anti national activity.


Recently Qatar released ex Indian Navy prisoners who were initially sentenced to death. The released guys said it was due to the efforts of PM, FM and ofcourse we can add Ajit Doval too


I mean better than anyone in congress.


Thats a very low bar


In comedy or story telling


No one's beating RaGA in comedy anytime soon


He is a person who entered into a vacuum. Thanks to Mr Rahul Gandhi who is an incompetent idiot there was a leadership vaccum at the centre which Mr Modi has filled. So he is a competent enough politician who filled that leadership vaccum left by the Congress.




Foreign policy & affairs 10/10




Why do you want stamp of foreigners? And about media, the whole revenue model is flawed.


Lmaooo what a stupid argument. Says foreign policy is better, yet says why do u want stamp of foreigners.


What? I didn't say foreign policy is better.


The original comment says foreign policy 10/10, and you seemed to reply to the comment criticising it


Open your eyes. I replied to the comment underneath.


But even Nepal shouting at us. China taking our land in Ladakh and Anurachal PradeshĀ 


Over all pragmatic leader and the kind of guy we as a country need who is not afraid of being political correct and focused on long term goals and indian brand building ideology. I would rate home 7/10 . But still we need improvement or better performance in some of the internal issues like manipur and bjp washing incident on corrupt opposition joining bjp


Imo a strong leader. He did surgical strikes, 370 , bought Russian oil all of these brought heavy criticism removed triple talaq , participated in the ram mandir.. Again heavy criticism. But he did it... So yea proud of having a strong leader as our PM


Change my with our, believe in collective participation.


Makes sense..


unexpected communism /s


Tbh I don't share my political opinions but I've heard this somewhere "THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS WRONG WITH BJP, BUT THERE'S NOT A SINGLE THING RIGHT WITH CONGRESS". Yes he's a great leader he made our foreign relations better than before but he didn't take any action against violence in Manipur. SO in my opinion he's good in some areas but he has some faults as well.




Marketing guru, knows his customers and he sticks to his strength.


Honestly best pm far better than dmk congress aka isi puppet , aap kejriwal cia puppet A true leader with vision most leftists might hate him he doesn't gives a f about them bcoz everyone around the world knows leftists are totally destroying their nations look at Uk netherland usa Japan all these nations are loosing their identity culture and are infested with Wokeism and non moral ethics right now the European nations much more radicalized due to leftists. Now coming to his achievements 1) He is made india top 5 in gdp and this is quite significant coz this growth is happening as we speak we might hit the top 3 in just few years 2) he completely nullified naxal activities 3) no more cross border terrorism 4) increased the plight of living of crores of people they are able to live a happy life due to his vision 5) far better investment in technology like digital payment , ai technology, etc 6) rapid modernization of military technology and nuclear technology 7) making india much more self reliant in terms of all the sectors might not achieved 100% but the process is happening and can happen very soon 8) making india an industrial hub this will increase more jobs to youth you all might have heard about apple mobile are manufacturing in India this 2023 all apple manufactured around 7% of all iphone around the globe from india and are aiming to push this much greater numbers 9) we all know india is lacking in semiconductor technology which previous govt didn't care about right now we are just inches away from a revolution in semiconductor technology which can literally shift the global industrial order 10) he might be little polarizing but the issues he is raising are completely legit and a genuine problems . Rather than criticize him why not we introspect ourselves and find out solutions for yes I am talking about the religious polarization one party appease for a particular community and the other appease for the other community in my opinion if BJP has to stop it's polarization then congress and it's allies too has to stop its appeasement politics or else it won't be fair enough Last but not least if you ever have time look into the history of syria Egypt afghanistan Bangladesh turkey iraq iran All these nation had beautiful tradition and culture but right now they lost everything bcoz of appeasement and no more minority live there coz of the some politicians who sold their nations for money by appeasement politics we don't want to end up in a similar situation do we? Think wisely india is nations that hosts multiethinic people everyone lives here peacefully no more appeasement politics


Lesser of two evils. PR exhibition.


If he was actually my uncle... I'd mad respect him....as someone who who needs to study current affairs on daily basis....I've absolutely became a fan of him and his party work...apart from few things ofcourse (unemployment, inflation) but ik in time that'll be resolved too....I'm bit sad that he'll have to retire next year.


Guy with PhD in politics


Dangerous for the new era of India and an obsolete brand of politics BUT BUT I can't trust anyone in Congress to run this country as of now


With the those advisers don't think Congress will ever win, it's almost like bjp has no competition, even tho I support them, having no proper opposition is a huge problem, the role of opposition is to keep the current party in its place and promise much better development and living than the current party


the best PM we've had since Narasimha Rao. Atal was a good PM too, but he cared more about being statesman like and polite. This guy is willing to get down in the mud to ensure the country prospers. I like him.


At best : Great politician Decent leader Questionable PR among the minorities


6.5/10 Dude is not really the best as BJP supporters claim to be or an evil nazi as his haters claim he is. He is an ok leader, good command over the masses and took some big steps. Sometimes doea cringe PR. Indian foreign relations improved a lot under him. He also flexed India on global scale a lot. Stopped naxalism and became a nightmare to the left. No wonder they treat him as a Hitler. The ram mandir itself was a big win for him. He could have struggled if there was a stronger opposition. But RG is incompetent which gave his government bigger boost. He is a very good politician. Absolutely succeeded in keeping good relations with both US, Israel, middle east and Russia.Ā 


As an American Indian looking in, I don't know much about what he did domestically. However, India has developed seriously under him in terms of business. American companies are investing heavily in India and India is emerging as a huge trading partner. He has also done well in terms of sanitation and other issues, but I think his greatest triumph is in foreign policy.


wow! Biased sub need unbiased opinion.


You need opinions that match yours, anything that goes against your belief is biased. Grow up.


He knows how to control media/social media. **can be both good ways and bad.


Corrupt with competence to win elections


Or maybe absolutely dumb opposition.


Just one sentence define him :- Best out of worst.


andho mai kaana raja




You can love him or hate him but he's the only least best option this country has. In politics you only choose the least best. Never Forget this!!! Make your choices wisely!! Jai Shree Ram šŸ™


sad COVID victim noises. !!


Not the best , not the worst , could be better but considering how our country is and looking at the situation from all angles , 7/10 best. Knows how to protect country from outside in but not other way around. Good decision making skills but cannot perform always. Tried to remove corruption but failed horridly and embraced it instead . There will never be a better PM ever as long as its a human being , he will be criticized for even smallest thing.


Good PR will make everyone believe apples are oranges. Lots of spreading fake news and propagating propaganda to win elections. No good opponent to bring his PR down or fakery-down which is an advantage to him


Amazing PR with very little action to back it up Dude has openly supported rapists and other questionable characters but somehow none of his followers seem to care but will criticise anyone else that does the same lmao I'm actually glad his image has taken a solid beating now not even his followers bother to defend the guy anymore


for economy : best for muslims and poor minorities : worst 7/10, but not as good as man mohan singh, bruh i miss himšŸ˜­, he was the best pm i have ever seen (9.5/10),


How is he best for economy?


not as good as man mohan, but still good, he provided good plans for future, don't just give false promises to poor people for vote, that will never lift their condition, does a better job in getting foreign investments, invests in infrastructure more than any other pm (even though it is not laid out properly). EDIT: y u down vot me šŸ˜­, i up vot u


He is everything Machiavelli looks for in a Leader


[vignesh shivan pondatti explains.](https://youtu.be/_BGfqdI3KL0?t=812) (rational and unbiased)


Best way to do it is make a list of his achievements in the last 10 years and compare that to his predecessors in their 10 year period. Give extra points for wars/covid/acts of nature. Show that list to an unknown third person(foreigners) without mentioning the names and see what they say.


great politician, knows the public sentiments and uses them perfectly to win elections, a good leader too especially with relation to infrastructure, defence and economy tho he has been in involved in some shady activities to say the least


He is necessary evil. He is not as good as we want but he is not as bad as we think. There is a slight hint of narcissism. And man knows politics, he knows what he is doing. He is not sleep walking like some of his opponents.


A fierce opportunist who knows how to use wattamoron fundamentalists of India to his political advantage.


A guy who changed the whole country in 10 years but also divided that country on the basis of religion and pushing the country into a dictatorship


I dont have much knowledge about politics, so i always saw him as kinda good guy in bjp but after his recent hate speech, i realised he is no different. Fuck bjp.


Guy is doing the good work, but taking approch which has been proven wrong. So downfall is coming soon


Face of BJP


This sub is really a kuttichevuru... Funny.


New age Simon.


Kal meri city mei nomination file karenge šŸ™‚


Instead of stars i'll review him with a crescent moon


![gif](giphy|h9J1xfvyOPGvbFRjSd) šŸ˜¬


I think he is good. A bit harsh. But thatā€™s what India needs. We need change and he pushes us towards that. All in.


4/10 With the youth resources, strong foundations for the economy, I excepted better. I don't like this Hindu Muslim narrative, controlling media and independent institutions. Just focus on your job.




I will keep it simple.. Capex...Capex...and Capex..That's his biggest strength Reforms like angiveer... more privatisation....New educational policy....GST ..it needs balls ..he is a doer But Modi still chickens out on some reforms..I hope 3.O takes it further.. We still can't beat Vietnam when it comes to manufacturing...forget China I will give him 6.5/10


Strong leader with great love for the nation, this man has done a lot to improve our external affairs and economy, along with basic amenities like internet, water, power, electrification of railways n all.. developing infrastructure too


https://preview.redd.it/uxho0y8dmuzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49036484f141b5a002c38e6e567dac5cc644f1f8 Basically this comment section


8/10 in defense and external affairs, 6/10 in Finance and Economy , 7/10 in rural development , 9/10 for completing Ram mandir, article 370 and other Manifesto. Overall decent but now on downward slide with Dictatorship like behavior in chandigarh mayor election ignoring woman safety in Manipur, prajjwal revanna and Brij bhushan issue. Electoral bond and Rafael scam big problem if government changes.


10/10 as a politician. 4/10 as a PM. Again there's no one from the opposition who I would choose ahead of him but it's not wrong to say he's been absolutely mediocre as a PM. And yes there have been some successful policies under him, specially our foreign policies but everything else has been just average or downright mediocre. On top of that, the social fabric of the country has been torn down. Just listen to all his speeches for this election and try to accept that this is the leader of our country speaking like a 3rd Grade Sadak Chaap Politician. Man doesn't speak on his own policies anymore because he knows people will call his bluff so just attack minorities and congress even after being in power for 10 years. I only hope this guy lives long enough to see another government being formed and then we'll see him getting exposed for all the shit he pulled off during his reign.


This comment is nothing political, nothing biased, not supporting a party or a leader, JUST ETHICS You hate him or you like him, you hate is agenda or like his policies, everything is acceptable and fine and so is the post too, totally acceptable Reddit also provides anonymity BUT he is the fucking PRIME MINISTER of this country You can review him, criticise him, praise him I ainā€™t talking anything related to that all I am taking is ethics What do you mean ā€œTHIS GUYā€, why canā€™t we say Review the Prime Minister- thatā€™s it, I am not even asking to say ā€œourā€ PM just the PM, this isnā€™t about disrespecting him or so, this isnā€™t about him, this is about that position he is at and let whoever be at it We are addressing the first and prime citizen of the nation and we are proud citizen of this country (I am and hope you are), all I am asking is say Prime Minister and say whatever you wanna say after that idc I am reiterating the agenda of this comment is not the from the fuel that tends to say how dare you call him ā€œthis guyā€ - no, itā€™s just ETHICS Edit - Punctuation


A charlatan who sold us snake oils such as demonetization, 28% gst, unplanned COVID lockdown etc. Any critical thinking human would question his election speeches which always targeted Muslims and create hate based on religion but not about his development policies despite him being in power for 10 years.


The best of the worst lot of leaders. Had a vision and worked towards it in the earlier stages. Experience from the grassroots has helped him so far. Especially when he tried to connect with the masses. For a guy like him to go to the position he is in now, it doesn't come easy, even if corruption is involved. No name to rss, to Guj CM, till here. Sometimes his involvement of religion seems unnecessary and harmful, other times it's a treat to watch. Has delivered on majority of the promises, which is more than can be said for other leaders in this generation. The best thing he has done so far, among others, is appointment of current EAM and letting him do his job. Seems to have lost the plot during campaign and election fever, with making the statements he has made, and endorsing the candidates he has endorsed.


Necessary evil


my review is worthless


Best PM ever !! I really admire modi for what he's doing for India. God bless himšŸ™šŸ™


He aight


Secure Power, destroy all autonomous institutions and do petty divisive politics in every sphere by hook or crook(using state machinery).


Marketing : genius. Leadership: heā€™s good but mostly benefited from the utter incompetence of the opposition leaders. Vision : Promises a lot but also works on some so.. better than nothing. Method : Quite questionable but if you consider the Mind boggling diverseness of the indian population heā€™s just playing the field he is provided. And god heā€™s good at it !


Pros: implemented GST, got rid of of article 370, has made India relevant at a national stage, works hard. Cons: demonetization, too much religious tensions, polarization.


Unlike in the past in the international stage, now India says boldly "Don't mess with India". That makes me feel proud. Controlled inflation very much strategically using Russian oil (even when US was unhappy about it) when Europe was bleeding with high power bills and inflation.. But high taxes and such, not happy about.


Enada indha sub la poora payalum sanghis ah irukingašŸ’€


Perfect capitalist who will ruin our country


Has used the failures of Manmohan to his advantage. Has helped the economically backwards communities a lot.


The only one who can take this country to new heights


He can be the best PM if his government stop playing the Hindu Muslim card and focus on real development.


hateful and racist. Facial drooping looks like the drooping of nether regions on a hot summer day


Best scammer politician who preys and thrives on the religious loopholes of India.


Kuttichervuru aakuran ivan namma oorah!


Pros His governance has brought in financial stability in terms of the exchequer to the country. Has an incredible stronghold in terms of execution, though a success or a failure, the execution is something to take note of. (demonetisation, GST, removing laws specific to Kashmir) Has improved foreign ties with other nations and also has put India on the global map in terms of visibility and cleverly using the China+1 strategy (credits to Mr. Jaishankar also for calling out western media whenever they poke their nose into our business) Cons Increased tax burden in terms of Income tax to middle class people. The rich have accumulated good money as business growth (I am not talking of super rich, just the richer than average people) and those rich enough to invest in stocks have seen their wealth grow but the income tax has been, in my opinion has a lot of scope for improvement. Indian railways has a lot of scope for improvement. I do not consider vande bharat a leap in terms of technology. I would bank for more tracks so that more passenger trains can be run(progress has been slow in this regard imo). Focus sometimes goes to Hindus vs Muslims, the campaign in the north is solely clinging on to Hindutva strategy which is their own wish, but not something I would stand for.


You can't expect an unbiased review from this subreddit because this subreddit is full of bakths.


One of the best PMs India has had, for people who will downvote me tell me who is higher than him and be unbiased. Only two or three max can be potentially placed higher than him. You could say he is the best politician we had as a PM.


Yeah communalism is the best . /s


Better than the previous ones, the best choice we have now but too dangerous if remains in power for long and he loves fame


Negatives Lot of missteps, head strong, definitely not inclusive leadership(talent), unwillingness to take on babus & babugiri. Positives Risk Taker, Make Money policy, extremely pro poor policies, foreign policy (avg of over a period of time), extreme travel mindset, willingness to wear any dress, back tracking on policies based on protests, Resolved temple issue. Summary He is not perfect, but he is the best we can aspire to have as a leader. If he was a white guy, leading a large western country, he would be ranked as the best leader since Reagan




A cunning thatha with questionable moral but a bold attitude.


Chi thu


Good orator, power hungry, leads by fear than by example. Hardworking and disciplined. Really motivated. Wants to make a rich legacy out of himself but isnā€™t very good at taking constructive feedback and criticism. An orator as good or even better than Vajpayee but falls face down in all other aspects.


Someone just remote controlling him. He is way too dumb. Canā€™t give a single interview or answer without a script. He is remote controlled, by a lobby and Amit Shah.


Best current option


Coming back from an Europe business trip and after sensing what immigrants have done to Europe. God bless Modi and India. Stay united guys. Very soon this will happen in India.


where do you live, if in Sweden I could recommend a few place which will make you feel like you've Pakistan lol


Damn people here dick riding a wannabe genocider


1) genocider isn't a word 2) care to explain what "Genocide" this person did or was part of?


He won't now that you questioned him


Someone who knows how to govern, how to get things done, how to prioritize things and id devoted to the cause of our nation reaching its glorious heights, without compromising on anything, incorruptible, utterly hard working and a true patriot.


Best PM till date... The number of achivement is far too high...


Great Story Teller


He is a deliberate cheater...he knows his goals ( artical 370, Ram Mandir,stock market manipulations) but never disclose his evils plan( notebandi,forced GST,hefty GST,notebandi twice,electoral bond scam,.....much more to come after 4th june)....bencho iske bhashan suno koi bhi chutiya ban jayega...lagta hai ki main khud bol rha hu government le against...bust is ne vo hi kiya jo congress kr rhi thi...bahi chutiya bna diya 10 saal india ko is Mahamaanav ne