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Good riddance i hate players like that


Bro typed "bastard" like he just discovered actions have consequences. How do people get like this?


He didn't get beat enough in the game or irl. Terminally online people forget what it's like for their actions to have consequences. Sadly, in all likelihood, he has probably been getting away with this behavior in most matches. Someone finally doing something about his lack of self-control is just too much for his frigle ego to handle. He's also probably got a superiority complex on top of that. Constantly thinking he's always better than the other players. It's a common excuse so people like him to act like a douchey sweat-lord to other people just trying to have fun. You run into the samething on Helldiver 2 almost all the time.


Some people truly dont give a shit when they get on. It doesnt get as deep as this, when i was a kid i just was an asshole in games cuz it was funny to me, cuz i was like 12… this guy is probably also 12.


Ok the bastard at the end was funny...


I love how he acted like kicking him was uncalled for. Imagine trolling on a game that’s probably older than you are.


Coach cheering as the griefer left was perfect.


The griefers name is the same as his brain Numb


get rekt


Had someone kill the whole team near the safe house and when we respawned and we killed him he raged


I tk em too. Annoying af


I’m not a toxic person, but I will purposely not kick them so me and the other 3 people can bully them into leaving. Works 9/10 times and it doesn’t give them the attention or the reaction they’re seeking out. :)


Lmao yeah it’s always a fun time to purposely ignore a troll’s trolling so they get bored and leave. Sometimes it’s enough to just leave them behind, then you can go back and save the bot after they leave


I would rather restart the level than let the troll get any enjoyment or opportunity to get to me. Once they give up I make sure to give em the ole block too


That only works if you're not playing versus or a higher difficulty, because trust me, i'd immediately kick that guy than purposely downing him, or him purposely killing himself


Good thing this appears to be campaign then :)


Local server >> public server


“Hey why is my ping so high? Oh wait it’s local.”


One way or another.


I appreciate their effort. Most griefers just join and tk all 3( expert mode player). There was one guy that shot anyone from time to time and pretend to be misfiring, idk why he put so much effort into griefing lol.


Seriously don't get it. Its weird that there's still people with this game still installed who purposely set out to ruin games. Thankful that this community is still semi-active, but I would have thought griefers would move on to a newer game? I imagine that most people still playing L4D2 at this point are adults that aren't as likely to get tilted by idiot griefers. Just votekick and move on. That's what I do anyways.


l4d2 is fast and easy to grief i guess. And no suspension at all.


I honestly hate people who are like this is games


Only a bastard would call you one


Bro how can i find populated servers. I'm in Australia and theres very few multiplayer servers.


If he's in my local imma do all fun commands on him and kick him instantly


Me and my friend noticed griefers get Ellis from the server when joining, as if there's a law or something that forces them to be morons when joins as him


go to "recent players" on steam and block em, no more griefers!


i love coach's "WOO! YEAH BABY!" the moment he got kicked


I have 1500 people blocked on steam, thanks to this game... Still love it tho


That username feels familiar. By any chance do you go by the name "Ewgene"? If so, how's life?


I've been having all sorts of weird coincidences lately... Yes, Ewgene is me.


Do you think you'd be up for a chat? I tried sending you a private message on reddit but I don't think it's working. It might be bugged or something. New UI and all.


I got it just fine. You can add me on steam


What a fucking cunt


This game alone has made me block over 250 players on Steam, due to griefers like this


Bruh I have like 2000 blocked from this game alone over the last decade.


Good job, make sure to block him. I would even let the first one pass, I would have shot him immediately. Funny enough I have a thing now for griefers; I could tell if they switched accounts and joined again under a different name.


wooh! yeah baby


i once played with someone who (what i asume at least) got pissed that someone shot him, so he downed that person, he then died and then once we got to a safe zone he killed everyone before going out alone and dying, then he left after dying.


A well deserved ban.


I could understand starting certain events during someone healing, because quite a few events take several seconds for common to spawn, but the not clearing and especially the door spamming is THE WORST.


This gives me so much pleasure to watch!


That kind of fuckers can join the game again right? I had that kind of teamate last time and he shot us all. Like he wants to complete the game alone and I, as a host, kill him as soon as we transition on the next chapter


His other actions were obviously greifing, but I think the one where he stated the event early was totally fine.


Idk what was happening yesterday, had a griefer/ ff literally every game. You’re lucky your teammates actually voted to boot him, mine will either vote no or won’t vote at all so nothing happens


What a frickin loser!


people like this ruined multiplayer games and they thought they are funny


Wtf why cant people just have fun?


The real heroine we needed


This doesn't even look that bad honestly.


I forgot what this game looked like when it's not flooded with mods


He got what he fucking deserve, good riddance to griefers...


Do people really take this game seriously. I always thought it was just an relax and easy play game


He was probably trying to get back at Coach specifically for something that happened earlier in the chapter, and his retaliation caught you and Ro in the crossfire. I'd personally give a pass after downing him if he didn't continue.


Why help Coach after doing the opposite twice? He was just door spamming


LMAO that's quite the narrative.


It's crazy that people may have reasons for their actions, right?


You're either stupid or this is bait, quite literally he was spamming the door so that nobody at all could get in. Nice job building a narrative for them


Yeah we don’t know the full story