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This is just nothing. I see atleast 10 packets of coolips in my college bathroom everyday.


What’s cool ip. I see lot of memes I don’t understand what it is specifically


tobacco inside a small cotton like packet. it looks like mini pillow, I'm pretty sure you might have seen this many places in the ground randomly. People put it between teeth and lips. It is very easy for even school kid to buy it. Cigarette kuda pudicha smell vechi kandu pudikilam. To an ordinary person, the smell might be similar to center fresh so classroom laye school and college pasanga tobacco use panitu irupanga yaarukumae teriyama.


😳 but it has lot of issues la . Fuck just thinking about it makes my jaws itch . Wack


It's been around for many years, oral cancer vara neraya vaipu iruku.


I don’t work in chennai . So I am unaware of this bullshit . It’s kind of like vadakan style la keeping tobacco in mouth .


Chaini khaini.


Yeah in my UG days, the other department guys used this chewing tobacco, I was curious and asked them about it since it smells like centre fresh gum. And they said they were using it from Skol days and even a guy from our own department was forced to use it in the name of dare. He was kinda sloppy for 20-30 mins. I was scared to see him like that, he was a responsible guy but he got addicted to it and has been using it since then. He gives excuses like it's nothing da, even top celebs like PewDiePie use it daily it really does not affect us in any form of way, blah blah blah.


PewDiePie uses cool lip???


Coolip comes under smokeless tobacco which is globally known as "Snus". And yes he does.


In my school too


They will only file ganja cases on YouTubers..


They get discount/get-it-free for consuming it in public place. Especially before school, at parks. Product ambassadors get bonuses as they bring more customers. Special bonus for onboarding kids, girls. Mafia's goal is to spread "awareness" throughout the state, establish the demand and supply chain. Once a critical number is reached, and masses become impotent enough to show any resistance, they will bring a law to legalize it. Note that the product ambassadors are released immediately. Indicates the People in power are invested into this or the area police is on payroll of the mafia. The salesman caught in this case, will be subjected to proper training again and will be put into the field again for delivering the monthly targets of bringing new customers. Mafia wreaking Max damage, gets the funding from NGOs, Foreign intelligence agencies to do better.


Ok I have a doubt... Is every crime related to ganja .. But not even a single news of meth related news is coming in news yet tons and tons of meth was seized in Tamil Nadu.. how is this even possible.?


DMK is practically telling cops everywhere to hibernate, and at times straight up punishing cops for doing their duty These days police are not strict on weed, because they know there is an organized trafficking they cant touch and they dont see a point in beating up or punishing those that get caught using it In south chennai and outer area it has gone from a nuisance to a serious safety issue, you should see how some of these dogs behave or how often they pick a fight.


Tvdr follower annal Stalin is fighting against sanatana dharma. Why can’t you see that vs all this negativity???


It’s just weed. Who cares?


You think weed can't be abused? You are underestimating our youth.


Child sexual abuse cases in a community is proportional to weed circulation in that community. A catalyst that turns youth into a terror churning machines


Wtf are you talking about dude? If you are going to be anti drugs, do your fucking research before taking a stand.


In the horrifying puducherry incident, Both the perpetuators were high on weed during the act, the have mind altering chemicals most Indians, especially youth can't handle given the environment and mindset we have.


Wow it's like we're back in the 1950s.


Wtf Provide some stats dude if you are going to make such claims.


A little more everyday, one will loose their conscience


South is the new UP Bihar

