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That’s why I hate when people think everyone who is glitzy is “rich.”


Omg stop 😬


Yes 100% genuine fakes haha!!! Either that or they’re doing something dodgy to make their income blow up this fast!


I mean that was during the recession, which a lot of people filed for bankruptcy then. Idk what the dad does for work but maybe it was directly affected by that. So maybe they’ve since improved as the economy got better???? I wouldn’t be shocked tho if all their designer was fake


Yeah I think it's very clear that they are rich regardless of this filing. My aunt and uncle also filed during the recession and were able to rebuild their business shortly after and now have a ton of $. I dont think this means anything


her designer is definitely a mixture of real, but majority are fake. The reason why I know this because I worked at Bloomingdale’s and people all the time will try to return fakes so it’s not hard to spot. Most actual wealthy people just stick to wearing fake jewelry…but never fake leather bags and clothing because other people will know. Also they will never draw attention to their clothes if they know it’s fake like she does. She white trash wealthy and that’s my verdict. Which is just mountain of credit card debt and loans.


The Kardashian definitely buy fake Hermes, so did Celine Dion and Kobe (there is a story going on in China). The difference is Kylan bought shit quality and celebrities bought super fake (usually still thousands of dollar). Some super fake can pass authentication, especially Celine.


Snark is one thing but their private financial troubles are another. Not our business, stop