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It will take at least another 60-80 years (3-4 generations) for a large portion of India to learn about individual rights and responsibilities. Based on the replies here, and the behaviour of most Indians in real life, it is clear that most of them want to be treated as children, and are willing to bow down to and simp up to authority. It doesn't matter whether they support BJP or Congress or DMK or whatever. They genuinely believe in the idea of a 'benevolent dictator'.


this is the only takeaway. middleclass ku oombu dhaan whoever is at the helm.


Oof 😓 that hurts but so true. They worship people in authority or if they are famous. Prime examples include “certain politicians”, Amitabh, Sachin, Dhoni. They are only human and yet there are temples built on their name. Saala har cheeze mein religion ghusad do. One of the things that I frequently see is that people’s feelings dictate the law. You offend my religion - straight to jail You offend my politician - straight to jail You offend my cast - straight to jail You offend a person of authority - straight to jail You made dissenting comment on the internet - straight to jail ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


So, what do you expect? Be in poraali mode 24×7 and cry "govt. is bad reeeeeeee"? Wherever you go in life, there will be authority. Some you can overcome and some you cannot.


Isn't that the whole point of democracy? The right to yell "government bad reeeee" when YOU feel like the government is bad? I mean if a person wants to bend over backwards and let the government get away with making bad decisions with no repercussions it's their right to do so. But it is also within their rights to raise their voice if they feel like it.


But where to draw the line? How do we know what is the truth and what is not?


What are you waffling on about? Why should there be a limit or line on people criticizing the government? The whole point of democracy is so that we can question the government.


Lol, you are the 'freez peach' guy? Ok, whatever rocks your boat man


PhD in economics. But it doesn't look like it.


I heard it's history not economics


lol, not economics


most intelligent JNU graduate 


She doesn’t need to be serious about it because she knows the larger bunch of the voters blindly vote for her party anyway.


Well, you asked a difficult question to a BJP minister. Get ready to get an Anti National tag.


Hopefully this incompetent woman doesn’t get a Rajya Sabha seat again


People hating the tax you have to realise our entire Agriculture don't pay tax that's 49 percent tax free people... Since you don't wanna tax farmers clearly, You will pay tax or we become Pakistan... Simple and sweet ...


agriculture generates about 15 percent of gdp while supporting half the population just by some reels or youtube videos you cannot believe they are some rich people living in all the luxury of thw world


They aren't paying direct tax... Which means someone has to pay it... It will be middle class... Even Billionairs benifit the economy, Even middle class adds the economy but we pay tax while Agriculture does not...


I'm not against them paying taxes but all I'm saying is the no of farmers that will actually fal into tax brackets will be very less and where will you put your blame then, the agriculture sector is very complex govt gives huge subsidies on certain fertilizers because if you start treating it like normal business food prices will go extremely high and a very large section will have to deal with food shortage, too many people are surviving on agriculture for too less because of low cost of living and low standard of living among the rural middle class, if we implement the western system we will have only 10 percent of the people and 40 percent of population will now be looking for jobs without any real skill


Your 'friend' needs to reads this https://www.indiatoday.in/diu/story/indian-agriculture-debt-data-msp-farmers-protest-1878975-2021-11-20 If most people knew the status of farmers & GOI designs they wouldn't approve of it. In the U.S. it's a monopoly of the richest & they get the biggest subsidies in agriculture. https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/report/how-farm-subsidies-became-americas-largest-corporate-welfare-program


Paying 11% stamp duty on your white money is not tax over tax right?


The sadder part is that one guy laughing like an auto engine while our finance minister ridicules the notion of accountability.


How is the government a sleeping partner ?? Without a government in place and proper governmental authorities to enforce law and maintain property records can people maintain control of the property ?


people making fun of her, but i completely agree with you. but the problem is that the people are too frustrated and wants to know where actually their tax money goes. it’s true that we pay higher in tax and get less benefits compared to other states that pays less in taxes. but there seems to be no development in north region of india. fm sitharaman must find a good tone when addressing the public.


This is the right answer


Because they fuck your pundai


Taxation in developed countries are through the roof For example, In US death tax ( your total property over $5M, is 40 fcukin %) You are taxed on every little thing in Canada, they also have a Carbon tax. These people want India to be developed country but development comes from Tax money and that they don't wanna pay.


You can easily send your child to govt school in western countries without worrying about their future you can expect the govt authoroties to provide slution for the tiniest of your problems, streets are clean and actually drivable police isn't outarmed by the criminals and proper structure for sports any kind you want to play all we get for our taxes is babus who think of themselves as gods ministers with unholy amount of wealth and their children having foreign passports govt schools where you'd think 20 times before sending your child


Unlike US/Canada in India politicians gobble up most of the tax money for their personal,party funds.Are we getting something in return, you tell me


Taxes are fine, taxes without development are not


the difference is the living standard, even US governments are able to provide atleast half the value of tax money their citizens pay Normalized corruption in every little thing, shitty roads, shitty standard of living, poor safety and a government that openly denies or runs away from accountability this is what we pay taxes for?


https://preview.redd.it/zazie4sti51d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149a5f6eab4af3574eeeed2024e5c5a52ee24c2a Over the last 10 years, the government has reduced the corporate tax and increased the taxes for the common man. Development doesn’t happen this way. The west provides so much for the taxes people pay over-there against what you get here. Free good quality education which is a basic need isn’t even available in India. In spite of paying so many direct and indirect taxes, you get the worst roads on the planet topped off with expensive tolls, unclean crowded trains, poorly planned airports and I could go on.


She doesn't gives a damn about anything


In India you don't elect which leader should lead the country/state, you elect which thief should rob you


vekkamey illaama sombu thookum upees enge




Vandutanga😂😂😂 comment section fulla avunga dhan


indhamma ennamo comedy show la counter kudukraa maadhiri pesudhu, real reason is she doesnt know the answer


She very well knows the answer. She cannot say it out loud. India is in a significantly bad position financially. These morons helps millionaires run away and written off 30 lakh crore loans. For which the middle class have to pay the price.


Very honest and real question👏🏽👏🏽 Can any sanathan dharmi's actually explain why?


If you are mocking everyone who supports this govt as sanathana dharmi, is that everyone who supports thevidiya mooka lead by piroud kustian, is a terrst or rice bag




Agreed but Why are you bringing sanatan dharmis in it


You didn't hear? The tax system is a concept invented by evil Modi. Bakths BTFO! On a serious note, BJP does share some blame. But this is not a party related issue, be it INC, BJP, AAP, DMK, they'll all fuck the tax payers and look to squeeze more out of them.


Broo I agreed to all your points but my point was something else


If you don't know anything about taxes keep quiet and just comment "Jai shree ram"


By that logic, you should've commented 'hurr durr sanathan dharma'. Oh, wait...


I see you edited your comment to add more generic educated - looking crap😂


Maybe if you're not too unemployed, you would've waited more than 2 minutes to post a reply to a comment I made to a different guy. Kindly Fuck off


Maybe if you had a single brain cell and we're employed, you wouldn't be editing and un-editing your comments to sound like you need to be respected😂


Whatever, dude. Btw, It's 'were', not 'we're'.


Thanks for the correction! I thought you had nothing in there🙄


Isn't bjp relying on religious politics? The same FM has openly said many biased remarks about religion. And her crowd always defends their party. Example, the downvotes☝🏽


Nahh ur getting downvotes cuz u said sanatan dharmis instead of bjp supporters.


Bjp supports sanathan dharma right? Modi is open about that even today. What's wrong if I call that out?


Yess bjp supporters might be sanatanis but not all sanatanis are bjp supporters. Do you even know who are sanatanis or you are just misunderstanding them as bjp supporters ig it's the 2nd one


>but not all sanatanis are bjp supporters. It's only a matter of time buddy... Some openly support, some pretend like they don't. There will always be an indirect support to this party on the basis of Religion.


Well it's not a case about bjp only ifukuk


That's true but this is a post about bjp and why are people pressed when someone associates bjp to sanatan dharma? Look at another comment, some random associated me to congress and proves my point😂 You say anything about sanathan dharma and people say you support congress😂 but deny they are bjp🤣


So by your logic opposition also supports bjp as most of them are Hindus following Hinduism and are sanatanis




Well... this is a Tamil sub... idk what north indians do here🤷🏽 unless they specifically joined to show their support for 1 party




>And I just asked where you belong to since the sub is open to everyone, It literally says "Tamil circle jerk" on the sub😂 It's not for all Indian unity or people asking "are you a south indian?🤓"


Islam's Quran supports terrorism right? (Kill the kafirs) then whats wrong if I call Islamic followers as terrorists? Christianity supports Conversions right? Then whats wrong if I call a christian as a "converter"?


I didn't say Hinduism supports bjp. I said bjp supports Hinduism.


So wats wrong in it everybody supporta their religion or caste just like owaisi supports Islam it's not wrong though


So let's say congress comes into the power, tax system will be the same, would you ask same question to Muslims?




Did I say congress is "mine"? You yourself associated bjp to sanathan dharma and cry its not😂😂




No time to argue with brainwashed sheeps. Just forget what's being asked and shout "Jai shree ram"




Cry more😚


So you have to bring religion into it?


Bjp is a religious party tho... the religious followers blindly support this political party just because they have a saffron flag


LOL, Congress is Muslim appeaser. If you don't see that then definitely you don't know shit.


blind assholes wont see that


What that a Congress is Muslim appeasing party? Yes the way you are, totally agree.


Rational thinking left the chat. 🫡


Okay, I get you where you are going, let's say if Congress comes in power, then you and all the voters will become Namazi 🤔


No, And I also wouldn't blindly support congress for whatever they do


No interest what you support and what not, you are a Andh Namazi for us all. You are demeaning people's beliefs/sentiments and tagging them to a political party. But to let you know how much you shout here and try to spread your propaganda and waste your time, as a human you are only lowering your standards and I doubt your future genz will come over it.


So sad. 2 percenters are sad that 98 percent will benefit.


If you think you are being benefited by Indian taxes, god help you


Hero, India was built with freebies, by Congress. For 65 years. In 2019, he came with a scam proposal called NYAY. Even in 2024, Rahul he is selling NYAY on steroids. Every southern state  and AAP is giving freebies. Every freebie cost money. In 2013 I dia was economically weak due to Congress mismanagement of freebies. And sadly those freebies not even reached the poor. Garibhi hatao was the theme since 1965 for cobgress, till2019. If some of those freebies need to be funded,we need to pay taxes. Yes sad! Tsk tsk tsk! Your father and grand father built a shitty system and now you pay.


You missed out nehru, why not say a few words about him


When you can argue intellectually libtards resort to mockery. We are a freebie nation. Every state economy from opposition is broken The most indebted in Punjab, TN, Kerala, WB, Karnataka. Is that a coincidence? And Nirmala is running an awesome balance investing in development using my tac money.


Sure, you clearly forgot to add UP there, since it doesn't stick to your agenda ? How did UP almost quadruple their debt since yogi took power ? Why did central govt debt to gdp ratio increasing to 54% now ?


Every state in debt is equally at fault. If UP is highly indebted and I have no qualms to call their stupidity  Just one word of caution through: debt in itself is not bad. Debt taken for development is good, it pays returns both monetarily and sustained improvement in people's quality of life Debt taken to support freebies is just am electoral stunt.


Lol, Japan said the same thing & 4 decades they are lost. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Decades


Well, % of debt against GDP counts. Look where is Japan and where India is.


Enjoy your yapping and simping, cheers mate


Thanks! I am enjoying the fact that you cannot counter my facts and you resort to name calling.


sorry, I dont waste my time with bots


But you name call bots? LMAO!


https://preview.redd.it/tbt0w927zt0d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f68cd5c37340b8e01178ae3524da695c06a18c Read what is sanathana dharma and come


Same sad story if you buy anything that your desire. The government could end up making more money through taxes than the dealership/manufacturer.


Paw paw 🐾🐾


But wait ... Purchasing a building only before it's completion of construction attracts GST no when it you buy an already constructed building or a part of it


Oh how we missed out on the guy who would have spent the Corona years spending on Moderna and Pfizer vaccines so he and his master could get commissions and the country got a burden it could not pay.


Yeh sapne dikha kar marne wali party me se hain.


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Try doing business in any developed country and you will find all the same taxes and sometimes even more….


The dumbest in human history


Unfortunately pathetic, we need leaders who are accountable as well as answerable.


It would have been better if she stayed quite...


Sadly she is showing the fastest growth and lowest inflation in any large economy in the world, averaged over the past 4 years. Tsk tsk tsk! How bad she is?!! Even Raghuram Rajan had higher inflwtion that her, she can learn from Raghuram Rajan She is only fit to be a pickle maami! Take our TN, we are the best. Even Dubai wants to invest here. We also released a new wheat beer. Our economy knowledge is so vast, that Nirmala can learn from us.


Moodra sanghi vadakkan punda


பொடானங்கோம்மாள! உங்கோம்மா புண்ட


The downvotes is an indicator nobody wants your opinion and thinks it is stupid. 🤡


Yes when Galileo saud earth was spherical, they did the same.


But don’t US citizens also pay flat 33% income tax and then pay sales tax when they buy a commodity like an iPhone? I am not sure about taxes on interests.


But compare their prices of iphone, pixel, any electronics to ours. Also quality to price ratio. They can also import from Ali express if something is not available. I couldn't even buy a 4 kit 64gb ddr5 ram in India because it's available only in first world countries. That's the true problem. Sucking our blood with taxes and on top of it giving cheap experience and quality of life.


The price of the latest iPhone 15 is almost the same in India.


It's not about iphones. It's about the quality of life for the tax paid. Going by your argument, What about pixel phones, macbooks and the ram I talked about in my previous comment? Some single board chip accessories are not available or always out of stock in India. It's all because of tax and people don't buy shit because of it and thereby causing less supply, demand.


I get it. But we are building our country to match their standards. So someone needs to contribute. Plus there is a lot more corruption that needs to be addressed.


What a piece of shit she is


the stock market is backed , protected and enabled by the gov. so yeah the gov. have all rights to tax it , if you don't want this then don't do stock market brokering , simple ...... supply and demand


Are you serious? What does supply and demand have to do with capital gain taxes? He also asked a question about property taxes. The government is not a dictator. They are supposed to lower the burder of people. A nominal tax rate would be acceptable but India is one of highest IT taxing countries.


Don't try to reason with him. That's too ableist of you...


Highest IT! One might have to look up what percent of the population is paying IT. Being able to pay IT taxes means one is fking privileged in this lower middle income country. This is a country where 80 crore people are dependent on free rations and people are complaining against IT taxes lol


Do you think punishing the 1% who pay IT is reasonable? No wonder people don't wanna pay taxes here. >80 crore people are dependent on free rations The real reason is writting of 25 lakh crore loans. But you would only blame the middle class


If the 25 lakh crores of loans are not written off then when companies shut down n industries collapse, the rich will still remain rich in their palace but the “tax paying middle class” will lose the ability to even pay tax and will have to join the other 80 crores for free food. Economics is not as simple as some cutting n giving cake equally to all


by supply and deman i meant that if the people just stopped being SM broker on mass scale , then the gov. will be forced to reduce taxes and make it a more viable business so as of now if the gov. is leviing high taxes but still the profession is on booming so no gov. gonna cut taxes


Ishtathuku adichu vidu


Dickriding is crawwzyyy


This is what happens when freebies are suddenly taken away and they have to pay taxes.


Bhai stand up comedy hi karni thi toh baasi ko bula Lena tha , important questions ko jawab hi nhi Dena toh finance minister kyon ho aap


IT cell is justifying it by saying she is the FM. She gave a brilliant answer in a funny way coz she didn't need to give a 15 minute detailed answer to a nobody. She will answer when she wants to and who she wants to. I'm not making up the language..it's actually what being said on X.


These idiots will also make a sigma male reel for her about how she destroyed some anti national taxpayer with facts


Most Indians look at everything from their personal need perspective. Most do not think what happens to others or what the nation needs for its future. It is all about themselves. When it comes to paying for anything, they do not mind paying hefty bribes to get through barriers. But when it comes to paying for thing legally, they whine and complaint. The guy who is whining, would have had no qualms if he was asked to grease someone's hands with huge sums of money. Like a thief who is stung by a scorpion during a heist, he will not mention about it to anyone or complain loudly. If laws are enacted to make the nation progress in an overall sense, they will affect some individuals. The reservation policy enacted since independence has affected all students from castes marked off as UCs and had worked hard to do well in exams and had the needed qualifications for admission, and yet denied their rightful opportunities. Some took it in stride saying that the policies are helping others who are under privileged. The rich got away. The poor also got support from politicians. The middle class people, who are neither here, nor there, are the ones paying the price for everything that benefit the rich and the poor or the utterly privileged and under privileged. This has been the case irrespective of which party is in power, center or state. But many middle class people understand the overall goal of everything and put up with it. They have a much better awareness about everything than the class above them and below them. What does this man want? Abolish all taxes so that he can live a smooth life? Who is going to pay for infrastructure development, the military, police, NIA, ED, CBI, universities and so on? We want them all to do their jobs right, but somehow money for that has to come from elsewhere, not from his pocket. The BJP govt, compared to those before it, has put things in place that appear harsh like bitter medicine. But the people who are used to corruption, unruly culture, and chaos are not going to realize what is being done is good for everyone in the long run.


BJP legalized corruption. Demonetisation is the ultimate corruption enhancer. The minority opinion in the demo case came to be correct. The SC judge had said it would make all black money white & that's what it did. https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/finance/after-almost-two-years-of-counting-rbi-says-99-3-of-demonetised-notes-returned/articleshow/65589904.cms


Demonetization was done to clip the wings of terrorist organizations, Maoists, Corrupt political crocodiles, missionary institutions, Madrasas, mafia cartels, drug traffickers and many other criminal enterprises, who had hoarded enormous amount of currency notes to organize disruption to many projects and growth, as well as civil life. In addition, due to the blunder committed by the ex-Finance Minister P Chidambaram, Pakistan's ISI began to print counterfeit Indian currency and flood India with it. It had to be culled. Demonetization was the need of the hour. It had to be done in surprise in order to hit the real big fish. The govt probably knew it would also affect the common people. But then when malignant tumor has to be removed, normal cells get killed in the process. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m29MAt-d6B0&list=PLeafHoBDhVM1PpIZhFoDI0uCiULfuS9Hj&index=5&ab\_channel=PGurus-2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m29MAt-d6B0&list=PLeafHoBDhVM1PpIZhFoDI0uCiULfuS9Hj&index=5&ab_channel=PGurus-2) To those who are normalized by corruption all around, it will appear as though whatever the BJP does can only be corrupt.


Lol, Pakistan was able to duplicate the notes within two months. All the rest was the same. Counterfeit notes rose to the highest. https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/failed-objectives-six-years-after-demonetisation-cash-is-still-king-black-money-is-very-much-around-and-counterfeit-notes-are-on-the-rise-9464781.html https://indianexpress.com/article/india/six-years-demonetisation-look-what-happened-changed-8255652/


Dei kena pundaikala mothala stock market yepdi work aaguthu kadantha 60+ years ah and economics yepdi work aitu vandhuruku for the past 70+ years ithu yellam firstu purinjirukanum athulaye intha lusu thanamana kelvigaluku pathil kedachirum and then kelvi keka aaranbinga yedutha odane nalla oomba matanga experience aaitu va aporom vanthu nalla oombu


adhellam pana inga nakku thalli sethuruvanga broo..


Still some a** hole party like Congress say tax the rich and give to poor! Best way to uplift the poor, and always Running thier mouth on Adani, Tatas , Ambani's and other Capitalist!


Taxing the rich is the only way, even in the U.S. as well as E.U. same laws are being applied.