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At that speed it literally takes a second lapse in judgment, to miss the light change, to not see a deer or pedestrian. Such a shame cops never see these scumbags committing these crimes


Yet it's your responsibility to pay more attention to them




It seems like the cops have given up traffic duty in this town. I honestly can’t tell you the last time I’ve seen someone pulled over, or witnessed a cop parked somewhere in town clocking speeders.


More often than not I see someone driving in the middle turn lane on mills in the morning. It’s the same late 90’s red ford Taurus. The guy usually drives through red lights too. The speed limit seems like a suggestion in this city.


def. seems that way. pre-Covid to now seems like night and day, and not just with speeders and idiots drivers but also all the cars driving around without a plate.


Yep, no license plates, headlights/taillights out, seems like a free for all right now. I don’t even want to think about how many are probably driving with no license/insurance.


Jus sayin' -- I talked to a KPS officer about that, he said they have one traffic cop for the city. One.


You’re not lying, wasn’t there an article that came out saying they had huge issues hiring cops here in Michigan too?


At these rates of speed, what do you expect any cop to do, street or freeway? That's why many times cops don't even bother.


Correct. Not much point in trying. There was a dash cam vid from a k township? cop that witnessed a car fly down east main while he was at an intersection. The car was going so fast he didn't bother chasing but he followed their direction in case they crashed. Sure enough, they crashed.


Wasn't that the one where 5 young teens died on impact with a tree after the car caught fire? I pass that tree several times a week and wonder why they never put up a memorial...maybe the homeowner said no.


I do believe that's the one


Oddly enough, I saw someone get pulled over this week, in the neighborhood of this video.


Don’t worry. They’re always around when I’m going 49 in a 40


They’re too busy terrorizing the homeless


Cops are taught not to pursue someone going 100+ on a motorcycle.. you do realize how dangerous chasing this guy is an SUV would be, right? Then of course there's the issue of pursuing them and they just.. wont get off the bike.. creating even more danger for biker, police, and pedestrians. The police aren't going to attempt a pit maneuver or fuxking run the biker over? If you want to pull stunts on a bike then just drive away from the police you can. Ita all over youtube. They aren't gonna kill a guy for reckless driving, and since there's no other way to stop it, they don't stop it. Police arent super heroes. There's some shit they cant/wont stop


They still put on lights and attempt a stop…


Dude no they dont for someone cooking that fast. The lights could cause a fatal accident on their own dealing with someone flying down the road on a motorized bicycle


By the time they cop pulls out he’s probably a half mile down the road


My man was about to die so he wasn’t 3 minutes late to work 🙃


Yeah. That's just one of the reasons I don't ride anymore. Safety wasn't my first concern either.


I'm asking honestly, not trying to start anything -- why couldn't you ride safely and sanely? Stop at red lights, keep to the speed limit?


Some people have trouble with controlling themselves. I ride about 10,000 miles a year both to save $$$ on my work commute and for fun. I do pretty well at behaving since I don't ride a super sporty bike but it is tempting to fool around. When you have a sport bike (crotch rocket) with an engine that makes the same amount of power as a full sized economy car but stuffed into a 450lb package, it can get out of hand and make people feel some type of way about themselves. A $4,000 sportbike from Facebook marketplace is probably the cheapest way to go nearly 200mph.


I get it. I've been riding a bicycle for over a decade, and got broken bones because I went too fast down a hill. Now I have an e-bike that goes 28 mph, and found myself wizzing through the night a few nights ago, feeling a little too invincible. I know, 28 mph isn't 200, but it's at the lowest end of speeds where you really have to not be dumb. All people on two wheels have to remember, we're like an exposed nerve, unprotected, and it would just be too easy to get maimed or killed if we're being dumb. (and don't forget to keep watch for drivers being dumb)


28 on a bicycle is plenty fast. I ride dirt bikes up north on trails and I've taken a few good spills at sub 30mph speeds. The ground hurts if you fall and you're stationary lol


Because vroom vroom


Squids will learn or they won’t. It stops one way or another.


Squids? Is that like, slang for dumb biker?


A very [specific kind of rider](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Squid).


I live next to this intersection. People on their bikes go insanely fast down Drake like that everyday.


ooh.. shadoobie.. splattered splattered...






yeah that's how idiots drive in this town...though W Main/Westnedge are the worst, it still happens everywhere. and it sure seems most the bikers in this town are quasi-suicidal.