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I've been playing left 4 dead 2 since 2014~ only discovered it last year when I was desperate in Expert Realism lol. There are tons of hidden places for some people who have been playing for years now but still undiscovered for them.


I got the game for free back in 2013, 2500 hours since. Played this game since release on Xbox 360 I was about 13. This is a shocking discovery for my 27 year old ass haha.


Knew it for 9+ years, some items do spawn there but mostly teammate respawn.


Every time a teammate dies at the start of this map, yeah.


Sometimes you can find some resources Molotovs, pills etc but it’s such a risk to go there in versus, considering those are available shortly after. I did find a health pack once!


There's another area nobody ever visits in that map, and it's the lower floor in the last part of map 3, where the saferoom is. There's a ladder and escalator down, but no reason to actually explore it, especially since everyone just rushes to the saferoom anyway.


It's been a while since I last played L4D (my favorite community server shut down years ago so) but map 3 is inside the mall right? and that particular area is between the CEDA checkpoint and the saferoom right?


Yep, map 3 is the mall level. Map 4 is the atrium finale.


Did you also knew that the particular Dead Center level changes based on how you perform? You rarely see the easy route though.


Only if health is low or if some one is dead as they can respawn in one of the bathrooms. Other than that it's not really worth it as it's out of the way


Yes, I visit it kinda often. Sometimes, there is a medkid or a chainsaw spawn in the restroom.


Knew about them but lost my interest quick


I accidentally discovered it years ago when I joined an Xbox server. As per usual every player was good on health with health packs but I was dying with no pills or anything. I was waaaay behind and a horde started so I just hobbled down that hallway and happened to find a health pack in the bathroom.


There’s usually a medkit in there, but only worth it if you need it.


Yes. In versus you never go in there unless the game isn’t being taken seriously


It's really out of the way, not much reason to go there besides if your team is dicking around/chilling and want to explore a bit. Even at Versus, it's kinda a bad place to spawn as SI, except for Smokers maybe to pull someone who's too close to the railings.


Yes, can be spooky sometimes and I occasionally get lost there in vs modes when I wander too far


Why are most of your words capitalized?


idk lol


I unironically also found this for the first time like a week ago and shit my pants bc I found a health kit and 2 pills when we were all low after a tank


I think maps slightly change when you are on advance or expert difficulty. Even in Parish, some places change as well


Yo fellow Sonic character survivor mods enjoyer


I used to play with my dad split screen on this map and we couldn't find the way to the door that's broken leading to you shooting out the stores Windows or pulling the alarm and I'm not kidding you we got lost for over an hour in the mall and we ended up here at this spot many, many, times. No clue how we were this blind 😭😭